Chapter Three

Ethan pulled the Winnebago behind a house and parked. He knew the Council owned the house and had wards already in place far better than anything he could conjure at the moment. Plus, it had the added bonus of a parking garage. The mated pair should be safe here for the time being, but one never knew. Ethan understood he had to act quickly.

His first stop would be the local demon bars then stop by that new club what was its name… the hmmm… P3. Now why did that name sound important? Ethan attired himself in basic black as he walked out into the sunlight. Realizing the house might be watched, he didn't look back at the parking garage where he had stored the camper. His pace was brisk but controlled as he made his way to his first stop.

Buffy woke with her hips already moving, realizing the claim demanded it. She looked down at Spike and saw his eyes were half closed. He, like her, was enjoying it but trying to fight it at the same time. It wasn't that she didn't want him. She hated the fact that the magic of the claim was forcing them into actions without their consent.

She guessed that the claim needed sex to sustain it, and if they weren't going to do it on their own, the claim would force them.

Buffy felt Spike give in to the pleasure and start to enjoy it, which pissed her off more. Here, they were being raped by magic and the stupid vampire just gave in. It wasn't right; he was stronger than that. She needed his strength and he was giving in. Since Buffy was focusing on her madness at the situation, she failed to realize that Spike's surrender had fueled her own anger, stoking it so much that she was able to fight the magic some.

Then as his fingers thrummed her clit, she felt it. Starting deep in her womb and exploding outwards, her release felt like both heaven and hell. As her body shook, Buffy understood that her whole world was changing. She felt shallow that an orgasm, even one this good was changing her. It wasn't right. How could she be a good mother, if her hormones were dictating her actions?

Then Buffy felt Spike fighting the magic, and for some reason, that made her even angrier. Didn't it mean as much to him? That he could reach his mate like this? What was she to him? Just a cheap fuck?

Spike woke up with a red, hot slayer riding him hard and fast. At first he fought the pull of the claim, but quickly decided it wasn't worth it. After all he was pleasing his mate and the soon to be mother of his child. So he started touching her and stroking her with his hands to increase her pleasure. Then, however, he felt her anger build through their connection, and as she reached orgasm, he understood that this was rape to her. And he refused to be an active partner in raping his golden girl.

Spike's battle against the magic was easier than Buffy's, because his demon was outraged by this too. Yet, as he was stopping, he realized she was getting even angrier with him. Now his mate not only rode him, but also bit and scratched him to get him off as well. He couldn't fight her actions, so he gave into it. Once again, their sexual battles began, as he flipped her and started pounding her hard.

Ethan found a safe place in downtown San Francisco to place his first call. As the person on the other end answered, he spoke a word of binding, "Escatno." The simple word unleashed a spell over the phone lines, so only he and his old mate, Rupert Giles, could understand what was being said.

"What do you want Ethan?" Giles asked from the other end, sounding tired and weak.

"Your Slayer and I escaped the Initiative last night, Ripper." He dropped it there allowing Giles digest what he had said.

"You escaped whom?" Gone was the tired old man; in his place was the Ripper, cool and angry.

"US Govt. agency, formed to investigate the supernatural." Ethan knew this was only the beginning. "Myself, Buffy Summers and the vampire known as William the Bloody, escaped their base underneath Sunnydale University last night."

"And Spike is?"

"Mated to your Slayer." Ethan said almost too low to be heard.

"Please Ethan, don't call here with your fanciful lies again." Giles said, still upset.

"No bleeding lie, Rupert." Ethan took a deep breath and nearly started crying, "I didn't mean too; I thought it wouldn't work. Either I performed the spell or I allowed Maggie Walsh to use your slayer as a bloody brood cow and have her strongest soldiers impregnate her!"

Hearing the stress in Ethan's voice, Ripper knew his old mate wasn't lying. Even worse was his understanding that his idiot mate had actually tried to do the right thing. The very idea of his Buffy being subjected to this woman, this Maggie Walsh, pushed him over the edge. "And you haven't staked him yet?" Rippers voice was cold as ice.

"Not likely mate." Ethan said regaining his courage, after all Ripper was three hundred miles away. "They've fully mated, and the slayer is bloody preggers."

"Oh my God! What in the bleeding hell have you done Ethan?" Giles' voice slipped back and asked his oldest friend.

"God Giles, I didn't have a bloody choice! It was the Vamp or gang rape. You know, as well as I do, the spell isn't supposed to work." Ethan mumbled, "If it helps I am pretty sure he has submitted to her." Ethan cringed as he bald faced lied.

"Well yes, quite. Unfortunately, we still have to put them both down."

After getting rid of Giles by lying and telling him they were in Los Angelus, Ethan searched for a second safe phone.

"Mr. Travers, please. Tell him it is Ethan Rayne."

Buffy crawled off of Spike, emotionally drained.

For some stupid reason, Buffy wanted this, whatever this was, to be perfect. She couldn't explain why. But brainless Spike was determined not to help her make it perfect. She was pregnant; why couldn't she be happy? She should be happy, because she never thought she would ever be able to have a child. Well, that's what Giles had told her.

As she rolled to the side, Spike got up and left the bed, a hurt look on his face. Seeing that his pain, upset Buffy even more. God, she was only seventeen; how was she supposed to know how to keep him happy?

In a few minutes Spike exited the shower and moved into the kitchen. Buffy knew she stank, and her mind added one more mark against Spike. Stupid vampire. He had made her all stinky Buffy… and horny Buffy… and as if she could forget … pregnant Buffy. Evil vamp.

As she crawled out of bed to shower, she smelled food cooking in the kitchen.

