Forever Again

by SpikesKat


“Hey sweetcakes, we need to talk... Hey sweetcakes, we need to talk... Hey sweetcakes, we need to talk...” 

Like a mantra, it echoed over and over in Buffy’s brain.  The green-skinned demon – Lorne – had pulled her aside as all around her, her friends had laughed and sang, just generally having a good time.  She’d kissed Spike’s cheek and gave him a smile as she’d slipped away from him to listen to what the demon had to say. 

Now, alone in the conference room, she couldn’t prevent the trembling running its course through her body.  She needed Spike – he’d take away the sudden chill pervading her being.  It wasn’t the cold of the empty room that bothered her; rather, it was the ominous warnings of the demon that had left her alone to deal with the aftermath of his prophetic words.  She thought, yet again, that she needed Spike, needed the comfort of her lover, her mate, her Sire.  He’d make it all better…at least for a little while. 

Until the words became reality and hell came to Los Angeles. 

One minute she was alone with her thoughts as she stared out the protective windows at the setting sun, the desolation of what was to come nearly overwhelming her, then cool hands slipped around her waist…pulling her back into the comforting embrace of her lover.  Spike. 

She relaxed into him, allowing him to take some of the burden from her slight shoulders. 

“What is it, luv?” he whispered in her ear. 

Buffy just shook her head, unwilling to impart the details of her conversation.  Lorne had warned her, to say anything now might affect the outcome – and dear God, it was the last thing she wanted.  So, she just snuggled closer to him, silently begging for him to just hold her close. 

He complied, turning her in his arms so that her head rested against his chest; her arms slipped around his back holding him close even as his settled around her shoulders. 

“’S ok, baby.  I’ve got you.  Won’t let anything happen to you,” he murmured, soothing his mate as best he could. 

The conference door banged open announcing Dawn’s presence. 

“There you are!  Come on…you gotta see this.  Angel’s about to sing!” 

“He lose a bet, Niblet?” Spike asked as he lifted his chin from the top of Buffy’s head. 

“Something like that… Come on!  You guys can make with the smoochies anytime.”  She affected a pout and he chuckled in response. 

He glanced down at the Slayer, fingers slipped beneath her chin to raise her face to meet his gaze. 

“Ok now?” 

She nodded, giving him a wobbly smile. A quick kiss to his lips, then she pasted on a brighter smile for her sister before slipping from his embrace and starting towards the door.  Spike watched her for a moment before following – noticed the tension radiating from her body.  She’d have to do better than that if she was going to fool the others into thinking that everything was fine. 

Spike kept an eye on her throughout the remainder of the night.  No one seemed to notice her preoccupation – not even her Watcher, which surprised the vampire – except for Angel, but then Angel also had a slight advantage over the others in that he was also tied, however loosely, to Buffy by blood.  He caught his grandsire watching her, a frown marring his normally broody disposition, before he turned questioning eyes to him.  A slight shake of Spike’s head indicated to the other that they’d discuss it some other time – that Buffy had yet to share what it was that had spoiled her good cheer. 

Angel nodded back. 

It would wait. 

For now. 


Buffy, for her part, tried to push it away – not let the warning affect their holiday in L.A.  Besides, there was nothing she could do at the moment.  She had a little time yet…not much.  But still.  Nothing that couldn’t wait until they’d returned to Rome. 

Right now, she wanted to enjoy the company of her friends and family.  She’d worry about protecting them once she got back. 

Her eyes darted to where the tall, lanky Texan girl sat next to her former Watcher, Wes.  He’d changed since she’d seen him last.  Gone was the innocence of youth.  His eyes hid secrets…and pain.  But, the girl – Fred – she seemed to be bringing a little light back into his eyes.  She’d have to start with her first.  Buffy refused to lose any more family members before their time.  The LA crew wasn’t hers, per se, but Angel thought of them as his…so, through him, they now belonged to her as well. 

And she vowed that they’d all live to a ripe old age, with children and grandchildren running about their feet. 

It was the least she could do. 

The demon was wrong.  She would save them.   

She was the Chosen One. 


They stayed in Los Angeles through the New Year. Then, one by one, the group broke apart, returning to their homes.  Giles was the first to go, citing his need to return to the Council. Willow followed next.  Then, Xander and his fiancé Alaine left. 

Soon it was time for Buffy, Spike, Dawn and the others to leave.  The goodbyes were heartfelt with promises to get together soon.  Buffy waved to Angel’s friends, but couldn’t resist a final warning.  Grabbing Fred’s hand, she pulled the other girl off to the side.   

Her voice low so others wouldn’t overhear, Buffy whispered, “Stay away from Knox.” 

“Huh?”  Puzzlement marred the girl’s features. 

“Knox, the guy in your department.  Don’t trust him…trust the Watcher.  Just…don’t be alone with Knox.  Ok?” 

“Uh…ok.  And, Wesley?” 

“Oh yeah…he’s got it bad.  Put him out of his misery already.” 

Fred blushed but didn’t say anything.  Buffy turned and walked away.  It was time to go.  She glanced back once, indicating to Fred with a tilt of her head towards the Watcher, and mouthing, “Don’t forget.” 

Fred nodded. 

It was a start. 


“What was that about, pet?” he asked, arching a brow. 

“Nothing.  Girl talk.  We better get going,” she told him, changing the subject.  He snorted at that answer, knowing instinctively that she was lying, but let himself be led away.  She clearly didn’t want to talk about it now, but that wasn’t to say they wouldn’t be having a full-blown discussion once they were away. 

All too soon they were at the airport, standing around in Wolfram & Hart’s hangar while the jet was prepared for takeoff.  Dawn and the other girls were already inside, leaving just Buffy, Spike, and Angel alone. 

“It was good seeing you…both of you,” Angel told them.  “You’re welcome to come by anytime.  Just call me and I’ll have the jet fueled and on it’s way before you can say LA.” 

“Thanks, Angel,” Buffy said.  “It was good…seeing you again.”  She gave him a quick hug, brushed her lips across his cheek, then turned and climbed the stairs to take her seat – sensing the two had things to say to each other and would rather do so without her present. 

“She tell you,” Angel began once he knew she was out of earshot. 

“No.  You see that bit with Fred?” 

“Yeah.  Any clue?” 

“No.  You?” 


Spike frowned.  Angel brooded.  Neither liked it. 


“I know.” 


“Let me know what she tells you.  Why do I feel like the disaster we averted in Rome wasn’t the end?” 

“Because it never is.” 

In a rare show of affection, Angel lifted his hand and cupped his childe’s jaw.  “William.  It will be ok.  Trust your instincts.  Trust the Slayer.  And, if you need me for anything, I’m only a phone call away.” 

Spike looked into the eyes of his grandsire and nearly wept at the emotion shimmering there.  He nodded, unable to speak.  They embraced briefly, then Angel let go and stepped back so Spike could board the jet to take him home.  His hand lifted in farewell before he turned and walked away.  He hated goodbyes. 


“Well, you’re not Hoover scraps so that means you two didn’t come to blows.  Everything alright between you two now?” 

“Ha bloody ha, Slayer,” he snarked.  He gripped her hand and pulled her to her feet, taking her place and yanking her down onto his lap.  Nuzzling her neck he murmured, “How did you know?” 

“We’re family.” 

“Still doesn’t mean I like him.” 

“I know, baby.” His grip tightened as he mock-punished her for sassing him.  Truth was, he loved her interference.  She’d managed to subtly bridge the gap between the two, and for that, Spike was secretly grateful. 

Two hours into their flight, Buffy was starting to get hungry.  In all the confusion, teary goodbyes and warnings, she’d forgotten to feed before leaving Angel’s place.  She pushed away from Spike’s chest and moved to stand so she could head to the refrigerator to see about getting some blood. 

Opening the fridge, she eyed the human packets with a bit of frustration – since her episode back in Rome when her vampire demon had completely overshadowed the Slayer’s, she’d stayed away from the temptation of human blood, settling for either Spike’s or whatever animals he managed to get from the butcher.  With a frown, she shut the door and plopped back down in Spike’s lap. 

“What ‘sa matter, Slayer?” 

“Only human blood stocked,” she mumbled. 

“Well, c’mere then.” 

“No,” she told him, shaking her head as she glanced at the others.  “I can wait.  I’ll just take a nap.” 

Buffy napped fitfully, the growing hunger pangs keeping her from resting deeply, so that when they finally landed in Rome, she was overtired and ravenous.  When she and Spike were finally alone in the car, he took one hand off the wheel and thrust his arm at her with a sharp, “Take a little to take the edge off.” 

Grateful, she took his hand – greedily sinking her fangs into his wrist, sighing in pleasure as his Sire’s blood slid down her throat.  Just two quick pulls and then she stopped, licking the marks closed.  


“No problem, pet.  Although, I don’t know why you didn’t just drink the stuff on the plane.” 

“I told you…I don’t want…don’t want to lose control like that again.” 

“It’s ok, baby.  I won’t let you hurt anyone…promise.” 

“I know…it’s just…I don’t want to take the chance.  If something were to happen to them…and that something was me…I just…I’d never forgive myself.”

They pulled to a stop in front of their building.  He cut the engine and turned to her. 

“Nothing’s gonna happen, luv.  Ok?” 

He glanced in the rearview mirror as two sets of headlights pulled in behind him.  Dawn and Angelina had just pulled up. 

“Come on, the others are here.  Let’s get our stuff and get some sleep.” 


Buffy was so tired she did nothing more than purr contentedly when Spike pulled her close as they slipped beneath the covers.  She ignored the hunger gnawing at her stomach – they’d have to have Dawnie make a run first thing in the morning to get some fresh blood from the butcher’s.  Closing her eyes, she slept fitfully through the night.  Spike rubbed his hand up and down her arm to help lull her to sleep, until he too, finally gave in to his exhaustion and jetlag. 

He woke before she did, sending the Niblet off with some money to restock the fridge while he made a quick call to the Watcher to let him know they’d arrived home safely.  He heard Dawn return about a half hour later and left the office to heat himself a mug.  The Niblet – bless her heart – already had a cup in the microwave and it dinged just as he walked into the kitchen.  She put the remaining supply on the top shelf of the refrigerator, then grabbed pen and paper and made an extensive grocery list.  Telling Spike she’d be back later this afternoon, she snagged purse and car keys and left to do some shopping. 

Hearing the Slayers stir and make their way to the third floor, Spike quickly finished his mug and rinsed it out in the sink – one too many complaints from his Bit about the stains caused him to make doubly sure it was completely cleaned out.  He’d made it to the top of the stairs when their voices rang out. 

“We know you’re there!” 

Their singsong voices brought a smile to his lips.  They were learning fast, his li’l Slayers. 


Buffy awoke with an intense hunger stealing through her body.  Not since she’d been turned had she felt such a deep longing to feed, to gorge herself to slake the pain the hunger had produced.  She stilled, her senses stretched outward as she searched for a meal. 

Slayers.  Ten of them.  On the floor above her.  Her mate was there.  Maybe holding breakfast for her?  She licked her lips in anticipation and surprised herself when she nicked her tongue on one of her fangs.  She must be really hungry to awaken with ridges and fangs prominent… 

No matter.  After the blood of a few Slayers’ coursed through her veins, she’d have no trouble retaining her human disguise. 

She slipped from bed, intent on her meal – pausing briefly to slip shirt and pants on over her naked frame. 


He knew something was wrong the second she reached the top of the stairs.  With a harsh shout, he drew the Slayers behind him in a protective gesture.  Then he waited. 

The door opened, and he caught his breath as she leaned against the frame.  Buffy as a human rocked his socks.  But Buffy as a true vampire did things to him that called to his own demon.  Lust surged through him at the sight of her.  He shook himself and concentrated as she sashayed into the room. 

“Hello, lover.  Save me some breakfast?” 

“Buffy,” he warned, growling.  “No.  They’re not for eating, now fight it.” 

“I’m hungry,” she whined prettily.  “Please, Sire?” 


Her bottom lip affected a pout. 

“I said no.  Now, let’s go downstairs and get you something from the fridge.” 

Even as he said it, he braced himself for her attack.  Bloodlust was swimming in her eyes and it would take nothing short of a brawl before he’d be able to haul her out of the room and away from temptation.  He was deeply grateful his girls stood unmoving behind him, allowing him to handle the situation. 

She moved in a blur, and it was only because Spike was prepared for her that he was able to wrap his arms around her waist as she attempted to fly past him.  Denied her meal, she turned on him, fangs and claws digging into him until he was forced to subdue her…and her demon. 

Gripping Buffy securely, he ordered the others to leave and had them shut the door on their way out.  Finally alone with her, and certain of the others’ safety, he threw Buffy off of him and against the far wall.  The impact barely fazed her – the need for blood was overwhelming for his childe and she wouldn’t stop until her hunger had been satisfied. 

She launched herself at him, too far gone to realize she was attacking her mate and sire.  Spike toyed with her a bit to wear her out some, he really didn’t want to have to drain her near dry like the last time so the demon would be forced to retreat.  He could cheerfully live the next thousand centuries without having a repeat of that night, thank you very much. 

He watched as she got more and more angry, and steadily more and more tired as she put all her power into trying to land a punch.  Her anger was having a direct influence on her fighting…she was sloppy, and if it had been anyone else, she would have been taken out long before now.  Spike figured she got her wisdom in fighting from her Slayer’s demon.  Her vampiric demon needed to learn a little control. And patience. 

Lack of blood and the exertion from the one-sided battle finally caused her to fall to her knees, too weary to continue.  He waited a moment to see if she was trying to lull him into complacency, but her heavy breathing – completely unneeded – indicated that she was slowly gaining control…even if she was still hungry. 

“Buffy?” he questioned softly, crouching down in front of her. 

Her head was bowed as she gulped in deep breaths.  He called her name again and watched warily as she lifted her head to gaze into his amber-colored eyes.  


“Yeah, pet?” 

“I’m hungry.” 

“I know you are, baby.  C’mere.” 

She went willingly into his outstretched arms, lying back on the ground so she could stretch out on top of him.  Staring down at his exposed neck, she licked lips, then yelped when she cut her tongue again.  Her hands came up to touch her face, confused as to why she’d vamped. 

Spike stilled beneath her as she realized what had happened.  Ridges and fangs slid away as she gazed at him with luminous hazel eyes. 

“I did it again, didn’t I?” 

Beneath her, Spike just nodded. 

“Oh God!” 

She moved to scramble off of him, but he was too fast for her. 

“Hey!  Buffy…it’s ok.  Shhhh….” he soothed as he pulled her down to him.  She cried then, feeling as if she’d somehow failed him. 

“Sorry…so sorry…” she mumbled over and over again through her tears. 

“’S ok, baby.” 

After awhile, she finally stopped crying and Spike urged her to look at him. 

“It wasn’t you, Buffy.  You were overtired and hungry and your vampire demon momentarily overpowered the Slayer in you to quench the hunger.  But, you beat it, baby.” 

She shook her head at him. 


Spike urged her to lay her head back down on his shoulder.  She needed to feed – even if the thought of it right now sickened her – and the temptation of his neck would be too great for her to resist.  He waited for her to strike, and she completely surprised him when she asked. 

“Drink, Childe,” he told her, tilting his head to allow her easier access.  His eyes closed in blissful contentment when he felt her fangs finally pierce his skin.
