Will's Papa 5
by Redwulf

Will's Girl
Beta by Spikeslovebite

Recap: The Iniative Has Will. Several Years Later

"You girls aren't going,” Spike said to the three teenaged girls in a barely controlled voice.

"They have Will,” his eldest ground out through clenched teeth.

"Yeah, and I'm not risking the three of you."

"He's MINE." Toni Du Bois' eyes flashed golden.

Spike shot a quick glance at his wife. She had never cared much for Toni, but this time, even she seemed to agree. No help from that quarter. Bloody contrary women.

It was bad enough that he felt his own demon agreeing with the chit. Over the last four years the girl and his son had become inseparable. Will clearly adored the girl, and she was mad about him. Spike knew that in the past year they had become lovers, but much to his and Buffy’s relief, they had agreed to wait until they were eighteen to claim each other as mates. Still, they shared a bond and he could understand the girl's need to help get him back.

Ignoring her mates pleading looks, Buffy was getting the last of her combat gear together. Since she found out the new Initiative had her son, her own demon was close to taking over. Fucking Riley Finn! She wanted to hold the enormous hall monitor down while her almost daughter punched holes in his chest.

"Toni, luv?" Spike grabbed her as she stormed past him and whipped her around. "What am I supposed to say to Will if I get you killed?" he demanded.

Toni's pale complexion mottled with anger, glaring proof that redheads really do have truly nasty tempers.

‘Damn, Spike, that was a dirty trick!’ Buffy thought. It was a low blow, even for him, but she knew he was ruthless when it came to the kids’ safety. And Spike had accepted Toni as his future daughter even before her first date with Will.

Even before Toni started growling, Buffy was making motions behind Spike's back to get the girls’ attention. ‘Three planes,’ she mouthed silently at them, holding up triple digits. ‘Three.’

She and Spike would be on the first to leave the girl's only had to sneak on the last and by the time Spike found them out, they would all be in Bolivia. Once there, he would have no chance of keeping them from helping.

Erin and Joy nodded immediately, but it took Toni a second to calm down enough for the message to register. Was Buffy actually encouraging them to stow away on one of the planes?

Judging by her pointed look and frantic gesturing behind the vampires back, she was.

Toni hid her amazement at the fact that the Senior Slayer was willing to help her. Buffy had made no secret over the past four years that she was looking forward to Will 'outgrowing' Toni. To be accepted now was the only thing that helped her regain control.

She shook off Spike’s restraining hands and turned to Will’s mother. Her short, jerky nod belied the look of gratitude in her eyes.

"FINE!" Joy snarled at her father. This was an old game for the feminine contingent of the Summers-Kenticot clan, and she and Erin played their parts with skilled finesse. The girls grabbed Toni and made as if to drag her away. Once they were out of sight, they immediately broke into a run and headed straight for their rooms.

Grabbing only what was necessary to a mission of such magnitude; they slipped out a side door and melted into the night.


21 hours later- a top secret military base in Bolivia

Toni had been too late. The briskoth demons had held her up only seconds too long . She had burst through the door just as the portals opened and swallowed the closest thing to a family- besides her sisters- that she had left. She stood in the center of the room, looking around her as several portals opened and closed. The Summers-Kenticott clan was already lost to her. Tears she had held back since Will had been captured ran freely down her face now.

"Toni!" Willow yelled from the doorway. "Don't move. Those are time portals. If you fall in one, there is no way of knowing where you might wind up."

"Is Will through there?" Toni asked finding hope.

"Toni, we have no idea which one he might be in,” Willow warned. Not noticing the younger girl's calculating expression, she looked back as Faith and Xander came running up.

Toni smiled through her tears and completely disregarded the witch’s advice. "By the Power of Greyskull!" she yelled as she dove through the closest portal.

"Umm, Wills, please tell me we planned that?" Xander asked looking around the now empty room.

End of Will's Papa :P
