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The Killer in Me

Details to follow.

Buffy comes down to the basement where Spike is sitting on the cot, chained to the wall. They're relieved that the SITs are gone and the place will be quiet. Very cozy, very friendly, very, hrm, partnerish. Then Spike's chip fires, and Buffy is worried. Later, we see her come up from the basement after staying with Spike. She's carrying a bloody towel, and has obviously been tending to him.

She goes back down later, and finds him lying down. He's had another attack, and burst another blood vessel. She hands him a towel, and he cleans himself up. She's worried, tells him they'll research. He teases her about there not being anything TO research. She realizes she can call Riley. He comes upstairs with her, sits on the staircase while she tries to get hold of Riley, but has another attack while she's on the phone. She comes back, realizes something's wrong. He tries to pass it off as not very bad, but then a really bad one hits.

When Willow comes downstairs, looking like Andrew, the gang calls for Buffy. She comes in, decks Willow, and Spike comes into the room, obviously in pain, calls for her, then collapses. They're all so involved with Willow that they don't notice at first, but when Willow points it out, Buffy goes straight to Spike. She's worried, but trying not to show it. There's just a hint of the frantic babbling she does when she's freaked, and she tells him, maybe Riley will call back. Maybe he'll have a solution. Spike tells her maybe they don't have time to wait.

Buffy and Spike go out to the Initiative caves. He asks if she's sure she wants to go down there with him, and she shrugs. Nothing good on tv, she says, but the way she'd say it to Xander, sort of, "don't think you can talk me out of this." Making light, but dead serious about going with him.

Big demon attacks them in the cave, drags Spike off. Buffy slays the demon, not wasting any time, and then goes immediately to Spike. "You still with us?" she says, and he tries to say yes, but he's to weak to make any sound. She smiles, starts to tell him everything's going to be okay, and the lights go on. There's a squad of soldiers with guns pointed at them.

One of them steps up and tells her that Riley sent them to give her whatever help she needs. (YAY, Riley! <stern GLARE> I like the guy. Wanna make something of it? <narrows eyes>)

The med team examines Spike and finds that the chip is deteriorating. It'll be fatal if something isn't done. Buffy doesn't like that, and, worried but trying not to show it, asks the Initiative guy, what next? He tells her Riley says all decisions regarding Hostile 17 are in her hands, and that the chip must either be removed or repaired. She's floored, and very worried.

And of course we don't get to see her decision.




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