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Latest news – February 13, 2002
Now Shooting: Episode 18

My apologies for this week's delay. Some idiot ran a stop sign and into me last week, and now I'm the one who has to deal with all the hassle of buying another car, dealing with insurance companies, and making sure everything is medically okay with the baby.

Episode Summaries

For those of you who are as spoiler-whorish as I am, I am posting complete summaries of what I know about the episodes. I'm making these into links so that those who do not want to be spoiled that much can just pass them by.

Episode 15

Episode 16

Latest Rumors:

Posted by Steve DeKnight on the BronzeBeta on 2-7-02

(compiled by Cissy on TabRas)

I pulled out some of the more Spike-relevant Q&A from SD at the Bronze today. (Yeah, I should be working - argh).

spikeme says:
Dead Things was fantastic!! Loved the sex, loved the emotion. Very hot episode!! Great Job!! You definately got the job done too.
I have a question about the Bronze scene, is Buffy 'Restless' dream coming true? You think you know who you really are...but you haven't even begun? People think it's Spike being a stalker, I was thinking there is more to this than that.

SD: Thanks. And cool name. There’s always more to Spike than anyone thinks. He’s a twisted little nut to crack.
Paradox says:
UPN's Transcript of Dead Things snippit: "When Spike says he'll even take the rap for her, Buffy bloodies the bloodsucker up real bad" Was this cut from the episode (taking the rap), Mr DeKnight or are UPN going wonky? ;)

SD: Nice catch. We did re-shoot Spike getting bloodied. In the original, we completely demolished his face. It was really brutal. UPN, to their credit, didn’t have a problem with it, but Joss felt it was so horrific that it took away from the emotion of the scene. And he was right.
Paradox says:
Wow thanks for replying, Steve! You deserve all this praise you're getting here tonight. I'll keep an eye out for Lisa Lassek.
Just another Q: did JM or SMG have any qualms about the scenes? I mean how do you get them to do that stuff while keeping a straight face? :D

SD: JM and SMG are totally professional about the sex scenes. No problem there.
Lilyana says:
Steve DeKnight Oh sure..show up on Thursday! See how you are?! LOL Well, I guess this makes it Pantsless Thursday...and me with my pants on. You can't sneek up on people like that, walking in on them all unexpected! Sheesh..how embarrassing you seeing us with our pants on!! Great job on Dead Things! Loved it! And damn! Buffy beat the sh*t out of Spike!!! *g*

SD: Thank you. Now if I can only find the right woman to beat the crap out of me…
Cashmere says:
some folks are saying Spike is becoming emotionally abusive to Buffy (e.g. the bronze catwalk sex scene). Do you think that's true?

SD: Spike’s a very complicated man. And a big part of him is still evil. Evil, I tells ya! Evil!
Angel Rain says:
If you're here, it must be Friday, which means I should have gone to work today. Uh-oh.

Here's a question for ya, big fella: Have the writers ever changed something in the show because of comments on the posting board? I mean, if Bronzers have a generally negative reaction to the way a storyline is going, is there ever talk in the writers' room of changing it, or do you just figure we'll come around eventually?

If you ever do take our comments into consideration, I'd like to beg you to tone down the sex scenes a bit. I know people who have stopped letting their young teenagers watch the show because of the graphic nature of the sex scenes, and frankly, those pelvis-grinding scenes make me a little uncomfortable too, and I never thought of myself as prudish (though perhaps I should start). A little left to the imagination wouldn't hurt.

SD: Honestly, all the big story stuff spills out of Joss’ head. He knows where he wants to go and how he wants to get there, and he’s not going to change that for anyone. Personally, I agree with him. If we start trying to change things to please all the fans, we’ll get a watered down vanilla show. As for the sex – it’s a big part of Buffy’s troubles this season. To short change that would do the story a disservice. And a lot of it is supposed to make you feel uncomfortable. Just like Buffy.
Paradox says:
Steve DeKnight! Oh man! Dead Things Was [b]BLOODY FANTASTIC[/b]! You freakin rock the house!! My fave scene (apart from the Bronze one :D) was Buffy and Spike and they put their hands on the door. ([Sigh] romance) Who's idea came for the song choice. It matched perfectly. And the alley scene -- damn as good as the one in Fool For Love (don't tell Doug that hehe)
Why aren't you writing more damnit??! I'm 100% straight but I have this
undescribable urge to start humping you *eg*! STEVE DEKNIGHT RULES! Screw Herc, you deserve 10 out of 5 stars!!

SD: Thanks for the kind words. The music in the graveyard scene was picked by the amazing editor for that episode, Lisa Lassek. Keep an eye out for that name. She’s going be huge.
SD: Thanks. As for ep, 19, it’s not really a dark ep. (honest), but I’ll do my best to creep it up for ya.

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 2-11-02

Last week, you gave us a hint about the big Buffy death: "Fourth one's a charm." Does that mean Buffy is going to die again?

Wanda: Nope. It's not Buffy. It was a far more abstract reference than a four-time corpse.

I'm tired of your obscure innuendoes. Give us a nice clean clue as to the death on Buffy!

Wanda: Sure. And then I'll stick my head on a nice, clean chopping block! Sorry, but this is about as clear as I can get for now, my dear: It's someone who has/will have a broken heart.

About the Buffy death: By "charm," do you mean a reference to magic? It's not Willow, is it?

Wanda: Hmmm...well, that certainly is an interesting interpretation of the word.

Posted by LadyJ on the BC&S Spoiler Board on 2-10-02

I was at the set today and at lunch someone hired one of those small Cesna's or something to fly with banner around the set's air space that read: Buffy Rocks!!

That was way cool. But sadly not everyone saw it. Amber however did see it and said: How does everyone know where we are?

Just thought I'd share.

It's called Entrophy. It deals with basically everybody going through stuff post Buffy's b-day and the Wedding. I'd say. I will say this. There is some Buffy/Dawn stuff. Buffy/Spike. Xander/Anya, and Willow/Tara. Hmm something to prove my knowledge.

Anya tries to curse Xander, but it doesn't work. Dawn apparently stole toothpaste during her escapades. AND there is a Winnona Ryder reference. Of course these things can be cut. But at least I was there. No I don't work for the cast, or anything like that. Otherwise I'd be contractually obligated not to tell you anything.

Posted by Sweetie on Beyond Surrender on 2-11-02

6.15 - As You Were
Written by Doug Petrie
Airing 02.26.02

-Riley returns.
-Spike is portrayed as the villian of this episode.
-Spike does something to Riley that forces Buffy to break up with him. (Take this one with a grain for salt, please! I'm still looking into it).
6.16 - Untitled
Written by Rebecca Rand Kirshner

-Xander and Anya's big wedding day.
-Buffy and Spike share a bittersweet scene (it made me cry!). I'm not going to put "new" by it though since most people already read that scene in the script. :)
6.17 - Normal Again
Writer Unknown

Updated! - We find out something very interesting about Buffy. It doesn't really have anything to do with Spike, but it will affect him in the long run. And it's positive (not so much for Buffy, but for b/s).
-We realize that the writers have been misleading us with a certain storyline.
-Buffy is forced to make an unfortunate decision.
NEW! - Not only do we find out something interesting about Buffy, but there's also a particular scene where she goes a little crazy. Circumstances are unknown right now, but she ends up hurting and majorly freaking out some people she loves.

Posted by The Partyman on BC&S Spoiler Board on 2-11-02

"DSM" at the Kitten Board has posted some new stuff from Episode 18 - "Entropy
Willoe And Tara both very much alive, talking after class..

Willow and tara go foir a coffee togetrher, only to have it ruined by Anya showing up.
So It looks like Willow and Tara are on the road to reunion.

Some of the dialogue of 18 also mentions some things that happen in Episode 17:

Buffy goes a little *insane*.
Willows neck is injured.
Ep 17 action in a basement.
This source has apparently been extremely reliable in the past.

Posted by Drew Greenberg on the Bronze Beta on 2-12-02
Compiled by Rbabe on FF

OMJ! Drew Greenberg!~
So will tonight's epi be as wonderful as your first? Are you our hope
and salvation for a light-hearted Buffy?

- Petrona: I wasn't aiming for "wonderful" as much as I was
for "workmanlike." And light-hearted? I dunno. Light-HEADED... yes.
Oh, wait, that's me, not the ep. Yeah, I think light-hearted is
pretty fair. It was a fun, fun, fun episode to write, I got to do a
teensy bit of comedy, some really neat personal interaction stuff, a
smidge of scary (something I ALWAYS wanted to do and now finally
can)... besides, I think I'm officially giving up on serious, because
DeKnight proved last week that he is the BEST, and I would only
suffer in comparison... my only hope is that I can sit at his knee
and learn something... DeKnight, I said your KNEE, cut that out!!

Drew well, I'll help ya hold that wall up, how's that sound? Thanks
for the little hint about Spike...we take what we can get here..and a
whole lot more!!! Can we expect anymore excellent performances at The
Bronze in the upcoming episodes? I just have to thank you guys for
introducing me to Michelle Branch! Come to find out, she's from a
town about 4 hours from me!!!

- Lilyana: I think we had the best performance at the Bronze in some
time LAST week... how could we top THAT??!?

Drew: Hi! I just wanted to tell you how much I am looking forward
to "Older and Far Away" tonight. I have read some very good things
about it. I am thoroughly enjoying this season and I can't wait to
see where this is all going. Keep up the good work. Oh, care to give
me any clues as to the direction Spike will be taking as the season
progresses? Pretty please...with sugar on top?!

- G's Lucie: Thanks for the kind thoughts! Hints about Spike? Spike's
road is only gonna get more frustrating... it ain't easy livin' with
that dang chip in his head all the time. Metal detectors at the
airport alone would drive a man to distraction. So, who knows, it's
only gonna get more interesting, I promise you that.

Drew Greenberg don't you writers ever tire of toying with Spike??
Can't you cut a vamp some slack??

- Cashmere: Now, where's the dramatic fun in slack??!? Besides, you
shouldn't feel too bad for Spike, things aren't gonna be all bad for
him. He might have one or two things to look forward to. Before we
stake him. Oh, wait, don't tell anyone about that part.

Oh Drew Greenberg you're up tonight! Fantabulous. Your Smashed was a
work of art! The final scene was so powerful, and not only the
action, but the imagery (and who did the score for that - which was
perfection). I enjoyed your turn on the Succubus Club as well.
I'm glad you're getting some lighter stuff this week! Come get some
[heartin'] from us tomorrow - and yes, all hail DeKnight - Dead
Things is on my list of episodes I'd need if stranded on a desert
island (or would be, you know, if I had a power source, tv and a
VCR). Watch yourself around his knees though, what with the
pantslessness and all.
Can you tell us any more about tonight - or do you have a question
you'd like us to answer after seeing your episode?

- Xanderella: Thank you for the generous compliments! I loved the
ending of Smashed to, our own Thomas Wanker did the music for the
final sequence, and I, too, thought it was hauntingly beautiful. I
was sitting in the editing bay with Joss and Marti and Marilyn (the
ep's editor), and when we heard the music track for the first time, I
almost got a little misty... luckily I carry those little travel
packs of tissues with me everywhere I go.

Drew!!!!!!!: ok.....we were just wondering, could you spoil us on
anything to do with cecily/halfrek? we're wondering what is going on
with her!

- Willoschicken_f: You haven't seen the last of Halfrek, I'll tell
you that. She's not done with our crew yet.

Drew! Mr. Greenberg! (I'm polite *and* Canadian too) Did you really
intend that undercurrent of affection that I caught between Buffy and
Spike? Because it was like she's gettin' used to his shenanigans and
able to lay down the rules without *****-slapping him everywhere as
per her usual habit. It was humourous.
Thanks for dropping in!

- Judydh: Yes, one more step in the evolution of the characters'
interaction, glad you picked up on it. Before the staking. Darn it,
there I go again.

Lastly, here is Drew's mysterious clue about oafa...
And hey, I'm gonna go out on a limb and leave you guys with a challenge... There’s a pretty big and none-too-subtle hint in tonight’s ep about the title, at least in terms of where it came from... the trick is gonna be going to the source and figuring out what it means and what it refers to... it’ll take some work for anyone interested, but I promise it’ll be worth it. For anyone who’s up for it.

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

As I said on Feb. 1, if I learned that Tara was in an episode after episode 17, I would retract the spoiler regarding her possible death. The information from both DSM on the Kitten Board and LadyJ on BC&S strongly suggests that Tara is in episode 18, so I am retracting that spoiler.

The information on episode 18 that we do have indicates that Buffy seems to "go crazy" in episode 17 and hurt some of her friends or family. When I read this, it called to mind some old spoilers from July. I will include them here:

*begin old spoilers*

Posted by Herc on 7-4-01

Buffy 6.8 (Nov. 20)
When a demon invades Buffy, making it impossible for her to determine what is and isn’t real, she winds up in a mental hospital.

Posted by DanRobJim on the SMGFan BB 7-9-01

Ok, this is what I heard that hasn't already been mentioned, that I can find anyway:

Stuff in [] is what I'm guessing at from past spoilers that havn't happened yet

Buffy will be ressurected by Willow, Tara's gonna be more than a little annoyed about it and Willow's growing power and her and Willow will have a big fight. Willow put's a spell on Tara to make her forget the fight, however in the musical episode everyone has to tell the truth so Willow tells about the spell, Tara gets really annoyed and breaks up with Willow. Willow managed to de-rat Amy. [Being a rat has sent Amy more than a little insane, and is out for revenge on Buffy, although her power isn't as great as Willow's she puts a spell on Willow to believe everything Amy says and go up against Buffy]

Giles will leave as he no longer has a slayer to look after and return to England to work back at the council

The Buffy-bot has been used to cover up for Buffy's absense, but when it get's killed Buffy has to resume full duty. By the musical episode Buffy will realise she can't cope and that she prefered being dead to being alive. She realises that the only person who understands and isn't completely evil this is Spike [Not Angel, as Angel is striving to become more human and isn't really happy being dead].

So in the musical ep Buffy and Spike kiss, I'm not talking like in the first Buffy-bot ep, I'm talking full on kiss. Buffy tries to get on with life as well as possible, but finds she can't do anything as well as she feels Joyce could, when bills start pouring in she seeks advice from the now returned Giles, [he can't really give her the emotional support she needs as he is not sure of who she really is] so she leaves to visit Angel to try to rediscover her humanity

Xander and Anya are still engaged, but just before the wedding Xander gets cold feet, so he concocts a truth spell but things go wrong resulting in the musical episode. Anya somehow manages to get her powers back but realises she still loves Xander no matter how much she tried to hate him, and tries to get him to kill her so she can't put him in danger again, he goes to do it but smashed her power centre again so she is human... again.

Jonothan will return as part of a small group of demon worshippers, using magic to create and control demons, in a similar way to how Giles did back in his Ripper days.

Giles decides to return to the UK for good, but expect him to make guest appearances, this isn't the last we've seen of him

By episode 8 a demon has possesed Buffy, making her unable to work out what is real and what isn't. After attacking Willow, to protect the other scoobies from harm she has herself put into the mental ward of Sunnydale hospital.

Phew, that was long, for a while I didn't think I was gonna find the end.... oh, just found it.

*end old spoilers*

I included all the spoilers so you could see that the second source was mainly accurate about other things as well; however, there are some other inaccuracies (mainly about Xander and Anya). We might consider looking to these spoilers as guides to figuring out what is happening in episode 17, when Buffy apparently has trouble with her sanity. The recurrence of this story suggests that a planned storyline from earlier in the season has been moved to later in the season.

It's nice to have a title for episode 18. The titles "As You Were," "Normal Again" (still unconfirmed), and "Entropy" have a common theme. The first two titles are about going back to a former state, and "entropy" has to do with: "The tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity" or "Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society." What these titles are suggesting is that things are, to use a word Marti once used, "devolving"--going back to the way they were, which is a process of deterioration, not progress. I suspect that Buffy and the other core Scoobies think things are getting back to normal, but they are really avoiding their problems and failing to grow.

I'm glad to see confirmation that Greenberg is writing episode 18 and DeKnight 19. That still leaves episode 20 unassigned--and Espenson and Fury as the top candidates to write it.

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Ep#15 Doug Petrie
Directed by Doug Petrie
Title: As You Were

Ep#16 Rebecca Rand Kirshner
Title: Hell's Bells

Ep. #17 Diego Gutierrez
Title: Normal Again Unconfirmed 2-1-02

Ep. #18 Drew Greenberg
Title: Entropy New 2-13-02

Ep. #19 Steve DeKnight
Title: Unknown

Ep. #21 Marti Noxon Updated 2-1-02
Title: Unknown

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E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com

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