"Aegean Sky"

Author: Krissy
Email: pinkbunney4@cs.com
Author's Notes: My very first drabble and probably my favorite, not that I've written many.

Pausing only long enough to take the forged papers hastily prepared by Giles and Willow, they ran.

Buffy insisted on the Greek Isles. The sunniest place on earth was the best place to hide from a vampire with their scent on his tongue.

Turning over in their narrow, rumpled-linen bed, Wesley watched as she walked out onto the terrace, drenched in golden morning light. Ouzo and sex had loosened her inhibitions; she was casually nude.

She lay down on the bleached canvas hammock, eyes closed, roseates pointing towards an Aegean sky.

He watched her as they hid in broad daylight.


The End


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