Banner by Vampkiss

Chapter 61

The quick peek Giles got of the nondescript brick building before he was gestured forward gave no clue as to where he and Joyce had been taken.  Shifting his burden carefully in his arms, he followed behind Doyle to the side door situated in the shaded alley. 

‘Doesn’t look that impenetrable,’ Giles thought with a snort of disgust.  The door opened inward, just before they reached it, and the watcher had to swallow his nervousness before stepping inside the darkened interior.   

“Hello, Angelina,” the half-breed greeted in the semi-darkness of the entryway, shutting the door behind them once Giles stepped through.  Outside, Bob returned to the car and drove off. 

“Doyle.”  At his quirked brow at her appearance, she smiled, Cheshire-like, explaining, “They figured I would be less intimidating than Alric or Marcus.”  She stared at Buffy’s mother passed out in the watcher’s arms and frowned.  “What’s wrong with her?” 

Giles cleared his throat and attempted to speak.  “Erm…”  His voice trailed off at having the vampiress’ piercing gaze pin him in place.  “Just fainted, is all,” he finally managed.  “I’m sure she’ll come round shortly.”  He eyed her warily, his hackles rising when she continued to stare at him intently.  Finally breathing a sigh of relief when she dismissed him out of hand and turned to walk away. 

After several minutes spent descending steps, going through a door that required an access code, another flight of steps, followed by a much larger, thicker, door, Giles had to rethink their home’s impregnability.  Whoever had seen to their defenses, obviously knew what they were about.  And, Giles realized, they weren’t actually in the building they’d first entered, but were now beneath it. 

He gaped with wide-eyed astonishment as they walked into an open room and past a wall full of monitors showing various shots of Sunnydale.  Spying his home in one of the cameras, he could see how Spike had been able to determine the half-breed’s arrival on his doorstep.  The blond male seated in front of the monitors stood and walked towards them. 

“Hello.  I’m Adam,” the vampire told them in perfect English.  “The others will be along shortly.  We didn’t want to overwhelm you.”  He smiled slightly at the watcher’s hesitation.  “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to where you can set Mrs. Summers down.” 

Adam moved off, away from the main room towards their den.  Once there, he gestured to the couch and stood back out of the way so the watcher could step inside. 

If Giles hadn’t known they were vampires, he would have been shocked to have it revealed to him.  Neither of the two demons he’d encountered made any move towards either him or Joyce.  Hell, they had better manners than some of his brethren council members.  He carefully laid Joyce on the couch and sat on the edge next to her.  He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and couldn’t help but stare at her pale face, berating himself for thinking things he had no business thinking.  Like how beautiful she was.  The fire in her eyes that eclipsed her nervousness when she’d stared him down in her kitchen, demanding he get out of her house.  The steely resolve she’d exhibited while demanding answers about his involvement with her daughter.   

It made him regret being a Watcher, and therefore unable to become better acquainted with her. 

But, oh, how he would have liked to. 

Slipping his hand in hers, Giles called softly to the woman, using his other to stroke the top of it.

“Joyce…Mrs. Summers… we’re here.”  He continued to talk quietly to her, drawing her gently from sleep, not wanting to overwhelm her.  He paid neither Doyle, nor the two vampires, any mind as the three moved off, no doubt to let his Slayer know of their arrival.  


Buffy played nervously with the pleats of her dress until Spike finally brushed her hands aside and did it himself.  At his pointed look at her choice of outfits, she mumbled something about it being comfortable, and that she’d yet to really go shopping.  She didn’t elaborate on the manner in which the gown was comfortable, and he didn’t ask.  But, secretly, he was pleased. 

The Slayer looked right fetching in his plaid. 

The two walked hand-in-hand towards the main area of their underground stronghold, and Spike was silently thankful he was a vampire, because the closer they got to where her mother and watcher were waiting, the tighter her grip became – the bones in his hand would have been crushed had he not been possessed of preternatural strength. 

Joyce was just sitting up from her reclined position on the couch when they reached the open doorway; Spike looked askance at the half-breed – to which Doyle just shrugged his shoulders in reply.  It didn’t matter, however, for as soon as the woman caught sight of her daughter, she pushed Giles out of the way and surged to her feet, hurrying forward. 

Spike stood where he was as his wife rushed to meet her mother, allowing the women a moment to get reacquainted, his face impassive as they spontaneously burst into tears.  He glanced over to see the watcher’s eyes unnaturally moist, and smirked.   

Buffy finally seemed to remember her manners and pulled away from her mother saying rather shyly, “Mom, there’s someone I would like you to meet.”  She turned, eyes lighting on Spike, and beckoned him forward. 

Joyce shifted her gaze from Buffy to the man staring at her daughter too possessively for her peace of mind, and could feel her gander kicking up, protective mother mode on instant alert.  Her eyes narrowed when Buffy stepped away from her to slip her arm about the male’s waist. 

“Mom, I’d like you to meet William Thornton, the Marquess of Chadsworth…and my husband.  But, you can call him Spike.” 

“Marquess?” she squeaked, shocked.  And then the rest of what her daughter said penetrated her mind.  “Husband?!?!” 

Buffy thrust her left hand under her mother’s nose, showing off the ruby ring Spike had given her so long ago.  The red stone twinkled as her mother gripped her hand, turning it this way and that as she eyed it with equal parts shock and fascination – then her eyes seemed to glaze over as her mind struggled to deal with this latest turn of events. 

Spike could see the woman begin to weave unsteadily on her feet and took charge, motioning them back towards the couch.  “I’m sure there’s a lot the watcher has yet to explain,” he reasoned.   

Giles glowered at the vampire, muttering under his breath, “Oh that's just spiffing!  No, that's fine… it'll be my fault, not the evil vampire, who's apparently ravaged her daughter.”  He patted the empty place beside him for Joyce to sit next to him, and took hold of her hand when she sank gratefully onto the cushion. 

The action did not go unnoticed by either the vampire or the Slayer. 


Joyce’s gaze shifted back and forth between her daughter and Spike, noting the easy familiarity the two had with one another.  After her initial reservations, she’d managed to get past her sixteen year old daughter being married.  Heck, she’d even one-upped herself and not lost it upon discovering that the Earl was one of the vampires Mr. Giles had been telling her about.  Was in fact the very same one she’d beamed over the head with an axe just a few short weeks ago when he’d dared to attack Buffy during the school’s Parent-Teacher night.  No, what amazed her was that in the space of two days, her daughter had lived seventy-five years of her life. 

“Seventy-five years,” she whispered yet again. 

From his position behind Buffy – the two occupying one of the chairs across from the couch – Spike stiffened.  It was only a matter of time before the watcher’s brain started connecting the dots, and could practically see the wheels turning in the man’s head while he mulled over every piece of information he’d gleaned thus far. Saw the moment the inconsistencies of the Slayer’s appearance made themselves known. 

He’d hoped to be able to get out of explaining Buffy’s youthful appearance.  So far as Spike knew, he was the only vampire to have ever claimed a human, most vampires opting to turn them to see how compatible they’d be with the new demon.  Thus, the benefits one would receive had never been documented.  Right now, he could have cheerfully killed Doyle for putting him in this position. 

“But how?” Giles asked.  “I mean, by all rights, you should be an old woman now, Buffy.” 

Leave it to the Slayer to take the wind out of his sails and reduce his demon to a pile of goo. 

“I belong to him,” she stated simply. 

“I beg your pardon.” 

“I said I belong to him, Giles,” Buffy repeated.  “He’s claimed me as his own.” 

“Claimed?”  Giles was confused.  He’d never heard of a vampire claiming a human before.  Usually claiming rituals were reserved for vampires, and even those were rare because eternity was such a long time to remain with someone.  He stated as much for the benefit of the others. 

“Why didn’t you just turn her?” the watcher questioned when his statement meant with silence. 

“Turn her?” Joyce echoed. 

Spike was still ignoring him.  He’d hauled the Slayer close to his chest; oddly content at her quiet statement, his chest rumbled happily.  Buffy smiled back and the two were lost momentarily in each other. 

“Good god, man!” Giles exclaimed.  “Are you purring?”  

The noise died abruptly and Spike turned away from his wife to flash angry eyes at the flabbergasted watcher. 

“Tell anyone, and I’ll gut you from neck to navel.” 

Giles blanched at that growled announcement but couldn’t stem his curiosity over the vampire’s unusual behavior. 

“I think they look kinda cute together,” Joyce murmured quietly to herself.  At the indrawn gasp from the man beside her, she turned to see Giles sputter in astonishment.   

“Cute?  Madam, kittens are cute.  Vampires…well, they’re…” 

“Evil…” Spike cut in.  

Giles nodded his head vigorously – for once, in complete agreement with the vampire. 

“Yes, like he said… evil.” 

Buffy rolled her eyes as the two males tripped over themselves in an attempt to prove Spike’s evilness.  If either had stopped to examine their actions, they would have been horrified at their show of solidarity.  It went on for a few minutes as both of them rattled off synonyms of the word, and Buffy shared a look of exasperation with her mother. 

“But, he obviously loves her very much,” Joyce reasoned, when the two wound down and the room settled into silence.  “And she him.  I guess that’s all a mother can really ask…” 

“My mother is right.  We do love each other very much.  Though that wasn’t always the case…”  Seeing her watcher latch onto that statement, she held up a hand, forestalling him.  “Which is a story for a later date.  I believe you wanted to know why Spike didn’t turn me?”  She arched a brow, waiting for Giles to nod. 

“It’s simple, really.  He didn’t want to.  When we woke up in that alley, I was still ‘Elizabeth,’ not the Slayer.” 

“Elizabeth?” Giles asked, confused. 

“My Halloween alter-ego.  I was still suffering the effects of the spell and I had no idea who I really was.” 

“But, that still doesn’t explain why Spike didn’t turn you.” 

“You taste better hot,” Spike leered quietly in words neither the watcher nor Buffy’s mother could understand. 

“Spike!”  Buffy hissed, blushing ten shades of red at his lewd comment, and in front of her mother, too.  “He…ahhh… liked me as I was,” she finally explained once she got over her embarrassment. “Honestly, I don’t think it ever occurred to him.”  She didn’t mention that claiming her had been the last thing on his mind, and the only reason Spike had done it was to make sure that he could get back to this time…and Drusilla.  “Besides, Doyle was there.  And, he told Spike that in order to get back, he would need to claim me.” 

“Doyle?  The messenger?  He was with you in the past?” 

“At first, yes.  He got us…settled, I guess you could say… with our new identities.  Then, he would visit us from time to time…at least until our purpose became clear.”  She told them no more than that, not willing to put her family at risk, no matter what Doyle might have told them.  Giles was her watcher, true, but he was still subject to the Council’s whim. 

“That’s all quite fascinating, Buffy, but it still doesn’t explain why you look like you haven’t aged a day, when you said yourself that you’d experienced nearly seventy-five years in the past.” 

Buffy and Spike shared a look. 

“I can always kill him later.”  He spoke quietly to his wife, his tone was even, yet Buffy recognized the underlying menace.  There wasn’t anything Spike wouldn’t do to keep her and the others safe. 

“He won’t betray us.”  She spoke in English, eyes boring into those of her watcher as she made that announcement, allowing him to understand the gist of their brief exchange.   

Giles, staring at the girl before him now, could believe that she had, indeed, spent the last seventy-five years with vampires.  Gone was the innocence that had clung to her just a few short days ago.  The girl sitting before him was harder, fiercer than she’d ever been while slaying. 

“With the claim came certain benefits,” Buffy explained.  “Essentially, Spike has gifted me with his immortality.  As long as he’s alive, I’ll never age.” 

“That’s just…” The watcher released Joyce’s hand and whipped his glasses off, scrubbing them furiously with a handkerchief he retrieved from his pocket.  “I mean…”  The normally articulate man was at a loss for words. 

“So you’re going to live forever?” Joyce asked in a small voice. 

“As long as Spike is alive,” Buffy clarified.   

“But you would age naturally at that point, wouldn’t you…?  I mean…” Giles began, but his voice trailed off at his Slayer’s expression; there was no way she would live without Spike by her side.  “Oh…” 

“Don’t worry, watcher.  I don’t plan on dusting anytime soon,” he smirked.  “Anything else you want to know?” 

“Can you… I mean…Doyle didn’t exactly explain the things you’ve done.  Are you allowed to…”  Giles left his semi-question hanging in the air. 

“No.”  Spike’s voice was hard, unyielding.   

“It’s better that you don’t know, Giles,” Buffy added, softening the blow delivered by the vampire.  “Trust me.” 

Giles nodded slowly, disappointed; the watcher in him was eager to learn all that his Slayer had done to save the world throughout the ages.  Though, seeing her jaded hazel eyes staring disenchantedly back at him, he thought that maybe this one time, his not knowing, would be better. 

“You’ve already met Adam and Angelina.  Would you like to meet the others?” Buffy asked, desiring to change the subject. 

At Joyce’s hesitant nod, Spike stood, drawing the Slayer to her feet with him. 

“I’ll be right back, pet,” he murmured, brushing his lips along her neck.  Buffy nodded and took the seat he vacated.  Her eyes remained on his retreating back until he’d left the room.   


“Xander and Willow are eager to speak with you,” Giles announced as soon as he figured Spike was out of hearing range. 

“Yes…”  Her mind conjured up images of her two friends, the dark-haired boy that had seemed only too happy to hold her close and the redheaded chatterbox who looked so endearing.  “I suppose…” 

“And Angel…he’s been very worried about you,” he added.  “I fear what he might attempt if you don’t—” 

“Oh, I know full well what he’ll try.”  Her eyes narrowed, remembering how the enraged vampire had dared try to separate her from Alric, even after proof had been given as to their bond.  “But you are right.  A meeting is necessary.”  Maybe then, with her family at her side, the dark-haired vamp would finally get the picture.   

Spike’s return ended their brief conversation. 

Giles swallowed as the room began to fill with vampires.   

Buffy motioned the first two over and introduced them to her mother and watcher. 

“Mom, Giles…this is Marcus Devlin, the Duke of Rutherford, and his mate, Angelina,” Buffy announced. 

“I think you can leave off the title, kitten,” Marcus smirked, extending his hand to the man in front of him.  “Rupert,” he greeted formally. 

“Feel like I should be bloody bowing,” Giles muttered under his breath, forgetting for a moment that vampires were possessed of excellent hearing. 

“If it makes you feel more comfortable…” the vampire added, and earned an elbow from the Slayer.  “Ouch!” 

“Behave,” Buffy snapped.  Angelina smothered a chuckle. 

“What?”  His innocent expression didn’t fool the Slayer for one second.  “I’m just saying.” 

“Go say it over there.”  She pointed to the wall, and the vampire wandered away, chuckling quietly.  “Sorry about that, Giles.  Marcus doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut.  Good thing he’s got Angelina to keep him in line.”  Buffy gestured to the female now standing beside her. 

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Giles.  Or is it Rupert?” Angelina inquired. 

“Uh…either,” the watcher stammered, taking the cool, slender hand in his own.

“Mrs. Summers, it’s nice to finally meet you,” the vampiress greeted, shaking the woman’s hand. 

“Joyce, please.” 


Buffy continued to rattle off introductions until she’d worked her way through each member of her clan, offering up a random fact about each, that had they been able, would have caused the vampires to blush in embarrassment. 

“There’s one more, but she’s yet to rise.” 

“Rise?” Giles questioned, sure he’d misunderstood his Slayer. 

“Yes.  Jocelyn.  Renee’s childe,” she explained.  “You can meet her later tonight if you’d like.” 

“Do you think that’s wise, Buffy?” 

“Why wouldn’t it be?” 

“Because fledglings have a hard time overcoming their initial bloodlust.  Having us around might be too much temptation for her to handle.” 

“It’ll be fine, Giles.  But, I understand if you want to leave.” 

“No…that is… if you think it’s safe...?”

“Relax, Giles.  No harm will befall you here.” 

The watcher looked around the room, taking note of the vampires that were lounging on the furnishings – those that hadn’t begged off with other things to see to.  They seemed normal enough, if you could call a room full of master vampires not interested in draining him or Joyce dry normal.  Giles smothered his brief moment of panic as his Slayer walked off with her mother, leaving him alone. 

He wandered around the room for a bit, not sure what was expected of him.  Clayton, Alric, and Byron were sitting down at a card table and Giles heard the distinct shuffle of cards.  He eyed the group with some interest as Joseph joined them, a bottle of liquor held in his hand. 

“You want to sit in?” Clayton asked, not wanting to appear rude to their guest. 

The invitation took Giles by surprise and his feet were already moving towards the vacant spot at the card table before he could form a reply. 

A stack of chips and a half tumbler filled with an amber-colored liquor was placed in front of the empty chair and Giles slid in quietly as Clayton deftly dealt five cards to each of the players.  Shocked that he was playing a game of “high stakes” with a group of vampires, Giles reached out with one hand and tightly grasped the glass, bringing it shakily to his lips for a healthy swallow. 

At the taste of the blended scotch suddenly tempting his palate, he stilled, eyes closing in sublime pleasure while he swirled the liquid around in his mouth, savoring it for as long as possible before finally swallowing it down.  Delighting in the slight burn in his throat and settling in his stomach.

“Bloody hell, that’s good scotch,” he exclaimed, opening his eyes to see the others at the table smirking in amusement.  “So, what are we playing?” 


“I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you,” Buffy began.  She was in another room, alone with her mother seated next to one another on a couch. 

“The gym in L.A.?  That was because…” 


“Oh, baby.  I’m so sorry…”  Joyce reached out and took her daughter’s hand in hers.  “I didn’t know…When you told us…And then the clinic…Afterwards you never said anything…” 

“It’s alright.  I don’t think a Slayer’s parents were ever meant to know.  Most girls are sequestered away as soon as their potential is realized.  I was the one that fell through the cracks, so to speak.” 

“No, it’s not alright!” Joyce cried.  “Buffy, I…The slip in your grades?  It’s because you were sneaking out at night…risking your life…And all this time I thought…”  She was openly weeping now.  “I’m such a bad mother.  I should have known…guessed what my baby girl was doing.” 


Spike leaned against the doorjamb and frowned.  He’d allowed his wife time alone with her mother by making his excuses earlier, claiming that he needed to confer with Adam on a few things.  But, a few hours had gone by with no sight of the Slayer.   He knew how tired she was, that she’d barely slept since being brought back from the past – and not at all since returning from New York. 

As he gazed at the two women sleeping peacefully on the couch, he knew why he’d not seen Buffy walking about. 

“I don’t think she’s gonna be able to walk away.” 

Spike tore his gaze away to glare at the half-breed. 

“I didn’t lay the ground rules, you did,” he snarled. 

“I know.”  The half-breed sighed.  “But, she’s not going to live forever.” 

“So, what?  Am I just supposed to put down roots here?  While away the time on the Hellmouth waiting for that to happen?  You’re forgetting, there’s a Slayer here to see to things.  Someone we take great pains to avoid.  Not to mention we’ve got more important things to handle.   And from what Adam tells me, the situation isn’t going to keep for much longer.” 

“I’m not saying that you can’t do what you do, but don’t shut Buffy’s mother out.  Or her watcher.  You can trust them with your secrets, Spike.” 

“I’ll think about it.” 

He turned back to his wife, his thoughts on his own mother, and how he’d tried, once upon a time, to keep her by his side.
