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Latest news – October 31, 2001

Now Shooting: Episode 10

Episode Summaries

For those of you who are as spoiler-whorish as I am, I am posting complete summaries of what I know about the episodes. I'm making these into links so that those who do not want to be spoiled that much can just pass them by.

Episode 7 Updated 10-24-01

Episode 8

Latest Rumors:

Posted by Mr. Video on 10-24-01

108 11/13/01 [unknown] 6ABB08 Tabula Rasa
Buffy and Spike deal with their sleeping together. Tara splits up with Willow. Giles leaves Sunnydale for good.

109 11/20/01 [unknown] 6ABB09 TBD
A demon casts a spell on Buffy making her, and the audience, question what is real.

110 11/27/01 [unknown] 6ABB10 TBD
Buffy asks Willow to leave the house due to her obsession with magic.

Posted by goldengirl on Fanforum on 10-26-01

> Hello MR. Vidiot, I'm just wondering where did you get your episode
>summaries for season 6? For episode 8 Tabula Rasa it say's that
Buffy and
>Spike deal with their sleeping together, and so far I haven't read
about this
>anywhere else on the net accept here, is this confirmed?

And this was the reply:--->Official UPN documentation.

Posted by mbg on MBTV on 10-26-01


"Tabula Rasa" - A spell Willow casts to make Buffy forget she was in heaven has unintended consequences. Meanwhile, Spike tries to avoid the clutches of a demon loan shark, on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" airing TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 (8:00-9:00 p.m., ET/PT) on UPN.

Posted by MarcO on MBTV on 10-26-01

What I really wanted to post though was this:

'Doc is set to return, and be part of the season long big bad, along with . . . Willow. She will be possessed by 'First Evil' and I have heard that this could result in a first for BtVS in a Season end cliffhanger! What I heard was that Buffy will most likely have to seek out the evil and destroy it, or to kill Willow, and as the season ends we won't be knowing which path she has chosen.'

I got it from my brother in law who works with the show - not sure *exactly* what he does. This, of course, being how I have been able to see the first 4 eps of the series as well - and I'm pretty impressed so far...
How likely does this sound? I mean, it could quite easily be a fakey sent out by producers, but at least some of it could fit in with some of the other things we know about... I shall hassle for more information.

Posted by Sweetie on Fanforum:

There's a scene where Dawn is lying in bed and Willow opens her door to come wake her up.
Also, Willow standing in front of a desk with papers, and Willow sitting in front of a rat cage.
Amy has officially been de-ratted. She's sitting on the bed (almost exactly like 'Something Blue') looking really scared and frightened.

Spike stuff:
Spike walks out of an alley and looks onto a Sunnydale street (in front of 'Sun Cinema') and looks at all the people walking through the town... he spots a girl walking into the alley. She's walking down the alley, and he jumps in front of her. She kind of walks the other way and he jumps in front of her again. Very cat-and-mouse like. He paces in front of her, talking to her for a minute (very Season 2... looks hungry), then lunges in to bite her. He then jumps back in pain from the chip. She takes the chance to run away.

From episode 9
BUFFY: You're not a man, you're a thing.
SPIKE: I've changed.
Later in the scene.
BUFFY: You're nothing... you're a disgusting thing.

More from the same scene:
We still don't know what episode this is but it sounds like episode 9 where Buffy ends up in the mental hospital and no one knows what is and isn't real. I say that because there is a reference to Giles leaving and we know he leaves in episode 8.

This is scene 8.:
Buffy: Ugh, Ew, gross Spike. He left. I was depressed. Ergo badness[sleeping with Spike?] and...You have to let it go.
Spike: I've changed. (might be "I'm changing" or "I can change."
Buffy: Please. Let it go.
She walks away. Spike grabs her.
Buffy: Don't touch me

She hits him. He hits her back hard and she falls on the ground. He has a very delayed chip reaction. She gets up, hits him back and he falls down, which is when she says "You're nothing but a disgusting thing."

He's on his knees facing the camera, wiping his mouth and she's standing behind him...looks like more "you're beneath me" imagery here.

That's all of it. Scene 9 is the scene Sweetie posted where Spike tries to bite a woman. Sweetie speculates that he is testing whether the chip is still working after having such a delayed reaction, plus he's angry with Buffy.

Posted on BC&S on 10-28-01

6.07. "Once More, With Feeling"
The truth spell makes Buffy reveal where she really was when she was dead.
The scoobs are, of course, devastated. Mostly Willow.
Xander finally gets his head right and tells Anya he’s fully ready for marriage.
Anya admits a few secrets of her past.
Tara finds out about Willow making a spell making Tara forgetting a fight they had in "All the Way".
This is after Tara has sung a love song to Willow.
Giles reveals he’s going home very soon.
Dawn reveals that she stole Anya’s earrings and that she has been stealing lot’s of things.
Spike and Buffy kiss.
They don’t sleep together. Yet…

6.08. "Tabula Rasa"
Willow is now determined to make Buffy forget about being in heaven.
It accidentally makes the scoobies forget… well everything. Including that there’s demon in the world and who they are.
After waking up in the magic box Buffy, Willow, Xander, Anya, Tara and Giles find out about their identity from their ID-cards. Dawn and Spike, however, doesn’t have ID-Cards.
The group decides to stick together and they leave the magic box.
Spike gets burned by the sunlight and he stays in the magic box. Anya volunteers to stay with him. She finds him very attractive.
Xander finds himself attractive to Willow, later though he is quite taken with Anya.
Willow finds herself attracted to Buffy.
Giles wonders what on earth he’s doing with people so much younger than he.
He figues he must be someones father.
At the end Tara breaks up with Willow and Giles leaves.
Tara does not go with him.

6.09. "Killing Chronos"
Willow de-rats Amy and at first Amy is mad at Willow for not de-ratting her earlier.
Willow calms her down.
Buffy, Xander and Giles welcomes Amy back.
Later Willow and Amy hangs out at the bronze and play with magics.
Tara sees Willow with Amy, and since she doesn’t know who it is she thinks that Willow has already moved on to another girl.

6.10. "Venoms"
Willow gets a visit from two warlocks and a witch.

6.11. "Future Is Now"
Plot unknown.

6.12. "Hunter"
Plot unknown.

6.13. "Kiss of the Dragon"
Plot unknown.

Posted on http://www.testpattern.net:

Here's the scoop from an article on www.testpattern.net:
"Tuesday, October 30, 2001... Okay Buffy fans, pull out your daggers and thrust away on this latest piece of information we've just received surrounding the upcoming musical episode entitled "Once More with Feeling". According to a very credible and reliable source who shall remain nameless, there will be not one, but two versions of the musical episode. Our anonymous scooper reveals the first will air on November 6 and clock in somewhere in the running of 57 minutes. Aside from what has already been widely known... "UPN is planning to rerun the Musical during the next week - most likely on Friday, the 9th, but it will only run 48 minutes." Our "scoop shifter" also points out this cut of the episode will be the one that runs from that point forward in the land of syndication and reuns. What does it all mean? Well, fans of Buffy may want to set their VCRs as the full cut is airing only once on television but will be included on DVD when, and if, Fox releases Season 6 into the digital market."

Posted by Hugo Rune on the BA Boards on 10-27-01

OK - felt the need to share this.... found on a newsgroup of a friend recently...
Chris Beck: A couple of things -

Joss came up with lyrics, melodies, the underlying chords/harmony, as well as general stylistic direction for each of 16 musical numbers (count 'em). The songs started out as four-track recordings Joss made himself, playing piano or guitar, singing the male parts, with his wife covering the female parts. I co-arranged and co-produced the songs with Jesse Tobias of the band Splendid. Joss was very much involved at every stage of music production, and often surprised me with the detail and specificity of his ideas, considering his lack of formal training and comparatively light musical experience - way more thought and creative vision than a handful of musicians in a room jamming. These songs make the exposition song in Restless seem like amateur hour.

My score contribution is minimal. There are 35 minutes of Joss-written songs, another few of instrumental arrangements of the songs, and maybe one or two minutes of original score by me.
Yes, the cast did all of their own singing. The recording studio in the promos is my own. If you look closely you can see my reflection in the glass the Xander promo, I'm standing up on the left side of the screen. That's me laughing hysterically at the end of Willow's promo as well. (I'm famous!!)

We're doing final mixes on the songs now. There will most likely be a soundtrack CD commercially available shortly after the episode airs. It should have all the songs from the episode as well as a surprise or two.
The episode is not for everybody... certainly not everybody on *this*. But I've seen it, and I happen to think it's a thing of brilliance. I consider it an honor to have been involved.

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 10-29-01

tifa_strife asks: Wanda, any info on Buffy and Spike?
Wanda replies: In the musical episode, look for some yummy ac-shun worth singing about.

drozymandias asks: Wanda, very simple: The Musical: Yea or Nay... please please please say a huge Yea
Wanda replies: YEA. I must warn you, though, that I'm a huge fan of all things theatrical and experimental ... and I think Joss deserves BIG props for being so daring. In my opinion, it's a good episode. And actually, the cast really CAN sing. Even Xander manages to escape off-key humiliation.

teriberi asks: Wanda will Angel and Cordy ever be a couple? Angel fans want to know.
Wanda replies: I've heard that he WILL have an "in-house romance" at some point this season.

Number 10 from Spoiler T or T is TRUE. Dawn falls pretty hard for her new guy before realizing he’s not exactly prime necking material.

beckygene asks: Will the gang ever learn that Buffy was in Heaven, and Not Hell?
Wanda replies: Yes. In fact, Willow's going to conjure up a spell that's supposed to make Buffy forget her memories from up above. But unfortunately, it takes a disastrous turn for the worse. Willow's just getting in deeper and deeper…

rufololb asks: Assuming Willow goes evil (nudge nudge, wink wink) will they be able to turn her back to good? Willow isn't going to leave the show is she!?
Wanda replies: Alyson Hannigan is NOT going anywhere--Contracts, my dear, contracts. In fact, her role is "expanding" this season.

Transcript of promo airing 10-30-01
Posted by Lisa on BAPS on 10-31-01

Opens same as before Buffy (in white and pink) "Did anyone burst into song last night?

Same Buffy in black: "Life's a show. . ."

Quick shot of the whole gang clasping hands in The Bronze.

Buffy walking alone (leather jacket and jeans) in the graveyard.

Buffy: "And you can sing along" (Same as before)

Anya, Xander, Giles, Tara, Willow walking in front of fire trucks singing about "We'll walk through the fire"

Demon guy saying: "It's showtime!"

Demon guy doing a spin in front of Dawn who is dressed in pale blue satin.

Buffy in black leather jacket. Hair down. Dark behind her singing: "The point of no return."

Three men dancing around Dawn. It's an overhead shot and impossible to tell.

They look odd. Not people... and yet strangely in a way they also remind me of Giles, Spike, and Xander... but not really. They look kind of demony. NOt like the real guys and the blonde one is in a pale sport coat. Very odd. Oh and Dawn is in the Bronze... but not in the pale blue satin outfit. Not sure what this scene is.

Buffy (in red shirt) punching something or someone out.
and.... (hold on kiddies!)

Magic Box. Buffy in the work out outfit. Spike in black leather, red shirt, dark brows. Giles standing behind him (Solemnly?) Xander almost out of screen. Buffy is angry? Hurt? Offended? Hurt? Saying softly to Spike: "I thought you wanted me to stay away from you. Isn't that what you sang?"
Xander (mockingly): "Spike sang a wittle song?"
Anya at Xander's side looks compassionately(?) at Spike and Buffy.

Spike jumping on the coffin in the graveyard, "Let me rest in peace"

Buffy, Anya, Tara dancing in the Bronze

Anya, in the Magic Box with a spotlight singing her heart out. (Still Spike singing.)

Spike and Buffy in the crypt. Spike turns and throws something glass against the wall and it shatters. to Spike singing "Let me take my love and bury it"

Cut to-- VERY, VERY strange scene in the graveyard with Buffy lying on the ground and oether people doing some very odd dance behind her. It's. .. strange.

Same shot as before of Spike and Buffy (Yes, now it's confirmed that it's Buffy) falling into the open grave. She lands on top of Spike. Minute USTy moment.

I cannot make out what the third line of Spike's song is.

Xander: "See now that was disturbing"

Tara singing in front of a lake. (From what I can tell, she has a nice voice) though I can't make out the first line of Tara's song.

Dawn dancing with one of the three odd men/creatures things again. Tara singing: Nothing I can do.

Spike and Buffy in his crypt. Impassioned Spike falling to his knees in front of Buffy. Buffy looking surprised. Upset? Shocked? Wigging? Tara singing: You took my soul with you.

Red Buffy card.
"Understand we'll go hand in hand."

Anya and Xander dance.

Gang breaking hands in the line "But we'll walk alone in fear"

Spike grabbing Buffy, her spinning around close to him (same as before)

The group shot with the strange hand wave thing "Where do we go from here?"

Buffy alone in the graveyard.

Posted by Jay on BC&S on 10-30-01

read this please and tell me if this is likey to happen :)

Author Host/IP: spider-ti024.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: possible crossover (spoilerish)

okay, i just talked to a friend of mine in LA who works in the industry and is contracted out to the WB right now, and i begged her for spoilers, and she was all squirmish b/c of confidentiality clauses and whatnot but she did say that the word was that at the end of the season a crossover would happen...sort of...the WB still does not want a crossover event, but they want to do it by having SMG as a "guest star" on Angel...i'd prefer angel on
buffy but either way i'd be happy... you all know i have been posting here for a long time and i don't make stuff up. this just got passed along to me and i am passing it along to you.

Posted by Nica on BC&S in response on 10-31-01

Author: NicaNica
Subject: I posted this last night. what my friend said was...
In reply to: jay 's message, "Is this true? someone plese confirm ;) Re:Future of B&A eps." on 01:26:14 10/31/01 Wed

she said the episode was not written yet which means things are up in the air (she also said they had to rewrite an Angel episode because it had a building exploding or falling or something) but that plans were being made, and the WB sort of recanted their "no crossovers ever" policy. it would not be a bona fide crossover but just "special guest star sarah michelle gellar" on angel towards the end of season 6.

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

Not much new this week.

First, the ups: the musical is shaping up to be quite a Spike-centric episode. The promos are confirming that Spike and Buffy confront their feelings for each other. It is unlikely that Buffy would confess to loving Spike at this point, but as evidenced in last week's episode (All the Way), she certainly has some feelings for him. The new promo suggests that Spike confesses (re-confesses?) his feelings for her, is rebuffed, then tells Buffy to leave him alone. Yet Herc has promised viewers a kiss, and some of the scenes from the promos certainly suggest an impending kiss.

Now the downs: Sweetie's Episode 9 spoilers indicate an impending confrontation. The key, though, it that this episode is described as one in which Buffy, and the audience, do not know what is real. Could these scenes be part of this spell/demon infection? At this time we do not know. However, thigns happen that are not easily forgivable--by either party. This confrontation may very well set the stage for angst and conflict for Spike for the remainder of the season.

But as fellow BAPSters have pointed out, mean behavior on Buffy's part alters the balance of power between Buffy and Spike. If Buffy does something for which Spike will have to forgive her, then the two stand on more equal ground. Otherwise, Spike is in a perpetual state of being "beneath" Buffy on a moral level.

I do not know what to make of these crossover rumors. Fans want crossovers so badly that I cannot rule out that these rumors are wishful thinking. I doubt the writers want crossovers because of the logistical nightmares involved and because of network pressure.

In the meantime, we have very little spoilage for upcoming episodes. I suspect that is because plot developments in Episodes 7 and 8 will be explosive, and to reveal any information is to reveal too much. I hope to compile a summary of what is known about Episode 9 next week.

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Ep#7 Joss Whedon
Title: Once More, With Feeling

Ep #8 Rebecca Rand Kirshner
Title: Tabula Rasa

Ep #9 Drew Z. Greenberg
Title: Smashed Updated 11-3-01

Ep#10 Marti Noxon Unconfirmed 11-2-01
Title: Unknown

Ep#11 David Fury Unconfirmed 11-2-01
Title: Unknown

Ep#12 Jane Espenson Confirmed 11-2-01
Title: Unknown

Ep#13 Doug Petrie Confirmed 11-2-01
Title: Unknown

Ep#14 Steve DeKnight Confirmed 11-2-01
Title: Unknown

Ep#15 Rebecca Kirshner Confirmed 11-2-01
Title: Unknown

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E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com

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