Will's Papa 5
by Redwulf

Will's Mama
Beta by Spikeslovebite

Buffy looked around the big table at her nearest and dearest. Spike sat beside her, of course, with Dawn and Andrew next to him. Across the table, Willow and Xander flanked their mate, Faith. Joy and Erin were sprawled on the floor doing their homework.

"Do any of you know what I saw this morning?" Buffy growled. Not giving anyone the chance to answer, she continued. "That little redneck tramp was feeding William fudge."

"You mean that stuff that’s not quite a brownie and not quite a candy bar?" Xander asked. "And you didn't invite her to the meeting?"

The look Buffy shot him was enough to eat the paint off her brand new Aston Martin. "What part of redneck tramp didn't you get, Xander?"

"But we accepted Spike and HE didn't bring sugary goodness.”

Buffy moved quickly towards Xander, only to be hauled back into her mate’s chest before she could do any serious damage to her now former friend. A panicked Xander tried to slide under Faith for protection, but the brunette shoved him away.

“Uh-uh, buddy. You piss her off; you’re on your own.”

Spike eyed his friend. "You mean if I’d bribed you lot with fudge back in the old days...”

"Oh, hell yeah, bleach boy! You woulda been in like Flynn,” Xander answered him, casting a wary glance at the slayer. "I would have begged Buffy for ya."

“For fudge?” the blonde vampire demanded.

Andrew gave an all-over shiver of delight. “Fudge is like sex, only, without the messy wet spot,” he spouted with a dreamy smile.

"Getting back to the point,” Buffy ground out over a chorus of ‘ewww’s’ and ‘TMI Andrew!’. "We have a situation here, people!"

"Yeah, Will's dating Toni,” Joy piped up from the floor.

"He's twelve! He isn't allowed to date!" Buffy cried, trying to quell her eldest with the evil eye. "If I have to, I'll lock him in his room."

"Oh, yeah, like that'll work,” Joy snickered at her mom.

"I thought you hated her?"

"Not hate, so much,” Joy answered. "She's one of my best friends, but when she hurt Will it really pissed me off."

"And she will do it again,” Buffy informed her triumphantly. Joy gave her mom the patented Summers hairy eyeball and went back to her math.

"Mum, she screwed up. She even said she was sorry,” Erin offered. "And, honestly? She’s way better than the other choices. The rest of the girls want to do naughty things to him because he’s so…pretty." Her screwed face up in disgust.

“He is a good lookin’ lad,” Spike whispered across the table to Xander. “Gets it from his papa, of course.”

“Oh, of course,” Xander agreed before muffling a coughed *bullshit* behind his fist.

"Anyone else want to turn traitor?" Buffy asked ignoring her daughters’ snickers. "Dawn?"

"Yeah, I sat up their first date,” Dawn answered her sister, completely unafraid of the other Summers woman.

"I helped,” Andrew squeaked bravely, looking more like the scared kid they had first met than the Council's head researcher.

“Um…” Willow raised her hand nervously. “I just want to go on record as saying that I haven’t done anything to help. Not even for fudge. Nope, not me. No helping the little redneck tramp from Willow!” the powerful witch babbled.

"Listen B, if she hurts him...” Faith began in an attempt to reason with her incensed sister slayer. She wondered idly when Buffy had last had her blood pressure checked.

"WHEN,” Buffy cut her off. "WHEN the tramp hurts him, I want you all to remember this day." Buffy gave every member of the group the cold dead eye, including her mate, before stalking out of the room.

"Oh, God,” Dawn muttered, looking over at Spike. “Projecting much?"

"Bloody hell, yeah," he said with a grin.

The End??
