By the Emerald Light

by Redwulf & Spikeskat

A/N: A crazy joint collaboration between Redwulf and SpikesKat via IM one day… This is a crossover fic with Justice League Unlimited. Don't ask…neither of us could even begin to explain. (Well, Redwulf might be able to.)
Thanks to Spikedeb for her love of the insane and for the readthrough!
Spoilers: Set Season 5 AtS, "Destiny" and going beyond A/U from there.


Chapter One

John Stewart had fought his last battle; he knew this, the yellow knife sticking from his stomach was testament to his soon-to-be demise. The only thing left was to pick his successor. He looked down at the ring that had made him a hero and gave it perhaps his final order. Find the "One" the man without fear, the hero without corruption.

The ring, responding to its owner's final unspoken command, sent out green tendrils to search for the "One."

Harmony opened the box, and a rush of bright white light erupted from it, swirling around Spike before quickly disappearing.

"Well, that was a slap and a tickle," Spike snarked.

Things in the office started going a tad wonky and the blonde vampire shrugged his shoulders and walked away from the small gathering,leaving the others to deal with the mess.

"Anymore fireworks for me, I'll be in here telling your miserable-"

Spike stood staring at the closed door he'd just slammed into for a moment, not comprehending why it was that he'd not passed through its barrier so easily. When he did, he started touching things: himself, Gunn, the weird-looking mail boy. Behind him, Angel's office door opened, and the dark-haired vampire stepped out into the reception area to complain about his phone acting crazy, only to witness...

"Get off me, man," Gunn griped. Spike ignored him, gripping the man's upper arms as if to prove to himself that he held something tangible.

"I'm back... it's me! I'm... I'm..."

"You're green, man," the lawyer announced. "You... your eyes... they're green."

"Wha? Huh? Green??" Spike glanced down at himself, noticing the green outline.


Then, Spike suddenly faded from view.

The LA Fang Gang decided the blonde's latest condition had something to do with the box Harmony had opened, so despite Angel's protests to the contrary, they began to research.

"It's just Spike. What's the big deal?" Angel muttered to their retreating backs. When none of his gang - his gang - acknowledged his comment, he slipped into brood-mode and stalked back into his office, the force of his slam rattling the smoky glass that cordoned off his executive suite from the lobby. He marched over to the window overlooking the city (his usual spot for a good broodfest) and caught a glimpse of Spike as he sailed through the air, the blonde vampire somehow protected from spontaneously combusting by a green force field.

Spike found himself floating through the air in the bright sunlight and was panicky at first. But as time passed, he began to enjoy it, and when he finally reached his destination, the vampire was downright giddy.

Spike knew who the man was even before he was close enough to actually see him, even if he didn't actually believe it, the green from his costume and the fading green glow surrounding him was more than enough to piece everything together. It was a Green Lantern. Like a kid, he caught himself going over all of his recent actions, anything that would rate an appearance of one of the World's Finest. A member of the Bloody Justice League.

"You're no' supposed to be real," he muttered almost to himself as his body came to rest on the ground a few feet in front of the dark-skinned man. John Stewart - Green Lantern - coughed around a fractured laugh, and just barely managed to suppress an eye roll.

"Right," he gasped out. "And there's no such thing as vampires either."

"Uh...yeah, guess you got me there. You wanna tell me what I'm bloody doin' here?"

The man before him appeared not long for this world; the vampire could see his powers dwindling and suddenly yelped as the green shield that covered his body slipped a little, allowing the sun's rays to singe his backside.

"The ring chose you." John was coughing up blood now, and he knew without the ring's support he would have been dead already. You are the man without fear. You are the next Green Lantern." He held his right hand up and the ring slid off his finger to float between the two and slip perfectly onto Spike's. William the Bloody nearly shook with the desire to cry like a bloody poofter. He had never met this man, but in death he had done what no one else ever had. He had chosen Spike - over everyone else. Not because he happened to be there, not because he was convenient. Today, William the Bloody had been judged by one of the greatest heroes to ever live, and had been found more than worthy.

The infusion of power was like nothing he'd ever felt before. More powerful than the Gem of Amara. Stronger that Sire's blood. Even stronger than that of a slayer's - and he should know having had both. It was power in its rawest form. It fed off of him, guided him, secretly showed him how to use it. For good. When the moment was over, he glanced down at himself. Gone was the retro 80's look he'd been sporting since he'd bagged his second slayer. In it's place....spandex. Black spandex that molded his frame and showed off every single muscle in his compact form.

Spike reached down with a smirk and adjusted his body's reaction to having such power infused into his being, and having accomplished that, his fingers came up to slowly trace the outline of the Green Lantern on his chest; rather large it was, but tastefully understated because the green of the lantern was nearly as dark as the black on the rest of his costume. Only one more thing was needed to perfect the package. He concentrated for a second and his duster reappeared over his new uniform. Looking at the dead hero that lay at his feet, he murmured, "Right,mate, we need to get you somewhere your friends can see to you." Spike looked skyward. This wasn't something he was going to bloody enjoy. Pointing his ring at the former "Lantern" he concentrated until green shot out and enveloped the body of John Stewart, as at the same time it wrapped around his own. Then, they were sky bound, flying higher and higher until they'd cleared the earth's atmosphere on an intercept course with the space station that had been built. Spike wasn't sure what kind of greeting he'd be getting as he pretty much just invaded their territory while carrying the dead body of one of their friends. One of the original members of the Justice League. They must have seen his approach because as he neared their headquarters, a bay door opened, and he guided himself and John towards it.

A few "bloody hell's" managed to escape his lips as he was confronted by no less then ten pissed off superheroes the moment the doors closed and the cabin re-pressurized.

"I didn't bloody do it," issued forth from his lips before he could think to say otherwise, and despite his efforts it sounded rather "Dawn-ish" in its whine.

"We know," said a man in a black mask with pointy ears.

"He was fighting just outside the Watchtower when it happened," said a man in a Blue suit with a red "S" emblazoned on the front. 'He wasn't supposed to exist,' Spike thought. 'Bloody buggerin' hell! That's Superman!'

"We had hoped to find him in time." Superman walked forward to relieve Spike of his precious burden.

"How did you get his ring?" a blonde man with a hook for a hand questioned as he moved towards Spike, but whose progress was halted by the guy called The Martian Manhunter.

"Arthur, the ring chose him. John chose him. We shall respect his wishes."

Spike backed away as a woman, garbed in a US flag-like bustier and blue knickers with white stars advanced on him. Personally, the outfit kinda scared him and he wondered if she ever got cold. (Although, if she was sporting the union jack, he could see how it might work.)

"The ring may have chosen him, but we haven't. You've brought us his can leave now."

Spike didn't know whether to be pissed or hurt. But, before he could escape her harsh stare, a blur of red ground his departure to a halt. Then, there was this angel... only... Shayera. Hawkgirl. Some lingering aura of the ring's former owner disclosed her identity to him. She flew towards him, the wind as her wings allowed her to land before him sending a gentle caress across his face.

"That's rather harsh, don't you think, Diana? That should be a choice for the whole League to decide. Not just one member."

Shayera wasn't intimidated by the woman, that was obvious. Before either could say more the man in the red bodysuit with a lightning bolt across his chest - "Wally" the ring echoed in his mind with equal parts annoyance and affection - spoke.

"Diana, the guy can't help what happened. It could have been anyone."

Spike understood the feeling; the kid was obviously nervous, and rather young, to be among such august heroes.

Diana seemed to tilt her head back till she was glaring down her nose at Spike. "He is a vampire." She dropped the word like a lead weight on the room.

"With a bloody soul, you silly cow." As usual, Spike's undecided emotions gave way to anger at the signs of Diana's greater-than-thou attitude. A chuckle from behind him surprised the vampire.

The voice of the one called Arthur spoke up. "I like him already."

Shayera bit her lip to keep from laughing, but between his attitude and the cow remark, she was hard pressed to hold it in. Ended up turning to the side and coughing heavily. When she got control of her emotions, Hawkgirl turned back to see Wonder Woman glaring at her now.

"Look, 'm sorry. But, you touched on a sore spot, ye ken? So, I'll just be leaving and gettin' out of your soddin' way," Spike announced. He turned and headed towards the door and away from yet another group that didn't seem to want any part of him. A hand on his shoulder stopped him just as the green from his ring enveloped him.

"Stay." A simple word really. Made more so by the man that uttered it. Superman knew what it was like to be considered a freak, the outsider. He didn't want this man - this vampire - to be made to feel like that.

Spike looked back at Superman and saw kindness and understanding in his eyes and again he felt as if he had been chosen. "Bloody hell..." His shoulders slumped, unable to say no to the man.

"Has the killer been caught?" he asked after a moment.

"No, William," a voice said from the shadows, which soon revealed the one called Batman. "The killer escaped and seemed to be heading toward the Mediterranean."

"He's a vampire-" Wonder Woman began.

"Diana!" The name wasn't spoken loud, but The Bat's voice seemed to carry an authority that even Spike respected. "Six months ago you informed us that the Hellmouth in Sunnydale had closed for good?"

At the woman's nod, he added, "You may thank William the Bloody, this vampire, for that. He gave his life to save us all."

"So," she argued, crossing her arms over her ample chest. "We do it every day too. Those out of control robots ring any bells? Not to mention me having to carry The Atom inside my brassiere to do it."

"Well, 'f I promise not to climb in your brassiere, will you cut me some 'ffense, Batman," Spike snarked. He'd had about enough already…maybe once they'd settled down he'd think about returning. Right now, he had a murderer to track down. "Look... would y'all min' clearin' out... I need to be goin' and I can' rightly do that with you standin' here."

"You'll need this," Batman said as he handed Spike a rather large folder. "And if you need help, use the ring."

The group of heroes moved back out of the area, but he could still hear the Wonder Bint muttering about him taking John's ring. Spike never had been much for research, but he knew who was. The thought produced his trademark smirk. Peaches was gonna bloody hate this.

"I'm going with you." The Hawkgirl. He looked into her eyes and nodded. He understood. Pain gazed back at him. Pain barely masked by her need for revenge.

"Alright, luv. Hang on." He pointed his ring and a green beam shot out and enveloped both him and her, then the cargo bay doors were open and they were flying out through space back towards Earth. And Wolfram and Hart.

"You know, if you let it, you don't have to use the doors." Shayera said to him quietly as they flew through space. "John never did." The hurt in her voice shook Spike to the core. He nodded, then couldn't help the grin that came over his face.

"Ya don't mind if we scare the poofter, do you, luv?" he asked, trying to cheer the woman up.

"Poofter..." Shayera went through the earth slang she knew, her eyes dawning with understanding. "You want to surprise your lover?"

Spike actually accidentally dropped them both, and Shayera was lucky they were in the Earth's atmosphere. A second later, Spike recovered even as he sputtered out, "Bloody hell! No, he's my bloody grandsire and thinks he's the reason the bloody earth turns."

Neither spoke after that as they flew rather quickly towards California, both caught up in their own thoughts, their own memories. Before long, they were landing in front of the law offices of Wolfram & Hart. Spike eyed the heavy spiked mace she carried.

"Ummmm, luv, don't rightly think they're gonna let you in the buildin' with tha' thing."

"I'd like to see them try and stop me," she growled, palming the mace suggestively.

"Yeah, wouldn't mind watching that m'self." Alright, stay behind me, and we'll see if my being with you has any pull. Would hate to have to mess with any of Angel's mindless minions...hell, what am I saying??! Of course I wouldn't."

Just before they walked through the revolving doors, Spike realized that it would probably be easier for the two of them to slide through the atoms of the roof and float through the air till they landed in Angel's office.

"Well, Peaches, me an' a real Angel here need your help catching a murderer."

The look on Angel's face was priceless."

"Spike!" Angel growled struggling to gain control of the situation.

"Is he always like this?" Shayera asked.

"What with the big forehead and the brood?" At her quirked brow, he answered, "Yeah, he's always like that."

"Spike." Harsher, more of a warning. Spike just grinned. Not like the poofter had a chance of beating him now. He was the Green Lantern...or, one of. He wasn't quite sure what title he wore now. But, he'd been chosen.

Spike threw the folder on Angel's desk. "This guy killed the former owner of this ring." Spike held up his hand to show off the ring. "And that file contains everything the Justice League have on him." Spike plopped down in a chair and propped his feet on Angel's desk. "He was also the lady here's former honey. So get to redeemin' yourself and help us find him."

Before Angel could ground out a nasty retort, his office door opened and Fred walked in, followed closely by Wesley. The two were talking and failed to notice Hawkgirl as she stood in the corner.

"Fred!" Spike called out. "Just the bird I was lookin' for!"

Fred glanced up and noticed Spike reclined in one of the chairs in front of Angel's desk.

"Oh, hey, Spike. Gunn told us the good news. Congratulations!" She turned to Angel and spoke. "Uh, Angel, I think the sensors in the lab are going wonky. I've been getting some strange readings that aren't making any kind of sense."

"You can thank Spike here for that...and his new friend too." The word friend was voiced in such a way that Shayera bristled and moved forward...mace at the ready.

"Beheadings kill a vampire, correct?" the Thangarian warrior woman asked.

"Yeah, luv." Spike said as he watched the two. "But Peaches isn't worth it."

"Uhmmm, guys?" Fred asked as she thumbed through Spike's file. "Who is Marcus Aurelius Immortalis?"

At that both vamps froze and looked at each other for a minute.

"Why Fred?" Angel asked. "Is he perhaps in Rome?" His grin was scary.

"Ummmm... I'm not sure. This file had him in the States not long ago, but he's since moved on towards..." She read a bit, turning the page. "Says here, England, but he's apparently headed in a southerly track. Why? Is there something special about Rome?"

"Nothing, Fred." Spike couldn't keep the grin from his voice. "Is the killer this Immortalis gent?"

"No, he is a known contact and possibly a co-conspirator." Fred was devouring the file quickly. "The guy we are looking for is a metahuman, but he is Italian." She looked up hoping the two vampires would like her findings.

"Ya think me and this bloody ring could-" Spike asked looking at his Grandsire.

"Oh yeah, but I wanna watch," Angel answered.

"You know of this Immortalis?" Shayera interrupted the two male vampires.

"Oh yeah, luv... we go way back. Jus' di'nt think he'd stoop to murder though. And, the Lantern... takes a lot to bring somethin' like that down."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" she demanded. Killer or not, co-conspirator or not, they had an appointment to keep with one Marcus Aurelius Immortalis! She was ready to hit something, and this looked like a perfect opportunity for her...

A lantern appeared near Spike, and without thinking, he placed his ring hand near it to recharge. "In the darkest day, in the brightest night. No evil will escape Spike's right."

Angel snickered.

"Wot?" he asked sheepishly.

"Escape Spike's right?" Angel's mirth was annoying. "Bloody Awful Poet still."

"Why do you put up with his ridiculing?" Shayera asked conversationally. "You're ten times the person he'll ever be."

Hawkgirl had taken an instant dislike to the broody vampire, something about his persona just didn't sit well with her. Whereas when she looked at Spike - now the Green Lantern - she could see the goodness emanating from him.

"Well, luv, this ring here... it chose me. And knowing the Poof like I do, that will eat him up more than anything I could ever do to him." Spike smiled as Angel lost every bit of his humor.

"How do we know it chose you, Spike? You could have just stolen it." Angel walked forward as if to take the ring.

"Let him have it," Shayera announced. "If he is unworthy it will burn him alive." Her smile towards Angel was truly evil.

Angel halted in his tracks, hesitating.

"The ring cannot come off of his hand unwillingly," she told the dark-haired vampire. "Only the ring can choose where it will go, and only upon the bearer's death will it decide."

"Sorry, Peaches, guess you lose...but don't worry... you don't want to be a want to work towards that Shanshu thing you've got goin'."

"Of course..." Spike scratched his chin and pretended to ponder a bit. "…being a superhero might help a bit with the Shanshu thing. Oh well."

Angel seemed ready to choke on his own tongue, and he turned whiter than usual.

"Fred, you got us a location yet?" The dark-haired vampire barked out the question rather harshly, taking his anger at his grandchilde out on the Texan girl.

"Yeah, Hawkgirl needs to work off a bit of tension," Spike added to soften Angel's question, giving a glare in Angel's direction.

"I don't know what you're asking me for," she told them both. "This stuff is hours old. Don't you have any contacts from whom you can get more up-to-date information? I mean... we've only got Wolfram & Hart at our disposal...You've got the Justice League."

"She's got a point," Spike told Shayera. "Why don't we head in that general direction and you can put in a call to your buddies and see if they've got anything new for us."

"They're not just my buddies. You're one of us now, whether you like it or not."

"Doubt that, luv. But, it's nice of you to say so."

"I'm not just saying so. Look, we may bicker amongst ourselves... and who wouldn't when your only companions are those just as freaky as you. But, try to come between us and you feel the weight of the Justice League descend."

"Then why...."

"Because they knew it was personal," she answered softly. "That you wouldn't...that I wouldn't...want any help."

