Will's Papa 3
by Redwulf50

Little Slayer
Written for Bubble Blunder's Birthday

Toni was incensed. Who the hell did he think he was? He wasn't a man; he was only twelve years old. She fully intended to humiliate him once again. Oh, she had felt guilty after the first time, but now? Now, she might take his belt off and spank him with it. Serve him right for thinking he was equal to a slayer.

"You mean I get to spank you in front of your whole family?" Toni asked the grinning William. She heard a few snorts from behind her.

"Luv, if you can beat me, I'll give you the money to take your friends to any restaurant in town." William's smirk was pissing her off.

"William the 'Dowdy' thinks he can take a slayer?" She laughed at him. "Well 'Will'', like most women I prefer expensive... French. So I guess my friends and I eat well tonight."

"You have friends?" She heard Erin yell from behind her, but ignored her.

Toni attacked quickly with a series of Tai Kwon Do punches. Will blocked each of him. Of course, he was supposed to, but the way he was doing it pissed her off. He was almost negligent with it. She spun quickly into a spinning heel kick, but he wasn't there. And then she felt it.


The freakin’ asshole had slapped her ass! Adding insult to injury, he then tripped her.

Toni hit the ground with a thud. Scrambling to her feet, her eyes glowed with anger as she charged him, a doubled fist leading the way. William slapped it away with one hand and grabbed it with the other. Twisting her body into his, he pulled her back flush with his chest and imprisoning her arms in front of her before reaching down and licking her neck.

“EWWW!” Toni squawked indignantly.

“I hope her rabies shots are up to date,” Erin snarked. Faith shushed her, fighting to hide her own smile.

"First point to 'dowdy'', Will told her with a grin. He swept her legs out from under her and skipped nimbly away.

Enraged, Toni charged him once more. Remembering the cart wheel kick Will's own mother was known for, she moved into it. Her execution was flawless, but once again she made no contact. God, he was quick! As soon as her feet were planted firmly on the floor, he popped up behind her.


He smacked her hard on her butt again!

"Nice arse, luv,” he told her, keeping his voice deliberately low so the crowd couldn’t hear him. The same maddening smirk his father was renowned for curved his lips.

She didn't like that smirk!

Deciding she needed to regain control if she was going to beat him, the young slayer began the breathing exercises she had been taught in an effort to clear her mind. She was a teenager; nearly fourteen, and at the top of her class. He was only twelve. He was not cute. He was still a BOY, and she soooo wasn't attracted to him. As her mind cleared, she smirked at him and began the most complex series of moves she had yet been taught, every move was flawless and she slowly drove Will across the floor until she had him cornered. Then, her fist gripped as if she held a stake in it, she moved in for the kill.

But he wasn't there.

Once again, he seemed to materialize behind her. Another hard shove and she hit her knees before him. He knelt behind her, gripping her long hair and hauling her back to him. "Nice doggie,” he snickered and gently bit her neck.

Toni was mortified. Even at her age, she new what doggie meant when they were in THAT position. "Ohhhh! Fine! You win,” she hissed at him, her cheeks aflame.

As she stomped her way across the room to the door it seemed every Slayer there was talking about William. The things they were saying pissed her off, all of them ooh-ing and ahh-ing over his pretty face and his gorgeous smile.

"He is not a piece of meat!" she growled out at the room.

Buffy heard the young slayers and it was pissing her off as well, but when she heard Toni's words her jaw dropped and she looked over at her smirking mate.

//Luv, she doesn't remind you of Will's Mum at all, does she?//

