by Redwulf

Chapter Four

The four kids piled into the car, everyone packed into the front with the slayer squashed into the so called 'back' seat. Giles took off at top speed to escape any other vamps that might be around.

"Buffy, I think I might climb back there with you," Xander said with a goofy grin.

"No, but Willow can if she wants," Buffy answered him.

"But you know if I climb back there, it will be boy, girl, boy, girl." Xander's leer was almost hurl-worthy.

"Xander, I'm pretty sure that Willow and Jesse don't feel that way about each other, and as for you and me?" Buffy took a deep breath. "I'm not interested. I'll never be interested. I've tried to be polite but you won't let me. I have a boyfriend, one William Pratt. He's also known as William the Bloody awful poet, or if you want, you can call him Spike. I love him. He loves me. End of story. Please stop doing this."

Giles looked up into his mirror, his eyes fixed on the blushing girl with a look of speculation at her words.

Xander attempted to soldier on in his pursuit of the pretty little blonde. "What kind of loser is called a bloody awful poet?"

Surprisingly, it was Giles who answered the overly amorous boy. "I would desist now, Mr. Harris. The 'Bloody Awful Poet' won his second name- 'Spike'- with his creative use of railroad spikes on those who insulted his poetry. He is quite possibly the finest fighting man alive." His eyes met those of the girl in the back seat once more. "He is also considered to be insanely possessive of the woman he loves."

"Way to go dumb ass," Jesse spoke up. He was getting tired of his friend's stupidity. "Hit on the girl with a boyfriend that will beat you to death with a poetry book."

"I'm sure the poet ain't all that," Xander scoffed.

"Actually, he is all that and more." Giles warmed to the subject. "According to Council records, he has in the last few months destroyed a Master Vampire in Africa, then he killed the demons two most formidable childer; an arrogant vampire from Rome called the Immortal, and the legendary Dracula himself. In the end, Spike was named the Master of the Order of Thanatos, thus preventing a prophecy that those three would kill Buffy."

"Thanatos?" Buffy asked wondering why the whole thing seemed so deja vu-y.

"Yes, it seems the Order named themselves after the Greek God of death. Of course, other rumors swear that the Greek God of death was named after their clan," Giles finished as he pull up in front of the Harris residence.

Xander stared out the door in trepidation. Despite herself, Buffy felt sorry for the boy. She knew what kind of home life he had. "Xander, should we drop you off at Will's or Jesse's?" Buffy asked him.

For a moment he seemed almost angry at her concern but then glanced away. "No. If I don't come home, they'll just have one more reason to be pissed at me." With a final look of resignation, he heaved himself out of the tiny car and slouched towards the door.

As they drove away, Buffy began making plans to save her overly amorous friend from the ones that were supposed to love him most. That was what being a slayer was truly about, helping those in need, even when you wanted to rip out their spines and beat them to death. Xander deserved better than parents that physically and emotionally tormented him.

"How did you know?" Willow asked.

"It's part of the job." Buffy said trying to shrug it off.

"A true Slayer like Buffy has visions, often in the form of what we call slayer dreams, but sometimes also as flashes almost like intuition. All of us, including Xander, are parts of the visions she sees of the future."

"Me?" Willow squeaked. "I don't wanna be."

"According to young Ms. Summers' visions, you will be a very powerful witch, while Jesse and Xander will be hit men for the Watchers Counci," Giles informed them a trifle smugly.

"But…I'm Jewish!" Willow exclaimed her eyes as big as saucers.

"Okay," Jesse muttered, obviously unimpressed. For now he was just trying to digest the information. The longer he stayed in this car, the more he was convinced that the whole group was insane. If he hadn't seen the whole dusting of the vampire's thing, he would have jumped out of the moving vehicle already and ran.

"I don't wanna be a witch...that's bad and my parents will freak and they'll burn me at the stake," Willow babbled.

"It'll be okay, Wills." Jesse tried to get her to understand to going along with these two until they could get home might be the better plan. He had no idea if what the old man said was true or not, but until they had time to think it out, it was better to just let it go. He squeezed his old friends hand gently.

"But it's not okay!" Willow was almost in blind panic mode now. "I mean, yeah it would be cool to be all Sabrina and, you know, have Salem the cat, but no, I don't...my parents would kill me."

"Willow?" Buffy quietly waited for the redhead to turn and look at her. "It's a choice, like everything else in life. You have the potential to be a great witch, but you don't have to be."

"But she has a responsibility to the world," Giles began before Buffy cut him off.

"No, Giles. She really doesn't. If she isn't interested, the world will find other ways." Buffy was seriously pissed at her Watcher. "Nothing is set in stone. If I decided to quit, I could disappear tomorrow and you would never find me."

"But your destiny..." Giles sputtered.

"There are no grand destinies, Giles. Only grand funerals."

Those in the little car lapsed into silence at that, each person thinking their own thoughts.

After they had let Willow and Jesse out, Giles reopened the conversation. "Buffy, surely you don't believe that?"

"Actually, I do," she said. When the other two had got out, she had climbed up front and was now staring out the window. "Each of us has it in us to be truly great, but few choose to be. In the end, Willow will choose the right path simply because of who she is, but it has to be her choice."

Giles grew silent for a while before changing the subject. "If possible, I would like for you to tell me everything you can on William the Bloody. The Council has a lot of information on him for the last few months, but no real reasons for what he has done."

Showing more than a little reluctance, she did so. "Around five months ago, Spike's sire, Drusilla the Mad, was dying. He couldn't find any way to save her and knew she was lost, but then a Guardian Angel appeared. A special one. Nikki Wood, the spirit of the last slayer he had killed, offered him a choice. He could allow his sire to die or give himself over to the Powers of Good as their newest Champion. He accepted. End of story."

"And what happened to his sire?" Giles was visibly enthralled by the news.

"She was healed all the way back to before Angelus turned her. She's no longer Drusilla the Mad; she's now Sister Mary Catherine at a monastery somewhere in Europe," Buffy answered.


Buffy crawled between the covers on her bed, feeling beaten and tired. This business of having two Buffy's scrambling up her brain was wearing her out. She was asleep even before her head hit the pillow, and the two entities flew away to their separate dreams.

Older Buffy found herself at a table watching what appeared to be a hologram of a battle. It took her only seconds to realize that this was the battle that her vamp had died in. She watched as Angel was beaten down and collapsed at the end of an ally next to a body she somehow knew was Charles Gunn, a man she had never met. She saw the old one- Illyria- fall and then her body exploded like a small nuclear bomb.

Through it all was Spike, a sword in each hand and fighting onward. He constantly had to step forward and upward onto the ever-growing pile of dead demons at his feet. He was Hercules, Blade, Batman, and Wolverine rolled into one. In short; he was magnificent. Never had she seen her man fight so brilliantly, but Buffy could see in his eyes that he was truly looking for death. He had given up.

Then she felt as she knew he did, even as he fought on someone added their power to his, then another, and another. As she watched, his wounds- even the tears in his clothes- were miraculously healed. She felt his anger at that and saw his fury as he dove even more recklessly into the battle. Angel had regained his feet and was trying to help Spike. The Champion, with what little help Angel could give him, had soon wiped out the last of the demons.

When the last demon fell, time stopped for everyone but the two vamps. Three entities that Buffy recognized appeared before the two, Freyya, Aphrodite and Ares.

"You have won the battle, now you must choose your reward," Freyya said her focus solely on Spike.

"I choose death," William the Bloody said in a quiet voice.

"Not a choice, Spike," Ares retorted in a dangerously calm voice.

"Yeah, Spike. Damn, we just won the whole shebang." Angel was almost bouncing for joy.

"WE?" Ares ground out. "I seem to recall YOU cowering in the alley."

Angel ignored him, answering instead with a smirk. "I choose to be human."

"Also not a choice," Ares answered his smirk and raised him an evil grin.

"But I'm your champion," Angel whined.

"No, Angel, you were never that." Buffy found herself hating Ares less and less. "You were a convenient pawn used to protect our king."

"Your king?" Angel asked eyes filling with rage.

"Yeah, you know…Spike." Aphrodite rolled her eyes and then blew a huge pink bubble with her bubble gum.

"SPIKE!!" Angel bellowed. He attempted to attack his grandechilde but was held firmly in place.

"Can I stake the bastard now?" Ares asked conversationally.

"No, dearest," Freyya answered in a firm voice. "Even the cursed one has a role he must play."

"Cursed?" Angel asked beginning to get pissed off. "I am not cursed any more."

"Please?" Ares said disgustedly. "Cursed with a soul," he said, pointing first at Angel. He then turned his finger to Spike. "Chose a soul."

Ares returned his digit to Angel. "Cursed with a destiny." And back to the blonde. "Choose his destiny."

Still pointing at Spike. "Champion." Ares crowed. Turning back to the blustering vampire, he gave an evil grin as he pointed at Angel and gave him his title. "Asshat."

"But I'm a Champion. I'm fighting for redemption." Angel whined.

Before Ares could answer, Freyya held her hand to his chest to quiet him. She turned to Angel. "You allowed the death of how many lawyers?"

"But they were evil," Angel justified. Didn't these higher beings get it?

"You personally know for a fact that every Lawyer that was there was evil?" Freyya pressed him.

"Well, no, but there was no way to tell." He gave the threesome a long suffering look.

"Exactly my point, and yet you walked away and allowed them all to die," the Goddess answered him.

"That was a long time ago and I feel guilty for it," Angel stated, getting angry.

"People in hell feel guilty for eternity," Ares drawled.

Freyya's finger on his lips were gentle, but her look at the War God was not. "Feeling guilty isn't enough Angel, you must repent and not do those things again."

"I didn't." Angel's arrogance was showing through.

"Sleeping with Darla?" Aphrodite made an 'ick' face then continued. "Shunning Wesley for doing his best?"

"I'll admit that sleeping with Darla was wrong, but I will never apologize for it because it gave me a wonderful son; a son that Wesley's treachery stole from me." Who the hell did these people think they were to judge him?

"No," Freyya answered simply.

"No? Wesley betrayed me in the most basic way possible," Angel said, riding his high horse hard.

"Your best friend tried to save your son from an unimaginable evil, only to have his throat cut and dropped in a ditch. When he was found and hospitalized, you tried to murder him, and you think that he betrayed....YOU?" Ares asked.

"You're twisting everything around," Angel said dismissing him.

"No, actually I'm trying to show you how to look at both sides, but really you aren't my concern, so leave. I have our Champion to reward."

"Now, now Ares," a silky smooth voice said from behind them. "I try not to insult your new do-gooder ways; you leave MY Champion alone."

"See? I knew it! I am a Champion," Angel said with a smug grin. He turned eagerly to meet the newcomer. "Who are you?"

"I have many names: The Liar, Deceiver, the Betrayer, Loki…but you...YOU, my Champion, know me as the Ram," Loki said with a smile. "I, along with my children- Fenrir the Wolf, and Hela the Hart- hold your contract."

"No." Angel was in tears. "I'm a good guy.

"Ahh, my Champion. You are so good a deceiver that you even betrayed yourself."

"You're a Lawyer?" Spike asked.

"I am the God of Lies, Deceit, and Trickery," Loki informed the stunned Angel. "I thought it was obvious that I am a lawyer."

Loki led his Champion away, filling his head with grand lies about how they would shape the world. Of course Spike heard and part of him knew envy because he was sure that Angel could die if he so wished.

"And now, Champion, your prize," Freyya stated regally

"Told you bloody idiots that all I want is death," Spike said surging drunkenly on his feet.

Freyya blithely ignored the grumpy vampire. " Each of us gave you the best of ourselves. Ares made you the greatest warrior ever, while Aphrodite and I made you Love's Bitch, the most loving caring man to ever live."

"Just my luck," Spike snarked. "I got a Papa and two mums. Papa did his job dead on, but even with two mums they still screwed up."

"What do you mean, child?" Aphrodite said running her fingers through his hair.

Spike yanked his head away. "Neither of you bint's thought of making me loveable?" he demanded, tears in his eyes. "Y'know, it'd be a lot easier to live loving this much if- just once- someone loved me back."

Older Buffy sat watching with tears in her eyes. "But, Spike, I DO love you," she whispered, knowing he couldn't hear her.

Ares suddenly got a goofy yet speculative gleam in his eyes. "My son...My son Spike, the one true Champion. He before whom the gates of hell tremble. Spike...son of Ares."

He turned to Freyya. "Can we call Loki back over here? I wanna brag that my boy beat the shit out of his."

Spike shook his head sadly before getting into the spirit of it. "Can I tell Angel that my papa can beat the hell out of his?"

"Yeah, and if they argue," Ares added, giving Spike an evil smirk. "Then Loki can go one on one with the great one."

He went to Freyya and hugged her, giving her tight ass a possessive squeeze. "I'm going home. Hurry up, we need more kids." He then smiled at Spike evilly "You want brother's or sisters....son?"

Spike watched the God of War disappear. "You know, it's bloody sad that that was the best father/son bonding in my existence."

Freyya rolled her eyes then answered "I know and scarily his too."

"Sooo," Spike began, putting on a brave face. "You're my fathers young tart?"

"My son ate your Honor Student," Ares voice cut through the stillness.

"He really needs to get a life." Spike said with a grin. "So, you're Pops' girl-toy?"

"Yes, since you asked so nicely, I am your father's wife," Freyya said hoping he would catch on. "Despite rumors to the contrary, he is a good man."

"Good man, my lily-white arse." Spike said forcing a grin. "He's the best shag of your life, I bet."

As Freyya turned beat red, Aphrodite called order. "Enough. We need to move on to other things."

"Spike?" Freyya said through her embarrassment. "We have someone you need to meet."

"Wot?" Spike asked exasperated. "You three gonna try to find me some idiot to love?"

"Not hardly, stud." A voice said from behind him. As Spike turned, a dark skinned woman he knew very well stepped through an opening in the very fabric of the sky.

"Friends?" Nikki Wood said looking him over. "Maybe, but anything else you need, you better talk to Rosie Palm."

Spike shot her a pained smirk. "Look luv, you hate me, I owe you…"

"Enough!!" Freyya yelled. "Spike, we have a mission for you."

"Sorry, 'mum', but there's nothing left." His voice was beaten and weary. "I done gave you all I am. All that I am and all that I ever was. I loved Dru till she bloody near killed me. I loved Buffy till she sacrificed me in the Hellmouth so that the poofter could live. Then when you brought me back I stayed and tried to protect him from his own stupidity. Why? Because Buffy loves him, but I got nothing left, so save us both the hassle and just bloody well end me now."

"Be brave Warrior, the dance has yet to end," Freyya said, gently pulling him into her arms. "It is always darkest before the dawn."

Spike rolled his eyes at her last line. "Yeah, and sunshine kills vamps."

"Not you. Never you anymore, my son," Freyya answered him, ignoring his building agitation. "We must leave you now with this Woman Warrior so that ye may go forth and right the wrongs of another world. Know always that your mother and father do truly love you, gentle warrior."

Freyya took Aphrodite's hand and led her through another portal that appeared.

"So, where we heading, Oh Great Warrior Woman?" Spike snarked.

"Where else, 'Gentle Warrior'? To Hell of course," Nikki answered as the two shimmied out of sight.

Buffy watched Spike with tears in her eyes. "Why?" she asked Freyya.

"Why didn't he contact you? Why didn't Angel tell you?" Freyya turned the question on her.

"Yes, to both of them," Buffy answered.

"You will have to wait until next time."

And with that, Buffy felt herself expelled from the dreaming.

In the dreaming New York, New York.

Fresh from his shower, Spike moved into the living room. His wife was lying quietly on the sofa watching Letterman. She was wearing cut off old sweat pants and a tank top and covered in an old cotton blanket. He moved quietly up behind her and slid over the back of the couch to spoon around her.

"Uhhhhmmmm," Buffy moaned gently as she turned her body slightly so she could catch Spike's lips with her own. Her grin was infectious as she said, "Spike lips! Lips of Spike..."

"Love you, Buffy," Spike told her as she turned back and switched off the TV. "Always love you."

"I love you too," she said sleepily as she curled deeper into his embrace and both fell asleep.

Spike awoke with a start in his cold, empty bed. Angry tears fell from his eyes as he got up and moved to dress. Rage filled him as he grabbed a pair of Katana's and stuffed them under his duster. It all ended tonight. The Order of Dessad was here in New York, the whole bloody order, and he either died tonight or he took his own life.

The cab driver seemed relieved when Spike gave him the Upper East Side address. It was late and it was obvious the cabbie wanted to stay away from the 'criminal' element. If he only knew that the bloodiest Vampire Order of all was stationed below one of New York's most famous restaurants.

Sunnydale California

Younger Buffy entered the dreaming through a simple door that opened into a room that was half filled with darkness. Two 'creatures' waited there for her, Angel and Xander Harris. Both stood as she entered, broad smiles on their faces. They moved towards her with their arms spread as if to embrace her, but Buffy sidestepped them both.

"Buffy?" Angel spoke first. "I am your eternal soul mate."

Not waiting for Buffy's reply Xander spoke right over the top of him. "Buffy you need a normal guy, one who can give you children and grandkids."

Buffy glanced at one, then the other. "Not interested in either of you."

She looked into the darkness waiting for a sign. There it was. Her life played like a 3D movie and she watched. Her first meeting with Merrick. Her parents divorce. Burning down the gym at Hemery.

"See, Buffy? You need a lover that can fight beside you," Angel whispered in her left ear.

Her first day at Sunnydale. Meeting Giles. Meeting Willow and Xander.

"No, Buffy. You need a normal guy who can take you out into the sunlight," Xander purred into her right ear.

Saving her new friends and telling them who she was. Fighting Luke at the Bronze during the Harvest.

"You need me, Buffy," Angel hissed.

At school, researching new evils, in class, trying to make do.

"You need ME, Buffy," Xander told her. The same Xander who was possessed by Hyena spirits, throwing her down and trying to rape her.

"It wasn't my fault," Xander whined. "I can't even remember it."

And then HE was there, fighting beside her, holding her when she cried. Always loving her with everything he had. Buffy's breath caught in her throat at his raw passion.

"See?" Angel told her. "I told you we could be wonderful together."

Buffy looked back and forth between Angel and Spike, wondering what the hell he was talking about.

Then a child vamp was leading her into the sewers, alone and unprotected. A butt-ugly, bat-eared vamp draining her, but before she could fall into the water, Spike caught her and laid her gently down before attacking the Master in a rage. In the end, it took her and Spike to defeat the old guy, but they were both there.

"Fuckin' Spike," Angel growled. "Can't even accomplish a simple mission. Got you killed, but don't worry. I'm here, lover."

And the images continued. Buffy and Spike side by side facing everything. Including Angelus.

"You can't trust them, Buffy." Xander was back and spewing his venom into her ear. "It's not their fault. They just aren't human. They aren't real like you and me."

The images moved faster now, rushing through years at a time. The only thing she could see for certain was that Spike was always there beside her, loving her, worshipping her, making her the center of his life.

Then they were at the end, holding hands in a cavern as fire ran through Spike. Buffy caught herself looking up into the eyes of the man she loved and saying, "I love you Spike."

"No you don't, but thanks for saying it."


Buffy woke up bathed in a cold sweat and cursing smart-assed, stupid vampires.

