Episode 7.04 - Help



Rebecca Rand Kirshner





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At her new job, Buffy talks to students with problems and meets a girl, Cassie, who knows she's going to die soon. Buffy promises to prevent it, and enlists the gang's help. Buffy is suspicious of Cassie's friend, and even her alcoholic father--until Cassie explains she foresees things, and that while she doesn't want to die, it's fated to happen. Buffy still feels she can win against fate. When Cassie is taken by a group of school boys as a sacrifice to a demon, Buffy intervenes and stops the ceremony. The demon appears, however, and Buffy has to fight it. Spike shows up at the last minute to help Buffy, and he frees Cassie, who tells him, "she'll tell you. Someday she'll tell you." After Buffy kills the demon, she and Cassie leave and they spring a trap. An arrow speeds toward Cassie, but Buffy stops it. Buffy believes she's cheated fate, until Cassie tells her she "will make a difference," then dies suddenly of heart failure. Buffy is forced to accept the truth that she can't always help and can't always win, but it's enough that she tries.

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FULL Spikefeed

Your Guide to Help: A review - by Mary

The Tarabula Rasa Review

Musings from the Comfy Chair

Heather's review

Jerry's review

Klytaimnestra's review

What's it take to strike a spark? (Thoughts on Help) - by Ramses2

Nepthys's Review

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