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Maid To Love

Reputations of the Wicked

Roses Watered With Blood

Some People Need Saving

Taken With You Series

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Distribution: Buffy Survivor, Primordial Souls. Anyone else, please ask.
Disclaimer: What? What do you mean you don’t remember Joss giving me control over Buffy and Angel? Yeah, I don’t either, but still!
Author’s Notes: Third Week of Buffy Survivor. The challenge must include song lyrics and the words: leather, tattoo and telephone. There are 999 words, 1333 with the lyrics. Song is "Everything You Are" by Vertical Horizon. The song is Riley "talking" to Buffy, you could say. It doesn’t really correspond with the fic which is in Riley’s POV.
Author’s Notes 2: This is not a Buffy/Riley fic!
Spoilers: Nada. Zip. Other words that mean no...
Rating: PG
Feedback: It’s the oranges in orange juice... really quite necessary.
Summary: Riley’s thoughts on Buffy after Angel’s death. Written for Buffy Survivor, Round One.

Awards Won:
Winner Best Song Fic at STTHA, Round 8
Runner Up Best Song Fic at the When The Sun Sets Awards, Round 4
Runner Up Best Fic Name at the When The Sun Sets Awards, Round 5


Somewhere there’s speaking
It’s already coming in
Oh and it’s rising at the back of your mind
You never could get it
Unless you were fed it
Now you’re here and you don’t know why

Everything was perfect. She was mine and we were happy. I could remember with perfect clarity when I first met her, first talked to her about cheese, first asked her out and first made sweet love to her beautiful body. It was magic, that night and I knew I would never forget it.

I remember when I first asked her to marry me. When she first met my parents and my sisters. Everyone loved her, but not as much as I could, and I knew that she returned all of my affection. How could she not?

It had been seven years since I met her in the library of UC Sunnydale, but I knew I would never forget what happened the night she got called to LA a year ago...

But under skinned knees and the skid marks
Past the places where you used to learn
You howl and listen
Listen and wait for the
Echoes of angels who won’t return

She was gone for five days. A whole business week of waiting around in my newly acquired office with the position I had gotten in the new Initiative. Buffy never supported the work that I did, but how could I turn my back on something that had been a part of my life for so long? Such a strong part?

A girl named Nina had called her down because her boss was in trouble and Buffy was the only Slayer close enough. Retired or not. Something about Senior Partners and the end of the world. Another apocalypse that Buffy had to save the world from. But what could Senior Partners do? End the world in a courtroom? With all those big words?

Buffy had always been quiet about her past with Angel, her vampire boyfriend. Whenever I brought the demon up, she would close up and change the subject quickly. She would avert her eyes and I knew something was still going on. It was only too obvious but she was with me, wasn’t she? He had lost.

He’s everything you want
He’s everything you need
He’s everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don’t know why

Finally, after a full 120 hours, she called. I knew that she had saved the day because everything around me was fine. The world wasn’t a giant fireball, so that wasn’t my concern. Her tone was... different. Her distance. I told her how much I missed her and I could hear the tears in her voice. I began to think that it was because she missed me before she broke the news. I was holding the telephone in my hand so tightly that I thought I heard it crack.

Angel was dead.

I didn’t take the time to listen to the details. I didn’t care. He meant nothing to me but she was clearly still so in love with him. It made me sick but I could say nothing. Not when I could hear so obviously crying. I attempted to comfort her before hanging up. How can I comfort somebody for something when I feel no remorse?

You’re waiting for someone
To put you together
You’re waiting for someone to push you away
There’s always another wound to discover
There’s always something more you wish he’d say

She had told me that she would be staying down in LA for another week to be with Angel’s friends and to go to the funeral. How do you have a funeral for a vampire? Isn’t he already dead?

A week later, she came home. She looked tired, too tired. She appeared to be a mere shell of the vibrant person she had been before she had left for the godforsaken city. She insisted on sleeping by herself so I was left to sleep in our large king size bed by myself while she locked herself in the guest bedroom.

I only saw her in the morning and before she went to bed. She refused to let me touch her. It took me thirteen more days to get her to let me make love to her. And all she did was lay there, tense.

He’s everything you want
He’s everything you need
He’s everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don’t know why

But you’ll just sit tight
And watch it unwind
It’s only what you’re asking for
And you’ll be just fine
With all of your time
It’s only what you’re waiting for

It was after that I noticed her tattoo. I only noticed it when I was watching TV after she had fallen asleep and she had rolled onto her back only to wince and instantly move back to her side, a soft groan of pain escaping her plump lips.

I frowned at her and, thinking it was a wound of some sort because she had taken up slaying in the middle of nights again, I rolled her shirt up. Only to find a colorful rendition of a large gryphon with a capital A beneath it. It was beautiful and the colors that were used only seemed to make it glow. I wondered what would make her get such a thing. It was placed exactly underneath her right shoulder blade. The skin around it was angry with irritation as it healed slowly.

As I ran my fingers down her back softly, she flinched away.

Out of the island
Into the highway
Past the places where you might had turned
You never did notice
But you still hide away
The anger of angels who won’t return

The next morning I asked her about it and her eyes widened almost instantly. She smiled falsely and told me it had been on a whim, down in LA. I didn’t ask her again.

It took me took me two months to notice the leather jacket she wore that had come out of nowhere. It was old with time and looked worn on most of the edges. She wore it everywhere and would hug herself whenever she was in it. It was such a rare occurrence when she would let me hold her when she wore it that I began to take notice.

And it all came together as the years passed.

After her trip from LA, she was never the same. The vampire’s death had forever changed her and my hatred toward the evil creature only grew, despite his death. Buffy’s eyes were never as bright as before. Her smiles never reached the green orbs and as time passed, her smiles seemed to come out less and less.

It was then that I realized something had died after she returned from LA. After Angel’s death. I didn’t know what but it was what had been the heart of our relationship. Maybe It had been her ability to love.

We married and had four children. But things were never the same. The past events had altered her and the minute I knew, something inside me died as well.

He’s everything you want
He’s everything you need
He’s everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don’t know why

I am everything you want
I am everything you need
I am everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
I say all the right things
At exactly the right time
But I mean nothing to you and I don’t know why

And I don’t know why
I don’t know



l be kind, rewind l back to top l

Primordial Souls © Bre 2004-2006. The fanfictions within are © material of the author. No copyright infringement intended. This is a non-profit site.

Some of the fanfiction featured on this site contains adult content and situations not suited for people under the age of 18. They are properly marked. You have been warned.