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back to episode 7.10 Bring on the Night

Bring on the Night

Spike is being dragged along the floor of a cavern. He's awake, and he looks more himself than he has since he got the soul. He looks up, pissed, then lets his head drop; can't do anything right now. He's too weak from the bleeding, though the cuts have closed and are starting to heal.

It's the Ubervamp who has him, pulling him by one leg over the sandy floor. The ancient vampire drops him, and Spike just lies there, exhausted.

The First, as Spike, tells the vampire to go ahead and kick Spike. "=You= always liked that, didn't you?" it says to Spike, then morphs into Drusilla.

"Kick a dolly when he's down," it says. "That was always your style."

The Ubervamp shambles over to Spike, kicks him hard. Spike tries not to make noise, tries to roll away from the blow. After a moment, he pushes up, shoots the Ubervamp a killing look.

"Dru" says that the creature has been waiting for his moment since "before the bug walked," and that it will have its carnage as soon as the moon comes. Spike rolls wearily over on his back. "Little girls tear so easily," "Dru" says, "Like pink paper. Till then, we'll have our way with this one." It smiles, and the Ubervamp advances on Spike again. "Got it coming, he does." "Dru" begins bouncing and humming, smiling in anticipation. Spike glares at the Ubervamp as it bends over him, daring it to do its worst. The creature reaches down, blocking Spike from view, and Spike screams, long and loud.


Spike is underwater, his head held down by the Ubervamp. He struggles, but can't break the thing's grip. After a moment, he goes slack and his eyes close. The Ubervamp pulls him out of the water, tosses him on the cavern floor. He lies there, not moving, not breathing. (Which he's been doing the whole time so far, for some reason. <G>)

"That's why our kind makes such good dollies," "Dru" says. Spike coughs, and water pours out of his mouth. "Hard to kill." The Ubervamp makes a "give me a =break=" face, and "Dru" clicks its tongue at it. The creature hauls Spike up and pushes his head under the water again.


"It's like a game," the First says. "A fun, funny game, with no rules or bothersome winning part."

Spike is lying propped up against the pool where the Ubervamp was holding him under the water. His face is battered, his left eye swollen completely shut. "But there are still sides," the First says, and tells Spike he'll have to pick one. He turns his head away, closes his eyes, but a blow from the Ubervamp makes him look at "Dru" again. It babbles away, telling him about what's going to happen. "I know you like a good wriggle," it says, swaying its hips suggestively, "and a giggle, and a squiggle."

Spike looks up at it, his jaw set. "You're not Drusilla," he says. It giggles.

"Noooo, I'm really not," it says.

"She was crazier than you." It's the only way he can fight back now--he's too weak to move, too weak to stand, and words are the only weapons he has left.

"Dru" pretends to take offense. "Daddy," it says. "No kicking. It's almost Christmas day today, and you've gone spoiling it. I've been very good all year." It growls Drusilla's sexy growl, leans down. "But I could be very bad, if you like..." He closes his eyes, turns away again. And the Ubervamp hits him again.

"Bad Daddy," the First says. "Needs a caning. Never learned his headmaster's lessons, while all the schoolbells ring and ring and ring and ring..." The Ubervamp hits him again. It pisses him off, but he doesn't say anything. "Choose a side, Spike," the First says, its voice a low, sexy purr. "Choose =our= side. You know it's delicious." It makes as though to lick Spike's cheek, but of course it can't touch him. "What do you say?"

"," Spike says, painfully.


"Get bent."

"Dru" frowns; it doesn't like being thwarted. It pushes away. "Stupid, stubborn Daddy," it says, as the Ubervamp starts punching Spike again, rocking his head back and forth with the force of the blows.


"Do you know why you're alive?" "Dru" is angry, practically spitting the words. This is a Dru that might have been, if she weren't crazy, and it's extremely scary.

"Never figured you for," Spike, sprawled against the berm of the pool, beaten and too weak to move, pauses to cough. Things are broken inside, and it's hard for him to talk. But he keeps talking. "...existential thought, love. I mean, you hated Paris." There's the faintest hint of a smile behind the words. It pisses the First right off.

"You're alive for one reason, and one reason only," it says. There's a very patient look on its face, like a parent dealing with a stubborn child. "Because I wish it. Do you know why I wish it?" It smiles, the kind of smile that makes chills run down your back. "Because I'm not done with you."

"Give it up." Spike turns his head, spits out blood. "Whatever you are, whatever you get away with, I'm out. You can't pull this puppet's strings any more."

"Dru" whirls on him, furious. "And what makes you think you have any choice?" it spits. "What makes you think you'll be any good at all in this world?"

Spike lifts his head, the only movement he's capable of. It's defiance, and the First knows it. "She does," he says, his voice calm, but humming with deep, quiet joy. He lets his head fall back, too tired to hold it up any longer. "Because she believes in me." He stares at "Dru", and a small, happy smile lifts the corners of his mouth.




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