Dori's Spikefeed

back to episode 6.15 - As You Were

As You Were

No full Spikefeed this week! Sorry! Dori will do one but not until *after* the episode airs.

No time for full Spikefeed, but here are my impressions:

SO didn't like Sam.

Liked Riley's scar a LOT.

Thought Spike's line about it being time for Buffy to come outside was significant.

There was sex, and they didn't tear up the crypt. And there was kissing. I have a feeling that she let him be tender with her. She seemed to need that.

Very not happy about Spike being the Doctor. VERY. Also not happy that he lied to Buffy by omission when she asked about it. (Okay, he was distracted pretty quickly. But still.)

Liked Spike rubbing it in when Riley caught them together.

And the look on Buffy's face when Riley asked if she wanted him to "take care of" Spike for her. Oh, that was wonderful, hopeful, even.

But the last scene, oh, my God...

She knew what would work, and she used it. Yeah, she did realize that she was using him, and she did admit she was being selfish to do it, but she deliberately used the one thing she knew he couldn't fight, that their relationship was killing her, to break things off. To her credit, I think maybe she really does believe that, and it probably is the only thing that would have worked, but she's wrong. It's the rest of her life, as some perspicacious soul has already mentioned. I don't know if she was apologizing for using him, or for hurting him. And this time, he really got it that she was serious. James was amazing.




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