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The Un-gettable Get
by Starshine

Challenge response #4 given by redwulf50@hotmail.com


All you know about Buffy in season 5 of ATS is a lie concocted by the Blackthorne. Buffy isn't in Rome dating the Immortal. She is in London with her twin Children William and Joyce. Imagine her suprise when she turns on the tv to watch news of the LA Apocolypse and sees her baby's daddy fighting the good fight. oh yeah Bitey goodness.

1. When Spike asked for a soul he said "Make me what I was, so I can give her what she deserves." What if the soul was just the beginning. As time passes his body becomes less Vamp and more male slayer.

2. Kennedy dies a bloody painful death, cause I realy don't like her <eg>

Can haves:

1. Spike in a toy's'r'us

2. Willow accidently killing Wood. <cause I hate him too> :P

Rating NC-17
Quick beta done by Bloodshedbaby

Chapter One - Impossibility

Spike looked around the office of Wolfram and Hart. Angel had already left, looking for his dog girl.

“Time to move on,” he muttered, rolling his eyes.

He wondered how Angel could do it. Be with someone else after feeling Buffy’s love. He had only an acknowledged moment of it and it encompassed him.

He knew somewhere inside Buffy loved him. He felt it. He might be thick, but he was not that thick.

The night he held her, he saw the look in her eyes. He felt her give herself to him in a way she had never given herself to anyone. Including his dear Grand-sire.

Spike crossed his arms.

He remembered the night she returned from seeing Angel.

She came back to him.

She chose to be with him on what have been the last night she had on earth.

Spike, William The Bloody was Chosen by The Slayer.

How did the ponce move on first to Cordelia- then back to Darla-then back to Cordelia again. And now to the dog girl?

For a moment, a brief moment, he wished he could forget her.

But he knew he couldn't.

She was in his blood.

He thought of their last night together.

How she came to him and stood at the foot of the steps.

Again The Slayer had chose to be with him.

She could have spent the last few hours training with the potentials or with her beloved Scoobies. Or even her sister Dawn.

But... she chose to spend them with him wrapped in his arms.

Making love.

Not sex... Not like before.

She had covered him with adoring kisses. Stared into his eyes.

It was love.

Spike groaned looking up at the sky.

“With all things The Bloody Immortal?!” He yelled.

Spike turned and walked out of the room.

He needed a drink.

Needed one bad.

Had to stop the ache inside.


Buffy paced in her living room.

She eyed the phone carefully.

Suddenly it let out an ear piercing ring.

“Hello?” She asked.

“Everything is fine, the agents were sent away.” The voice said.

Buffy sighed sitting down.

“And Andrew is o.k.?” Buffy asked.

“Fine, he would have made you proud. They did not suspect a thing Ms. Summers,” the voice said.

Buffy hung up the phone and looked out the window.

She had learned to love England.

It was his home.

Dawn would be enrolling in Oxford soon.

Spike would have been proud.


When the agents first told her that someone posing as Spike was looking for her. Her heart leaped.

The thought of him being alive…

But she knew it was not him without all their conformations and evidence.

If Spike had been alive he would have found her. He would have come to her.

Buffy hugged her arms tightly.

She fought the tears coming out of her eyes.

She missed him. Life without Spike was empty.

No snaky comments.

No verbal or physical challenges.

No love...

A part of her wanted to die along with him.

She remembered holding his hand as The Hellmouth crumbled around them. She knew he was going to die. She wanted to die with him.

That's why the bastard said it.

That's why he denied it. He had to get one last dig in, push her one more time.

Push her to live.

And he did.

For weeks after, she cursed him for making her go back to the world of the living.

What was life without him??

Then finally she understood.

Perhaps he knew.

Buffy heard a cry from in the house.

She walked into a small room.

A nursery.

It was her son.

He always seemed to cry anytime his mother thought about his father too much.

She picked him up, soothing him as she looked cautiously over at his twin, making sure she was still peacefully asleep.

“Sorry baby. Mommy is just being silly again,” she said, rocking him back and forth.

“It wasn’t Spike,” she told herself. “If Spike was alive he would come and find us….”
*beta'd by Bloodshedbaby*

Chapter Two - Images

“First off, I'm not wearing any amulets. No bracelets, broaches, beads, pendants, pins, or rings either,” Spike announced,

“You’ll need a rattle,” Angel commented.

“Right, the baby.”


Spike held the small child in his arms and it felt strange. He had been a evil soulless vampire for so long. When he'd held babies before…. He tried not to let his guilt overtake him. He would save this child for all the ones he had destroyed.

The baby's tiny hand reached up and touched his face.

For a brief moment, Spike wondered what it would have been like, to have a child of his own. For him and Buffy to be parents. Unbidden, images flashed before his eyes. Would they look like Buffy or would they take after him? Would their eyes be blue like his, or that gorgeous green like hers…

He looked up at the trolls approaching. He had a duty and mission here. Even if he could not have children with Buffy, the world would be safe so maybe one day she would. And he would be happy for her and the Wanker that gave them to her.

“Right,” he muttered bitterly.

Holding the child protectively, in his arms he launched himself at the trolls.


Buffy and Dawn held the twins trying to soothe them, finding them completely inconsolable. Buffy went over the mental checklist for both of them while checking them physically in an attempt to assess what was wrong. They were crying as if they had some sort of pain, or almost as if they were trying to convey a message or thought, but were unable to get it across, which provided much frustration.

Buffy thought of all the normal baby complaints.

Wet diaper.


Even teething, even though both babies were too young for that. Joyce had inherited her father’s voracious appetite, but wouldn't even touch a bottle, so Buffy knew she wasn't hungry.

Dawn rocked Joyce in her arms. She was the spitting image of her mother, but with the fire and spirit of her father. She was also demanding and full of emotions. If she was angry, the neighbors down the street could hear it. If she was needy, she would wail if she was not held first. But out of the two, she was always the first to reach out in love. She would coo and smile contented if she was in her mother or Aunt’s arms, but would cry if she did not feel her brother close by.

William was the calmer of the two twins, and already the mirror image of his father. However, everything about him exuded peace and contentment. He was the younger of the two.

When they were born, Joyce tore herself out of her mother’s womb ready to take on the world. William, on the other hand, sat patiently inside her waiting for his turn, almost as if he did not want to cause his mother further pain. He was also much more apprehensive about who could hold him. Dawn and his mother were always accepted without question, as was his Godmother Willow.

Everyone else was subject to mood.

But he fussed when his Uncle Xander held him, and absolutely refused to let Giles anywhere near him. It was almost as if he was holding some sort of unspoken bitterness for his father. Giles and Buffy had never fully repaired their relationship after that horrible night when Giles aided in Wood’s attempt to take her children's father out of the world.

Now especially with Spike gone, it was just one more night taken away from her. It could have been another night she could have spent with him. Talking to him. Another night of memories she could have shared with their children when they got older.

But what scared Buffy the most about this current meltdown was William’s reaction because Buffy had learned early on that she could count on the younger twin to soothe his sister.

Anytime Joyce got too fussy, all Buffy had to do was place her next to her brother, and within minutes she would be quiet. William’s coos acting almost like comforting words to his distraught sibling.

But tonight things were different.

Dawn looked helplessly at Buffy. They traded babies and circled around the room trying to lull them both into slumber, but still their cries reverberated off the walls.

“There’s only one thing left to try,” Dawn said in a defeated tone.

Buffy rolled her eyes.

“They are both crying, what should we do??” Buffy asked.

Dawn popped in a PAL tape and pressed the button.

“What if we play Passions, mute it, and turn on The Ramones?” Dawn suggested.

Buffy was willing to try anything at this point.

When Joyce was fussy, she liked to stare up the TV screen. Her favorite images were that of Timmy the live doll on the t.v. show her father had called 'brilliant'. William, on the other hand, liked music. He liked just about anything they had come to learn, but the sounds of Joey Ramone’s voice seemed to make him laugh.

Buffy swore both scenarios were some sort of joke Spike was playing on her from up above.

Buffy rocked Joyce, her back to the screen while trying to position Joyce in her arms so she could see over her Mom’s shoulder.

She turned on the music as Dawn swayed with William in her arms.

“I remember you I remember You I remember you
I remember lying awake at night and thinking just of you
But things don't last forever and somehow baby
They never really do They never really do”

Buffy closed her eyes. Joyce began to stop crying, it was working.

Dawn sighed in relief, still trying to stop William's tirade. She wasn't as fortunate, however. William continued to cry.

“Come on Joey. Work your magic.” Dawn pleaded looking at the c.d. player.

The door bell rang.

“Great, the neighbors,” Buffy groaned.

She walked over to the door and yanked it open.

“I remember you I remember You I remember you
I remember lying awake at night and thinking just of you
But things don't last forever and somehow baby
They never really do They never really do”

“Xander! WILLOW!!” she cried. “I totally thought you guys were in Rio!”

“We were, but Giles called,” Xander explained.

“Is everything all right?” Buffy asked, looking at Willow concerned.

Kennedy and Willow had recently broken up, and Xander had rushed there to help Willow pack up her things. Willow was moving back to England to be close to Buffy and her godchildren.

Willow smiled. “Fine, but uh... Buffy that’s not why we are here. See…” Willow stopped, looking to Xander to help her explain.

“What is it then?” Buffy asked.

Just then Andrew came charging in.

“Oh good, the gang is all here. You’re taking the news well.” Andrew observed.

“What news? Guys, what’s going on?” Buffy moaned. "Stop with the cryptic already!"

Joyce had started to wail again, and Buffy backed up trying to help her distraught daughter see the t.v.

Dawn looked at Willow helpless as the music blared.

Xander walked up to Buffy.

“Giles went to L.A. with Kennedy and Faith. See... Angel needed back up, but was too afraid to ask,” Xander explained.

“I remember you I remember You I remember you
I remember you I remember You I remember you
I remember you, you I remember you I remember you”

“Back up for what?” Buffy asked in confusion.

Willow took William from Dawn’s fatigued arms.

“Have you heard of The Blackthorne?” Xander asked.

Buffy rolled her eyes. “Of course I have. They are the idiots that set us up to think Spike was alive and working with Angel.”

“They set us up, Buffy, but not in the way you think.” Andrew said nervously, realizing Buffy didn't know anything.

“Guys! Please... I am kinda in the middle of a crisis here,” Buffy said, still holding her daughter.

Andrew took Joyce for Buffy.

“There is another apocalypse and Faith and the others went to help. Giles too.” Willow explained.

“I remember lying awake at night and thinking just of you
But things don't last forever and somehow baby
They never really do They never really do
I remember you I remember You I remember you”

“Apocalypse? What!!!” Buffy yelled.

“Haven’t you been watching the news?” Willow asked.

“Been a little busy here, Will.” Buffy kidded.

Xander walked over to the t.v. and turned on the news.

Buffy looked at the screen. Fire and brimstone seemed to rain all around as static cut into the screen. Her eyes got wide at the sight of Angel. He was standing in a alley fighting off what seemed to be a hoard of demons. There was a black man and a blue haired women doing the same.

The static over took the screen.

The t.v. flashed an image.

She heard Dawn gasped from behind.

Buffy knelt in front of the T.V. praying for another glimpse.

She had to see it again. She knew just by the brief glance at the image that it was not a clone or some evil trick.

The static seemed to hang on the screen for an eternity, but finally a image clicked in.

It was him.

He was standing there fighting with one hand and trying to usher humans into a waiting truck to safety. Her heart nearly exploded.

“Spike.” She whispered touching the image of his face on the screen, as the static washed over the screen again.

“No!!” Buffy pleaded, pressing her hands against it.

The babies wails had finally subsided, only to be replaced by Buffy’s as she clawed in desperation at the screen.

The rest of the room was silent; only Buffy cries and Joey Ramone’s voice filled the air.

“I remember you I remember You
I remember you I remember You I remember you
I remember lying awake at night and thinking just of you
But things don't last forever and somehow baby
They never really do They never really do
I remember you I remember You I remember you

Buffy closed her eyes her heart breaking all over again.


I remember you I remember You I remember you
I remember you….”

*quick beta job done by Bloodshedbaby*

Chapter 3 - The Champion

Spike slammed the transport shut. He knew the chances of the humans making it out of the city was slim, but he had to try and help. Everywhere he looked, there was chaos. The old Spike would have loved a scene like this. All the carnage and blood. But now... all Spike could think about was Buffy.

If he did not do something quickly, than all would be lost. He thought for a moment. Would he do it again? Sacrifice himself to stop the apocalypse? An object burned in his pocket.

“Oh, sod it all,” he muttered bitterly.

Spike pulled the amulet of his duster and placed it around his neck. “The return of The Elizabeth Taylor Collection," he commented derisively.

What did he care if he went to hell? Hell was here in this place.

Hell was life without Buffy.

Giles and a whole army of Slayers made their way down 3rd Street and Olive. They knew from reports that Angel and Spike were fighting in the thick of things downtown. He only hoped they would get there in time.

Giles led the charge, running down the street. He nearly froze in place when he saw the figure illuminated on the street. It was truly him.

“Spike...” Rupert whispered.

Giles watched Spike throw the amulet around his neck and stalk toward his grandsire, and he bolted over in an attempt to catch up with him. The Slayers all fanned out, fighting the armies of demons coming at them.

“SPIKE, NO!!!!” Rupert yelled suddenly.

Spike turned around and saw Rupert standing there.

“Watcher?” He yelled, then began to shake.

If Rupert was here, did that mean...???

“God no.” Spike whispered.

Rupert made it to Spike. “Take that bloody thing off before you activate it!” he yelled at the blonde vampire.


Down the street the Slayers were fighting with all their might, but their enemy outnumbered them. Faith watched helplessly as many of them fell.

Kennedy was being her normal over-confident self. Faith and Buffy had tried to pound it into the stubborn girl's head that she was not invincible, but Kennedy never listened.

“Kennedy, look out!” Faith yelled suddenly.

Kennedy turned a second too late. A large beast grabbed her by the neck and twisted it off her head.

“NO!” Faith yelled, grabbing her ax and decimating the creature.


“Buffy, is she here?” Spike asked frantically.

Before Rupert could answer, Spike was blindsided by a winged demon falling to the floor.

Rupert fought it, managing to slice it in half before running back to Spike.

Angel fell back, landing beside his Childe. “Thought you said you wouldn’t wear that thing again.” Angel said.

Spike shrugged his shoulders. “Figgered why not, for old time sake.”

The three men stood as another onslaught of creatures came at them.

Angel suddenly hit Spike in the stomach.

“OI!! What the hell was that for?” Spike groaned as he doubled over in pain.

Angel yanked the amulet from Spike’s neck. “There’s no way I am going to let you be hero boy again. I’ll never hear the end of it.” Angel said.

He put the amulet around his neck.

“ANGEL!” Spike yelled.

A white light began to surround Angel, lifting him up off the ground, then suddenly there was a flash of light. Spike squinted, trying to see what the hell was going on but he was unable to make anything out.

Suddenly everything around Spike went pitch black.


Spike awoke feeling as if he was being jostled to and fro. He blinked slowly, trying to adjust his eyes and realized he was laying on a gurney in a large truck that was in motion. Apparently on a very bumpy road. Spike looked up and saw Rupert staring down at him.

“Bleach Boy’s awake!” A loud voice yelled.

Spike groaned. He knew that voice. It grated on his every nerve. “A little bloody quieter, Faith.”

Faith stood behind Rupert. “Sorry you have been out of it for awhile. We though we would get all the way to England before you decided to wake from your beauty nap.” Faith said, shrugging her shoulders.

“Wait, we are going where?” Spike thought. “What happened?” he asked.

Faith sat down on a gurney next to Spike and patted the large form lying down in it.

“It was a killer light show. Angel here slipped that necklace of yours on and everything went all bright and tingly. The next thing we knew, BAM! No more creatures of the night, you were out like a light and Angel here had a full on heartbeat.” Faith explained.

“Buffy. She is safe?” Spike asked Rupert.

Giles looked at Spike confused. “Spike, Buffy was not in L.A.”

Spike nodded.

“Still in Rome then?” Spike asked.

Rupert shook his head.

“Spike, Buffy is not..”

“Buffy!” They all heard Angel exclaim.

Spike closed his eyes. So many things hit him at once.

Buffy was safe.

No more Apocalypse

Angel was human ..


That could only mean one thing...Angel and Buffy were going to live happily ever after.

He threw his arm over his eyes. This definitely was hell.

“Faith, when we get to England, I need you to arrange me a flight to Rome.” Angel demanded.

“Rome, why?” Faith asked.

“I need to see Buffy.” Angel said.

Rupert watched as Spike rolled over and curled up into a ball.

“But Angel, Buffy..”

“Buffy will be thrilled to see you.” Rupert said, throwing a warning glance at Faith. “Make the arrangements, Faith. As soon as we get to England I promise you, Angel, you will be on the next plane to Rome. Spike can stay in a friend’s flat in Kensington. We will care for him.” Giles said.

Faith looked at Giles suspiciously. The only “friends” they knew in Kensington were Buffy, Dawn and the twins. She took a deep breath, finally understanding what Giles was doing, then smirked at the Watcher for a moment.

Giles looked down, a bit shamed from his actions. He knew full well he was sending Angel on a wild goose chase, but he felt that he owed it to Spike for his past actions. He was being a bit selfish, as well. Perhaps if this was successful, Buffy could learn to trust him again, and perhaps Little William would not yell bloody blue murder every time he heard Giles’s voice.

Spike deserved this time, Giles knew. Give him a chance to reunite with Buffy. Meet his children without Angel’s shadow looming over his shoulder. His now human shadow.

Faith crossed her arms. “Right Angel don’t worry about a thing. We’ll take care if it.”

Chapter Four - Meetings and Reunions

Spike awoke to sounds of a baby screaming. He bolted up from his sleep and ran out of the room, the anguished cries pulling him. He still felt incredibly weak, but his feet seemed to move swiftly through the dark apartment.

He stood at the doorway looking at the room before him. It was a nursery. One side was feminine, with multitudes of pink and peach overtones and a delicate canopy cradle. The other side had a more masculine tone to it. Navy and baby blue coverings with a simple redwood cradle in the corner.

Spike saw the baby in the simple cradle first. He could tell it was definitely a boy. The first thing he felt was the peace that seemed to radiate off the tiny bundle. He cooed and gurgled as if he was trying to talk to the other child.

He looked and saw the girl. She had kicked herself out of the covers that had been swaddled around her. Her tiny arms were flailing about as if she was battling the world from her tiny space.

Spike did not understand what possessed him to do what he did next. He walked over to her and cradled her in his arms. Her tiny body seemed to warm his cool one instantly, sending waves of peace coursing throughout him and he found himself crying.

Why was he crying?

He pressed the child’s tiny cheek against his. She smelled familiar.

Spike looked up and saw a small picture framed by the bedside. It was Buffy. She was lying in a bed holding two small blanketed bundles in her arms. She had a bittersweet look on her face. As if her happiness had a tinge of sadness to it.

These must be her children.

Spike wanted to feel anger, jealousy, rage, but he could not. All he could feel was the tiny child in his arms. She looked just like Buffy, even down to her beautiful green eyes.

Presently she had the trademark astonished Buffy face as she stared up at Spike. The child hiccupped as her tears subsided and Spike found himself smiling.

“There Princess, what was all the fuss about?” he asked quietly.

“She’s like that.” He heard from the door.

He turned and saw Dawn standing there her, arms folded trying to contain the tears that had pooled in her eyes.

“She’s really demanding. Always wants to be held first. Wears all her emotions on her sleeve. She drives Buffy mad sometimes because Joyce won’t settle for anything less than complete love. It makes Buffy feel uncomfortable but it’s good for her.” Dawn said.

Spike watched as Dawn crossed the room taking the girl from Spike. He stood there silent still trying to process everything.

Dawn smiled and took Spike's hand in hers, leading him over to the boy. She motioned for Spike to pick him up.

“He’s the calm one. He is patient and content. Happy to take anything Buffy has to offer. Never pushing or making her go nuts. He just waits his turn, waiting for his Mum to come to him when she’s ready. Buffy sometimes cries when she looks at him because he looks so much like his Dad.” Dawn said.

Spike picked up the boy moving his blanket to see his face, and rocked back on his feet.

Dawn kissed the top of the baby boy’s head lightly.

“Isn’t that right, William? You look just like your Daddy...everyone says it.” Dawn said, staring at Spike waiting for his reaction.

Spike stared at the tiny version of himself. Same nose, brilliant blue eyes, determined chin. William stared up at Spike his hand poked out of his covers and touched Spike’s chin.

Spike felt his undead heart being squeezed like it was being held in a vice grip.

“I bet you woke up to Joyce crying. She does that. She needs to make her presence known right away. William always does what he just did to you. He needs to touch you, make sure you are there.” Dawn explained, trying not to be frustrated.

Spike had still not said a word.

“Spike?” Dawn asked.

Spike put the baby down.

“This can’t be real. It’s all a dream isn’t it?” Spike said shaking.

“Spike what are you talking about?” Dawn questioned, putting Joyce down next to her brother.

“You… this… it isn’t real. You’re The First aren’t you? Put me here thinking all of this is possible. It’s not. None of this is real.” Spike said, shutting his eyes tightly.

Dawn walked over to him, and Spike ripped himself away from her.

“Don’t touch me!! You can’t fool me, not again. You got me, big deal!” Spike yelled, waving his hand wildly around the room.

“So what you happy? Figured out what I wanted more than anything in the world? Well, don’t think you unlocked some deep dark secret. Everyone knows this is what I dreamed of. The only thing I ever really wanted. If you think you are going to use this little scenario to play with my noggin again, forget it! You can’t pull my strings anymore!” Spike yelled.

Suddenly William began to cry and Dawn walked over to him, picking him up.

“Spike, hold your son.” Dawn said.

Spike sunk to the ground, wrapping his arms around himself as he began to rock back and forth.

“This can’t be real,” he whispered in a tortured voice.

Dawn got on her knees holding a wailing William to Spike.

“Please Spike.” She pleaded.

Spike took the baby in his arms, trying to hold back his tears. Almost on cue, Joyce began to scream again.

Dawn walked over and picked her up. She got on her knees in front of Spike, and all he could do was glare at her.

Dawn, ignoring the look in his eyes, positioned Spike’s other arm to receive his daughter.

Spike leaned up against William’s crib staring down at the two babies in his arms. Why did they have to feel so real?? Dawn touched Spike’s cheek.

“This is real Spike. These are your children.” Dawn said, trying to connect with her former best friend.

Tears rolled down Spike’s eyes as he looked at Dawn.

“They can’t be. It’s not possible.” He whispered.

“Spike?” They heard from the door.

Spike looked up and saw Buffy standing there.

Dawn stood up watching the lovers gaze at each other. She turned toward the door leading to Buffy’s room trying to make a hasty exit.

Spike looked down at the babies in his arms and then looked at Buffy, silently questioning the validity of their existence.

Buffy moved slowly, kneeling in front of Spike and gently kissed his forehead. Spike gasped.

It was Buffy. He could feel her, he could almost taste her scent.

Spike looked at her, shocked. Staring in near disbelief, much like he had the night she had rescued him from The First’s clutches.

“You..” He, said finally realizing everything around him was indeed real. He looked down at the babies.

“Oh.” He uttered.

Buffy began to cry.

She laid her head in Spike’s lap looking up at him as he held their children. Buffy closed her eyes, curling up in Spike lap, reveling in one thing she thought was not possible. The one thing she prayed for night after night.

Her family was together at last….

Chapter 5 - Explanations

Spike laid on the floor of nursery, his back still resting against his son’s crib. Buffy was wrapped in his arms, her hands firmly entwined in his. Both sat staring at their little treasures as they rocked back and forth in their matching swings. Every once and awhile, Spike would nudge one on the swings with his foot to ensure the soothing rocking motion continued for his children.

His Children.

Buffy was in his arms.

Reality came rushing to him, snapping him out of his euphoric daze. He stiffened. Buffy looked up at him, touching his jaw.

“It was a lie. Everything they told you about me being in Rome. When we found out that Angel was with Wolfram and Hart, I got so scared.” Buffy explained, gazing at her babies.

“You know I have faced death since I was 15. Watched so many people I love go away. But when I found out about Angel and Wolfram and Hart, it was the first time in my life I think I was truly terrified. I kept thinking if he found out about Joyce and William, he would try to take them from me. So I lied,” Buffy admitted.

Spike held her in his arms, silently urging her to continue.

“I thought he had somehow found out about them and made some sort of a clone of you. Andrew said something about you was off when he went to L.A, you seemed different. I wanted to come myself, but I was too afraid to leave them. Then those men from The Blackthorne told Giles someone that looked like you and Angel were searching me out. I thought it was a trap. So I let them concoct that story about me. I don’t even know who The Immortal is.” Buffy chuckled.

“But I thought I saw you in Rome.” Spike said breaking his silence.

Buffy shook her head. “It was a plant,” she whispered.

Spike nodded.

“I understand Luv. You were just protecting what was yours,” Spike explained.

Buffy straightened up and looked into Spike’s eyes.

“But I don’t understand. How did you come back? Why didn’t you come to me?” Buffy asked, trying to hide her own pain.

Spike took a breath and held her by the back of her head. He leaned in touching his forehead to hers.

“God, Luv you have no idea how much I wanted to. When I first came back, I was a ghost couldn’t leave the bloody halls of Wolfram and Hart. When I did, I kept finding myself in hell or a dimension of it.”

Buffy lowered herself onto Spike. Spike closed his eyes allowing her scent to fill his nostrils. He rested his chin on the top of her head.

“When I got solid, I got myself a ticket and was on my way to see you when I turned back,” Spike said.

“Why?” Buffy asked.

“I don’t know for sure. I think it was mostly because I was being a coward. I wanted to believe you loved me. I was afraid if I saw you and you didn’t mean it..I just couldn’t take it,” Spike admitted.

“Is that why you didn’t want Andrew to say anything to me. Why you were so distant when he was in L.A.?” Buffy asked.

Spike nodded.

“I think I understand,” Buffy whispered.

Spike pulled her up, staring into her eyes.

“I never had to doubt your love. It was always there in my face, challenging me. Making me feel whole but when I saw you on the screen and I knew it was you really you, all I wondered was why you did not come to find us. I began to wonder if you still loved me. It felt like my heart was being ripped out,” Buffy said.

Spike was dumbfounded. Buffy was sitting there, baring her very soul to him, without fear or false bravado. In that moment, something inside him shifted. He thought of all the terminology one used for revelations: Epiphany, Enlightenment…. Zen. It hit him and washed over him with such a force he found himself trembling.

“Spike what is it?” Buffy asked holding his hands in hers.

Spike touched her cheek.

“You…you love me.” He said in awe.

Buffy bit her lip tears rolling down her eyes. She nodded and kissed him gently on the lips.

“I love you William Samuel Kennicot,” Buffy whispered.

Spike’s eyes got as wide as saucers.

“What? How did you find out?”

“Your full name? Wasn’t that hard. Dawn did most of the research. I wanted the twins to have as much of you as possible. Joyce’s middle name is Caroline, after your mother. I wanted William to have your name. His middle name is Alexander after Xander.” Buffy explained.

He looked at his twins.

“Alexander eh?” Spike said.

Buffy lowered her head. “I couldn’t name him after Giles not after what he did.”

Spike gathered Buffy in his arms again.

“Not to thrilled about that night either, Pet but I have to give the Wanker a bit of credit. If it wasn’t for him, I would not have gotten here. Practically ripped that Shiny Little Trinket off my neck. Turns out the bloody thing really was meant for Angel.” Spike said.


She didn’t know about Angel.

“I don’t want to talk about him. I want to talk about us.” Buffy whispered.

“Luv, there is something you need to know about Angel.” Spike said taking an unnecessary gulp of air.

Buffy shook her head.

“No, Spike I don’t. I just need to know you’re here. That you will stay with me, be a part of our babies lives. I mean, I know there is a chance that you don’t love me anymore…”

Spike grabbed Buffy by her shoulders.

“What?” He asked incredulous.

“You haven’t said it.” Buffy said looking down.

Spike grazed his fingers over her lips.

“Buffy it’s still all about you Luv. You’re the One, the only thing I have ever been sure of. I love you. I can’t stop. I’ve tried remember? It just doesn’t work. You’re never going to get rid of me you and the Bits here are stuck with me for the rest of your poor tortured lives.” Spike said.

Buffy smiled a brilliant smiled that nearly made Spike’s undead heart start pounding again. For a moment he actually thought he felt a thud in his chest. But then dismissed it.

They kissed first timidly then with a bit more passion. On cue Joyce began to fuss.

Buffy smiled against Spike’s lips.

She slid off his lap and reached for Joyce only to be stopped by Spike.

Spike got on his knees and unhooked Joyce from her swing.

“There Princess.” He said.

Buffy watched in amazement as Joyce immediately quieted it down.

Spike looked at her curiously. “What?” He asked.

Buffy shook her head. “Normally it takes a lot more than that to calm her.” Buffy explained, touching her daughter's head. “I always knew she would be a Daddy’s girl.”

Spike smiled, nuzzling his cheek against his infant daughter’s. He looked over at his sleeping son.

He had so many questions.

How was any of this possible? Joyce fussed again, almost as if she could feel her father’s thoughts being directed away from her. Spike laughed. His questions could keep.

For now….

Chapter Six - Want, Take, Have
Co-written By Spikeslovebite

Dawn re-entered the room watching Buffy and Spike settle their children into their cribs.

Spike turned to Dawn and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry Bit. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Dawn smiled, walked over and hugged him. “It’s all right Spike. I am just glad your home.”

Spike smiled. Home. He felt it. Here with his girls and his children.

Dawn and Buffy shared a knowing glance.

“I’ve got them tonight. You guys should get some rest. The gang is all but camped outside the door waiting to play twenty questions with us. You guys are going to need your rest,” Dawn said.

Buffy nodded and took Spike by his hand. She led him through an adjoining door, searching for the light switch with her free hand.

Spike blinked, adjusting to the soft fluorescent lighting. He looked at the bed and realized it was the very bed he was resting in when Joyce had first awoken him with her cries.

He scanned the room looking around Buffy’s private sanctuary. His eyes drifted to a large sketch at the head of the bed. It was done in charcoal framed in silver. Spike could not believe his eyes, it was a sketch of the two of them.

Buffy’s figure was curled up on his chest, asleep in his arms. Spike eyes were half opened, his lips gently pressed to the top of her head.

“It was my birthday present. He had enough footage of you from that video he was shooting. I told him about the night you came and found me in that house. How you gave me your strength. How I fell asleep with you holding me. I guess this is what he imagined. It was perfect.” Buffy said. Spike thought back to that night.

The best night of his life.

He felt Buffy wrap her arms around him.

“You’re really here. It’s not a dream.” Buffy whispered.

Spike turned and faced her. He lightly touched her forehead, then skimmed his fingers over her eyes as she closed them. He bent down and kissed her, running his tongue over the pillow of her bottom lip.

Buffy moaned and she threaded her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer as she sighed his name. “Spike…”

Licking the tears from her cheeks, he tasted their salty flavor on his tongue as he kissed her again. His hands moved to the front of her blouse and worked the buttons loose; pushing it down her arms until it fell unnoticed to the floor.

She broke their kiss to grab the bottom of Spike’s t-shirt and pull it over his head, her hands gliding over his chest and stomach as she worshipped him with her touch.

Spike buried his face in her neck, tunneling under her long hair with his nose to breathe in the mixture of scents that was uniquely Buffy. Vanilla and the lemony tang of her sweat mixed with the musk of arousal. In a room full of women, he would be able to find her by her scent alone.

Tracing her artery with his lips, he skimmed over her chest until he reached the front clasp of her bra. One practiced move with tongue and teeth had the clasp loosened and the straps sliding down her arms. She laughed softly, mussing his curls as she held his head close to her.

“I always loved it when you did that little trick. Someday you’ll have to tell me where you learned to do that.” She giggled.

He grinned wickedly up at her, licking a line up the slight curve of her breast as he butted against the pebbled tip with his nose. “Can’t give away all of my secrets, Luv. Takes all the mystery out of it.” He groaned as he finally allowed himself to close his mouth around her nipple.

The two lovers pressed themselves against each other, luxuriating in the contrast of his coolness against her warmth.

“I love you.” Buffy whispered, tugging him up and recapturing her love’s mouth with hers.

Spike returned her kiss with equal fervor. “Love you, too. God, Buffy…Love you so much.”

He continued his loving assault on her lips as he walked her backwards to the bed. Easing her down, he finally let her go long enough to remove the rest of her clothes and then quickly did the same with his. He joined her and they lay on their sides, gazing at each other as they ran their fingers up and down each others bodies. He was especially appreciative of the new fullness of her breasts that bearing and nursing his children had blessed her with. Wrapping his arms around her, he mated their mouths and tongues once more in an exotic dance.

Buffy spread her legs and pulled him over her, inviting him in. He stared into her eyes as he sank into her, both of them crying out. Spike covered her face with kisses as she panted; trying to adjust to the overwhelming pleasure she was feeling.

Spike was here. Filling her. Making her feel whole again. Buffy’s body trembled with the force of her emotions as she cried. She had missed this so much. Had missed HIM.

“I’m here, luv,” he whispered in her ear, attuned as always to her every emotion. He wiped the tears from her eyes, completely ignoring his own as he rocked against her. “I missed you so bloody much.”

“Spike, don’t ever leave me again,” Buffy pleaded, kissing his shoulder.

“Never, luv. I‘m never leaving you again. You‘re mine,” he growled softly into her neck.

“There’s only one way.” She gasped as he hit that perfect spot inside her.

Spike stared into her eyes, his own wide with surprise as Buffy kissed him hard and arched her back, driving him further into her.

“Are you sure, luv?” He questioned, trying to regain some semblance of sanity. He found it was impossible with Buffy writhing under him, her body pleading with his.

“Spike,” she whimpered, closing her eyes as bliss washed through her veins.

“Please, Buffy. Tell me what you want.” Spike begged, his body beginning to shake. “Please tell me.” He held her face in his hands and stared deep into her eyes, holding himself back as he waited for her answer.

Her voice was barely audible at first, but rose with each word that his body thrust out of hers. I want…to be yours!” she cried “Make me…yours!”

His iron control broke and he moved against her in an insane frenzy. Both of them screamed each other’s name over and over again. Crying and kissing each trying to devour the other.

“Oh God, Buffy!” Spike felt his face shift and looked down at her.

Buffy smiled up at him pulled him down, kissing his ridged forehead. She moved her head to the side, exposing her neck to him. “Do it.” She pleaded. “Now. Please!”

Spike nuzzled his face against her neck. He found the spot he wanted. The place where she had been marked before. Slowly his fangs pierced her skin and he drew her sweet blood into his mouth. Before Spike could voice his claim, he heard Buffy’s fevered chant.

“Yours. Yours. Yours, forever....” she called out.

Her words rang in his ears. Spike understood it now. This was more than a claim. Buffy was proving to him that she belonged to him.

“Mine.” He choked out, sinking his fangs into her again.


Spike found himself in tears; the beauty of his love’s actions moving him in a way he had never experienced.

Buffy held him to her, rocking him back and forth as she cried with him.

They found solace in each other’s arms for a long time. Finally they fell into a deep sleep, holding each other tightly

Chapter Seven - Daddy Duties
Beta'd by Holly A. (thank you!!)

Buffy awoke alone in her bed and bolted upright, fearful it had all been a dream. Her fingers skimmed her neck and upon finding Spike's marks, Buffy sighed. Looking around the bedroom, she caught sight of his leather duster hanging over the side of the bed.

“In here, Luv,“ She heard.

Buffy chuckled, throwing her robe on and making her way to the nursery. Buffy leaned against the door frame watching Spike hold his son, rocking him back and forth in the chair that she and Dawn had picked out the day after Buffy found out she was pregnant.

Buffy touched the marks on her neck again.

“Neat trick,” she teased.

Spike shrugged.

“Part of the claim, luv. Can feel everything you feel. Especially when it’s an intense emotion like panic,“ he teased back.

Buffy blushed. She made her way over to her boys, looking around the room.

“Where’s Joycie?” Buffy asked noticing the quiet.

“Nibblet took her out for a stroll. She was up before William here,” Spike said looking down at his son. “Is he always this quiet?”

Buffy smiled.

“Most of the time. He hardly ever cries, which really It scared me at first. I thought there was something wrong with him. He slept through the night the day we brought them back from the hospital. So I kept picking him up making sure he was o.k. He would just coo and giggle. He has this way of making you feel silly for fussing over him.” Buffy said.

Spike got a nostalgic smile on his face. “My Mum said I was like that when I was a babe. Said I never fussed or cried. I was such a Nancy Boy pounce,” he said rolling his eyes.

Buffy sat on the arm of the rocker. “I don’t know. I like the fact that he is so content. I don’t have to worry about him running amuck. I am sure Joyce will be more than a handful.“ Buffy laughed.

“She’s not dating until she’s Thirty,“ Spike growled.

Buffy bit back her laughter.

“And you think you can control her? I can’t control her now and she’s barely learning how to turn over,“ Buffy said.

Spike shook his head vigorously.

“She looks just like you. She’s going to be a head turnemr can already see it. Souled or not I will kill the first drooler that looks her way.” Spike swore.

Buffy let out a loud laugh.

“Oh Honey, you’re hopeless.” She said.

Spike looked up at her in utter amazement which then broke into the most dazzling smile she seen ...well ,at least this morning.

“What?” She asked in confusion as to his look.

“You just called me Honey. Haven’t done that since Red’s spell,“ Spike said.

With a half-smile, Buffy bent down and kissed Spike. “Hmm, Spike lips. Lips of Spike.” A breathy sigh escaped her.

Buffy gently took William from Spike’s arms and cradled him to her, while she carefully sunk down onto Spike's lap. Spike laughed, wrapping his arms around Buffy and rocking her along with his son.


Twenty minutes later Dawn returned with Joyce.

Spike sat in the living room playing with his daughter while Dawn finished dressing William. Joyce stared up at her silly Daddy with her large green eyes laughing at the strange faces he was making at her. She reached out and whacked him on his forehead.

“OI! Strong little one aren’t you?” Spike said.

Joyce cooed again.

Spike felt the distinct thud in his chest again. He felt a wave of dizziness overwhelm him.

'What’s that about now?' He thought.

Buffy walked up to him with a mug of blood.

“Spike ,are you o.k.?” Buffy asked.

Spike leaned back against the couch.

“Yeah just feel a bit strange Luv.” He said.

“Sit back for a second.” Buffy said, wrapping Joyce up and moving her to the playpen. At being moved, Joyce let out a wail.

“Oh shh now Joycie Daddy’s right here,” Spike said reaching out for his little girl.

Buffy reluctantly placed Joyce back in Spike’s arms.

“I really think you should rest,” Buffy argued.

Spike shook his head. “Hold daughter now. Rest later.”

Buffy smiled and went to retrieve William from Dawn.

Spike took a gulp of the blood form his mug then looked back down at Joyce smiling like an idiot.

Buffy bit the inside of her cheek to keep for laughing at him. Spike may adore his newly discovered children, but he still was fighting to his Big Bad persona. She slid next to Spike holding their son in her arms.

The door bell rang loudly. Buffy and Spike looked at each other and exchanged a groan.

“Let them in.” Buffy said.

Dawn opened the door. Spike watched as The Sunnydale Scoobies piled into the Flat.

He looked over at Willow. Then looked back down. For a moment he was shamed. He was so ecstatic about his situation that he had forgotten the loss the young witch had experienced.
Willow tried to smile at Buffy hiding her recent bout of tears but Buffy knew her best friend too well. She had dark rings around her pain laden eyes. Buffy handed William over to Spike joining Joyce and then went over to hugged Willow.

I’m so sorry Will,” she whispered.

Willow hugged Buffy back.

“She died a Slayer. That’s how I know she would have wanted to go,” Willow said. Willow looked over Buffy’s shoulder at Spike. Her eyes lit up for a moment in genuine surprise and happiness.

“Spike gosh, it’s really you.” She said.

“In the flesh,” he said.

“Shouldn’t that be reanimated flesh?” Xander quipped making his presence more known.

“”Hello, whelp," Spike said rolling his eyes.
Xander sat down in a chair while Andrew stood in the center of the room trying to contain his glee. “Wow this is great! It’s like the last scene of JEDI. Luke comes back from saving his father from the dark side to his sister Leia. Well except you and Buffy aren’t sister and brother. That and there aren’t a bunch of teddy bear looking forest dwelling creatures dancing around us." Andrew commented.

The whole room stared at him for a second.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Buffy turned her head as Giles slowly walked in.

“I did not want to interrupt,“ Giles said.

“Course not, Watcher have a seat.” Spike said showing more courtesy to Rupert than he had anyone in a long time.

Spike handed Joyce to Buffy and went to lay William down in his crib.

Buffy followed him laying Joyce down as well.

“Feeling charitable?” Buffy asked.

Spike shrugged his shoulders.

“Don’t know. I know I am going to sound like a total pounce but I don’t want them to feel any resentment. The world is a hard enough place once they start seeing it for themselves. If I could keep negativity away from them I’m going to try.” Spike said.

Buffy slid her arms around him. He kissed the top of her head and walked back into the living room. The crowd was sitting there their engaged in a heated debate.

“What’s everyone so wiggy about?“ Buffy asked.

Xander and Giles soberly looked at each other.

“Buffy we lost a number of our more trained Slayers during the Los Angeles incident. I am afraid sending out any of the potentials at this point would be suicide.” Giles said.

“Xander what about Sasha?” Buffy asked inquiring about his Slayer.

Xander had recently appointed his first charge as a Watcher. He shook his head. “She’s nowhere near ready Buff. And Giles was saying that there’s a nest of nasty vamps outside of Notting Hill.”

Buffy crossed her arms. “So I guess that leaves me.”

“No Bloody Way!” Spike yelled.

Buffy turned around glaring at Spike.

Spike took a step back trying to back pedal his way out of his cave man like behavior.

“The Bits still feeding from you right?” Spike said trying not to sound like he had a sudden revelation.

Buffy nodded slowly.

Spike pointed at her chest.

“Unless those detach I don’t think they would take to kindly to starving while Mum goes off to fight evil.” Spike reasoned.

“Hello 21st century... ever heard of a breast pump?”

“Ah, no actually can’t say I have. Care to demonstrate?” Spike said wagging his eyebrows.

On that note, everyone in the room tried to find some other focal point instead of the two arguing lovers that began to exchange flirty lustfilled looks. After all these years the tension between Spike and Buffy still unnerved them, even more so now that they knew it had to do more with desire than disgust.

“Tell you what... I’ll go,” Spike said.

“Spike I don’t think that’s a good idea. You’re still recovering from L.A.” Buffy said.

Spike grabbed Buffy into the hallway.

“Look, I didn’t want to say this in front of the kiddies, but I see the look in your eyes. You just don’t have it in you right now. You wouldn’t be focused out there. You would think about me and The Bits and get distracted. The Bits and I don't need some Nasty getting in their One Good Day because Mum was a thinking of home.” Spike argued.

Buffy shook her head.

“No I’ll be fine.” Buffy argued shaking her head stubbornly.

Spike softened his expression and caressed touched the marks on her neck.

“I feel it Luv. You don’t want to go out there again. You want to stay here with the Bits... your kids. Not to say you won’t ever again but right now this is where you want to be.” Spike purred into her ear while turning her to face the nursery.

Buffy sighed. “When did you become so level headed?“

Spike wrapped his arms around Buffy.

“I hear Parenthood does that to you. Just don’t think I am going to carpool or coach soccer.” Spike mumbled.

Buffy laughed. “All right you win.”

Spike looked at her suspiciously.

“You’re just going to agree with me? No fighting? No punch in the nose?” Spike asked.

Buffy shoved him into the living room laughing.

The two of them face the crowd of visitors.

“Buffy not going out. I am.” Spike announced sorry for the confusion.

Chapter 8 - Uncensored History
Beta'd by Holly A

Author’s Note: Please read foot note at the end of the chapter about Wulfie‘s challenge.

“Oh Bloody Hell.”

Spike winced hearing the rebel cries of what seemed like a whole army of over tired, cranky sugar filled children invade his ears.

How could his own children’s coos and giggles lull him into such a state of contentment and these hellions make him want to tear out his soul and start carnage again for the sake of the sanctity of silence?

Dawn tried not to laugh at her irritated companion. He announced that he wanted to go run some errands before he started the nights slaying activities, after forty-five minutes he appeared at the doorway of the flat ushering Dawn outside in the hallway.

“I need your help Bit.” He said.

Dawn was excited the adventures of Spike and Dawn take two. She missed the excitement of their adventures. Albeit some of them were felonious, breaking into The Magic Box and stealing a sleeping demon’s eggs; then again is stealing from a creature of the night considered against the law??

Whatever his reasons was Dawn was just glad he had chosen her to take on this excursion. She laughed for a good ten minutes when he made his request. He could not be serious? But Dawn saw the look in his eyes it was a mixture of anger and embarrassment. Regaining her composure she got into the car with him and quietly gave him directions to his sought after destination.

Dawn looked around the huge store.

“There are really six stories of toys?” Dawn asked.

Spike nodded slowly looking around. Toys of all shapes and sizes adorned every available space. A huge line of life size Nutcracker solders aligned one side of the wall.

Dawn’s eyes became wide looking at everything in front of her as a child she could have spent days here just looking at all the toys and tiny treasures the huge haven contained.

“Don’t tell me you and The Slayer have never been here.” Spike asked.

Dawn shook her head slowly.

“This is Hamleys!” Spike exclaimed.

“It’s every child’s sodden dream wrapped up in capitalism. How is it Buffy manages to have twin babies and never step foot in London’s biggest tourist attraction for children?” Spike asked.

Dawn shrugged her shoulders.

“Spike she has been really careful about where she goes and what she does. I mean for a while she wasn’t sure if people were after her and the twins.” Dawn explained.

Spike nodded shutting his eyes.

He should have been here…

Dawn cleared her throat.

“So o.k. we are here tell me again why the Big Bad had to come to the toy store?” Dawn asked.

“It’s not just any toy store.” Spike whispered.

Dawn looked at Spike confused for a moment.

“And if you know about Hamleys why didn’t you know where to find it?” Dawn asked.

Spike rolled his eyes.

“Haven’t been back in Jolly Old England since the seventies Bit. I went to where I remembered it being and it wasn’t there anymore.” Spike explained.

Dawn looked up at placard.

“Well this would explain it. The changed locations in 1981.” Dawn said

Spike watched her eyes dart to the top of the placard reading the history of the store. He tried not to fidget.

“Come on Bit. Let’s get moving got to fight the evil tonight.” Spike said trying to pry the girl away from the placard.

“Did you know this place wasn’t always called Hamleys?” Dawn asked still reading the placard.

“Right it was called Noah’s Ark when it opened.” Spike muttered.

Dawn looked at him curiously.

“How did you know that?” Dawn asked.

“It’s been around for over two hundred years, Ducks.” Spike said running his fingers through his hair trying not to get frustrated.

“Wow so you where around? Did you know the original owners?” Dawn whispered.

Spike groaned.

Dawn continued to read the placard.

“Says here the original owner was Cornishman from Bodmin, that moved to London.” Dawn muttered.

Spike’s jaw clenched.

“His name was William Hamley.” Dawn said finally taking her eyes off placard and looking at Spike.

“William like you.” Dawn said smiling.

Dawn’s eyes suddenly got wide.

“You’re kidding right?” Dawn asked trying to contain her laughter.

Spike clenched his fist glaring at Dawn.

“You were named after the original owner of Hamleys?“ Dawn asked.

Spike grabbed her by the shoulders.

“Look let’s not make a big deal out of this. My Mum and Da were good friends with the bloke all right. It’s not like I had a choice in who I was named after. So let’s leave well enough alone shall we?” Spike said trying not to sound like he was pleading.

Dawn bit her lip.

“Wait til I tell Buffy.” Dawn muttered.

Spike glowered at her.

“You tell her and I’ll bleed you dry.”

“Yeah right.” Dawn said crossing here arms smugly.

Spike groaned. Getting people to keep quiet was so much easier when they all feared he would rip their heads off.

“All right I will stop…for now. Just tell me why we are here?” Dawn asked.

Spike grabbed her hand and led her to a large glass counter.

He tried not to shift uncomfortably as he pointed out his desired purchases to the lady behind the counter.

Dawn’s eyes darted back and forth between the Spike and the women in behind the counter her eyes becoming increasingly more teary as the moments progressed.

Spike waited for the girl to return with his pick up voucher.

“Don’t get all weepy on me Bit. It’s going to be bad enough when The Slayer sees what a bloody pounce I am being.” Spike said staring straight ahead.

Dawn not knowing what else to say threw her arms around the infuriating yet strangely irresistibly loving vampire and whispered.

“I ‘m so glad you’re back Spike.”

** I know this chapter was short but it was a “can have” in Wulfie’s challenge in researching if there was indeed a Toys r us in England I remembered Hamleys from when I went there ten years ago. So I used the London Landmark Toy Store instead. I read about the owners name being William and well, come on I couldn’t resist!!! LOL

Chapter Nine - Unwanted

For Wulfie some humiliation for ya!! LOL

Buffy tried not to pace. She hated being away from the action, more to the point hated being away from his side. She knew Spike was right;Godknows thatfact irked her to no end,she would be no good to anyone out there, but it that did not stop her from worrying about him.

Seeking comfort, she rubbed her fingers across the new marks on her neck, replayingto herselfShe could hear Spike’s last words before he went out, “Now don’t get too wiggy as you would so eloquently spout. If you feel anything too intense then I will feel it to. And then I will come rushing home looking like a damn pounce.” He growled.

Buffy smiled she knew knowing for all of Spike’s protest and grumblings, he thoroughly enjoyed being the center of her life. She leaned against the breakfast bar trying not to feel guilty. For so long, he He had been her everything, for so long andbut she had beenwas too stubborn to admit it.

“Not anymore” She said out loud to no particular person.

She walked over to the fridge making sure there was enough blood for him when he returned home. She walked over cabinet pulling out some burba weed remembering what he said about it making the blood all hot and spicy. A mischievous smile played on her lips. Hot and spicy something she could definitely get into tonight.”

She heard a knock on the door. Swiftly running over to answer the offending door that threatened to she ran over afraid that the sound would wake up her feisty daughter but calm in the knowledge that she knew William would sleep through it, Buffy walked over to the door and opened it. threw open the door.

She gasped. “Angel.” She said.

Angel’s eyes lit up as he smiled.

“Buffy,” he whispered.

Buffy stood there shocked for a moment. Not quite overcoming the initial shock, Buffy recovered,

“I’m sorry, come in.” Buffy said.

Angel bite his lip suppressing a smile. “I don’t need one of those anymore,” he said.

Buffy looked at him confused as he stepped into the Flat. Angel reached out and hugged her tightly. That’s At that moment, when Buffy felt it a distinct heartbeat.

“What happened?” Buffy asked her eyes wide with disbelief.

“The prophecy. Shanshu. Buffy, I’m human. I went to Rome as soon as I could so I could find youto tell you. But you weren't there, so I tracked you here.” Angel said trying to contain his glee. He was so excited. Finally, he could be with the girl he loved. He was almost giddy, practically bouncing with energy, and all he wanted to do was hold her. He was too happy to notice his surroundings much less themany expressionsdisplaying on Buffy's face.

Buffy took a step back out of his arms' reach. “I don’t understand.” She muttered.

“I’m human.” Angel said.

Buffy shook her head furiously. “I don’t understand. Why?” She said crossing her arms wishing they were Spike's arms instead.

Angel could practically feel the anger rolling off her. She was angry?

“Buffy what’s there to understand?” Angel asked.

“Why? Why you?!!” She said her voice becoming louder.

“The amulet that I gave you it did it.” Angel explained.

Buffy began to pace, tears rolling out of her eyes. “It’s not fair. He gave up everything. Hefought so hard, and you get the reward?” Buffy said wiping her tears furiously from her eyes. Swirling emotions of anger, hatred, frustration, sadness, and grief allclashed inBuffy's mind, one wave after another.

Angel walked up to Buffy and spun her around. He saw the fresh marks on her neck.

“Of course you’ve been claimed that explains it.” Angel said sighing in relief.

“Angel what are you talking about?” Buffy said pulling herself out of his arms.

“The anger why you are not happy to see me. It’s The Immortal he’s claimed you. You don’t know what you’re saying. We’ll figure this out.” Angel promised.

Buffy let out a scoff. “Have you always been this off?” Buffy asked.

Angel took a step back.

“For you’re information, yes, I am claimed. I have been for a long time now. It’s just been made official. As for if it was unwilling try again, I love the man that did this with everything I am.” Buffy stated in a tone that brooked no debate and with resolve face firmly in place.

She was so angry. Livid. It broke her heart not for herself but for Spike. Why did Angel get this chance and he didn’t? If he was human he could take his babies to the park. He could take her on long walks down Regent Street. They could get married.

Buffy tried not to be such a wimp. But her pain for her mate began to consume her suddenly the door crashed open.

“BUFFY!” They both heard the primal call.

Buffy turned and saw Spike running into the Flat holding a axe looking around for a would be predator. Spike stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Angel.

He tried not to let his insecurity take him over, but he could not help it. He felt Buffy’s shock, then anger, andthen he felt the pain in her heart. It was becausehe was here. She must have felt all those things, because she found out Angel he was human. The initial shock of seeing Angel, andthe anger Buffy was feeling was probably directed toward Spike for not telling her. The pain…must have been because she was now bound to Spike and could not be with the recently humanized poof.

Spike dropped the axe trying to keep his Big Bad image intact.

“You two have a lot to talk about I would say.” Spike muttered his eyes never leaving the floor.

“You claimed her? You knew I was human and you claimed her anyways? I could kill you William!” Angel sneered.

Buffy stood there shaking looking at Spike her heartbreaking. Angel walked up to her gently putting his hands on her shoulders.

“I’ll make him relinquish his claim. I promise Buffy.” He said wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

Buffy stood there for another moment, and then jerked herself out of Angel’s embrace. She ran across the room launching herself into Spike’s surprised arms.

“Stop it Spike. Stop using that claim over her.” Angel demanded.

Spike held Buffy tighter. “I…I’m not.” He said amazed.

Buffy buried her head into his chest. “It’s not fair.” Buffy cried.

Spike looked questionably into Buffy’s eyes.

“You know I don’t care vampire or not I will love you forever. But why? Why wasn’t it you? It’s the one thing you wanted especially now. It’s not fair.” Buffy cried.

Spike gulped hard. She was upset for him? Because he didn’t get the human toy surprise? His undead heart swelled at this new knowledge. She didn’t want Angel. She still wanted him.

Spike tried not to cry; he really did, but he could not help it. The site of Buffy so heartbroken for him nearly made him forget the Great Poof was still in the room. All he wanted to do was swing his mate around covering her with kisses until they fell to the floor making passionate love.

Looking down at Buffy,Spikekissed her forehead, whispering in her ear,“I have all that I need Luv.” Spike whispered in her ear.

Buffy smiled through her tears.

They heard the sound of stirring Bits coming from the nursery. “It must be William.” Buffy said softly. “Joycie would be screaming bloody blue murder.”

Spike nodded looking over at Angel.

“Don’t worry I’ll handle this.” Buffy announced kissing her mate on the cheek.

Spike walked past Angel and into the nursery closing the door behind him.

Buffy looked at her first love trying and took a calming breath.

“I’m sorry I behaved terribly.” Buffy said quietly.

Angel sat down on a barstool trying to make sense of what just happened. “I feel like I am in The Twilight Zone.” Angel mumbled.

Buffy leaned against the back of her couch.

“You’re not. You’re in Our Flat mine, Dawnie’s and Spike’s.” Buffy said trying to put emphasis on Spike’s name.

“You and Spike? Buffy I don’t understand. You said you were cookies you said you still think about us.” Angel said trying to pull on her heartstrings.

Buffy sighed. She really looked at human Angel, and aodd thought struck her, he still looked broody. Shaking that thought from her head, cause not helping, sherefocused.

“Angel you are my first love. Of course, the whole cookiesthing back then, I still thought of you. I thought I was going to die; I was facing the First, hordes of ubervamps, ultimate opening of hellmouth. I thought about all the different paths my life could have taken.” Buffy explained.

“You said he wasn’t your boyfriend.” Angel argued, sounding like Dawn at fourteen.

“I said he was in my heart. Being my boyfriend what did that mean? You were my boyfriend. So was Riley both of you left.” Buffy raised a pointed eyebrow without realizing she had mimicked Spike.

“And Spike didn’t right?” Angel said sarcastically.

Buffy shook her head. “He died Angel.” Buffy said.

“Not for the world Buffy; don’t be fooled that was all for you. Just some lame attempt to impress you.” Angel growled.

“Well it worked then you Big Poof!” Buffy yelled, then quicklycovering her mouth.

They heard a snicker from the other room.

“I’m sorry, I really just said that out loud.” Buffy muttered.

Angel crossed his arms.

“So let me get this right? If given a choice between being with me as a human and Spike as a vampire…you chose Spike?” Angel asked shaking his head in disbelief.

Buffy tried not to clap her hands in joy that he finally came to this revelation she bit her lip waiting for Angel to come out of his reverie.

“Buffy all those things we wished for they could happen now.” Angel whispered.

“Angel you still don’t get it. I was a kid back then. I have changed, so have you. You never got that it didn’t matter to me. They only thing I ever wanted was for you to stand by my side take everything as it came. Be strong enough to not worry about tomorrow because hello Slayer early expiration date. But you left andbuilt your own life.” Buffy said.

“If this is about how I acted after you came back the second time…”

“Yes and No.” Buffy interrupted.

“Buffy I would have been there..

“But you weren’t. Willow went to L.A. to tell you. Did you come back to The Hellmouth? Did you take care of my sister? My friends? No.” Buffy's voice started to rise with each pointed question.said.

Angel put his hands up. “And Spike did. I got that part. But then you came back.”

“Do you know what happened when I came back? I had to crawl my way out of a coffin. Do you know who was there for me? The second person I saw after I got home? Spike. He was standing there just staring at me. Then he tried to take care of me but everyone wouldn’t let him. I went to him the next day, why, because he made me feel safe. Then I tried to go to you. But like you said you had your own life. So I came home, and the only person that I could be honest with wasthe only person who was ALWAYS there for me: was Spike.” Buffy declared.

“I had my reasons.” Angel replied.

Buffy sighed. “You’re really not getting this are you.” She said.

“Buffy you’re my girl. Said you would always be.” Angel whispered.

“A part of me will always be Angel, but I am not yours to keep. I’m Spike’s.” Buffy announced. “I know you don’t understand. You have no idea what we have.”

Angel fought the bile rising in his throat. Spike had told him the exact same thing the day he materialized in his office.He had wanted torip those words out of existence,but herewere the words echoedfrom Buffy. Heneeded to be sick.

”What we had Buffy…”

“Had Angel, had. It’s in the past. What I have with Spike, it’s more so much more than what we were.” Buffy said trying again not to sound so harsh.

Angel hung his head in defeat.

“Angel let me ask you something. If Cordelia had lived, would you be here?” Buffy challenged.

Angel looked up at her surprised.

“You didn'tthink I knew?” Buffy asked.

Angel again was left speechless.

“Excuse me I need to go check on something.” Buffy announced. Angel just stayed where he was. He really could not think or move right now.

Buffy got to the door just as it was opening. Spike looked at her.

“My turn Pet?” He groaned.

Buffy nodded.

“He’s human now I could just eat him.” Spike mused.

Buffy swatted him playfully.

“All right let me deal with the clean up.”

Chapter 10 - Game Over
Beta: Holly A.

Spike walked into the kitchen as Buffy disappeared into the nursery.

He did not even try to hide his glee at the present scenario. For over a century, he had felt like he had lived in Angel’s shadow. Now finally he was free. Angel could not even hold his Grand-sire status over his head anymore. The closer Spike got to the kitchen, the more he realized that all of their past arguments, battles and wars suddenly seemed so trivial to him.

Angel looked up as Spike entered.

“You must be thoroughly enjoying this William.” Angel said glaring at him.

“Drink Mate?” Spike said walking over to the counter searching through the cabinet. Much to his surprise, he found an unopened bottle of The Antiquary, Old Scotch Whisky. What was Buffy doing with Whiskey, damn bloody good whiskey at that in the house? He suppressed the smile that was threatening to creep across his face realizing Buffy must have noticed she had run out and gotten it especially for him. He retrieved two glasses from the cabinet and then walked over to the other counter where Angel was furrowing his brow.

Since Spike’s entrance into the kitchen, Angel had begun to seethe. Spike looked so comfortable standing there in Buffy’s kitchen. He looked like her had resided there comfortably for a much longer duration than the two days Angel knew it had really been. Spike knew exactly where the glasses and the Whiskey was kept, and that brand of Whiskey did not escaped his attention.

Internally sighing, Spike thought why was he always the one who had to deliver a bit of reality to Buffy’s exes?

“Look Mate she’s not your Bint anymore. Has not been for a long time.” Spike said.

“You knew she was here, and you let me go off to Rome. What Spike, afraid if I got here first I would have ruined your cozy little set up?” Angel accused.

“Right, I was plotting in my unconscious state, you Pounce! Besides, ever stop to think why Giles and Little Ms. Attitude sent you away? Maybe because they were trying to spare you some embarrassment.” Spike offered.

Spike shrugged off his duster and took a sip of his whiskey. He loved the way the burn felt going down his throat. For a brief second, the warmth took over his cold body.

Spike put down his glass watching Angel sip on his looking lost in his own thoughts.

“I don’t see why you’re all put out, you got to be a real live boy. Got the heart beat to prove it.” Spike said.

“And you get Buffy?” Angel spat out.

Spike slammed his fist down on the counter. He closed his eyes remembering his twins lying in their cribs trying to sleep.

“Why did you want to be human Angel?” Spike asked.

“That’s a dumb question.” Angel said.

“Is it now? I think it’s a pretty good question. Do you know the only reason why I ever wanted a damn heart beat?” Spike asked.

Spike pointed at the room he knew Angel had seen Buffy enter earlier.

“To be with her, to give her what she deserves. Think I cared about walking in the sun? Birthdays and growing old? Not really, stopped thinking about that a long time ago. All I wanted, hell all I bloody cared about, was to be was with her. Can you say the same Mate? Of course you can’t. Cause you went off and made your own life even said so yourself. Found yourself a new love and purpose. So don’t be getting your knickers in a twist because for some reason or another someone up there decided this was my purpose. I won’t let you or anyone else ruin this for us.” Spike said.

Angel furiously glared at Spike.

“You're immortal, she's not. What are you going to do when she’s eighty, Spike? Wrinkled and senile and cursing you for your youth. What kind of a life can you really offer her? I don't see a lot of Sunday picnics in the offing. I see you skulking in the shadows, hiding from the sun, and watching from the sidelines. She's young. Her whole life is still ahead of her, but you want to keep her from the life she should have because all you’re thinking about is what you want. You keep her from having a normal life, and she’ll watch it pass her by. Is that what you came back from Hell for? Is that your greater purpose?” Angel challenged.

Spike’s entire being shook with anger, still he was barely containing his demon.

“My God you are evil.” They both heard.

Both of them were shocked to see Buffy storming back into the kitchen her Buffy’s normal green eyes flickering with yellow specks.

Buffy focused solely on Angel as she slowly walked toward him.

“How dare you come into our home and do this to him. You know, you nearly used the same speech The Mayor used on you to make you leave Sunnydale like the coward you were.” Buffy spat out as she tried to reign in her anger. Without another word to Angel, she walked over to Spike and sat in his lap.

Buffy gazed into Spike’s eyes with such an intensity he nearly felt like he was in a thrall. Buffy moved her hair aside showcasing her marks proudly to her mate. Spike instinctively brushed his lips over them his closing as a small growl resonated out of from his throat.

Buffy wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She closed her eyes sighing in ecstasy allowing Spike to rock her back and forth in his arms for a moment. Buffy looked down at Spike and placed a loving kiss on the tip of his nose.

She broke free of Spike’s lustful gaze and glared over at Angel. “The difference between you and Spike is that he won’t believe that crap you just tried to sell him. Why? Because he really listens, maybe not so much to my words but always what’s in my heart. He knows the only thing that is important to me is that he is here living life with me.”

Buffy looked back down at Spike as he gently caressed the small of her back. The lover’s locked their gaze. She continued to speak to Angel even though her eyes never left Spike’s.

“He said he was going to leave once. Came and told me. I couldn’t let him.” Buffy whispered.

Angel watched the two people across from him. Even though these words were for him, he suddenly felt as if he was not even in the room. He watched as Buffy stroked Spike’s cheek.

“I didn’t have to cry or beg. I just told him that I was not ready for him not to be there. He didn’t leave. Even when I ran away he came after me. Made me strong.” Buffy said. Spike kissed her lips as he tightened his grip around her waist.

“This is where I belong. And as for the growing old part.”

Suddenly, they heard a loud wail coming from the next room.

Angel watched as Dawn emerged from her room across the way, wrapping her robe around her body. She looked up at Buffy and Spike with relief.

“Oh good you guys are still up, you can handle it.” Dawn muttered.

She was about to turn tail and leave when she saw Angel sitting there.

She crossed her arms and looked at him. “What the hell are you doing here?” She demanded.

Angel looked up toward the heavens. “Is no none glad to see me?” He lamented.

Spike, Dawn and Buffy all exchanged a shrug.

Suddenly there was another wail.

Dawn walked across the room and into the nursery; a split second later, she came out her arms filled with a wailing William.

“He’s not wet. Maybe he is hungry.” Dawn said. Both the parents jumped up concerned
when they had seen it was the more docile of the twins.

As soon as William was placed in Buffy’s arms, the older twin began to howl. Spike and Buffy winced. “Knew that was going to happen Luv.” Spike said.

Buffy smiled to herself. Spike had been there less than two days and had already understood how his children operated.

Dawn came back in holding Joyce she handed her to his father. Dawn stretched her arms and yawned. “Got to get to bed. I have to take care of some stuff over at the school tomorrow. Still coming with me Spike?”

Spike nodded.

“Hopefully you won’t have to go out during the day.” Angel muttered like a spoiled child.

Dawn rolled her eyes.

“Sure you still have a soul? I mean I think I could forgive you for eating him.” Dawn mumbled.

“DAWN!” Buffy yelled biting the inside of her cheek.

Spike on the other hand let out a hearty laugh as he rocked his daughter in his arms.

Angel looked at Buffy then the babies. “They are yours?” Angel asked shocked.

Buffy nodded.

“And you still chose Spike?!! What does their father have to say about this?”

Buffy smiled over wickedly over at Spike. Spike took a step back, standing side by side with Dawn awaiting the show.

This was going to be great!

“The father is ecstatic about the babies and the fact that Spike is here.” Buffy said.

Angel crossed his arms. “Somehow I doubt that.”

Moving a tad closer to Angel, Buffy removed William’s blanket showing Angel his face.

Angel eyes got wide as he saw a miniature version of Spike staring back at him. The tiny infant took one look at Angel and let out an ear-piercing wail. Buffy pulled him to her rocking him back and forth trying to soothe him.

Spike held a now quiet Joyce as Dawn smiled looking up at Spike.

“What can I say you’re son has excellent taste.”

Spike snickered. He bloody loved this if he had a video camera. Had he known it would be this good, he would have taped this whole scene of the Big Poof getting the receiving end of a verbal beating from his girls and watched repeatedly. Honestly, if he known this was his reward for giving up his life to save the world that day, he would have pranced around The Hellmouth in that bloody amulet, a ring, bracelet, and jeweled crown singing “Henry the Eighth I Am” as the fire burned him from the inside out.

“But it’s not possible.” Angel said.

Spike cocked a eyebrow at him. “One Word Poof. Connor.”

Buffy and Dawn both laughed as Angel hung his head in his hands.

Spike motioned to Dawn. “I think Tall, Dark and Forehead needs another drink.” Spike said.

Angel ran his fingers through his hair.

“And maybe some more of that Nancy Boy hair gel. No telling what he is capable of if his hair doesn’t stick straight up they way he bloody needs it to.”

Angel glared at Spike. Spike sighed shaking his head in pity looking at Angel.

“Let’s make this simple. So even you could understand this. Game Over Liam, I win.”

Chapter 11 - Restitution

The next day Angel awoke on Buffy’s couch. All his muscles ached from having to fit his large frame onto the too small couch. As he sat up, he tried to stretch, and his whole body protested. He had not had this problem as a vampire. Angel heard sounds of laughter coming from the kitchen. He turned and saw Buffy holding her stomach, her face bright red as she gasped for air in between her hiccupped laughs.

Spike was standing there making goofy faces at his baby girl as he did a very good imitation of Adina from “Absolutely Fabulous” calling the crying child ‘Sweetie, Darling’ as she fussed. Buffy caught her breath and sat down tending to their son who was placed in a car seat on the kitchen table.

Finally Joyce stopped crying as Spike nuzzled his cheek against hers inciting a brilliant smile from Buffy. Spike promptly leaned down and delivered his mate a kiss. Buffy removed William from the car seat and placed him in the kitchen’s swing.

Angel’s heart felt like it was shattering into shards. Not only was it due to the scene of domestic bliss happily displayed in front of him, but also in the cruel truth that in the entire time he had known Buffy he had never made her laugh that way, much less look that way. In fact, he had never seen her ever look so happy. She glowed.

Sensing herself being watched, Buffy looked across the room and saw that Angel had awoken.

“Hey Angel. Made coffee,” Buffy offered.

Spike stepped in front of Buffy blocking Angel’s view. “Don’t think it was over kill last night do you Luv?” Spike asked.

Buffy cocked her head to one side looking at Angel’s appearance for a moment and then back up at Spike. “Just enough kill I would say,” Buffy teased.

“Oi, that’s my line,” Spike said pouting.

Buffy jumped out of her seat snuggling next to her Spike.

“Oh pouty, look at that lip. Gonna get it, get it,” she whispered as she captured Spike’s lips with her own.

Spike chuckled. “Stop.” he said with absolutely no conviction.

“Get a room.” Angel groaned.

Dawn popped out of the bathroom. “They got one. Or did you not hear the racket last night,” Dawn said as she shuffled to the kitchen brushing past Spike.

Spike kissed the top of Joyce’s head then moved over to William taking him out of his swing.

Dawn looked seriously at Buffy. “How long is ‘he’ going to stay here?” Dawn muttered motioning to Angel with her eyes.

“We are working on that now.” Buffy said through her teeth as she smiled over at Angel.

Angel stood up and stretched some more. He really needed to get out of here. Last night he did hear the lovers and the ‘racket’ as Dawn so eloquently put it. He thanked The Powers That Be again for his recent humanized state, because if he still had his enhanced vampire hearing he would have torn out his ear drums from all the moaning and groaning he heard. Not to mention the whispered words of love. No, Angel did not want to rethink the mutterings that he did here. He really needed to get out of here.

There was a knock on the door.

“Sure why not everyone else seems to be showing up.” Buffy groaned.

Holding William in one arm, Buffy opened the door and saw Rupert standing there. Upon seeing him, she sighed, slumped her shoulders and looked down fighting an urge to laugh.

“Is this a bad time?” Rupert asked.

Buffy shook her head in the negative stepping aside to let Rupert inside her home. Their home now, she mused.

As he entered the kitchen, Rupert saw Angel standing on the opposite side of the room.

Angel crossed his arms glaring at the retired Watcher. “I can’t thank you enough for your help getting to Rome, Giles,” Angel said.

“Yes, well I had my reasons. But I am here to see Spike.” Rupert said effectively dismissing Angel’s presence.

Angel rolled his eyes. “Not you too.” Again, he was being ignored. Angelus was never ignored.

Upon Rupert’s announcement, Spike handed Joyce to Buffy. Rupert looked over at William now sharing his mum with Joyce surprised that the infant was not wailing at the top of his lungs.

Buffy and Dawn went into the nursery and deposited the twins returning in time to hear Spike address Giles.

“What can I do you for Rupes?”

“Actually Spike it’s what I want to do for you. What I mean to say is what I want to give you.” Rupert said.

Spike leaned against the counter. One could never tell with ol’ Rupes if he was going to give you research or a death sentence from his tone, so he readied himself either way. Always good to be on the ready.

“I made a grave mistake that night. I thought I was doing what was best, but you were right. Buffy had surpassed me. She was a better teacher, a better judge of character than I was. After you died I realized how horrid I had been to you. Besides giving your life to save the world, you had personally saved me on a few instances,” Giles said taking off his glasses.

“I don’t know what you mean Ripper.” Spike quipped amazed he had just received an apology from the Watcher.

The two men chuckled.

“Spare me.” Angel moaned.

“On one occasion you even saved me from him.” Rupert said pointing at Angel, a hint of the Ripper in his tone.

Buffy stood in front of Spike leaning against him as he wrapped his arms around her.

“I was wrong. After we had thought you were dead, I watched Buffy from a distance because after that night with Wood we were never as close as we once had been. All the life had left her. She walked around as if she was waiting to die almost like she was biding her time until she could be with you. Her behavior echoed her lack of, dare I say, Buffiness that she had after Willow brought her out of Heaven. It made me realize that had Wood and I succeeded then I would have been the one that done that to her. Without you at her side, she would have never been able to defeat The First.” Rupert confessed glasses held to his side as he had spoken each word looking directly into Spike’s eyes.

Exhaling a huge breath, she had not realized she had been holding Buffy closed her eyes. “Finally you get it.” she whispered.

Spike kissed the top of Buffy’s head.

“That means a lot to us.” he said.

“However, there is the matter of the twins, and you being a proper father to them.” Rupert said.

Spike felt Buffy tense in his arms. ‘Stupid Wanker, finally made some progress and you ruin it.’ he thought looking over at The Watcher.

“I want to be here for them, for you all of you.” Rupert said pulling out a small velvet box out of his pocket.

“Perhaps this will help.” he said reaching out to hand the box to Spike.

Spike cocked his eye up. “Not that you aren’t a handsome fellow or that I’m not flattered, but I am kind of spoken for mate,” Spike teased.

“Kind of?” Buffy said glaring up at Spike.

“Very spoken for,” he whispered kissing Buffy deeply.

Watching Spike and Buffy sharing an intimate moment would have one time repulsed him, recalling their wish engagement, Rupert smiled now all he could feel was happy. The world had been set to right for his battle scarred Slayer. Hopefully what he had brought would help.

“As I was saying Spike. Please take this.” Rupert said.

Keeping Buffy firmly wrapped in his arms, Spike took the box from him using his right hand. With his left, he opened it and Buffy gasped. So shocked by its contents the box fell from Spike’s grasp fortunately to be caught by Buffy.

“It can’t be.” Buffy said.

Dawn moved closer to the couple and looked over to see what was so shocking. Seeing the contents, she stepped back a little and quipped, “O.k. it’s a little blingy for my taste but what gives?”

After watching Giles’ presentation of the box, Spike becoming speechless, a feat he’d rarely seen accomplished, and the reactions of both Buffy and Dawn, Angel had a good idea of the box’s contents, so he slowly Angel approached the couple. “The Gem Of Amarra,” he stated.

“How did you find it?” Spike asked recovering from his shock.

Rupert crossed his arms, a smirk creeping on his face. “Let’s just say The Ripper paid a visit to an old friend.”

Buffy placed the ring on Spike’s right hand. They looked at each other for a moment before both of them made a beeline for the nursery. Dawn, Rupert and Angel watched as the two parents walked out of the nursery holding their children. As a family, they walked over to the double doors leading to the balcony simultaneously yanking them open allowing sunlight to engulf the previously dark room.

Spike stood there for a moment holding his son. He closed his eyes feeling the sun against his cool skin and then stepped onto the balcony. Buffy’s eyes misted. The sight of her love in the sun holding his son was almost too much for her to bear. Spike sat down on one of the patio chairs motioning for Buffy to come sit on his lap. Buffy positioned herself on him holding Joyce in her arms. She rested her head on Spike’s. Both sat in silence cherishing their perfect moment.

Dawn looked at them then looked back at Angel.

“I really don’t mean to be rude Angel, but look at them. What good could it be for you to stick around and watch this?” Dawn asked gesturing to the happy family.

In response, Angel sighed, and without another word he walked out of the apartment.

Chapter 12 - Letting Loose The Dogs Of War
Written By Wulfie and Starshine :-)

Excitedly Beta’d by Oracleholly

Buffy hurriedly entered the living room of her flat carrying the twins. She had heard the griping and complaining from the foyer announcing the return of the rest of her family from their last minute shopping trip. It was strange really both Joyce and Will had begun laughing and giggling as soon as the others had left. The moaning got louder as she neared the family room, but the sight that greeted her had her wondering if she should be laughing or crying.

Xander sat on the love seat with a gash across his forehead that was still bleeding a bit. Willow sat next to him with her dress partially ripped. On the arm of the seat on Xander’s other side sat Faith nursing what looked like a broken hand. Next to the bar, Giles was wrapping his upper arm while Spike was holding a sling for the elder watcher. Spike himself acquired a black eye and a nasty set of claw marks on his face. Buffy looked at the last two of the group, Andrew and Dawn, who both amazingly seemed to be completely injury free.

"Apocalypse?" Buffy asked the room.

"Bloody hell, worse." Her Mate answered. "Bloody old ladies and their bloody blue hair and bloody canes."

Shocked the senior Slayer looked at her Mate curiously "O.k. first off…over use of the word Bloody…and second, huh???"

"Well Buffy, I guess I must be the one to tell you." Giles walked over towards the rest and assumed his lecture mode, complete with his glasses in his wounded hand.


They stood side by side by side gathered into groups to complete this most perilous of battles. On the far right stood, Dawn and Andrew. Dawn, the Key, the Slayer’s sister, with three apocalypses under her belt, next to Andrew who faced away watching her back, he had only helped avert one apocalypse, but it had been the First Evil, the granddaddy of them all. In the next group stood Faith, Xander and Willow, two of the original Scoobies and the dark Slayer, each prepared for the upcoming battle.

In front of them stood the only ones beside the senior Slayer that had a prayer of leading this band of champions, Rupert Giles, Head of the Watchers Council, Personal Watcher and surrogate father to the longest lived slayer of all time, and William Samuel Kennicot, William the Bloody, Spike, Slayer of Slayers, ‘The Big Bad’, the two looked over there troops with a wary eye, could even these exalted heroes hope to save the day. Spike pulled out his 'weapons bag' and walked down the ramp and began distributing them among the troops.

"American Express?" Dawn asked.

"Bloody right, don’t leave home without it," was the Elder Champion's reply.

The others took their weapons without reply, for it was December 23, and not a day to dawdle. Each group knew their mission, and none would except failure.


"I'll take over our part of the story G-Man." Xander stated.


We were up the stairs at a fast pace; we had done reconnaissance on the stores’ layout on the Internet thanks to Wills preplanning. As we approached the Scooby bedspreads though, we saw a frightening sight. There were only two left, and there were a slew of women moving towards them, so I took a running start and body-blocked the three closest to them giving Wills and Faith an open shot.

Faith saw however that although I had taken out the leaders of the pack, the rest were still advancing towards our target, so she quickly, removed a handle from a nearby push broom, throwing the broom head boomerang fashion to sweep a few of them off their feet, and then began using the handle as a quarter staff to beat back the advancing horde. Willow moved in to grab our objective. Several strays from the pack of locusts had seen mine and Faith's frontal assault as a diversion and used it to sneak around the back of the pack; however, the Willster was prepared.

::Step Away:: The redheaded Witch shouted into their minds.

It created a panic and victory was with the White Hats once again.


"Xander," Buffy said as she tried to keep a straight face, "You are trying to convince me you attacked a bunch of women and children to SAVE a pair of Scooby blankets?" Buffy actually snorted. "Really, how did you get so bruised up?"

The senior Slayer looked over at her sister. "O.k. Dawn, what did you and Andrew have to do?"

Dawn was looking at Xander as if he were insane.

"Well I had pre-purchased our presents, so Andrew and I just picked it up at the front desk."

"Bloody cheaters you two are." Spike mumbled in a stage whisper.

"Quite right." His fellow Englishman added. "And if I may continue with Spike and mine exploits."


"As true Englishman and Champions, the enemy hordes only got our blood pumping, we moved into position with an ease and stealth that showed our training and combat skills, of course like Xander's group our objective was surrounded. So the elder Champion grabbed a buggy from a passing lady and threw it into the thickest concentration of enemy warriors. He then followed it by howling and growling, to further employ fear as a primary weapon. I myself ran straight for the objective and grabbed it, but was quickly surrounded by hordes of older ladies with blue hair and walking canes. They assaulted me, and as my hands were full I could not retaliate. But as any good team, my partner ascertained my danger and rushed to my aid. He grabbed me around the waist, then using his superhuman strength jumped to the top of the aisle which we ran down to hasten our escape."


By this time Buffy didn't try to hide her giggles.

"Yeah right Giles, you two beat up a bunch of defenseless old women."

"Defenseless my bloody white arse, bloody near killed us both."

Buffy was still laughing when she looked over at her sister whose face had been completely drained of color. She then turned to see what her sister was watching.

"And in other news several people were hospitalized today in a riot started at Hamelys by a group of American terrorists." Came from the TV as they showed Spike running a top an aisle carrying Giles.

"OH My GOD!" Buffy just stared at the group in shock, "You people are not allowed out alone, EVER again."

"But B..."

"NO!" She screamed.

"You guys demolished Hamleys for a few presents??!!"

Spike shrugged his shoulders. "The bloke on T.V. said they were the hottest selling items for tiny bits of the season. They are the children of the Slayer…we do have a reputation to uphold." He argued lamely.

Buffy rolled her eyes trying to find some shred of logic in the small group that had gathered in her home. However everyone there seemed to agree with her Mate. With slight horror, she realized her Mate’s madness had spread to her friends even her Watcher the most sensible of the bunch. They had all gone insane

Foisting Will and Joyce onto Dawn and Willow, Buffy stomped out of the room.

Giles looked sympathetically at Spike. "You best figure out a way to soothe her."

Spike rolled his eyes as he pushed himself away from the bar. "I bloody hate Christmas."

Spike made his way into the bedroom quietly shutting the door behind him. He watched as Buffy paced back and forth fuming. His Mate was truly one truly brassed-off slayer.

"You could have gotten yourself killed!! You know it was broad daylight out. Were you even thinking? What if in all your hysterics the ring slipped off?" Buffy screamed throwing a pillow at him.

"OI!" He yelled rubbing at his nose.

"Buffy, Luv..."

"Don't you dare! Don’t you even ‘Luv’ me! Don’t start in with the sweetness routine. I know how you are. This is serious business. The Council is going to have a fit!" Buffy yelled.

Spike crossed the room quickly grabbing Buffy and throwing on her on the bed landing on top of her with a thud. "If you would stop on your bleeding tirade for a minute. I have something to ask you." Spike said.

"What?!" She huffed.

Spike pulled a small object out of his pocket.

Buffy's eyes got wide. "Oh My God..."

Chapter 13 - The Right Mr. Wrong
(Beta by Oracleholly)

Buffy stared at the sparkling item dangling off of Spike’s index finger.

“That’s not what I think it is, is it?” Buffy mumbled.

Spike suddenly felt insecure from her reaction; perhaps this was not what she wanted.

“I thought maybe you would want this, luv. I mean the Claim…it’s part of my world. This is well…part of yours.” Spike muttered.

Buffy smiled through her tears. Softly she whispered, “The Claim is a part of both our worlds. And this I want this more than anything.”

She watched as Spike’s face lit up. He smiled that same cocky smile she had permanently etched in her memory. Any time she felt too alone or that the world was too overwhelming, she would close her eyes and think of him. Giving her that smile.

Staring into his Mate’s eyes, Spike turned serious. He wanted to do this properly.

“Buffy…Luv…once I told you the only thing I have ever been sure of in over one hundred years was you. You remember, you said you didn’t want to be the one. Well, pet, guess you got your wish because now it’s not just you. There are the Bits too. Before you and the Bits, I’d never felt like I really had a place in this bloody world. Not even a destiny. Tried to make one…well take the Big Poof’s but that’s besides the point.”

Closing his eyes, Spike then titled his head back. Bugger, he was bollixing this up! Not only was he rambling, but also did he just have to mention Angel? In his proposal to Buffy? Someone put a stake in him now!

Spike turned his attention back to Buffy. Apparently, during his silent self-flagellation, she had to begun to seriously focus on the ring. Her expression a mix of complete awe and wonder. Her breathing seemed shallow and labored. Seeing his Mate in such a state of disbelief gave him the strength to continue.

“I know we have issues. I know you wonder how I will feel in 30 years…if things will be the same. I want you to know…”

“Spike please… I…”

“Wait let me finish. Buffy…when I close my eyes…when I fall asleep, you’re the last thing I want to see and when I wake, you’re the first I want to lay my eyes on. I know I don’t have much to offer. But I do love you with everything I am. I was just wanted to know…”

“Yes!” Buffy interrupted, eyes brimming with tears.

Spike closed his eyes in frustration. “Bloody hell woman!!! Do you always have to do that??!”

“Do what?” Buffy questioned, sniffling and smiling through her tears.

Spike ranted, “It’s bleeding infuriating every time I start laying it all out there. You get all uncomfortable and cut me off. You always have to go, and…wait…did you say yes?”

Buffy laughed a bit then nodded her head enthusiastically. “Yes…yes I said yes Spike. How could you think for a minute I wouldn’t want this? Silly vampire!”

Spike shrugged his shoulders. For a moment he felt like a right idiot. Her question had merit to it. How could he not believe she would want to marry him? She was his eternally because of their Claim. Still a part of him remained, and that tiny part of the ole insecure William and unlucky at love Spike that lingered had taken over for a moment putting all his fears front and center.

Everything logical told him, no screamed at him, that he was wrong for her. She was The Slayer, not only a Vampire Slayer but also the oldest surviving one ever. He was her natural enemy. Killer of two of her kind. The Council’s most documented vampire besides Dracula. If she were to refer to The Slayer journals or even the Watcher Chronicles and look up ‘wrong to be bound to eternity with’ his picture would be smirking back at her.

He was definitely Mr. Wrong.

And yet when he stared into her eyes drowning in their depths or when he listened to her laugh in a way only he could make her laugh. Or when she would get so riled up and angry with him that she would let loose on him in the way she never could with another. Or when he could make her shiver as they made love, or when she would lie next to him so loving and trusting, so peaceful in his arms. Or how she would look at him with love in those eyes of hers as she was doing so now.

He never felt so right in his entire existence.

Smiling through his tears, Spike kissed her on the lips pouring into his kisses all of those feelings of ‘rightness’.

“By the way, I cut you off because anything you said would not have compared to the first time you asked me to marry you.” Buffy explained.

“Under Red’s spell??” Spike questioned, eyebrow raised.

Buffy nodded with a half-smile, “When I thought you were dead, I used to think about that moment all the time. The look you had in your eyes. How happy you were when you heard me say yes.”

Spike kissed her again gently as he slipped the ring on her finger.

“Just say yes, and make me the happiest man on earth.” Spike whispered staring into her emerald eyes.

Buffy smiled kissing her mate.

“Oh Spike, of course it’s yes!”

Chapter 14 - In Dreams
(Beta by Oracleholly)

Spike found himself running through Piccadilly Circus. Sod it all, he hated when Joycie did this. She was so rash impulsive. Something her mother constantly harped at him about. Joycie’s impulsive streak happened to be their biggest point of contention about their children. Neither of them would fess up from whom exactly Joycie got her chutzpah. Grand-Da Rupert knew better than to get involved as his personal opinion was the both of them were equally to blame for the eleven-year old’s temperament.

Spike skidded to a halt on the street, traffic still whirling past him.

“Eleven?? Joycie isn’t eleven-years old…no, she’s eleven months in a few days!”

Spike closed his eyes. “Oh Bloody Hell I’m dreaming!!” He screamed.

He watched as people stared at him avoiding the strange, screaming man whilst they pass. Spike looked down at his hand. No Gem of Amarra and there’s sunlight.

“Why am I not frying to a crisp?” He said to himself.

Another onlooker who happened to pass by at that exact moment gave him a funny look.

“Hey, it’s my dream I can yell as bleeding loud as I bloody well want to.” Spike snarled causing said onlooker to jump away frightened and hurriedly make his way down the street.

Suddenly he heard Buffy’s voice somewhere from the heavens. “Spike! Stop jabbering to yourself and find our daughter!!”

Spike looked up toward the sky. “All right, Slayer! Give a Bloke a second to adjust here.” He groaned. His bloody wife nagging at him again! Closing his eyes, tilting his head, and biting his bottom lip, he paused to collect himself.

“Well this is your dream, and for some reason our eleven year old is out there running amuck all over London. And you have me here waiting at home like some 50’s housewife, so get your ass in gear and find her!” Buffy’s voice screamed.

Spike let out an exasperated sigh. Knowing it was best not to argue, he yelled back, “On my way!”

Spike continued to make his way down the street trying to track his wayward pre-teen.

His acute vampire hearing zoned in on the distinct sound of vampire’s getting dusted. He ran around the corner and into a local demon pub.

Spike he shifted into game face then quickly shifted back as he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight before him.

There standing on a stool, was a pint size version of his wife holding a stake surrounded in vampire dust. She had the barman by the scruff of his neck. Looking down at him in a menacing fashion.


Joyce cringed at the sound of her entire name being screamed at her. Still with barkeep in hand, she turned and looked at her father. Instantly she dropped the stake and the barman and tried to plaster the most angelic countenance she could muster.

Spike was to his daughter in three long strides picking her up off the stool and setting her on the floor. Towering above her, he growled, “What have we told you about running off??!”

Apparently they have had this problem with Joyce before from the way his dream self was acting.

Joyce looked down, shuffling her feet, and playing with her hands. Satisfied for the moment that she was looking sufficiently sorry-at least that she had been caught, Spike looked at the barkeep who at the moment was sighing in relief.

“Sorry Mate.” He said looking at the mess around them. And what a mess it was with the overturned stools, broken tables, vampire dust, and spilled alcohol.

The barman felt the need to interject his ire, “I cannot have the reputation of being a pub that is known for vamp dusting times are hard enough. Besides it’s not their fault your daughter’s a sore loser and a cheater at Poker.”

Spike glared at Joyce, yellow flashing in his eyes.

“You were playing Poker in a demon pub!!! Joycie what have I told you about that!” Spike snarled.

Apparently this was yet another disciplining conversation they have had.

Joyce wrung her hands and looked to the floor kicking the vamp dust at her feet. “Never to do it,” she whispered.

“That’s right,” he said using his best parental voice.

“Without you watching my back.” She finished, a slight smirk fixed on her face that mirrored one of his best.

Spike’s eyes shot open. Bloody Hell!

“Let’s go home Bit you’re mother is going to have a fit.” Spike mumbled. Taking his wayward daughter by her hand, they began to walk out of the pub.

“Hey Slayer!” The barman called out, “Hold up.”

He walked over to Spike and handed him Joyce’s stake.

Spike blinked. “Did you just call me Slayer?”

The barman just rolled his eyes as if he had just asked a stupid question, “Yes, you and the maxi version of the bint are the Slayers and dear old Grand Da is your Watcher. We got it. You and the Mrs. have drilled it into the heads of the demon community for years now.”

Then the barman yelped out in pain holding his ankle.

Spike looked down just in time to see his daughter’s leg swing back from the kick she had given the barman.

“Don’t call me a Bint!” she yelled, face flushed with anger.

Spike groaned dragging his daughter out of the pub.


After a very amusing drive home in what started as a fashionable sports car but in the interim turned into an ice cream truck than a double decker bus, they arrived home or what Spike thought to be home. He was not sure…the road was really long and at times it had changed from a yellow brick road to a cobble-stoned one.

Damn dream!! He moaned.

Finally he opened the door ushering his young daughter inside.

Standing there in the living room awaiting their arrival with her hands on her hips was a very irate Buffy. A rather large diamond sparkled on her right hand as her eyes flickered yellow.


Joyce glanced up at her father with frightened eyes.

“Yellow eyes and two whole names in one day. I’m bollixed,” she mumbled.

Spike tried to stifle his laughter.

“Do not encourage her!” Buffy warned turning her eyes to him.

Spike held out his hands indicating to his wife that he was not going to interfere with the girl’s verbal lashing.

“Come on Da help a girl out,” Joyce pleaded.

Spike knew by the look on her face that he had acted as a mediator between his daughter and his wife before.

“Sorry Pet you are on your own,” Spike whispered staring at Buffy trying to turn on all his charm, so her wrath would not find it’s way over to him.

“Leave it to you Da to have a dream where I’m about to take a beating and leave me high and dry,” Joyce muttered.

“You were supposed to wait outside with your brother for your Uncle Xander to pick you up. It’s Tuesday…you know how busy Tuesday are for me and your father. We have training and the Watcher’s briefing to go to.” Buffy started in on her lecture.

“But Ma, it’ also two for one drink day at Malone’ all the high rollers were out,” Joyce argued.

“YOU WERE AT MALONE’S??!!” Buffy screamed, hands balling into fists.

Joyce bit her bottom lip.

“Ah, right you didn’t know that did you?” she whispered realizing she had given herself away.

Just then an eleven-year old boy walked into the room. Spike watched him with fascination, as the boy was the carbon copy version of himself at that age. The eleven-year old looked at his sister and shook his head rolling his eyes.

He looked up at his mother his face beaming with love. Buffy softened for a moment when her son looked up at her.

Spike chuckled. The Bloke’s a Mama’s boy. No surprise there. Even in her angered state his Buffy was still the most gorgeous thing he had ever laid eyes on. He could not blame his son. He was a Mama’s boy too after all.

“Mum she’s finished her school work,” William announced walking across the room, “Hi Da,” smiling up at Spike he hugged his father.

“Lo’ Will.” Spike said.

William walked into the kitchen, took a glass and poured milk into it.

Spike sat down listening to his oldest child and her mother go round and round.

Suddenly the door opened up. A tiny version of Dawn came barreling out of the room.

“That makes sense can’t ever think of The Nibblet being all grown up…I guess in this dream she’s nine. But why is her hair Auburn?? He watched with amusement as Tiny Dawn looked first at Buffy and Joyce then proceeded to climb up onto his lap.

“You found her Daddy. I knew you would,” she said throwing her arms around Spike.

“Course I did Luv, and what has my little Erin been up to today?” he asked the little girl.


She just called him Daddy!

He just called her Erin!

That must mean she’s not Dawn!

William stood next to Spike’s chair and handed the girl a glass of milk. She took at and sipped it. A cute milk mustache formed on her upper lips.

“She finished all her schoolwork Da. Erin said you promised her you would teach her a choke hold if she did.” William explained, “And I told her if she drank that whole glass of milk I would help her with her book report. I did…so drink up for your big brother, Erin.”

Erin smiled adoringly at Will taking another gulp of her milk.

He stared back at the girl in front of him. Daddy?? Big Brother??

“Daddy what’s wrong?” she asked.

Spike bolted up in his sleep gasping.

“What’s wrong?” he heard again.

Spike turned finding himself in bed and saw Buffy sitting up. She rubbed the small on his back trying to soothe her mate.

Buffy touched his cheek and repeated her question.

“Spike what’s wrong?” she asked.

Spike closed his eyes. Then turned Buffy on her back gently pressing his ear to her stomach. His eyes shot wide open.

“Um Buffy, Luv I think we should talk….”

The End

A/N: I know you think I am being cruel but trust me there is a pleasant surprise on the way as well as one tiny ficlet. So please as Spike once asked Buffy. “Do you trust me??” LOL

Read the ficlet after the dream “Revenge, Revelations, and Rapture
