Chapter 12

Buffy awoke around 11 am, still wrapped in Spike’s strong arms.  She had slept the whole night through without any nightmares, and she felt more refreshed than she had in days.  She was startled to realise that she hadn’t even slept that well before she had been turned, and probably hadn’t since Glory had shown up in Sunnydale.  She slowly pulled herself free from Spike, taking care not to wake him.


As per usual, her hunger drove her straight to the kitchen, and once there she poured herself a mug of blood and popped it into the microwave to warm it.  She felt calm, almost peaceful for the first time in days, and she attributed the mood to the good night’s sleep.  The microwave gave a small buzz indicating that her liquid breakfast was ready, and she downed the entire mug in three large gulps before starting to prepare a more solid meal.


Spike had awakened at the loss of Buffy’s warm body, but had tried to recapture sleep.  Deciding that it impossible and making his way downstairs, he smiled when he heard her quietly singing to herself.  Moving further down the hallways, he watched as she practically danced around the kitchen.  “Mamma mia, here I go again.  My, my how can I resist you?  Mamma mia, does it show again?  My, my just how much I missed you.”


Spike’s smile turned into a grin.  “Mornin’ pet, sleep well?” he asked, basking in the feeling of seeing Buffy happy and so full of life.


Buffy smiled brightly and jumped up on the kitchen counter, casually taking a bite of her peanut butter-covered toast.  “Mmm-hmm!  Like a log.”


Spike smiled as he took in the sight of the beautiful creature in front of him.  She was still dressed in her white satin pyjamas, which showed off the outline of her breasts every time she moved.  Her long blond hair fell haphazardly over her shoulders, obviously untouched since waking, and somehow this seemed to give her an almost angelic appearance.  He noticed that her eyes once again twinkled, something he hadn’t truly seen there since the night he fought her in that old church so many years ago.  She was breathtaking. 


Buffy’s brow creased in thought.  “Wonder where that saying ever came from anyway.  I mean, it’s not like logs can actually sleep…”


Letting out a low chuckle Spike walked closer to Buffy.  “Don’t know, luv, think it just means nothin’ disturbed you, kinda like you can’t disturb a log.”  He thought for a moment.  “Well, I guess you can disturb a log… ‘tis just not really goin’ to bother it...”


Buffy smiled indulgently as she listened to Spike trying to explain the significance behind the proverb; apparently she wasn’t the only one who rambled her way through her thoughts out loud.  


Spike finally noticed Buffy’s amused look and returned the grin.  “Then again, I could just be full of shit.”


Buffy giggled.  “Hmm… nope, I can’t argue with that.”  She let out a deep sigh and stretched her arms over her head, giving Spike an even better view of her breasts.  “Well, whatever, I slept better then I have in a long time… I feel great.”


Spike raised his scarred eyebrow questioningly.  “Is that right?” he teased, sensually curling his tongue behind his teeth and eyeing Buffy from head to toe.


Buffy flushed under Spike’s heated gaze; she could practically feel his eyes roaming over her body, and it was sending lustful tingles through out her entire system.


“Mind if I see for myself?” he asked seductively as he closed the distance between them.  Reaching out his hand, he lightly ran it down Buffy’s shoulder, down to her waist and then to the small of her back.


Buffy gasped and arched herself forward.  Days of sexual frustration finally burst free, as she gave herself over to temptation.


“You’re right, luv.  You do feel great.  I bet you taste pretty good, too,” Spike purred seductively, leaning forward and capturing Buffy’s lips in a passionate kiss.


Buffy’s head was spinning, and her hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they frantically explored Spike’s body.  She let out a small whimper when she felt his hand cup her satin-covered breast, lightly pinching her nipple through the soft material—and unleashing a mass of butterflies fluttering in her belly.  Buffy was lost.  How could this one man ignite such a flame in her with only a simple touch?  No one had ever made her feel this alive.  She could feel every nerve ending in her body singing out for Spike’s cool touch and had to fight the urge to scream out in pleasure.  So many sensations swept through her body, much the same way as Spike’s tongue was currently sweeping through her mouth… seeking her out, exploring her, devouring her. 


But oh, how she wanted to be devoured.  She wanted him to take everything she had until there was nothing left of her.   She wanted him to break through the thick walls she had built around herself, the walls that were supposed to protect her from these kinds of raw emotions.   With a whimper Buffy broke the fervent kiss in order to catch her breath.   As she panted madly for air, Spike continued his oral onslaught, hungrily sucking on her pulse points before kissing his way back up her neck.  Buffy practically melted when Spike sucked her earlobe into his cool mouth, pressing her tightly against him as he teased her.  She could feel his arousal as he seductively rubbed himself against her inner thigh, and she realised that she wanted him so badly it hurt.  She needed to feel him inside her, completing her.


Spike let out a low growl as Buffy’s small warm hands eagerly ripped his t-shirt from his body.  If it had been possible he would have had a heart attack from sheer pleasure as Buffy trailed hungry wet kisses down his chest.  He could feel her small fingers frantically trying to release him from the constraint of his jeans, and he groaned loudly as she successfully unfastened the offending garment.  Once it sprang free, Buffy’s hands made their way to his aching shaft, lightly caressing him with her soft fingers, just enough to drive him mad.  “Oh bloody hell, Buffy, you’re killing me,” Spike gasped as he pulled her small body closer to his.


Buffy lightly nibbled on Spike’s bottom lip.  “I don’t think so.  I’ve hardly even touched you,” she said in a deep breathless tone, running her finger from the tip of Spike’s penis down to his testicles.


Spike’s eyes rolled back from the amazing, tortuous sensation of Buffy’s light touch.  “That’s the point, luv.  I need to feel you--all of you,” he growled, almost losing control and ripping them asunder as he quickly removed Buffy’s silky pyjamas.


Buffy’s breath was coming in short, lust-filled gasps as she watched Spike clear the kitchen counter with one swift sweep of his arm, sending utensils and crockery scattering onto the floor.  He placed his hand on her chest, pushing her backwards gently and laying her out before him.  Spike’s unneeded breath caught in his throat at the sight of her lying bare before him, her impassioned body shining with perspiration.  Her breathing was rapid and shallow, her eyes completely dilated with desire.  He let his eyes travel over her body, causing her to shiver with anticipation.  “You’re beautiful,” he said with a breathless gasp as he drank her in.


Buffy looked up at him with heavy lids.  “Spike, please,” she begged as she reached for his hand, desperate for his touch.


Spike let out a shaky breath and stepped closer to Buffy.  The smell of her heady arousal was assaulting him, nearly bringing him to his knees.  He just couldn’t believe that this was happening; all of the lonely nights he had spent fantasizing about her, his golden  goddess--and here she was, laid out before him, begging him to touch her…   and he was suddenly terrified.  He was so afraid that she would disappear if he touched her, like she had in so many of his dreams.


“Spike, please… I need you.”


Buffy’s soft plea was enough to jolt Spike from him hesitations.  He placed a shaky hand on her hip, groaning when he felt her thrust up into his hand.  “Oh god, Buffy, I love you so much.”


Buffy felt the tremble in Spike’s hand as he lightly stroked her hip; she raised herself slightly from the counter and met his gaze, running her small hand over his trembling fingers.  “Show me,” she whispered as she pulled his hand towards her breasts.  That was all the encouragement that Spike needed, and he once again claimed Buffy’s lips with his in a searing kiss.


They broke apart, and suddenly Buffy could feel an almost guttural growl emanating from her chest as Spike latched his mouth around one of her nipples.  He was alternating between sucking and lightly biting the tender flesh, arousing Buffy beyond belief, and she could feel her slick fluids pooling onto the counter underneath her.  She actually thought she might come simply from the sensation of Spike suckling on her breast.   She let out a hiss in disappointment when he let her tender nipple slid out of his mouth, only to have him turn the same attention to her other breast.


Spike couldn’t believe the guttural noises Buffy was making; if it was at all possible, he was growing harder listening to her.  He couldn’t believe how responsive she was, and he was ecstatic that he was the one who was responsible for these noises.  She let out another sweet moan that sounded almost like a kitten mewling and he was possessed by the desire to drag this out, to see what other noises he could urge from her.  Buffy, however, seemed to have other ideas, and she reached down and once again began to stroke Spike’s manhood, breaking what little control he had left. 


“Bloody hell, Buffy!” he groaned as she lightly pumped him, stopping at the base of his penis, only to gently cup his testicles before slowly sliding her hand back up his shaft.  Spike’s eyes practically rolled back into his head when she gently ran her finger around the head before teasing back the foreskin, adding to the amazing sensation of her fingertips lightly massaging the sensitive tip. Spike looked down at Buffy through desire-glazed eyes, only to see that she was wearing a knowing smile.  She knew exactly what she was doing to him, and it turned her on nearly as much as his touch. 


Her lips parted slightly as her tongue darted out to moisten them, and Spike felt his control break.  Letting out a deep moan, he pulled Buffy’s teasing fingers away from his shaft and swiftly climbed onto the counter, positioning himself to enter the heaven between her legs.  Their eyes met and proved to be the mirror of the other’s desire.  Buffy could feel Spike’s arousal kissing the entrance to her slick passage, and  she let a sly smile light up her face as she reached both hands down to Spike’s backside and pulled him forward, pressing him into her.  They both let out gasps of pleasure as he entered her slick, heated depths.  Gently rocking together rhythmically, they allowed the exquisite sensations to engulf them both.


Buffy’s legs found their way around Spike’s hips, encouraging him to pump into her faster.  Spike eagerly obliged, slamming into her at a frantic pace.  As the frenzy of their lovemaking increased, Buffy shifted her hips, inadvertently causing Spike to lose his balance and sending him to the floor, taking her along with him.  She let out a small gasp at the deeper intrusion before raising herself up on her knees and slamming back down, once again impaling herself on Spike’s engorged shaft. 


Spike was in blissful heaven, watching Buffy’s beautiful flushed face as she rode him into oblivion.  Leaning up, he captured one of her sweat-sheened breasts in his mouth, sucking eagerly on her pert nipple as his hand made its way down to her swollen clit.


Buffy moaned as Spike sensually caressed her clit.  She could feel her release building, starting in her toes, tingling all the way up into her belly as small pre-orgasmic sparks ran through her womb.    Buffy let out an almost feral scream as an earth-shattering orgasm rushed through her body.  She couldn’t stop shaking as pulsing tingles of pleasure spread throughout her body, and she could hardly comprehend what was happening when Spike gave her clit another light tweak, sending her over the edge again.


Spike closed his eyes against the ecstatic pain as Buffy’s powerful muscles pulsed around him.  Thrusting into her heated depths once more, he finally found release in her quivering channel.


Buffy let out a ragged breath as she collapsed onto Spike’s chest.  She lay like that for several minutes, savouring the deeply intimate connection.  Once her senses returned, Buffy lifted her head and stared into Spike’s pleasure-filled face.  “Wow!” was all she could say before she dropped her face into the crook of his neck, breathing in the scent of her sire.


Spike let out a lazy chuckle as he softly stroked Buffy’s golden hair.  “You can say that again.”


Buffy lifted her head and stared playfully into her sire’s eyes.  “Wow,” She said again with a mischievous grin, leaning forward and giving Spike a sweet kiss before shifting her weight off of his well-muscled body.


Spike chuckled and shifted with Buffy, still holding her loosely to him with one arm.  He finally came down from his orgasmic high enough to notice that something was painfully digging into his back.  Reaching behind him to find the offending object, he laughed as his hand brought a fork into his field of vision.  “Well, fork me,” he said with a smirk, tossing the utensil across the room.


Buffy laughed as she shifted uncomfortably, reaching under her hip and producing another fork.  “Me too,” she said giddily as she tossed the annoying object over her shoulder.  “What do you say we move this somewhere we’re less likely to get forked?”


Spike chuckled as he shifted his weight onto his hip.  “Have some place in mind, kitten?”


Buffy gave Spike a saucy smile as she lightly traced her fingers down his sculpted chest.  “Mmm-hmm.”  


“Care to tell me where, luv?” Spike asked huskily.


Buffy responded by leaning closer to Spike and lightly blazing a trail of hot, lust-filled kisses down his chest before finally lifting her head, meeting his hungry gaze with her own. “Upstairs… Bedroom… Now.”


Spike didn’t have to be told twice, quickly jumping up from the floor and pulling Buffy with him.  Once on their feet, Spike attacked Buffy with a round of almost savage kisses, and Buffy responded in turn with her own assault.  Neither of them even seemed to realise they were moving until Spike tripped over the bottom step leading up to Buffy’s bedroom.  Buffy let out a small giggle at the sight of Spike’s naked, fully aroused body sprawled out on the stairs before reaching out her hand and easily pulling him to his feet.  Now upright again, they once again started their frenzied journey back up to her room.  Halfway up the stairs, Spike grabbed Buffy and pressed her tiny, powerful body against the wall, hungrily kissing her as his hands enthusiastically caressed her naked flesh.


Spike was more than ready to take Buffy right there on the stairs.  The short trip from the kitchen to her room had been beyond tortuous, and he was certain he could make it no further.


Buffy could feel Spike pressing himself against her, obviously intent on having his wicked way with her right there on the stairway.  Somehow, Buffy’s fuzzy, lust-crazed mind registered just how precarious their current position was.  What if Spike lost his balance and fell through the wooden banister?  He could be dust before she even knew what had happened.  The frightening image was enough to give her the strength to lightly push Spike away from her.  “Not here … Bedroom,” she announced in short gasps.


Spike responded by lifting Buffy’s small frame, pulling her legs around his waist as he carried her upstairs to her room.  If Buffy wanted her bed, Buffy was gonna have her bed.  Hell, at that moment, if she had told him she wanted him to make love to her while she sunbathed in a vat of holy water, he would have joined her without hesitation.


Buffy whimpered as Spike’s cock rubbed against her moist cleft as he carried her up to her room.  She busied herself by hungrily kissing and sucking his cool chest and neck, leaving behind small love-bites as a reminder that she had been there.  Spike growled in agonized delight when Buffy lightly bit into his neck with her blunt teeth, drawing a small amount of blood that she eagerly lapped up.  Finally, they reached the bedroom.  Spike almost kicked the door off its hinges as they came crashing into the room, falling onto the bed in a tangle of limbs.


He quickly positioned himself between Buffy’s legs, groaning in delight as her heat engulfed him once more.  This time he took his time, drawing out their climaxes as he took her at an almost torturously slow pace.  Buffy was in heaven, allowing Spike to show her the hidden pleasure zones on and inside her body that she hadn’t even known existed.  She could feel her release building, and she found she had to struggle to hold back her demon.


Spike could see Buffy’s inner battle as her eyes shifted from fierce gold back to green.  “Let it go, pet…. Let it happen,” he whispered into her ear, sending shudders down Buffy’s spine.


Buffy did what Spike told her, releasing her hold on her demon and allowing her full demonic visage to fall into pace.  She didn’t fight it anymore, and she didn’t question it either; she grabbed hold of the back of Spike’s neck, pulling him down to her mouth as she slid her elongated teeth into his soft, pliable flesh, gulping hungrily as she exploded in a powerful orgasm.


Spike moaned in pleasurable pain as Buffy latched onto his throat, drinking the borrowed blood that rested in his veins, and allowed himself to lose control as well.  Unable to contain himself any longer, he sank his fangs into her neck, fervently drinking her powerful blood.  Spike came the instant he tasted the powerful elixir that was Buffy’s blood; he’d tasted Slayer blood before, but it had been nothing like this--this was like some sort of euphoric drug.


Buffy released her hold on Spike when she felt his sharp canines enter the chalice of her neck, sending her spiralling into another earth-shattering orgasm.  For several minutes they didn’t move, only held each other close as they gently licked the wounds on their partner’s necks.


Spike pulled back and looked into Buffy’s face, noting the strange expression of euphoric contentment mixed with confusion and remorse.  “You okay, pet?” he asked as he lightly stroked her hair.


Buffy looked up at him and gave him a genuinely sweet smile.  “Yeah… I’m just a little wigged, is all… I can’t believe I actually bit you.”


Spike smiled and bent down to give Buffy a tender, almost chaste kiss.  “That you did, luv… And I bit you.”


“Mmm… actually, I kinda liked that part,” Buffy replied with a coy smile.


Spike chuckled as he rolled onto his back.  “So did, I, pet…. So did I.”


Buffy giggled and rolled towards Spike so she could lie in the crook of his arm.  “So is this normal…. I mean, the whole biting thing?”


Spike smiled.  “Yeah, kitten…. Don’t think I’d ever describe what just happened as normal though.”  He shifted his weight so he could look at her, lightly running his fingers down her already healed throat.  “Bloody hell, pet, you’re amazing…. And your blood… your blood’s like an atomic blast of ecstasy.  No, normal doesn’t even come close to describing what we’ve just shared.”


Buffy smiled and pressed herself closer to Spike’s cool chest.  “Yeah… That’s what I thought, too.”








Glory was livid.  She was madly pacing the floor of her plush apartment, surrounded by several crusty minions who watched nervously as the hellgod ranted. 


“And why the hell won’t she give me my key?  I mean, what use is it to her?  It’s mine and I want it!”  Glory stamped her foot like a spoilt child to emphasize her point.


Jinx took a nervous step closer to the agitated god.  “Most splendid magnificence, we are your humble servants…”


Jinx’s sentence was cut short by Glory backhanding him into a nearby wall.  “Well then, serve me!  Find out why the slayer-vampire… whatever the hell she is continues to defy me.  I don’t appreciate it when lowly demons challenge me!” Glory yelled before calming slightly.   “You know what I don’t get?  She still has a heartbeat…. I mean since when do vampires have heartbeats?”


“We will follow her, your most glorious supremeness…” Murk offered nervously.


Glory smiled insanely as she walked closer to Murk, grabbing him by his bottom lip and pulling him closer to her.  “You better do more than just follow her, Murky…. she knows about Ben, and she’s probably trying to find a way to use that against me.”


“But… your unholiness…. The spell… she will not remember the shift,” Jinx said as he pulled himself up off the floor.


Glory roughly snatched her fingers away from Murk’s lip, turning to face her idiotic minion.  “She’s a vampire, you idiot!  Of course she’ll remember.  The spell doesn’t work on demons.  Otherwise I’d have to tell you day in day out THAT YOU SHOULD BE KISSING THE VERY GROUND I WALK ON!!!!” 


Glory took a deep calming breath and stared straight at Jinx.  “Now, I want you and whoever else you can find to track the Slayer.  I want to know who sired her, I want to know why she’s so strong, and I want to know WHERE MY KEY IS!  AND I WANT TO KNOW NOW!  Do you understand me?”


Jinx nodded his head, clearly terrified.


Glory smiled.  “Good boy…. Oh, and Jinx, you screw this up and I’ll use your intestines to string you up…. Do you get my drift?”


Jinx visibly paled.  “Yes, oh radiant one…”


Glory put her hand up at Jinx, effectively silencing the grovelling demon.  “Can it, okay?  Now go find my key.”


Jinx and Murk exchanged terrified looks before running out of the apartment in search of the Slayer and the Key. 





It was four o’clock.  Buffy and Spike were asleep, finally succumbing to the pull of fatigue after their marathon lovemaking.  Buffy had silently thanked her lucky stars for her increased healing ability; she was sure that she wouldn’t have been able to walk for at least a week if she still had only her regular Slayer healing.  By the time exhaustion had sunk in, they had made wild love seven times in almost every position thinkable.  Spike had been eager to show her every trick he knew, sending her crashing over the edge time and time again.


The annoyingly shrill tone of the phone ringing woke Buffy from her almost paralytic slumber.  Rolling over onto her back, Buffy blindly reached for the annoying object as her sleep-hazed mind tried to focus.


“Hello,” she answered groggily.


“Ah, Buffy.  Sorry… did I wake you?” Giles asked on the other end of the line.


Buffy yawned and rubbed her hand over her face, slowly waking up.  “It’s okay, Giles… I was just having a nap,” she said with a yawn.


“That’s good to hear…. I know you haven’t been sleeping very well lately.”


Buffy smiled as she felt Spike shift onto his side, blinking his eyes open and gazing at her sleepily.


“Yeah… I, um, had something to help me sleep,” she answered as she gave Spike a playful grin.  “So what’s up?”


Spike gently kissed his way up Buffy’s neck, stopping at her ear and whispering in a husky tone.  “I am,” he said before kissing his way down her body, gently pulling her bronze thighs apart, as he lowered his cool mouth onto her heated mound.


“Oh, I found some information on Glory and the Key…. I wanted to meet at the store so we can discuss the matter.”


Buffy let out a small gasp as Spike gently stroked her clit with the tip of his tongue before plunging it into her warm folds.


“Okay,” she said in a slightly high voice.


“Buffy…. Are you okay?” Giles asked, worry evident in his voice.


Buffy bit her bottom lip as Spike continued his sensual assault.


“Yeah, Giles.  I’m good,” she gasped as Spike gently inserted one of his fingers into her heated channel, sensually stroking her inner walls.


“Oh, well… t-that’s good.  We’ve all been very worried about you.”


Buffy clenched her jaw tightly, trying not to cry out as Spike inserted a second finger, curling them upwards to stimulate her G-spot.  She took several deep breaths before she trusted herself enough to speak.  “I know, Giles, but I feel much better today.”


“You sure do,” Spike said with a cheeky grin before once again sucking her clit into his mouth and rolling it slightly, sending an intense shudder through Buffy’s body.


“Who was that?” Giles asked.


Buffy swallowed heavily as she tried to get her unfocused mind to think up a convincing lie she could tell her Watcher.  “The TV,” she answered with a gasp as Spike lightly bit down on her sensitive nubbin.


“All right… Buffy, are you certain that you’re feeling well?  You sound terribly out of breath?”


Buffy inwardly cursed; god, she just had to get off the phone.  “I-I’m fine, Giles really.”


“If you’re certain.  So I will be expecting you then?”


Buffy wanted to scream.  She was so close to her release that she could hardly sit still, and she wanted to hit Spike for giving her so much pleasure while she was trying to speak to Giles.  She had only managed to grasp every other word he said, as her foggy, pleasure-dulled brain forced her to grind against Spike’s mouth and fingers like she was some sort of two-bit whore.


“Yeah, Giles… I’m coming,” she almost squealed as she shook uncontrollably from her blinding release.


Spike smiled as he licked her glistening juices off of his chin.  “That you are, pet.”


Buffy stared at Spike with an expression of bliss mixed with righteous indignation.


“Very good.  A-are you certain that you’re all right?” Giles’s concerned voice asked once again.


Buffy blushed uncontrollably; she couldn’t imagine what this conversation must have sounded like to her Watcher.  “Yeah, Giles, I’m fine…. I just stepped on a thumbtack, is all.”


Spike chuckled in amusement, kissing Buffy’s inner thigh before sensually licking his way up to her hip.


“Oh, I see… are you hurt?”


“Ahha,  No, super healing, remember?… I’ll see you soon, okay?” Buffy said, desperately trying to get off the phone before Spike did something else to make her sound like a cat in heat. 


“Very well then.  Good-bye.”  With that, Giles hung up.


Buffy breathed a sigh of relief as she hung up the phone.  “I hate you,” she grumbled as she looked down at the vampire nestled between her thighs.


Spike chuckled as he slowly crawled up her body.  Buffy admired the way his muscles shifted with his sleek, sensual movements.  So seductive and predatory--it was enough to make her turn to jelly.


“Is that so, Pet?  Didn’t sound to me like you hated what I was doing to you when you came--while talking to your Watcher, no less.  What a very bad girl you are,” he taunted.


Buffy let out a small growl.  “Shut up, Spike and get up here,” she said in a commanding voice, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him further up her body.


Spike smirked at Buffy’s frustration.  “Oh, and aggressive too,” he said as he leaned forward, stopping only mere inches away from Buffy’s lips.  “Just the way I like ‘em.”


Buffy grabbed Spike by the back of the neck, pulling him down for a passionate kiss.  *Giles can wait,* she thought giddily as Spike plunged once more into her aching depths.

Chapter 11
Chapter 13
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