Chapter Five

"Twin's, love?" Spike asked ecstatic at the idea.

"Oh my God! I'm getting ready to audition for the part of Shamu the Whale and you want twins?" Buffy screeched, pulling away from him so fast that she nearly fell off his lap. "Childbirth hurts, Spike, and you want to double up on it all at once?" Her tears were running down her cheeks now.

"Love, I thought you just said?" Spike began only to be cut off by Buffy.

"YOU don't love me! You don't even like me," Buffy told him as she turned to look at him. Her red bloodshot eyes were filled with anger. "Eleven days ago you wanted me dead. The only thing that's changed since then is this stupid spell. Can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me that if we weren't mated you would give a damn about me? That you wouldn't be trying to kill me?"

Spike's eyes flashed golden for a second, before resuming their normal blue. "You are pregnant with my sprog, Slayer. So yeah, even if I hated you... I would still do whatever it takes to keep you and the bit happy and healthy, whatever it takes."

"See, I'm just a responsibility to you," Buffy cried pushing Spike away again. She stormed down the short hallway to the sleeping area, the vampire hot on her heels.

"You know you don't love me. This…" she gestured between them, "is all about sex and responsibility."

"Bloody good sex though," Spike smirked at the fuming slayer, trying to lighten the mood and failing miserably.

"See, that's the problem Spike, we fuck, we eat, we sleep, Hell, we even fuck while we sleep! But we have nothing else in common," Buffy told him hoping he would get it.

"Bloody hell Slayer, give us time. This is new to both of us. We start with what we know is good and work from there, yeah?"

Her eyes narrowed to slits. He wanted to start with what's good, then she'd give him what was good, and hoped he'd choke on it. Damn vampire! Buffy slipped her top off then her sweat pants. "Alright Spike, let's fuck. That is all we have in common, so lets do it."

Spike watched her for a few seconds, her face flushed with anger, but her scent started telling him a different tale. He began ripping off his own sweat pants. At her incredulous look, he said, "What? You think I won't?" He crawled towards her on his knees, working his way towards her exposed pussy. "Bleeding hell woman! I'd rather shag you then feed!"

"I'm just wondering if you're man enough to handle me, Spike," Buffy taunted. She was still angrier than hell, but she couldn't help being extremely turned on by the feral glint in his eyes. This was no spell; this was one hundred percent slayer and vampire. Seeing his taut muscles shifted beneath his smooth skin as he approached her Yet, she couldn't let him know that. "I mean drugged up you were all right..." she tossed the insult at him, hoping he'd bite, "but sober... I think you're all talk."

Without preamble, Spike slammed his ten-inch cock in to the hilt. "Ya think so pet?" he growled down at her angrily. "I think this little slayer just bit off more than she can chew."

Spike began slamming into her at a dizzying pace, the staccato beat created by his hips meeting hers sounded like the back beat to a Punk song. Buffy's breathing became deep and erratic, as Spike pounded his cock that was much too big for a hole that had only just begun to loosen enough for a normal man. "You like that Bitch? I'm gonna bloody rip your arse apart!"

Buffy was in heaven. Her arms and legs gripped him with a strength that would break a normal man, her nails digging blood red furrows down his back to his bobbing ass. "Do it Spike! Just do it and shut up about it," Buffy demanded.

Two days later. Sunnydale Revello Drive

Joyce was once again rehashing the last conversation she'd had with her daughter. It hurt to admit it, but she knew the fight had been more her fault more than her daughter's. After talking to Willow and Xander, she really thought her daughter could do with a better class of friends. If she had to hear their whining about Buffy leaving, the two would be able to file charges against her for child abuse, cause she was going to beat them both to death.

HER daughter had gone out every night since she had been fifteen to protect the world from every form of nasty that you could think of, and had Buffy ever complained? Not her girl. Her daughter was made from sterner stuff. So much responsibility for such a little girl, but Buffy had never once let her secret slip.

But the night she had to send her first lover to hell, the police had been after her, for of the murder of other slayer. Her friends had left her alone to deal with the aftermath, and her mom had kicked her out, so Buffy had left. She had left, and now, Joyce prayed every day that her daughter would come home.

The knocking at the door brought her out of her inner reverie. When she opened it, a tall slender man in black-rimmed glasses wearing tweed stood before her. His nervous posture and slight shifting showed a nervousness that bordered on cute. Joyce had only met one, but she would bet good money that this was a watcher.

"Hello, my name is Wesley Wyndam-Pryce," the young man quavered nervously. "I have been sent by the Watcher's Council to take you to your daughter."

"Buffy?" Joyce nearly fainted from relief. "You have found her?"

"We know where she is, and my superiors think that as her mother, you would be the best one to help her deal with her situation." Wesley fidgeted some more.

"Situation?" Joyce asked, feeling her panic building up again.

"Yes an American group that calls themselves the Initiative captured your daughter after her epic battle with Angelus." Wesley knew this was a bad idea, but Mr. Travers had given him strict orders to treat Miss Summers as if she were his supervisor. He had been directed to provide Ms. Summers with any information she asked for.

"Your daughter and William the Bloody were captured together and both were used in elaborate experiments. They have escaped, and are under the watchful eye of an old ally of the Council. However, during the experiments, Buffy became pregnant with William's child." He was sure the woman would lose control now - learning her daughter was pregnant by a vampire.

"That young man that helped her defeat Angel?" Joyce asked. "Thinking of the horrors the two must have faced. "Are you sure it's his and not someone else's?"

"Yes Miss Summers, our seers have assured us that Buffy is carrying the child of the vampire, William the Bloody, aka Spike." Wesley awaited the impending explosion.

"Good. Well, not good, but at least she wasn't raped." Joyce's mind was running quickly through all the possible scenarios. "He didn't rape her, did he?"

"I am assured that if you must call it rape, then they were both raped by this government group," Wesley replied, actually seeing her point now.

"Can we leave now?" Joyce hurried to get her things together. "They need me."

"We must await for the Council to deal with one small matter here in Sunnydale first." Wesley might be young, he might be green, but the grin he shot Buffy's mother was a frozen wasteland.

Initiative Labs

Normally Maggie Walsh considered herself above entertaining foreign dignitaries , but this one came because the guys in Washington knew him and truly respected his work. She had never heard of this 'Council' he worked for, but had been informed that is was the group that her own had been patterned after and that many of the texts that she used had come from this group. It wasn't often that she was allowed to rub elbows with such prestigious men as Quentin Travers. He was distinguished, intelligent and seemed truly interested in her work.

However, on Quentin's side the greatest feeling was revulsion. Not only had this woman dared touch 'his' slayer, but she also had the audacity to think that the Council would have any interest in any of her barbaric work. He listened as she droned own and own about this computer chip that could be used to keep a vampire from killing or even harming a human. Quentin dropped a magical coin next to the door of her office as they left.

As they continued walking she kept the conversation turned to her microchips. Why not just dust the offending Vampire or kill the demon? Oh, he understood better than she thought he did.

If something weren't done soon, there would be a worldwide revolution with Miss Maggie Walsh emerging as the new world leader. The woman's own superiors saw that. Why did she think the rest of the world were fools? He would almost pay to see her deal with William unchipped and out for her blood. He dropped his third coin so far as he stepped up beside her. With a fake smile in place, he took her elbow and guided her away from those sterile cages he felt sure 'his' slayer had been imprisoned in.

"Professor Walsh, I've seen demons before. Why not show me your control room? I'm sure we can see everything from there." He smoothly dropped his tenth and final charmed coin on the floor just as the brain sick bint almost drug him into her office.

He wanted her. Maggie could tell. Of course, sleeping with him would ensure the furtherance of her plans so she might have to do it. After all the ends justified the means, and at his age, she was pretty sure that one quick round would knock him out. And after all, her other sex toy, was gone now.

"Aperio ianua ut furiae," Quentin said from behind her.

She whirled to look at him. "Open the doorway to madness?" she translated, while looking into the snake cold eyes of the Head of the Council.. She looked back at her monitors and, to her horror, saw that several gateways had opened allowing demons to pour into her compound. The demons appeared almost human, though the females were a mottled gray and the males were a pinkish color. They were tearing her soldiers and her equipment to pieces.

"Aperio ianua ut furiae, or in more Biblical terms if you must, you have sown the wind, Maggie Walsh. Now, you will reap the whirlwind." Quentin had her arm before she could pull the taser from her lab coat; one well placed blow had her out in an instant. "You touched MY slayer, you insolent witch. Did you honestly think I would let you live?"

"High Priest?" asked one of the mottled women with her head bowed. "Are you ready to leave? We have destroyed this base."

"Of course my dear, but please would you take care of this trash?" He pointed at the crumpled form of Maggie Walsh. "I do believe she needs questioning thoroughly."

"Of course High Priest, it would be our pleasure." The woman's face was a study in innocence

San Francisco

Giles felt almost feverish as he stalked the local demons. Ripper had completely taken over. He felt ill. He felt clammy and cold, while at the same time he felt on fire. He had no idea what was going on, but Giles was sure it was somehow Buffy's and that damned vampire's fault.

Hadn't she learned her lesson from Angel? She couldn't control her hormones, and it was his Jenny that suffered. He hadn't even blamed the fool girl when she had had so many problems killing the bloody bastard, after all he knew first hand how it felt to lose the love of your life.

Love of her life, his bloody white arse. The wanker was dead less than a week and here was the oh-so-innocent Miss Buffy shagging another monster. Well, this time he would end it before it got out of hand. He reached further inside of himself and pulled out more dark magics, his eyes snapping with black fire. Moving with unnatural speed, he captured a scurrying chiato demon and dragged the little wanker towards him.

"Don't know. Looking for demons? Check the P3," the doglike demon said then scampered off when Giles released him. The creature knew one thing for sure - evil Warlocks might go into the P3, but they seldom came out.

Giles watched the thing scurry off. He knew that he had to rest before confronting Ethan, Buffy and Spike. If he had his way only he and his slayer would be walking away at the end. It fit his self-image as a white hat that the final battle might be a shoot out in a western style bar.

Gortsen, the Dark lighter, watched Giles as he slunk off. He knew that the man was lost to the dark side and soon would do the Sources' bidding by killing both the Slayer and her Vampire consort.

P3 - 10 pm that night

Ethan had been out all day, every day since arriving in San Francisco. He was looking for any and all possible help for the slayer and William the Bloody. He seldom went back to the council house for more time than it took to deliver blood, shower and change clothes. At any other time he would love the town, the streets were rife with chaos, but now he was working for Order and so he had to be careful. He had been told that the P3 was the best place to hide from the chaos infested streets of the city, so here he was.

On several of his outings, he had been told that the P3 was the best place to hide from the chaos infested streets of the city, so, now here he was.

"Oh shit!" Phoebe Halliwell exclaimed to her two sisters. "You guys know the guys we've been looking for?"

"Yeah," Prue said as she turned and scanned the crowd. Phoebe said, "Well, one of them just walked right in the front door."

"So what do we do now?" Prue asked shaking her head now. "You think he will believe we are trying to help?"

"Only one way to find out," Piper said as she motioned to a waiter. "See the guy over there - black jacket, black shirt?" she asked. When the guy nodded she continued. "Send him over here, please."

The waiter approached Ethan quickly. When he pointed to the three women, Ethan nodded and began making his way over. He was confused. Three women- three sisters if he was guessing right- in a club called The P3. The owners possibly, but why did his brain keep seizing on three sisters in San Francisco with the Power of Three on the front door?

It took him a few seconds to make the connection and when he did he gave himself a metaphorical smack on the head. Of course! The Charmed Ones. Ethan fought down a rising sense of panic, hoping that they were in a benevolent mood. They weren't his enemies right now. He was actually working for the good guys, what better chance to meet the three most powerful white mages of all time?

"The Charmed ones I assume," Ethan stated as he got to them. The surprise on their faces made him bite back a smile.

"Well, I guess getting him to accept our help just got easier," Piper said to her sisters.

"I've been looking for help for the last four days, and then I stumble onto the you lovely ladies." He shifted nervously. "A week ago I would have buggered off as soon as I realized who you were."

Prue raised an eyebrow at that. "Why?"

"I'm a Chaos Wizard not stupid." Ethan smiled his best smile. "I may be a black hat, but I'm smart enough to know that you three are way out of my league."

"Chaos Wizard?" Prue looked over at Phoebe. "We're saving Chaos Wizards now?"

"I think the better question is why did you change sides?" Phoebe turned the question back on Ethan.

"When the so called good guys captured the Chosen One and her Champion with the intentions of using her as a brood mare, I figured someone had to do the chivalrous thing. I am not dedicated to hell on earth, just a bit of chaos here and there. Torturing the Slayer like that is just begging for hell on Earth."

"Ok," Prue said, "I can buy that. What can we do?"

"Ethan??" Giles roared from across the room.

"Uhhhmmm, help me escape from the crazed Watcher Warlock that is about to try to kill me?" Ethan answered as he prepared to run.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed him. He looked around the room and saw that everyone was frozen in place but he and the three sisters.

"Hurry, it doesn't last long, "Piper said as she dragged him along behind her.

Didn't last long? Did the little chit even realize how much power that took? And yet she did it like a parlor trick. Pushing his irreverent thoughts aside for later, Ethan followed Piper out of the bar.

In a car somewhere on Interstate 5

"Are you entirely certain we need to bring these children, Miss Summers?" Wesley asked. They had nearly run the two annoying little brats over before they had ripped the doors open and leapt inside. Now Joyce was gritting her teeth and Wesley had the beginnings of a killer migraine.

"Hey! " Willow screeched at him "We're Buffy's friends!"

"Of course, I must wonder why the prophecy doesn't mention the slayer's annoying chums?"

fade to black

