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Latest news – November 7, 2001

Now Shooting: Episode 10

Episode Summaries

For those of you who are as spoiler-whorish as I am, I am posting complete summaries of what I know about the episodes. I'm making these into links so that those who do not want to be spoiled that much can just pass them by.

Episode 7 Updated 10-24-01

Episode 8

Latest Rumors:

Posted by Steve DeKnight on 11-2-01

Enders Wiggins: Emma is just best, isn't she? Let's see… ep-wise, Espenson is doing 12, Petrie is whipping up 13, I should be taking a crack at 14, and Kirshner'll be making trouble with 15. After that – who knows?

Posted by mbg on MBTV on 11-2-01

"Smashed" - Something goes wrong with Spike's chip allowing him to attack people. Meanwhile, Willow reunites with an old friend to cause some magical mayhem, on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" airing TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20.

Posted by Sweetie on Fanforum on 11-7-01

I can confirm that Buffy and Spike DO sleep together either at the end of 8 or the very very beginning of 9. But don't get all excited. I have the "morning after" scene and it's not pretty. That's all I'm saying.

Posted on Zap2It on 11-7-01

'Buffy': Where Does It Go From Here
LOS ANGELES (Zap2it.com) - Anyone who watched Tuesday's musical episode of UPN's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" knows two things for certain: creator/composer Joss Whedon has the music in him, and nothing is going to be the same.

In particular, those who hung in past the hour (the first airing of the episode ran eight minutes over) were rewarded with a big "The End" plastered over the busily kissing faces of Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and vampire Spike (James Marsters), whose love/hate relationship appears to have taken a turn for the love.
"It's a love that dares not speak its name, that's for sure," says executive producer Marti Noxon. "It's going to be a wild ride."

Spike was forced to throw in with the Slayer and her Scoobies after a government-implanted microchip prevented him from harming humans (that is, until the Nov. 20 episode, "Smashed" ).

His hatred for Buffy morphed into an awkward fascination, later replaced by an obsessive fascination, which settled into a cordial truce, brought about by his loyalty and his unique understanding of digging out of one's own grave (which he and Buffy both have done). But as Spike sang in his ballad, "Rest in Peace," this laying down of arms has not been nearly enough to satisfy his longings.

And, as it turns out, his longing may be at an end. "There's so much to play with them," says Noxon. "We'll see where it goes. No romance ever goes well, not on 'Buffy.' It almost mirrors real life to me. When you're that age, you always go for the guy you shouldn't go for."

"We were thinking about college and what that was like, and thinking, 'God, we were all going out with people that were really bad for us, but we had these love/hate relationships going on.' We thought, 'There must be something about a certain personality that likes that kind of pain.'"

"So we were like, 'That seems like a " Buffy" kind of thing.' It's going to be fun."

The relationship may even break up that old Scooby Gang. "Oh," says Noxon, "there's going to be quite a bit of punching of noses, believe me."

Love can change a person, and it may change Spike's rather monochromatic black-on-black wardrobe. His long-missing striped red shirt returned in the musical, and there could be more to come.

"He's going to be breaking out," says Noxon. "He's going to be wearing some crazy things, like maybe gray."
Speaking of costumes, steady "Buffy" watchers may have noticed several of the characters wearing sweaters or shirts that had numbers on them. This has caused fans on the Internet to speculate on what this all means.
"Um," says Noxon, "nuthin'. It's just a fashion trend, believe it or not. There are no deeper meanings. The costumer did it without really thinking about it, then we decided just to go with it. I'd like to tell you that it refers to the Psalms or our favorite episodes, but it was just an accident."

"I'm not ashamed to tell you, it's just us being goofy. It refers to nothing. It signifies nothing."

Reposted rumor:

Posted on BC&S on 10-28-01

6.07. "Once More, With Feeling"
The truth spell makes Buffy reveal where she really was when she was dead.
The scoobs are, of course, devastated. Mostly Willow.
Xander finally gets his head right and tells Anya he’s fully ready for marriage.
Anya admits a few secrets of her past.
Tara finds out about Willow making a spell making Tara forgetting a fight they had in "All the Way".
This is after Tara has sung a love song to Willow.
Giles reveals he’s going home very soon.
Dawn reveals that she stole Anya’s earrings and that she has been stealing lot’s of things.
Spike and Buffy kiss.
They don’t sleep together. Yet…

6.08. "Tabula Rasa"
Willow is now determined to make Buffy forget about being in heaven.
It accidentally makes the scoobies forget… well everything. Including that there’s demon in the world and who they are.
After waking up in the magic box Buffy, Willow, Xander, Anya, Tara and Giles find out about their identity from their ID-cards. Dawn and Spike, however, doesn’t have ID-Cards.
The group decides to stick together and they leave the magic box.
Spike gets burned by the sunlight and he stays in the magic box. Anya volunteers to stay with him. She finds him very attractive.
Xander finds himself attractive to Willow, later though he is quite taken with Anya.
Willow finds herself attracted to Buffy.
Giles wonders what on earth he’s doing with people so much younger than he.
He figues he must be someones father.
At the end Tara breaks up with Willow and Giles leaves.
Tara does not go with him.

6.09. "Killing Chronos"
Willow de-rats Amy and at first Amy is mad at Willow for not de-ratting her earlier.
Willow calms her down.
Buffy, Xander and Giles welcomes Amy back.
Later Willow and Amy hangs out at the bronze and play with magics.
Tara sees Willow with Amy, and since she doesn’t know who it is she thinks that Willow has already moved on to another girl.

6.10. "Venoms"
Willow gets a visit from two warlocks and a witch.

6.11. "Future Is Now"
Plot unknown.

6.12. "Hunter"
Plot unknown.

6.13. "Kiss of the Dragon"

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

A quick note: the musical was absolutely wonderful.

Steve DeKnight gave us some useful information on the schedule of writers up until Ep. 15. I am assuming Marti is writing Ep. 10 (we'll find out this weekend, and I'll update asap, so watch this space) and Fury has Episode 11.

I'm re-posting the BC&S spoilers of 10-28-01 because so many have been referring to them. I think we need to recognize that these are likely false. First, it gets details of the Musical wrong. Second, it has the title of Episode 9 wrong. And last, it is contradicted by the promo for Episode 8. Anya and Giles seem to be paired under the amnesia spell, not Anya and Spike.

The events of Episode 8 and 9 are still sketchy. Sweetie's comments confirm that Buffy and Spike have sex. The aftermath is the question. Hercules' July 4 spoilers said: "When a demon invades Buffy, making it impossible for her to determine what is and isn’t real, she winds up in a mental hospital." Mr. Video's spoilers say, "A demon casts a spell on Buffy making her, and the audience, question what is real." Much that Sweetie has to report involves major confrontations between Spike and Buffy, as well as Spike's malfunctioning chip. I think we need to consider that this is part of what is not "real," that these are Buffy's demon-affected perceptions. That said, I do not think the episode will end with the spell being lifted, and everything being hunky-dory. Obviously, Buffy has some serious fears about a relationship with Spike, fears that it wouldbe foolish not to explore.

Marti Noxon's comments on the developing Buffy/Spike relationship are welcome for the way they point to a continuing relationship for Buffy and Spike, along with the Scooby reactions Hercules promised on September 5: "We now understandthat Spike and Buffy will kiss more than twice, and – to the rest of the Scooby Gang’s horror – go way way way beyond tongue wrestling." However, Noxon and crew run a risk by portraying Buffy as a character who invites pain. To some degree, viewers need to relate to Buffy in positive ways. It is not positive to portray Buffy either as a masochist or a bitch. Also, Noxon's comments do not address the issue of Spike's character and whether it can change, whether Spike can be redeemed.

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Ep#7 Joss Whedon
Title: Once More, With Feeling

Ep #8 Rebecca Rand Kirshner
Title: Tabula Rasa

Ep #9 Drew Z. Greenberg
Title: Smashed Updated 11-3-01

Ep#10 Marti Noxon Confirmed 11-9-01
Title: Wrecked

Ep#11 David Fury Unconfirmed 11-2-01
Title: Unknown

Ep#12 Jane Espenson Confirmed 11-2-01
Title: Unknown

Ep#13 Doug Petrie Confirmed 11-2-01
Title: Unknown

Ep#14 Steve DeKnight Confirmed 11-2-01
Title: Unknown

Ep#15 Rebecca Kirshner Confirmed 11-2-01
Title: Unknown

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