"Precious Cargo "

Author: A. Price
Email: andramichelle@yahoo.com



"I love you too. No, right now you probably don't want to see me." Buffy giggled into the phone, "I'm as big as a house. Thankfully I only have two weeks left."

She chatted a few more moments and hung up the phone. She was seemed to have alot of nervous energy, the last few weeks she had spent alot of time on the phone with Riley, his return to her life had seemed to make her glow even more. Today she had woke up with an unexplained energy, she had dusted the living room and washed the dishes and tried to do the laundry until Angel had stopped her.

"Spike, want to play Scrabble?" She asked as she waddled into the living room.

"What? You aren't on the phone with soldier boy?" He asked sarcastically.

"No, I'm not and I'm bored. Please play a game with me? Angel is taking a nap." She pleaded.

"Does Riley know you know that word?" Spike asked as he wrote down Buffy's score on a particularly nasty word.

"No, and you don't want me to tell him that you taught it to me either." She giggled loudly, thats when she felt it. A twinge. a little bit of pressure in her abdomen. She placed her hand on the spot and went quiet.

"You okay?" Spike asked the concern heavy in his voice.

"Yeah, just a little twinge, barely anything." She told him and they continued the game for the next hour. When she stood to put away the game board she felt it again, a little harder this time.

Spike noticed the look on her face, "Slayer?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Another twinge." She admitted grudgingly. "You don't think?" She asked fear in her eyes.

"Well you have two weeks, but two weeks either way can be normal. Let's just keep an eye on you for the next little while. Then we'll wake the poof if we need him." Spike spoke in a calm voice that belied the anxiety he was actually feeling.

"That's a good idea. What's on tv?" She asked with a smile as they sat down on the couch.

She picked up the remote, flipping through the channels she found the movie "Grease" was coming on. Spike rolled his eyes at her choice but didn't complain. The pains started coming closer together about half way into the movie. By the time John and Olivia started singing "I've got chills there multiplying" the pains were 15 minutes apart. And while they weren't very painful yet, they were uncomfortable.

Spiked decided to wake Angel. Buffy called Giles and pleaded with him to please let Riley come for the birth. "Please, Giles. I'm sure it will be safe. I need him here."

She had sounded so pathetic that Giles had caved in against his better judgement he called Riley and gave him directions to where Buffy was hidden. He hoped he didn't regret the decision.

Riley took off for the cabin, never realizing he was being watched. Sargeant Martin made a call to Dr. Irvin. "He's headed out of town, should I follow?"

"Pick me up first he wont' have that much of a headstart, we'll catch up with him." Irvin told him. Martin hesitated he didn't like Irvin and he didn't like this mission at all, but in the end he picked up Irvin.

Irvin was right, within a half hour they found Riley on the highway they followed at a safe distance. Riley's thoughts were so centered on Buffy he hardly noticed any other vehicle on the road.

"She's what?" Angel exclaimed sleepily.

"In labor, she's in labor." Spike told him as he shook him awake.

"Are you sure?" Angel asked as he stood and pulled on his shirt.

"Yes, the pains are about 15 mintues apart now."

"Actually more like ten minutes." Buffy stuck her head in the bedroom.

Angel and Spike looked at her worriedly she seemed in good spirits for someone in labor.

"And I have news Giles is letting Riley come for the birth he'll be here in a few hours. I've heard first babies take a while so I think he has time to get here."

"What?" The vampires said in unison.

"Riley is on his way." She repeated with a smile.

"What the hell was Giles thinking? Do you know how dangerous this is?" Spike asked her shaking his head.

"It'll be okay." Buffy muttered looking to Angel for support.

"Sorry, Buffy, I agree with Spike on this one." Angel said softly.

"He's coming and that's that." Buffy turned from the room and stopped suddenly, holding her tummy.

Angel and Spike were at her side in seconds forgetting the harsh words spoken only moments ago. Concentrating only on Buffy. "Maybe you should lie down." Spike asked softly.

"No, I'm okay it feels okay to walk. It doesn't really hurt that bad. I don't know where those horror stories about labor come from." She told them with a smile.

Two hours later...

Buffy's smile was now gone, she was now lying in the bed and she now knew where those horror stories came from. The pains were about three minutes apart now. She was dilated to seven according to Angel. And she had never felt pain like this before. She felt like there was an army on each side of her back and they marched around to the front of her tummy to wage the war which resulted in terrible pain. She gritted her teeth and bore the pain without screaming.

Spike offered her ice chips and she took long cleansing breaths and panted just like she was supposed to. And in between pains she cursed Riley Finn. Spike and Angel listened with straight faces as she told them she would never let him touch her again and how it was all his fault she was going through this.

Spike went to go get more ice, Angel followed him for a brief moment. "I am really glad my name is not Riley right now." Spike grinned.

Angel laughed softly, "Maybe it's not so bad that vampires can't have babies."

He went back in to check on Buffy again. She was dilated to 8 now it wouldn't be long. He hoped since Riley was coming that he would get here in time. Buffy tried to make herself more comfortable in the bed when she felt the splash of water on her thighs and felt the dampness cover the sheets. "Angel, my water." She gasped.

"Spike!" Angel called out.

Spike came in and helped Angel change the sheets under Buffy. "It won't be long now, sweetheart." Angel said comfortingly as he helped her get her knees up.

"Where is Riley?" She asked through painfilled eyes.

A knock sounded at the door. Spike went to answer it, Riley stepped through the door. "Where is she?" He asked hurriedly.

"Hello to you too. Follow me." Spike answered as he led Riley to the room.

Angel looked up and smiled at Riley. "Look who's here, Buffy."

"Riley." Buffy said tiredly.

He walked to the bedside and took her hand, lifting it he kissed it softly. "I'm here. You look beautiful, you know that."

"Your lying, but I'll accept the compliment anyway." She gave him a small smile then winced as another pain washed over her.

Angel's shirt sleeves were rolled up and he had washed his hands in a basin of water on the dresser. He went to examine Buffy again, he grinned when he saw the crown of the baby's head. "Buffy, the baby is crowning. I'm going to need you to push now."

Exhausted Buffy put all of her energy into a push. "Almost, another push, Buffy."

Spike stood at the foot of the bed, "Push, Slayer, Push." He smiled at her.

She rewarded him with a smile and a big push.

"We have shoulders and we have a baby... boy!" Angel said enthusiastically as Spike helped him aspirate the baby's nose and throat. Buffy peeked over her legs at him and Riley stood to get a better look.

A loud squalling soon filled the room. The baby was lain on his mother's chest where she got the first good look at her son. Angel cut and tied the cord and Spike wrapped the baby in a blanket. The placenta was delivered and Spike handed the baby back to his mommy. Riley sat on the bed next to Buffy, 'He's beautiful." He said in a choked voice.

"He is." Buffy agreed as tears ran down her face, "You are beautiful, yes you are." She told him as she softly nuzzled the tiny bundle on her chest.

"Do you want to hold him?" She asked Riley. He carefully took the baby from her arms. He unwrapped the bundle and he and Buffy stared in awe at the tiny hands and feet.

Spike and Angel stood silently watching the new family in front of them. Buffy looked up, "I don't know how to thank both of you." She said with such a warm smile that even Spike could not think of a smart remark. "Your welcome." was all he could softly say. "Anytime." Angel said, "We'll leave you alone now."

He and Spike left the room with the proud parents counting fingers and toes.

"Feel like a walk?" Angel asked Spike.

"Yeah, I could use a smoke." Spike told him as they went outside the cabin and began walking around the yard.

Irvin lie down his binoculars, "The two vampires are outside walking. Now is the time we make our move. I'm betting there is a new baby in the house."

He got out of the truck, "You stay here. Watch for their return." He told Martin

"Sir, what are you planning?" Martin asked unsurely.

"I'm going to retrieve the baby. I'll be back soon." Irvin headed in the direction of the cabin.

"He needs a name." Riley said smiling at the red faced infant cradled in his arms. He had a bit of dark peach fuzz on his head and his mother's nose.

"I hadn't really thought a lot about names." Buffy admitted as the baby gripped her finger tightly. "What would you like to call him?"

"Well I'd like to name him after my father Ryan Shawn Finn. Would that be okay?" He asked her with a smile.

"Ryan Shawn, I like it." She smiled up at him. "If you'll look over there on the dresser there are some diapers and little gowns, I think we need to dress him."

"Okay, Ryan we've got a diaper here for you." Riley grinned down at the baby as he watched Buffy secure the diaper. Then gently ease the tiny gown over the babys head.

"There you go, now you'll be warm." She kissed the top of his head. Scooting over, Riley slid into the bed next to her, he placed his arm around her and his son pulling them close to him.

"When do you think she'll leave?" Spike asked Angel with a sigh.

"She'll need to rest a few days, and we want to make sure there is no danger around. Then I suppose she and Riley will go home together." Angel said with a shrug.

"And you can just accept that? I mean we've been there for her, Angel and you can just turn her over to him?" Spike paced around the backyard, lighting another cigarette.

"Yes, I can. I have too, we have too let her go. That was the plan all along Spike, keep her safe until the baby came." Angel leaned back against he wood railing of the back deck.

"But... " Spike started then stopped.

"There are no but's Spike, this is how it's supposed to be. A big part of love is sacrifice, Spike. " He said the words with conviction.

"Well you may be used to being all selfless and such, but I'm not. I'm not going back to Sunnydale. I'm leaving tomorrow night, far away from Buffy Summers." Spike spit out as he crushed the remains of the cigarette into the ground.

"I think you should come to LA with me. I can always use the help and you might as well give up the bad boy image, Spike. It doesn't suit someone who would give up seven months of their life to protect a pregnant woman." Angel told him with a grin.

"I'll think about it."

Angel knew then that Spike would return with him to LA.

Dr. Irvin steathily approached the front of the cabin. He pushed the door open carefully he could hear muted voices in the other room. He walked quietly and stood outside the door.

"Buffy, I need to ask you something very important." Riley said softly so he wouldn't wake the sleeping baby.

"What?" Buffy asked a trace of fear in her voice.

"Will you marry me?" He asked smiling at her his eyes shining with hope.

"Is it because you want to marry me or because of Ryan?" She asked him her voice serious.

"I've wanted to marry you for a long time, Buffy Summers, Ryan just adds to the equation. Please be my wife?" Riley told her sincerely.

"Yes, I'll marry you." She said softly and she placed a soft hand on his cheek, "I will marry you, Riley Finn."

He smiled and lowered his lips to hers in a tender kiss.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this poignant family moment." Dr. Irvin's voice rang across the room.

Riley stood immediately in front of the bed shielding Buffy and the baby. "Irvin, what are you doing here?" He demanded.

"Who is he?" Buffy asked from the bed.

"I'm Dr. Irvin, Ms. Summers. And I've come for your baby." He said gleefully as he started towards the bed.

"You'll have to go through me." Riley told him as he walked towards Irivin.

"No problem, Finn. I brought help." Irvin pulled a gun out of his coat and aimed it at Riley. "The baby now."

"You can't take my baby." Buffy told him as she held Ryan closer to her body.

"I'm afraid I can and I will. I was quite willing to experiment on the whole little family, but I doubt I will find you two cooperative so the baby will suffice." He aimed the gun at Riley. Buffy screamed.

"Don't make this any harder." Irvin told her. "Your baby needs to be researched, we need to know about the genetic makeup of the child. Think of it as your gift to science."

Angel and Spike were in the house within moments of hearing Buffy's scream. Angel came into the room first. Irvin turned to him and took a shot which caught Angel in the shoulder. Dazed slightly, Angel took a moment before he charged Irvin taking the gun from him.

Riley was at Buffy's side quickly helping her out of the bed and away from the scuffle. Spike took her to the living room and lay her and the baby on the couch while Riley went back into the bedroom. "Riley." Buffy pleaded her eyes filling.

"I'll be back." He told her as he turned away.

"He'll be fine, Buffy. Stay calm." Spike patted her hand.

When Riley entered the room he found Angel holding tightly in his grasp. Blood dripped from Angel's shoulder. "Who the hell is this guy?" Angel asked Riley.

"An Initative doctor. He wants the baby for some sick experiments. He was willing to kill Buffy and I to take him." Riley explained as his fist hit Irvin's mouth.

The fist connecting with Irvin's face loosened Angel's grip enough for Irvin to dive to the floor after the gun. He wasn't fast enough as Angel grabbed him again, this time he took no chances with both hands on either side of Irvin's head he twisted, the sound of Irvin's neck snapping filled the room. Riley watched as his torturer's body hit the floor in a lifeless heap. Angel stared at Riley then at the body on the floor. "I couldn't let him hurt Buffy or the baby." He said softly as he left the room.

"I know, Angel. I know." Riley told him as he followed him out of the room.

Riley sat beside Buffy on the couch. The baby nursing at her breast. Angel and Spike sat in chairs across from them. "Do you think it's over?" Spike asked as he finished bandaging Angel's shoulder.

Riley shook his head, "I think so, Irvin was a twisted man."

Sargeant Martin showed up at the cabin door, he wasn't going to wait another minute, in his opinion Irvin had gone off the deep end. He did not intend to let him hurt an innocent child.

He entered the cabin to find an angry Agent Finn holding a gun on him. He dropped his weapon. "I'm looking for Dr. Irvin."

"He's in there." Spike nodded towards the bedroom and followed Irvin there.

Martin stared at Irvin's body for a moment then asked "What happened here?"

"What does it look like happened here?" Spike answered his question with a question.

Martin thought for a moment. "To me it looks like that crazy Irvin came up here to the woods in the dark fell down a ravine or something and broke his neck. I think the army will believe that. Irvin has been acting rather strange lately. And tell Finn not to worry, I don't think the army ever authorized any of this research." Martin hauled the body out with him, he was going to find a ravine.

Spike joined the others in the living room and passed on Martin's message.

Buffy smiled as the baby gave a small burp when she patted his back. He opened his eyes slightly tryng to focus on the faces around him. "Ryan Shawn, I want you to officially meet your Uncle Angel and your Uncle Spike. They are very special people." She grinned thankfully at the two vampires.

Riley sat by Buffy's side as she handed the baby first to Angel and then to Spike. She laughed softly as they awkwardly held him as if he was fine china. Spike and Angel both marveled at the woman they loved and looked in wonderment at the precious cargo they had helped deliver into this world.

Spike looked at Angel and knew he felt the same way, no amount of pain would have been too great to go through to get to this moment. And if it came down to it, despite the pain of handing Buffy over to another man, he would do it all over again. That's what love was all about and if he had learned nothing else from this adventure, Spike had learned about true, long and abiding love...


The End


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