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Welcome back, everyone!

It was my original plan to update Spoiler Zone on July 1, but then a little Northeastern heat wave interfered with my plans, making my office a balmy 100 degrees during the day. The heat has broken here in Maine, and I'm back! And I bring you all the collected Season 7 spoilage I have found since the end of last season.

On a personal note, I've had a very busy hiatus, buying a house, looking for a new job, and growing this baby to enormous proportions. Even my midwives are starting to give me dubious looks and saying, "Well, maybe I'll see you next week," meaning, they think I'm going to pop any moment. I'm now 38 weeks pregnant and allegedly have 2 weeks to go. I know all the jumpstarting labor techniques and have tried all the ones I'm comfortable with, so I think this child has a mind of his own. Again, I'll update as soon as I have any news!

On to the spoilers!

Latest news – July 5, 2002

Latest Rumors:

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 6-3-02

From buffyfanlvr66: Wanda, I know it's sort of a dry time of year,
but anything on Buffy?
More like the Sahara desert, as none of the scripts have been written
yet. Hiatus schmiatus, people. I want my freaking scoop! Ahem,
anyway, I will have a few goodies on Spike and Tara (two separate
items, not a weird new-soul-postmortem love affair) in this week's
column, which is all about the biggest cliffhangers of the season--
and which way it appears they'll be heading.

From cchaverhill: Character We'll Miss Most--What about Amber
Benson's Tara? Or do you know something we don't?
I sort of know something you'll sort of know this Friday. Cryptic
enough for ya?

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 6-7-02

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Will Tara Return?
It's not clear whether actress Amber Benson will be back, but my
source tells me a version of Tara will reappear, adding, "We will
see more of the Willow/Tara warm fuzzies."

Will Spike Come Back as a Human?
No, but he will come back with a soul. And according to a source
close to the set, we haven't seen the end of the Buffy-Spike (aka
Spuffy) fireworks--although this time, they'll undoubtedly be a
little more Angel-ic.

As for the rumor that Britney Spears will appear on the show this
year, although the entire "Grrr...Argh" camp is currently taking a
much deserved break, I'd bet my beloved TiVo that Buffy boss
Joss Whedon would give a response similar to his comment on
last year's rumor that Shannen Doherty would guest star, "I only
work with serious actors."

By the way, good news for those of you starving for Buffy dish:
This Wednesday, June 12, at 10 p.m. on E!, Jules Asner
interviews our favorite fair-haired slayer on Sarah Michelle Gellar:

I've also got the goods from Sarah herself about the likelihood of
an eighth season of Buffy, which I'll share with you during our
next chat.

Posted on SciFi.com on 6-11-02

Buffy Crosses The Pond
Joss Whedon, whose Buffy the Vampire Slayer took home the Saturn
Award for best network television series, told SCI FI Wire that he will move
production to England for the seventh-season premiere episode. "I am going
to England ... in a couple of weeks to shoot some second-unit with Tony
[Head, who plays Giles,] and Alyson [Hannigan, who plays Willow,] for the
season premiere of Buffy," Whedon told reporters after receiving his award
June 10 in Los Angeles. "So that'll be fun. Our first production values ever.
We're very excited. Usually it's 'So we're in Venice. Hand me that goblet.' So
it's a thing."

As for next year's storyline for the UPN series, Whedon remained coy, but
promised a change from this year's dark themes. "I can only tell you a little
bit," he said. "This is something I've been sort of gearing towards since the
very beginning of the show. It's a question of bringing it onto a much larger
scale and at the same time making it much more personal and much more
personal to Buffy herself. This year was a chance to let the other characters
[shine.] ... The big climactic scene [was] between Xander and Willow, and
that was because, as characters and as actors, they'd earned that
opportunity. And I thought it was right for them to sort of be the
spokespeople for what was going on at the end there. But next year Buffy
will be much less peripheral to the climax. The climax will be the biggest
thing we've ever done."

Whedon added, "You know, every year it might be the end. Except, actually,
this year. This year I really did sort of leave it up in the air. You could
have said this could have been an end, but the [cliffhanger] with Spike and the
thing on Angel, this was sort of the exception to the rule. But I am looking
for closure next year in way because we're making a more positive statement.
This year was just about surviving the year. Sometimes the audience felt that
actually it's their chore too. What? You don't want to be depressed all the
time like me? I don't understand. But next year is something that's a lot more
positive and definitive. And in that it has to end with an exclamation point,
not a question mark."

Posted on Cinescape on 6-12-02

Saturn Scoop: Whedon gives on another year of BUFFY
Our exclusive Saturn Award coverage marches on
Dateline: Wednesday, June 12, 2002

"I never plan beyond one year," Whedon said when asked about more
BUFFY on UPN. "I plan it one year at a time." He also was quick to try to depress buzz that he and the BUFFY crew
are transforming Spike into a neo-Angel for BUFFY. "We have an ANGEL. I think we’ll turn to something else," Whedon
said, also shooting down rumors of Spike on the BUFFY spin-off.

When asked again about a BUFFY movie, he said it probably won’t
happen now that Sarah Michelle Gellar isn’t interested. When asked if
he’d consider doing it without her, he said simply, "No. Never."

Posted by Herc on AICN on 6-15-02

How would you top "Dark Willow"?
This doesn’t come from one of our proven sources, and I wonder if we’d even be posting this if "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" creator Joss Whedon didn’t keep yammering on about the theme of the show’s next (and perhaps final) season being "Buffy: Year One."

But. Somebody just wrote us with a fairly convincing tale. The details of how this source learned have to remain hidden, but here are a few key excerpts:

Mark Metcalf has been contracted for next season.
[Mysource] didn't go into details as to how many episodes or anything.
I don't think [my source] realized what [he or she] had said to a Buffy Fan. [My source] didn't go into details about how many episodes or anything but it would explain in part to Joss calling season seven "Buffy Season One".
Anyway - I hope this is a fun little tidbit from a confidential source. It will probably be easy to confirm. Do what you want with it...
And keep up the great work on AICN. I look forward to your columns on many of my shows each week.

For those coming in late, the brillant Mark "Maestro Neidermeyer" Metcalf played The Master. He was "Buffy’s" season-one Big Bad, a very, very old vampire. Like all big bads, he was dispatched in the season finale.

In Herc’s considered opinion, the idea of bringing back the Master for what may very well be the final season certainly sounds like an idea strong enough to emerge from Team Whedon. (After all, we haven’t had a Big Vampire Bad since season two.) But just to point out the obvious:

1. This could be evil, vengeance-laden Team Whedon misdirection.
2. The Master has already turned up post-season-one in flashback and alternative-universe mode. Could be more of the same.
3. Even if The Master’s back, it doesn’t mean he’s back all season, and doesn’t mean he’s the Big Bad. (But they sure don’t get much badder than The Master!)

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 6-17-02

From EviSA: Did you catch Sarah Michelle Gellar's comments in Entertainment Weekly? Seems she's not happy with Buffy and wants to leave. You heard anything, Wan?
That's Obi-Wan to you, missy. The general feeling around the set is that it 's most likely that Buffy will call it quits after next season, number seven, and that some of the more significant cast members don't want to go on to number eight. However, as far as I know, no final decision has been made--and probably won't be until halfway through the season. So, keep those fingers and toes and toe hairs crossed.
I'm going to a Buffy event tomorrow night at the TV Academy (drumming up Emmy support). Joss and everyone but Sarah will be there, so I'll make sure to ask them and, hopefully, give you the scoopity-poop next week.

From chris345: We Tara fans are in total despair. What is happening with her?
I feel your pain. Unfortunately, I do not have any confirmed info, but I have heard that Amber Benson is not gone for good. (I already told you Tara makes an appearance in one form or another.) The rumor is that she has signed a contract for more than one episode, but, like I said, I've not been able to confirm either way. Hopefully, something will leak out tomorrow night!

SMG on the View on 6-17-02

Lisa Ling: Really, I just have to ask a quick Buffy question. Is
Buffy going to get together with Spike?
SMG: Next season? Um goodness, they don't tell us anything. And I
wonder why? Not that I would tell everyone here, even though everyone
knows I totally would. Um.. I think we are going to see a lighter
Buffy next year. I think its going to go back to the original notes
which is this young heroine that has this job but kind of loves it,
it got very, very dark this year. Um.. and I think we are going to go
back to that lighter side. So I don't think there will be that much
more of Buffy and Spike.

Meredith Viera: You said that you and Buffy are similar in character:
SMG: We are in the sense of living, the difference between being a
young adult and then being a child at the same time. And now as we
both grow into adulthood I have a very big responsibility but I'm
still a young adult. And you know Buffy now is basically a single mom
with a full time job and trying to go to school. So I think there are
a lot of comparisons.

Posted on SciFiWire on 6-21-02

Buffy Cast Teases New Eps
Cast members of UPN's Buffy the Vampire Slayer gave SCI FI Wire hints about where their characters will head in the upcoming seventh season, which starts in the fall. James Marsters (Spike), Michelle Trachtenberg (Dawn) and Alyson Hannigan (Willow) offered the details after a recent panel on the show at the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in Los Angeles.

Hannigan said in an interview that she thinks Willow's greatest challenge will be "winning the fans' love back" after turning evil at the end of the season. "They probably hate me now," she said. "I just hope they forgive my evilness in the last few episodes." Hannigan said Willow's addiction to magic will remain an issue for the character. "Oh yeah, once you go that far, don't you deal with it for the rest of your life?" she asked. After Tara's tragic death, will Willow begin dating again? "Oh dear, I hope not," Hannigan said. "She's got to have time to recover." Hannigan confirmed that she will travel to London to film scenes for the season premiere. When asked if those scenes included Willow's reconciliation with Giles, whom she tried to kill in the season finale, the actress was vague. "I don't know. Hmm. What makes you think that?"

Marsters told SCI FI Wire that Spike will be a vampire with a soul, not a human, as speculated. But he added that he doesn't know if Spike will turn out to be good or evil. "I could be unleashed as the big villain, or I could be the big goody two-shoes crackerjack boy," he said. "I have no idea." But Spike's attempted rape of Buffy at the end of last season will cause a rift between him and Dawn.

"It will not be easy for Spike to come back," Trachtenberg said in an interview. "Of course there is that relationship, that foundation in there, so there is something there, and I think he is the one that Dawn has connected to the most, because he's never treated her like a child. For once, she'll handle the situation in an adult way, but she won't let him get away with it." Trachtenberg added that Dawn may fight more, as she kicked some butt in the season finale. "I know in the season finale Dawn tried to fight a little more," Trachtenberg said. "If their plan is [to add more fighting], I'm definitely looking forward to it. I've been promised heels next year, because Dawn has been wearing sneakers for the past year. So I'll have to take lessons in fighting in heels, but it's definitely something that will be fun." Dawn will also face teen dating issues. "I've heard a couple of rumors here and there that Dawn will have a couple guys coming in and out, but I don't know what other relationships we'll be building. I think that this is the year that Dawn matures and really comes into her own. She spent last year leveling the ground, and now she's able to conduct herself in a way that she has seen her sister in her more mature days."

Posted on 6-22-02
Transcript of the Richard and Judy Show (UK)

Richard and Judy
Judy- Hello James
JM- Hello
Judy- Now I know that Spike is supposed to be an English...a British
JM- Yes, he is
Judy- But you're not are you?
JM- But I only do the accent if you pay me!
Richard and Judy Laugh!
Judy- So you're back to your native Californian Today?
JM- Yes, as always
Judy- Why do you...'cause I know you've done these kind of science
fiction conventions before, Why do you do it?
JM- I enjoy meeting the fans, I think fans of Buffy tend to be pretty
sophisticated...errm.., the writing on the show demands that you are
pretty Hip to 'get it'! Irony is heavily used on the show, so, in
general, the fans are pretty interesting to talk to.....actualy,
they're Freaks and I'm a Freak! (laughs)
Richard- Do they ask you really, really detailed questions about what
happened in the third minute of the fifteenth episode, and why was
your hair that colour on that day? Do they go into all that?
JM- No, they just usualy Grab my Bum (Smiles)
Richard and Judy 'Crack up!'
Judy- Actualy James, I read that that really did happen at one
convention! Some sort of sixty five year old...
JM- It just happened five.......Yes, it just happened five minutes
ago....but, yes ...errm...I think she was more like seventy
five.....and she wanted me to Clench!
Richard and Judy crack up again!
Richard- I gather that a lot of people there, charge for their
autographs....do you charge for people grabbing your bum?
JM- No, that ones free.....I think it comes with the ticket!
Judy- I know we've got a lot of people around you who are desperate
to ask you questions.
Richard- Mike McLeans been rounding up some Buffy Freaks, Who've got
penetrating questions for you, Spike, so Mike, Bring 'em on, and
we'll have a one to one, see what happens!
Mike- Right I'll do that Richard, and ( to James) I'll have a little
squeeze later, you know, when you're free (James laughs)
Turns to girl dressed like Lara Croft
Mike- First of all, whats your question
LCgirl- Can we expect more romance between you and Buffy in the next
JM- (takes a loud, deep breath) Yeah, I think......The thing is, I
don't really know!
Mike- Keep it like that, 'cause we've only got a minute!
JM- OK.....I Think So!!!!!!!!!!!(My exclamation marks!)
Mike- Tease 'em, tease 'em James, that's what I'd do!
JM- (nodding) Lots of (I couldn't quite catch the next word, but it
looked like 'love'!)
Next Girl- Are there any other hints you can give us as to what we
can expect from season seven?
Mike- She's nosey.
JM- Again, Hints about plot, I, If I knew I couldn't tell you,
because I'd be fired!
Mike- Good, don't be nosey!
Girl2- Hi James, you've got such a great British accent, have you
ever thought about doing British movies?
JM- I would love to come over here and do British stage, television
and movies. I think it's all very high quality, the writing here is
very good.
Mike- Well, thank you very much... I could get you a pant' at
Christmas, you never know, James! Listen, before we go, we've got a
surprise for you, because he bases himself on you, he's a big fan of
yours....give it up everyone, a nice round of aplause for 'Steve'!
Someone dressed like Spike, Black leather duster, Red shirt, black
jeans, bleached hair, walks out. James 'Hi Fives' him!
Mike- What ya think?
JM- Perfect
Mike- Quick question for him (meaning James)
Steve- Who was your Idol, when you were growing up?
JM- John Savage!

Posted by May on jm.com on 6-22-02

Hi folks,
Well, I haven't actually seen him face-to-face yet because only the first 400 people have got their autographs so far (and I'm no. 445) but I was there for James' hour-long question and answer session this afternoon. He was AMAZING ! Charming, amusing, entertaining........ the list is endless! He treated us to a few bars from a couple of songs and recited some Shakespeare. I don't normally go to see the same guest twice but I'm making an exception for James. Can't wait until 4.00 p.m. tomorrow!

One little bit of information from Emma Caulfield. She says that she's leaving at the end of season seven because she only signed a three-year contract. James thinks that Sarah Michelle wants to get married and start a family and so might also be leaving at the end of season seven. However, he did say that there are rumours of a further season without her......
Hopefully someone will have some photographs to show you soon. Sorry, I haven't had chance to take any.

Posted by Wanda on E!Online on 6-24-02

mmmmvlner22 asks: Wanda, anything more on the Buffy Emmy event?
Wanda replies: Yep. I had the chance to pull aside Alyson and James
for a little one-on-one time. They were on EXTREMELY tight leashes as
far as spoilers, because Joss was nearby. But Alyson did tell me that
she's going to London this week to shoot scenes for the premiere
episode. I asked her if she'd be meeting up with Giles and she gave a
devilish smile, saying "I don't know ...." So you can count on that.
She has some serious groveling to do after trying to off him. Not to
mention the whole apocalypse thing.

cabinboy20us asks: Is the Master coming back to Buffy?
Wanda replies: That's the word.

wanderingstar asks: Miss Sassypants! I'm glad you are taking a vacay.
Speaking of breaks, when do writers come back from hiatus?
Wanda replies: Most of them are already back. Stand by for backflip ............

shayfl asks: Will Wesley return from the dark side next season?
Wanda replies: Saw him at the Buffy/Emmy event with his honey Alyson
and they were BOTH mum on their evil tendencies for next season. Aly
said: "I don't know. They haven't told me anything about the new
season yet. I sort of hope I do some more of the kick-ass stuff
because it was fun. Although I give it up to the stunt women, because
really, it was all about them. I tried so hard and I was soooo sore
the next day. I was in serious pain. And still the stuff she did was
so much better than what I did. I'm too much of a girl. I'm
like, "Eee, Eee!" trying to throw a punch. Still, it was so much fun.
I'm just worried that the fans won't forgive me if I turn back!"

buffylvr222 asks: Did you ask Alyson about Tara's death? Is she livid?
Wanda replies: I did ask her about the backlash to Tara's death. She
responded: "Well, I'm glad they care. That's awesome. But you know,
that's our show. And nobody's ever TRULY gone ... Still, I totally
understand. But that's just Sunnydale. Nothing lasts forever and if
it's good, it's probably going to go bad."

dot2143 asks: any word on Buffy's job?
Wanda replies: Only that she WON'T be working at the Doublemeat
Palace any longer. Joss said they suffered considerable backlash from
advertisers for making fun of fast food.

kyyymee asks: I was too excited about Spike, but wow! I can't wait to
see what happens with his new soul and all...
Wanda replies: I hear ya, babe. I asked James Marsters how he felt
when he heard he was getting one: "My brain immediately leapt
to, `How are they going to make it NOT like Angel?' My mind started
to race, because those are the storylines I find most fascinating.
The ones you think will never work, but they always pull it off and
it surprises you how good it is. This will be one of those."

Wanda: I think I forgot this part of the James Marsters/Spike getting
a soul quote, so here goes: I then asked him if he's afraid Spike's
going to be a big whimp now: "No, I'm afraid of what I'll have to put
myself through to play it right. I am going to feel the guilt of
hundreds of years of death and torture. There's no way I can dress
that up and say, `Hey, it was alright, I killed babies.' I'm going to
have to go to a space in my own head where you BELIEVE that I killed
babies. That's the thing about acting.

thiagomo asks: Is really true that Amber Benson is coming back? ?
Wanda replies: It certainly looks that way.

marishna asks: AUGH! I am still hearing things about whether Buffy
will be back in Season 8. Someone told me that even if SMG doesn't
come back, they will continue. Say it isn't so Wanda! It is BUFFY the
Vampire Slayer and they can't possibly replace her with DAWN! Help!!!
Wanda replies: I can't say it isn't so because it has not yet been
decided. And to be honest, it certainly sounded a bit DTVS when Joss
said that this season will start with the reopening of Sunnydale High
and pointed out that Dawn is now the exact age that Buffy waswhen the
show began, so we will see parallels there, and we will see much more
of Dawn, and much less whining. Michelle Trachtenberg interjected "So
please, stop sending Kill Dawn emails."

andyroyal asks: Wanda, darling, here is a brainteaser. Do you think
that , since Buffy did not have her best year,and no real chance of
winning, it might be nominated finally? So they can say, see we
nominated it now leave us alone!
Wanda replies: I think that Sarah actually stands a pretty good
chance because of the wide-open slots with Lorraine Bracco and Edie
Falco out of the picture. I would predict that one will go to
Jennifer and one will go to Sarah. As for the show itself, sadly, I
would predict that 24 and Six Feet Under will get the nod before

gee_spot asks: Hi Wanda! Have we seen the last of Jonathan and Andrew
for now?
Wanda replies: Yes.

swiss_raclette asks: Hi Wanda...why did you not have Tara & Willow
(Amber & Alyson) in the Best Kiss category? They had a phenomenal
kiss during "Seeing Red"...plus it is a first of its kind for mainstream TV?
Wanda replies: Sorry. I tried to spread the wealth .... I actually
thought Keith and David's on SFU was a bit more steamy, and hardly

jenilnie asks: What else did Aly say?
Wanda replies: I asked her how she felt about Joss' comments that
next season would be lighter, going back to the first-season feel
with Buffy once again a heroine. "Well, that's better than Buffy
DOING heroine. That would be ugly. But actually, I really liked last
season. I think it's nice for the show to progress and not be so much
about just high school and la la la. But if we're going back there, I
like that, too. (laughs.) Joss, note politically correct term and do
not fire me. No, I really enjoyed last season, actually. I heard something about some reviewer saying
that the show had gotten really depressing and I thought, well, we
ARE a drama. I just like all of the levels. And I'm just along for
the ride. I'm so lucky to be on the show. It's ridiculous."

staceeegirl asks: Did AH talk about the Emmy nominations?
Wanda replies: No, but JM did. I asked him if it still matters after
all these years of snubbery. "Yes. People want to be recognized for
their work. The show is produced and written by some of the most
talented people in the business. The show should be recognized. It is
artistically painful that it's not. Of course, it's not really about
that. It's not about a little plastic statue that's metalicized. But
at the same time, I really want Joss to get that statue. He works so
hard, he's not egotistical, he deserves it.

spoilerwhore84 asks: If dawn takes over as slayer due to a
slayerdeath, my money would be on Buffster dying.
Wanda replies: Sorry, had to yank this and weigh in on the chat-room
gabbery. Do you guys think this could explain why there was no new
slayer when Buffy died last season? Just a thought.

Posted by Debbie on Sector 14 on 7-2-02
Reposted with permission.

Hiya there people,
well today i had a busy day, i traveled from bristol to bath to try and
see SMG, sadly she had checked out this morning it was just a stop by.
Then someone told me they were filming today!
So little old me all on my tod got a taxi from bath to a location (sorry
not going to say as it was Tony's house).
I arrived and told some of the crew i was there, i waited outside as i
didn't want ot be rude.
I had a natter with Tony's neighbor (he was really sweet) then a guy
told me that alyson and tony new i was waiting and they would try to get
down and see me.
They were going to film in a field but weather was bad so they moved to
somewhere else.
Eventually a guy came back and apologize that alyson and tony couldn't
see me but with security being there and they were on a tight schedule
today, so he gave me a piece of paper and said that Joss, Tony, Ally,
thought i was great waiting out in the rain to see them and were amassed
i knew were they were?
Well this piece of paper is a part of today's scene set out, act 1 and
on the back Joss wrote, thanks for coming all the way from bristol to
see us , sorry we missed you, blame the weather love joss ally and tony,
then he wrote a big buffy logo!
Also Ally signed it and tony and tony said i could write to him any time
This was the coolest thing and i was the only fan there....
I feel so lucky, and can i just say they made sure i was given a drink
and a lovely cream cake as it was very cold today..
I love those guys!!!!!!!
They wont be back now as they had to leave for US tonight as Joss had a
project to do, Alexis wasn't there (that was a shame).
signing off with a big smile on my face and a new frame to put on the

Posted by The Oracle on BC&S on 7-4-02

Episode 1 (Untitled as of now)
- Ep: 1. Written by Joss Whedon. Directed by David Solomon
(and Joss Whedon).
- According to Joss Whedon, Sunnydale High School will be
reborn in season 7! Dawn begins school at the newly-built high
school in the first episode.
- Willow and Giles will be in England for a couple of scenes to
deal with Willow's use of magic and prepare her for a return to
- Buffy teaches Dawn about fighting evil in Sunnydale.

Episode 1 (Untitled as of now)
- Spike is already back in Sunnydale and struggling with his new
- Dawn gets trapped in a potentially dangerous situation for
much of the episode. But it's the Scooby Gang to the rescue. Oh
yeah...and there's this unique blond vampire who helps too.
- A new possible big bad makes an appearance in
Sunnydale...but just wait until you see what it looks like.

Posted by Herc on AICN on 7-4-02

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" mastermind Joss Whedon will pen the first episode of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s" seventh season, according to respectable if untested new Coaxial sources.

Whedon, who usually directs the "Buffy" episodes he writes, apparently will not direct the bulk of 7.1 – though he may ghost-direct the scenes being shot in England with series vets Anthony Stewart Head and Alyson Hannigan.
Having written what many agree to be the series’ most beloved installments – including "Hush," "Restless," "The Body," "The Gift," "Anne," "Dopplegangland," "Becoming," "Graduation Day," and "Family" – Whedon has not been credited with a "Buffy" teleplay since last November’s musical episode "Once More With Feeling."

Whedon has been credited with fewer and fewer "Buffy" teleplays as the series has continued. "Once More" was the only Whedon-written episode to air during the series’ 22-episode sixth season. He scripted three hours for season five, four for season four, five for season three, and six for season two. For "Buffy’s" abbreviated first season, Whedon wrote a full third of its 12 hours.

The news also portends the return to an old "Buffy" tradition. Whedon wrote the "Buffy" season openers for the series’ first, second, third and fourth years. (Veteran series scribe Marti Noxon, who has served as "Buffy" showrunner since it moved from the WB to UPN a year ago, was credited with opening-hour teleplays for the show’s fifth and sixth seasons.)
The seventh-season opener is said to center in large part around a rebuilt Sunnydale High School, which was destroyed when its student body combatted a gargantuan snake-demon during Buffy’s graduation ceremony three years ago. Buffy’s sister Dawn will begin attending classes at the school this autumn, while Buffy herself is said to take a job at the facility.
News of Whedon scripting 7.1 was corroborated Thursday morning by a post at the infamous Cross & Stake site, though that post may soon be deleted. "Michelle," who runs the site under the moniker "AngelX," has indicated in recent weeks that lawyers for 20th Century Fox, which produces "Buffy," have for some reason threatened legal action if "Buffy" spoilers appear there.

Posted by Fraz on FF on 7-4-02


Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

Our first reliable Season 7 spoilage is coming in now that the writers have come back to work. The Oracle should be considered credible; the info released by The Oracle corresponds to reliable info I have heard.

I think what we know, then, is the following:

1. Episode 1 is written by Joss Whedon.
2. It involves the reopening of Sunnydale High.
3. Willow and Giles will be in England.
4. Spike will return somehow, souled.

What we don't know:

1. What will be the reaction of the Scoobies to Spike's new soul?
2. What will Buffy be doing for a job?
3. Will Willow and Giles return from England?
4. What will be Willow's relationship to magic, i.e., will she be allowed to use it at all or will she be de-magicked?
5. What is up with Xander and Anya?
6. Will Spike and Buffy have a relationship next season?

It is still very early in the spoiler season. We should not expect to have answers to these questions until much later. I would not expect a spoilerpalooza in the way of Herc's July 4 spoilers from last year, unless The Oracle reveals all.

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Episode #1: Joss Whedon
Title: Unknown

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E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com

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