Getting Married Today
by Redwulf

William the Bloody is getting Married today, but not to her.

It had been 5 years since she had told him she loved him.
2 Years before that since she had known.
4 years 6 months since she had found out he was still alive.
4 years 3 months since he had come to Rome. She had avoided him because she was angry, but he would return he was Spike, but...

William the Bloody is getting Married today, but not to her.

3 years had passed since she had gone to LA looking for him. Angel had informed her that he was helping a group of slayers fight the good fight. But he was Spike he would return. However...

William the Bloody is getting Married today, but not to her.

1 year 7 monthes since their meeting in Madrid, she had yelled at him about his harem. He had looked at her as if she were insane and told her she was the "one". She had laughed at him, and he had left with tears in his eyes, but he was Spike and he would return. But...

William the Bloody is getting Married today, but not to her.

6 monthes ago, Dawn had received the announcement an ingraved invitation. She had screamed, she had cried, but calmed soon afterwards for this was Spike, and he was hers. But...

William the Bloody is getting Married today, but not to her.

Now Buffy sat in a church dressed all in white. Tears in her eyes as pain cramped her heart. The wedding ceremony ended as Spike leaned in to kiss his bride. And now more than ever it hurt. Cause...

William the Bloody is getting Married today, but not to her.
