Slinky's Birthday Prezzie fic
by Redwulf50

Post NFA by a few years

Buffy sat and listened to Angel rant as she tried to zone him out about the evil of Spike. It was funny that all Buffy's friends now trusted Spike not Angel. But of course, Angel didn't get that. The Apocalypse he had started in LA had cost more than twenty thousand people their lives, but still he saw himself as the great champion, and oh boy her marrying and then claiming Spike was the ultimate no-no.

She really wondered what she had ever seen in tall, dark and holier-than-thou. Please, thinking that everyone is so stupid that the "Great Angel" shall make all their decisions for them. Then it happened; his ranting went toooo far.

"And Spike, don't think that I will allow you to hurt...."

Spike was on him like a flash. Three years of a once a month slayer blood diet had made her man a bit on the powerful side. His fists rained down on Angel like a hell hot rain of death. It only took a couple of minutes for Angel to realize he was beaten. He literally had bones coming through his skin.

To make matters worse, or better, Xander and Giles had broken out the scotch and were giving Spike pointers on the finer points of hurting Angel.

"Buffy..." Angel moaned with his right ear half hanging loose from his head. He reached out his broken bloody right hand to her, as if they were WWE wrestlers and he wanted to tag her in.

"Angel, you really pissed off my hubby." Buffy smiled fondly at Spike. In a voice so low only the vampires could hear, she chastised, " You know I'll probably have to swallow and take his monster up my ass to settle him down tonight. So not of the good. But then again…" She smirked at her mate.

"Spike, be a dear and throw out the trash."

"As you wish, love."

Xander and Giles raced to open the door, as Spike drug the droopy one by his hair out to the curb.

(Happy birthday Slinky)
