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Maid To Love

Reputations of the Wicked

Roses Watered With Blood

Some People Need Saving

Taken With You Series

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A L L   I   W A N T   F O R   C H R I S T M A S   B Y   B R E

Email: Feedback
Disclaimer: Don’t own the characters. If I did, Buffy and Angel would be happy, the shows wouldn’t be over and the fans would be sick with the pure joy in the show.
Distribution: Anything Gia wants to do with it, my site. Other than that, please ask!
Spoilers: Nope. Just smutty fun!
Author’s Notes: This was written for Gia’s Kink Ficathon. Challenger was *Stars*. The requirements were Buffy being dom and restraints of some sort. So, yeah... my kinky mind ran away from me... Oh, and Angel’s soul is *damn* permanent. And Buffy’s character is slightly... out of character for a while. I think she’s funner this way... *smirk* And this is my first time with this stuff, so be gentle...
Rating: NC-17... did you really think there would anything less considering it’s a KINK ficathon. Just be warned.
Feedback: Very much of the mandatory.
Summary: Angel’s away for Christmas and Buffy sends him a present, reminding him how lonely he is. And then Buffy shows up with only punishment in mind for being away on such an important holiday. Written for Gia’s Kink Ficathon.

Awards Won:
The Runner Up for Best Holiday Theme Fic at the Spike Threw The Heart Awards, Round 9
Winner Best PWP at the When The Sun Sets Awards, Round 4


Angel hung up the phone with a resounding thud. No one was home. Or no one was answering the phone, which he found to be highly unlikely. Staring at the beige telephone, he frowned. Where was she? He told he would call and he was very much so looking forward to hearing her soft voice on the other end. It would make it seem like there weren’t quite as many miles between them. And plus, tomorrow was Christmas.

Maybe that was why she wasn’t answering the phone. She was mad.

Sighing loudly with breath he didn’t need, Angel sat down on the hotel bed before falling back. He hated that he had to come out here. He hated that the supposedly haunted house had to be all the way out in Chicago. Too far away from his soul mate.

The call to Angel Investigations had come four days ago from someone in LA. They said they were visiting family down there and that they had left their children to watch the place while they were gone. Angel had silently questioned their parenting at that point, but waited for them to continue.

Apparently the house was being haunted. The man on the other end of the line claimed that it was his grandfather, the original owner of the house and he was mad that they had changed something with the house or maybe they were selling. Angel wasn’t really paying attention to the small details as it had riveted on the small blonde who had bounced into the main room of the mansion. After that, the conversation got fuzzy but Angel had managed to write down the details before attacking his girlfriend.

The main reason was money. They were going to get paid a lot of money when it was all over and that was why he was out here, none of his employees, checking it out for himself. He had asked Buffy to come but she said she wanted to be home with her family before quickly dismissing him. She was mad.

Not that he didn’t blame her. He had planned on going home tonight but the case was taking much longer than he had anticipated. But one thing was for sure. There wasn’t a ghost. The house was being terrorized by something else of the supernatural. Now he just had to find out what.

And that was going to take a lot longer than he wanted to admit to Buffy.

Sitting up, Angel kicked off his shoes before peeling away his socks and tossing them into the corner of the room. Cleanliness wasn’t big on his list of things to do at the moment as he stripped away his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers. Moving towards the poor excuse for a kitchen, Angel opened the fridge and retrieved a bag of the blood he had just recently bought at the small butcher house down the road.

Pouring it into a cheap glass, he moved back towards the large bed that was the centerpiece of the room. Setting down the cold blood on the night stand, Angel grabbed the controller and switched the TV on. He wasn’t big on television but it was better than sitting in the dark, wishing for his girlfriend to suddenly appear, forgiving him.

Pulling back the covers on the bed, Angel sat down on the edge, staring at the TV as he picked up the glass. Taking a small sip, Angel flinched. The cooled liquid slid down his throat and he forced more down. No microwave meant no warm meal tonight. He couldn’t remember a time when he actually thought this was okay. He was used to warmed blood now, from Buffy heating it up, whether from a microwave or the stove. Or sometimes from her own neck, but he didn’t allow himself that pleasure unless she asked for it. And even then it was a rare occurrence.

A loud knocking at the door stopped him from getting more comfortable and he felt his body stiffen before remembering that if it was a demon, it wasn’t very likely it would be knocking. Standing up, Angel placed the glass of blood behind the large lamp, just in case before wiping his mouth. Who the hell could be at his door, anyway?

Throwing back the lock, Angel opened the door and was surprised to see a tall teenaged boy standing on the other side, a large box wrapped in bright gold paper in his hands. He lifted his eyebrows in question.

“Mr. Angel?” he asked and Angel nodded, looking at the box once more. “You have a package from a Miss. Summers.”

Angel felt the smile grace his face before he could stop it and he reached forward to take it from the boy. “When did it get here?”

“We’ve had it since this morning but she asked us not to give it to you until this time. A friend of hers dropped it off.”

“Oh. Well, thank you.”

“Have a good night, sir.”

Angel closed the door and stared at the box. The sound of the television in the background didn’t register in his mind as he felt his suspicions run high. What if it wasn’t from Buffy? What if some demon had a curse in here? Did Buffy know anyone up here?

Frowning, Angel set the brightly wrapped box in the bed before turning the TV off. It took him twelve minutes to finally reason that no one knew he was up here except Buffy, his team, his client and some of their friends. What if it really was from Buffy?

Curiosity got the best of him and he slowly reached out to open the box. A small bow held it closed and Angel slipped it off before removing the top. He didn’t realize how tense he was until nothing happened. Sighing, Angel continued.

Pushing around the tissue paper, Angel removed some of it before he could see what was in the box. At the bottom laid a large, black book, something written in silver across the front. Reaching in, Angel lifted it free and pushed the tissue paper back before setting the box on the floor. Across the front of the book was written, “All I Want For Christmas...” in shining silver cursive. He felt a smile tug at his lips as he opened it. He knew instantly it was from Buffy as her vanilla scent attacked his senses.

Angel’s eyes widened as he saw the contents of the book. On the first page was a picture of Buffy wearing absolutely nothing but one of his Italian silk shirts, unbuttoned and open so he could see her body. She wore dark makeup and her hair was astray, like she had just woken up from bed. Angel felt his cock harden as he stared at her open body, her legs spread as her hand began to wander lower. He could see her erect nipples standing tall, dark and begging for his touch.

Angel couldn’t believe what he was seeing as he turned the page reluctantly, afraid to lose the image only to open to an even better one. As he continued, he opened more and more pages of wild positions, toys, chains and her always naked body. In some, she wore lingerie and some she wore nothing. But all were just as arousing and amazingly beautiful as the ones before.

Mindlessly turning the television off and tossing the remote away from him, he ignored the soft thud it made as it landed on the end of the bed before leaning back into the thin pillows, his back against the headboard. Turning the pages, he could feel his arousal growing as the seconds continued to go by and all he could do was lay back and imagine his golden goddess standing before him, wearing the tight thong and silk choker she was wearing in the picture he was currently looking at.

Several moments passed as Angel continued to flip through the book, revealing more and more pictures before finally reaching the end. There had to be at least twenty-five pages and thus, fifty pictures of his beautiful girlfriend. Where in the hell had she done that? And who had taken the pictures? That was a much more important question.

He could feel jealousy filling him and he looked at the phone, half of him wanting to question Buffy and the other half wanting to make her come from the sound of his voice over the three thousand miles that separated them. Taking a final glance at the book, Angel moved to close it before noticing a small piece of paper tucked in the back cover. Smiling slightly, Angel grabbed it, ignoring the discomfort in his boxers as the book rubbed against it roughly.

Opening the creased, pink paper, it read:

My Angel,

It’s hard knowing that you are so far away while I’m here all alone
so I thought I would send you a small gift.

I hope you liked it because I know I liked making it.
You were the only thing on my mind... I hope you could tell...

I love you and I hope you are doing okay out there, by yourself. You have no
idea how much I want you here... but we’ll just have to wait...

Call me, lover.


And in case you were wondering, Cordelia and Willow helped me with the pictures.

Angel felt a grin fighting to crease his face. She wasn’t mad at him. Running his finger down her loopy handwriting, he could smell her vanilla lotion decorating the paper. It was intoxicating and he felt his desire to see her rise a few more notches...

Suddenly he felt a hot hand on the back of his neck and he jerked, twisting his head around quickly to see who was in his room.

His mouth flew open as his eyes came into contact with a pair of mossy green ones. A small smile pursed her red lips and Angel found himself instantly running his eyes down her body. She wore a terribly tight leather bustier, cinched tightly at her waist, causing her breasts to practically fall out the top. She had on a black bikini bottoms, tied at her hips and knee-high, lace-up boots with spiked heels. Where her makeup would make any other person look like a hooker, on her it only seemed to make her skin glow with an ethereal beauty. Her hair was hanging free and slightly wild. Her neck was dressed in a laced choker. She was... breathtaking.

“B-Buffy,” Angel said in greeting as he stayed still. She had her hand against his skin still and was still wearing the small smile that caused a spike of anticipation to attack his body. “What are you doing here? I thought-“

“Shh...” Buffy whispered before running her hand along his throat and leaning down so she could whisper into his ear. “Lay down.”

Taking the book out of his hands, Buffy raised an appreciative eyebrow at his obvious hard on. “Ready already, lover?”

Angel flashed her the half-smile he knew drove her crazy as he laid back. “Always.”

Smiling wryly, Buffy moved to stand closer to the foot of the bed, walking with ease in the boots as she spoke, “Put your hands above your head and hold the headboard.”

Angel immediately did as she asked, watching as she opened her gift and flipped through the pictures slowly, her face expressionless. “Did you like my gift?” she asked.

“You were gorgeous,” was his only reply as he watched her with hooded eyes. “You used some interesting things in there...”

Buffy’s response was to look up and give him a seductive look as she closed the book and tossed it onto the floor near the TV. Smiling slightly, she walked back around the bed before leaning down to where she had hidden a small black bag before he had come back to his room. Angel raised his eyebrows.

“How did you get in here?” he asked as she lifted the bag and set in on the bed near his feet. “I couldn’t feel you.”

“I’m the Slayer, Angel,” she replied, giving him an amused look. “I think I can hide from you just as well as you can lurk outside my bedroom when I’m... busy doing other things.”

Angel smiled as he remembered the event she referred to. It had been many years ago and she had caught him outside her bedroom window, watching her with dark eyes as she pleasured herself. The sight had been one of the most erotic things he had ever seen. Her actions led to a night full of even more pleasure as he had continued to worship her body with his mouth and tongue, showing her what an added pair of hands could do.

He felt his cock twitch as he remembered her very responsive actions that night. She unzipped the bag slowly.

“You weren’t exactly complaining if I remember correctly,” Angel reminded her in a soft voice and Buffy smirked at him but didn’t say anything.

Reaching into the bag, she rummaged around and Angel fought the urge to get up and see what she had hidden in there. A moment passed as she looked for something before becoming triumphant and pulling out a pair of padded manacles. Angel eyed them suspiciously.

“And where might you have found those?” he asked as she moved to where he held his hands. She silently praised the place he was staying for having nice iron-wrought beds, including places where she could get him locked up securely. She smiled down at him with an innocent expression as she reached forward, bracing herself with one knee next to his torso so she could reach his hands. She didn’t have to look down at him to know that he was staring at her breasts as they threatened to spill free right above his face.

“I might have been over to your place a few times since you left,” she said evasively, locking his wrists into the comfortably padded devices. “I never knew that you had such an extensive collection, honey.”

“Yes, well, that might have had something to do with the fact that they were locked in a chest in my closet... hidden.”

Buffy smiled down at him. “Are you complaining?”

Angel shot her a pointed look and she giggled.

“Angel, you know they would have come out eventually... anyway, where do you think I got the props for my little pictures. You did... like those, didn’t you?”

Angel stared at her face, her lower lip stuck out in a mock pout as she lowered her face to be closer to his. Moving closer, she rubbed her cheek against his, the act somewhat primitive and it caused a low purr to build in his chest. She smiled slightly as she moved down his body, her hair leaving a soft trail as she moved.

“Didn’t you?” she repeated, her lips finding his neck. She pressed a soft kiss to his jugular and Angel stiffened slightly, a thrill running through him, straight to his hardened member. Small butterfly kisses began a trail down his chest before she reached one of his nipples. Taking the small peak into her mouth, she swirled her tongue around it before tugging on it slightly with her teeth. Angel let out a short breath of air as she moved down.

Her hot mouth was scorching against his cold skin and Angel waited for her to reach where he wanted her the most. He could feel his cock straining against the soft silk of his boxers and she finally knelt on the bed next to him, her lips still trailing down his stomach, her warm tongue darting out to taste his skin. Angel hissed as her hand began to travel up his leg.

“Buffy... please, baby...”

He could feel her smile against his skin but wasn’t rewarded with an answer as she continued her descent down his body. He felt her fingers slip underneath the waistband of his boxers before she began tugging them down. Slipping them past his erection, Angel felt it spring free and he sighed. He assisted her as she pulled them past his feet. Tossing them to the floor, Buffy moved to kneel between his legs.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked in a husky voice and Angel opened his eyes, lifting his head to look down at her. She was poised over him in such a delicious way, her eyes smoky and heavy, her plump lips open and ready. He lifted his hips unconsciously as she trailed her finger down the length of his erection.

“God, Buffy,” Angel whispered harshly. “Suck... please...”

Buffy leaned forward and took the tip into her mouth, swirling her tongue over the slit softly. Angel groaned, closing his eyes. He felt her hot tongue swirl around him as she took more of his hardness into her mouth, sucking roughly. And then his eyes snapped open as Buffy removed her mouth and sat up. Looking at her quizzically, an air of need surrounding him, Angel watched as she smiled down at him, her intent something entirely different than what he thought.


“Angel,” Buffy said softly, his name seemingly falling from her lips naturally. “Don’t talk. Don’t move.”

Reaching behind her, Buffy pulled the bag closer to where she sat and she reached into it, moving a few things around before pulling out a black cock ring. Angel furrowed his brow as she said, “Don’t make me use this.”

Angel couldn’t tell if she was joking or if she was serious. “Buffy-“

“Shh,” she hushed as she placed the sheath next to his hip. “I’m just a little... angry, that you weren’t planning on coming home for Christmas.”

“You know-“

“Angel,” Buffy interrupted once more, her voice low. Crawling up to him, she kissed him on the cheek before meeting his eyes. “No more talking.”

Angel’s mouth snapped shut at her words and he watched as she reached back to pull the bag closer to where he could possibly see into it. She didn’t give him the chance as she pulled out a braided whip and a paddle laden with large holes. He swallowed as she laid them out carefully, as if she were studying the dessert selection from a buffet.

“Now,” she continued, “As I was saying. You have been a very naughty boy this Christmas.” Turning away from her bag, she smiled. “I’m thinking a little punishment will fix that right up.”

Angel almost smiled at her words. He didn’t know if she thought this was going to be actual punishment or if she knew that this turned him on. There was indeed many things he hadn’t told her about his demon’s past...

As she pulled out a small vibrator, she gave him a pointed look. “And call me Mistress.”

Angel gaped at her. “But Buffy-“

A loud smack echoed in the room as her hand flew behind her to hit his hip. Angel allowed himself to flinch. Buffy glared down at him. “What did you say?”

“I’m sorry, Mistress,” Angel quickly said, looking away from her face and instead focusing on her plump breasts. He had played this game before. Many, many times with Darla and Dru. But never had he been so turned on. He had never wanted to divulge the information to her, but the image of Buffy literally dominating him was something that seemed like pure magic. Pure erotica. A smirk colored his face for a split second before he erased it, keeping his eyes focused on the dusky nipples he could imagine were begging to be free.

Buffy grinned down at his docile face as she pushed the bag back down the bed and climbed off of his chest. Angel fought the urge to watch her, instead looking at anything other than her lithe body.

“I want you to get on all fours and put your butt up in the air,” she ordered, her tone creating the illusion that she always did this. “Quickly.”

Angel immediately complied, twisting the chains around as he moved to stand on his knees, his hands clenching the headboard. Looking down at the pillows, he heard her movements. He saw her hand reach out and grab the large paddle that had been laying next to the whip that was still within his view. He smiled slightly.

“I don’t know which you prefer. I’d ask you but I’d rather be surprised,” she said lightly as she moved to grab the whip as well. “We’ll try both.”

Angel heard the whistle in the air and felt his body stiffen slightly as the braided whip landed right across his ass. Closing his eyes, he forced himself not to move as another blow flew down against his skin. He knew there had to be welts already rising, but he also knew they would heal ridiculously quick.


Buffy couldn’t believe what she was doing. She also couldn’t believe the absolute pleasure that ran rampant through her as she hit him once more. The angry marks that were left behind were already starting to fade and she hit him once more, bringing the borrowed blood back to the surface of his skin.

She also couldn’t grasp his sense of control over the situation. He was barely moving each time she hit him and she hid her surprise well. She knew that that was what she had to expect. There was no way that he hadn’t done this when his demon half had been in control.

She giggled lightly and she saw Angel’s back stiffen at the sound. “I guess I’m not surprised that this really doesn’t hurt you,” she said as she threw the whip to the ground. She walked up to where his head was hanging. “You were a naughty boy back in the day, weren’t you?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“I’m sure Angelus let Darla and Dru do all kinds of things to your body,” Buffy said, unable to stop the tinge of jealousy that joined her low tone. “Hurt you, fuck you... torture you... All for fun, right?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Buffy couldn’t ignore the surge of dominance she felt at his low voice. He sounded so... in the moment, was all she could think of. The power that coursed through her veins as she surveyed his subservient position was intoxicating and she took a deep, shuddering breath.

“How many times did they hit you with this?” she asked as she picked up the paddle and swung it hard as she could against his already slightly reddened ass cheek. Angel flinched from the harsh blow but didn’t make a sound except to answer.

“Many times, Mistress.”

“Did you enjoy it like you are now?” she asked, noticing his hard cock. It was standing tall, red and swollen. She could see the precum glistening against the tip of his penis. She hit him again, leaving small circles from the paddle in his skin before they quickly faded into a dark red. “Hmm?”

“No, Mistress.”

Buffy paused, her arm hanging in midair as she heard him. “No? Why not?”

Angel smiled at her confused tone as she hit him once more. “Because only you can do this to me, Mistress.”

“Oh, really?” Buffy asked, for the first time taking note of what her actions were doing to her body. She was so wet she could feel a hot drip falling down the inside of her thigh. She could tell Angel could smell her by the flare of his nostrils. She panted slightly as she hit him one last time. She was practically throbbing in time with her racing heartbeat as she threw the paddle to the floor where the whip laid.

“Yes,” Angel replied, listening as she threw the paddle away. Once more fighting the urge to look at what she was doing, she was surprised to feel the bed dip as she leaned onto it with one knee and leaned forward. The action caused her legs to spread and her heady scent attacked his nose with a vengeance. A growl built in his chest quickly as his mate’s scent found him but he forced it down.

“And what do I do to you?” she asked hotly, her moist breath against his shoulder as she rubbed her face against his skin. The growl escaped this time and she licked a small trail down his arm before allowing him time to answer. “What makes you so hard, baby?”

“Your...” Angel choked on his words as her hand circled his cock lightly. He released a long breath.

“Yes,” she encouraged. “What about me?”

“Your beautiful breasts with your hard nipples... Gods, they are so beautiful when your riding me. They bounce with your thrusts and... and your face...” Angel began panting slightly as she moved her hand up and down once. “When you come, you are so gorgeous. I could watch you for all eternity, baby... yes...”

Buffy closed her eyes at his words, her hand unconsciously moving a little quicker on him. The sound of Angel’s moan caused her to open her eyes. “Don’t come, Angel.”

A quiet moment passed before he responded. “Yes, Mistress.”

“Tell me more, Angel,” she continued, her eyes closed as she settled against the bed, removing her hand from him and running it down her body as she leaned against the other one. She quickly untied her panties at the sides and allowed them to fall away from her. Angel opened his eyes and looked down to see her spread out next to him, her legs open and her pink pussy open to his view. He groaned aloud.

“More,” she whimpered as her hand ventured lower. Angel swallowed roughly, but continued.

“And your pussy, so hot when I’m finally in you. Gods, you’re so tight and hot and you feel so good... Every time I see you, I just want to fuck you against the wall... harder and harder until your screaming my name...”

“Angel,” Buffy whispered softly, her face relaxing as she found her sensitive clit. “Oh, gods, don’t stop... don’t stop...”

Angel couldn’t tear his gaze away from her hand as she moved it expertly against her swollen nubbin. Her heeled boots rested next to his pillows as he continued, “And when I taste you... so sweet and slippery and you taste so fucking good-“ Her loud moan cut him off but he quickly continued as her hand quickened, “Your so tight and your clit is so hard... Oh, gods, Buffy, don’t stop, baby... fuck yourself...”

It took Buffy a few seconds to realize that he had said her name and then a few seconds more before she finally reacted as she fought through her haze of pleasure. Angel realized what he had said as soon as she opened her eyes. He could feel her gaze on him.

“What did you call me?” she asked, her voice low. Angel looked away from her immediately.

“I called you Buffy, Mistress,” he replied without thinking, knowing that lying was utterly pointless. He felt the bed shift as she pushed him back down to the bed.

“Roll over,” she commanded as she rolled off the bed herself, landing on unsteady feet. She quickly righted herself as Angel situated himself so he was laying open to her view. His hard cock seemed to get harder as she bent down to grab something from the floor, something that had fallen down. Her tight ass came into his view and he could swear to all the gods that his mouth watered.

Turning back to him, Buffy stared at his face, her expression hard. In her hand was the cock ring. Angel looked at her incredulously but didn’t speak.

Without saying anything, she leaned over the bed and quickly snapped it at the base of his cock, causing it to almost instantly swell even more. Buffy smiled down at him.

“Now the only person who will be coming is me,” she said with confidence as she climbed back onto the bed. Crawling over him, she moved to position herself over his mouth, her dripping cunt resting over his mouth. Angel immediately opened his mouth as she whispered, “Make me come, Angel.”

Lifting his head, he ignored the strain as he licked up her sweet juices, tracing a small circle around her opening before flattening his tongue and thrusting it into her. Buffy cried out and thrust down against his face, glad for the fact that he didn’t have to breath. The action also allowed Angel to rest his head as she pushed into him. Sucking against her vaginal lips, he thrust his tongue into her once more as his nose rubbed against her clit.

“Oh, gods, yes, fuck me,” she whispered, half to herself and half to her lover. Angel did just that as she continued to move on top of him, her hands braced against the headboard next to his chained ones. Her juices continued to flow heavily as his nose rubbed against her clit roughly, but not enough.

“My clit, Angel...” she whimpered, releasing one hand to grasp his hair. “Suck my clit.”

Angel immediately moved his mouth to her clit where he sucked it harshly, his tongue dancing across it as Buffy felt her orgasm building. “Yes...” she whispered before her voice grew. “Harder! Yes... Angel, Angel... Angel!”

The stroke of his teeth against her hard nubbin sent Buffy over the edge and she arched her back, her nails digging into his scalp as she cried out her release, his name upon her lips. He continued sucking roughly and she came again, his name turning into a sob as the feelings became too intense and she fell over on the bed, panting harshly as her body began to hum pleasantly from the pleasure.

Several moments passed by as Buffy was simply content to lay there, her hands running over her body in wonder. Finally, opening her eyes, Buffy looked to her left and came face to face with his aching cock. Before she could stop herself, she leaned over and ran her tongue up his hard length. A loud moan escaped his throat and Buffy sucked on the tip, her hand coming up to grip him softly. As Angel’s hips lifted to thrust into her mouth, she sucked harder, her teeth scraping against him. He muttered something incoherently and she lifted her head to look down at his face and found his eyes closed, her juices glinting in the light against his chin. Laying back down, Buffy could feel her wetness returning and anticipation shot through her as she thought about what she wanted him to do next.

Angel didn’t say anything this time as she stopped sucking him.

Rolling over, she climbed over him until she was standing next to the bed. Angel opened his eyes to watch her, straining against the tight ring that wouldn’t allow him to come. At all. He fought the urge to scowl.

He watched as she rummaged through her bag once more. He could hear a soft sound of metal against metal as she finally pulled something from the bag. He lifted an eyebrow. She smiled down at him.

“Lift your head,” she said, and he obeyed instantly. She leaned forward and snapped padded collar around his neck. It was connected to a short chain that she held in her hand. Buffy smiled at him. “Now that’s more like it.”

Buffy produced the keys to the manacles holding his wrists from out of nowhere and quickly freed them. He didn’t make a move to free himself from her as he rubbed his wrists thoughtfully.

“Now off the bed and on your hands and knees,” Buffy commanded and stepped back to allow him to move. Crawling off of the bed, Angel slowly lowered himself to the floor and crawled after her as she tugged against the leash connected to his collar. He followed her as she made a beeline for the wooden chair that sat adjacent to the wooden table.

Buffy sat down, leaning back against the chair, noticing Angel’s discomfort at being on the hard floor and having his hard cock so within reach. He could very easily tear it off and just take her but she knew he wouldn’t. He seemed to be enjoying it too much.

Sitting back, Buffy once again thanked the hotel for the fabulous furniture that seemed to fit right to her needs. The chair was deep and bare and she could easily hook her legs over the handles. So she did and opened her pussy for him to see. He was now face to face with her and she tugged him forward.

“Again,” she said in a husky voice and she met his eyes before he looked down at her. Without hesitation, he dove into her and Buffy cried out shortly before moaning loudly. Instead of fucking her with his tongue, Angel merely sucked against her clit, alternating between rough strokes and easy movements that caused her to make the sweetest sound of pleasure-filled misery. It was beautiful.

“Right there,” she whimpered, “Right there, Angel, don’t stop... Yes... oh, gods, Angel, harder... harder...”

Before Buffy could control herself, she grabbed the back of his head and arched into his face, ignoring the chair’s cutting edges. Crying out Angel’s name, Buffy came again, her vaginal walls rippling wildly as Angel once again threw her over the edge. Instead of forcing another orgasm on her as he had before, Angel moved away from her face, licking his lips. He looked up at her.

Buffy didn’t open her eyes as she whispered, “Again.” Angel raised his eyebrows but did as she asked, once again taking her clit into his mouth. But he wasn’t gentle with her this time. He sucked roughly, pulling it between his teeth and nursing it as Buffy came violently against his mouth. Her long nails didn’t leave his hair as she rode out her orgasm, her body visibly shaking as she laid against the chair limply.

He once more pulled away and looked up at her. It took only a moment for her to respond with her eyes closed, “Again.”

But Angel wasn’t so quick to comply, his concern for her outweighing her command. He knew there was a fine line between pleasure and pain and he didn’t want Buffy to cross that at this time and point. “I don’t think...”

Grabbing the back of his head, Buffy pushed his face into her crotch once more. “Don’t stop, Angel... don’t stop,” she whispered, half commanding and half begging. Angel reluctantly allowed his tongue to come out and play with her clit and Buffy whimpered. From pain or pleasure, he couldn’t tell. But instead of focusing on her clit as he had before, Angel brought a hand up to play with her tight hole. While sucking on her clit, Angel pushed his finger into her, amazed at how easily he seemed to glide into her body. Pulling back, Angel added a second finger and Buffy moaned as she lifted her hips to move with him.

The chain still grasped in her hand, Buffy pushed against his fingers, increasing her speed as she felt her crisis nearing once more.

“Fuck me, Angel,” she moaned. “More...”

Angel added a third and Buffy arched her back as her fingers dug into his scalp, her hips bucking against his face as she sought her orgasm. It hit her like a freight train and Buffy gasped, her voice falling silent. She opened her mouth in a silent scream before falling back into the chair, her body completely limp. A small mewling sound echoed from her throat and Angel smiled. He licked at her juices for a moment before once more pulling back to look up at her.

Buffy’s eyes were open as he looked at her and their eyes met. Buffy smiled as she leaned down to pull him up to her. She kissed him thoroughly, her tongue dancing in and out of his mouth as she pulled him up closer to her body. The chair was so low that Angel’s hard cock was touching her entrance and Buffy reached between them, ripping the cock ring off.

“Fuck me, Angel,” she whimpered against his lips before laying claim to them once more. Angel didn’t waste a minute.

Buffy came the minute he entered and she broke away from his mouth, a loud groan coming from her suddenly dried throat. Angel closed his eyes in ecstasy, the feelings of pleasure coming from her clenching pussy almost too much for him. But not enough. Not what he wanted.

Reaching down to her legs, Angel gripped her under her knees and brought her knees in against her chest where her thighs rested against her leather encasement. Pulling out of her, Angel brought her legs up where her calves rested on his shoulders. Buffy moaned in agreement, her eyes closed and her head thrown back.

Angel thrust back into her, deeper than he could ever remember going. He was buried to the hilt and Buffy immediately bucked against him. A cry echoed off his lips as he pulled back and thrust back into her, harder. Buffy whimpered as he continued, his pace getting harder and quicker.

“Oh, gods,” Buffy whimpered, followed by a loud cry. Several minutes passed and Buffy nor Angel could hear the chair creaking beneath their love making. They only heard each other, the loud pants, the whimpers, the moans and the cries.

Buffy’s cries grew in intensity as she felt her orgasm coming. She felt every nerve in her body come alive as one final thrust from him threw her over the edge and Buffy screamed his name, her nails digging into his back, leaving a trail of blood as she came again. Angel quickly followed with a few short thrusts before he spilled his cold seed deep into her body.

He continued thrusting, her body milking him completely before he fell limp against her. Buffy breathed heavily and Angel panted against her shoulder.

“I can’t feel my knees,” Angel whispered in a strangled voice, and Buffy rewarded him with a dry chuckle.


Morning came too quickly for Buffy and she rolled over to escape the noise of the very noisy ringing from the telephone on the night stand. Angel rolled over and picked it up with a groggy, “‘Lo?”

A few seconds passed before Angel dropped the phone back into its cradle. He turned back around and wrapped his body around his mate’s.

“Who was it?” she asked, her voice slightly scratchy from the night before.

“Wake up call, or whatever they call it,” Angel muttered back, his eyes already closed as sleep called to him.

Buffy frowned. “Why did you want that?” she asked grouchily. “It’s Christmas.”

“Well, I wasn’t planning on spending the night with my girlfriend,” he replied just as grouchily and Buffy smiled.

“I think I’m numb from the waist down,” she admitted, her eyes closing as well.

Angel smirked. “Who’s fault is that?”

Buffy elbowed him lightly from where she was laying in front. “Shut up.”

A few moments of silence passed before Angel whispered, “Merry Christmas, love.”

Buffy grinned, her eyes still closed. “Merry Christmas, my Angel.”

Angel nuzzling her throat was the last thing she felt as she drifted off into a peaceful slumber once more.



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Primordial Souls © Bre 2004-2006. The fanfictions within are © material of the author. No copyright infringement intended. This is a non-profit site.

Some of the fanfiction featured on this site contains adult content and situations not suited for people under the age of 18. They are properly marked. You have been warned.