Torturing Angel
by Redwulf

A few days ago I was awakned by two very drunken fictives this is the story they gave me. Roy Harper, aka Speedy aka Arsenal, is a former member and leader of DC's Teen Titans.  Listen the only thing my two fictives have given me as far as a crossover is something like the following conversation.  Me half asleep after having been awakned by a rousing if drunken rendition of the Ramones "I wanna be sedated": So guys what is this story about.

Drunken Roy: Title three words, Titans Together

Both: Bitch

Drunken Roy: It has everything, Hot naked women.

Drunker Spike: We torture Angel.

Drunken Roy: Fast Cars

Drunker Spike: Hot Naked Women.

Drunken Roy: We Torture Angel.

Drunker Spike: Save the world.

Drunk Roy: Hot Naked Women

Drunker Spike: Torture The bloody Bat Poofter

Suddenly sober Roy: Uhhmm No dude we torture Angel.

Drunker still Spike: Bloody hell that sounds like more fun.

Drunk asgain Roy: We kick the bad guys ass.

Drunker Spike: Did we mention the Hot Naked Girls??

Drunk Roy: While we torture Angel

And that was all they would say. ~~ Jess
