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Maid To Love

Reputations of the Wicked

Roses Watered With Blood

Some People Need Saving

Taken With You Series

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Disclaimer: No infringement intended. I don’t own and am only borrowing these characters.
Distribution: Primordial Souls, anything Maren wants to do with it. Other than that, please ask me.
Spoilers: I’m fairly certain that the entire BtVS/AtS canon is open to debate.
Author’s Notes: This is the first in a series of Buffy/Angel/Spike stories, currently untitled. Written for Maren’s Sandwich Ficathon. This is being written for Liliaeth. This is a dream sequence between B/A/S. Inspired by Buffy and Angel sharing dreams. Why can’t they all?
Author’s Notes 2: This dream is Buffy’s.
Rating: NC-17. If you can think it, it’s very possible it might be in this series.
Feedback: Be gentle. This is my first threesome fic, so please, please let me know what you think.
Summary: Buffy/Spike/Angel. A dream is shared...


The chilled air of the small bedroom was heavy with the short pants that fell from her parted lips as she arched her back off the soft sheets she laid against, pushing her chest closer to the cool lips that danced across her skin. Twisting the cotton in her small hands, she curled her toes as blunt teeth bit into the soft skin just below her breast, barely brushing up against the underside.

A small whine passed through her lips and she tossed her head, fighting the urge to throw her hands up and put that mouth right where she needed it. But she wasn’t really fighting to not force him to go where she wanted him as much as forcing to move them at all. It was as if she didn’t have hands at all... but they were there, but she was only allowed to feel with her body rather than direct.

Her thoughts were scattered to the winds as she felt another cool mouth attack her other breast. Rather than being coy much as the first was, she felt lips circle her nipple and suck gently. She cried out softly, tossing her head towards the person as her body responded eagerly.

Buffy was on fire as much as she was cold and she delighted in it. Wonderful sensations rained down on her body and she wanted so badly for it to continue as much as she wanted it to escalate to the next level. She could feel her nipples hardening just that little bit more and the fine hairs on the back of her neck rising. Goose bumps attacked her and she shivered.

As one mouth nursed at her breast, she turned her attention to the other, wandering, one. She felt him going lower and lower, taking his sweet time to just taste her and nip at her. She could feel her skin reacting and knew she would have small bruises in some places while others simply reddened from his sucking. It felt wonderful.

Buffy gasped in shock and pleasure as whoever had settled between her legs pressed a long finger up against her slippery slit, pushing past her vaginal lips and finding her tight hole. Pushing her hips up towards him, she was ignored as he pulled his finger free. She whimpered.

His rough hands ran down her thighs and she opened them wider for him. The soft mouth still at her breast broke away and Buffy furrowed her brow slightly as the cold air from her window hit her. She was pleased as he took her neglected nipple into his mouth, repeating his actions from before.

Buffy’s entire body jerked as her legs were suddenly spread incredibly wide and a cold tongue touched on her clit. “Oh, god,” she choked out as he licked a slow trail down her slit. “Oh, my god... yes.”

His hands resting on the insides of her thighs, effectively holding her open for him to feast upon, Buffy felt him begin to suck gently, his teeth scraping against her clit, causing her to thrust her hips up towards his face. But her strength was no match for him in the position she was in so she allowed him to hold her down as he ate her.

A strangely long moment passed, filled with soft sucking noises and Buffy’s heavy panting and random cries of pleasure as her clit was nursed gently. It took her a long while to realize that there was no mouth on her nipple and she opened her eyes to see what was happening only to meet dark chocolate eyes as they stared down at her.

His eyes were impossibly dark and she opened her mouth in a silent cry of pleasure, her orbs never leaving his. A soft bite against her clit caused Buffy to instinctively arch her back and thrust into the mouth between her legs, a sharp shout escaping her lips as she lifted her head to see who was down there.

She wasn’t at all surprised to see the platinum blonde head nestled against her and she felt a rush of hot pleasure course through her, directly to her core and she felt some more of her juices slip out. The sight of him fucking her with his tongue was enough to cause her come but she was neglected when he looked up at her, his striking blue eyes meeting hers. A cocky smile graced his lips before he dove back down and Buffy breathed in deeply, her eyes closing as she fell back against her pillow.

Soft knuckles gently traced the outline of her cheek and Buffy opened her eyes, meeting Angel’s once more. She suddenly found her hands as a feral grin found his lips and Buffy gasped as he kissed her roughly, his teeth clashing with her lips as she returned the kiss just as viciously, her fingers threading through his hair and tugging softly. Their tongues fought for dominance as Spike continued to eat at her, his tongue dancing over her clit continuously, causing erratic jerks from her hips towards his face.

Several minutes passed and Buffy’s pleasure seemed to echo in the room. Her mouth never leaving Angel’s, she found herself climbing towards her release time after time, Spike constantly bringing her to the edge before pulling back only to repeat the cycle.

As Angel’s hand found her breast again, his long fingers gently kneading it, Buffy broke the kiss and gasped Spike’s name as his continued sucking on her clit grew rougher. Squeezing her eyes shut, Buffy concentrated on finding the edge she so wanted to jump from. She could feel her insides turning to liquid.

Everything inside of Buffy exploded as she felt three of his cold fingers suddenly thrust into her. Buffy’s eyes shot open and she lost all control of her hips as she began to chant Spike’s name, his mouth never leaving her clit. Angel’s lips were on her throat and she felt him sucking against his mark. His bite. His territory.

Buffy dug her nails into Angel’s scalp as Spike thrust into her one last time and she came with tremendous force, her entire body jerking violently as both Spike and Angel’s name fell from her lips, echoing in the room loudly. Buffy came again as Angel’s blunt teeth bit into his mark, her tight vaginal walls squeezing Spike’s fingers for all they were worth.

Buffy fell limp against the pillow, her heart pounding in her chest, echoing in her ears as Spike lapped at the juices pouring from her body while Angel slowly sat up.

Opening her eyes lazily, Buffy was met with the sight of Spike sitting up as well and leaning over towards Angel. Buffy’s eyes widened at the sight of Angel’s large cock swaying in the air, hard and seeping at the end. Spike’s was the exact same and, as she watched on, Spike reached forward, his large hand circling around Angel’s hard cock and pumping lightly. She heard Angel growl lightly and the sound caused a quick rush of pleasure to push through her body and she found herself ready for some more even though she should be numb from what had felt like forever of oral torture.

But she was powerless to move and as she watched on, Angel leaned forward as well, his hand covering Spike’s hard length and pumping gently. A look of lust filled pleasure filled Spike’s face and Buffy felt the urge to join in on the fun. But she wasn’t allowed to.

Her body throbbing, Buffy watched as Spike and Angel kissed, feeling as if she weren’t apart of the moment at all. She was simply a happy bystander, watching from the sidelines as her two lovers kissed and touched each other in ways she had never seen before. As their kiss grew with intensity and silent moments passed, Buffy watched as the kiss broke and Spike ducked down, his mouth opening to take in Angel’s cock.

Inhaling sharply, she watched as he took the entire thing into his mouth and sucked expertly, Angel’s hand sifting through his hair and pushing him down as Angel’s hips lifted to meet him.

Buffy felt like she was going to explode if no one touched her as Spike continued to suck at Angel’s dick, the hard length disappearing into his mouth. Buffy’s eyes wandered to Angel’s face to see what he was doing and he too was looking down at Spike, his face heavy-laden with pleasure, soft purrs escaping his throat.

The entire thing was surreal and Buffy was completely content to sit there, watching, while at the same time wanting someone to touch her... or at least help Spike with his little problem. She looked down at him and noticed his cock was throbbing and swelling by the minute.

Buffy stared at it for a moment before finally looking back up towards Angel and she was surprised to see him staring at her intently, his eyes boring into her. She met his gaze and didn’t let it go as Spike sat up and looked down at her as well.

Before she knew what was happening, Angel’s hand was gripping her upper arm and pulling her towards them, up onto her knees. No one spoke and they all seemed to move knowing exactly what the other two wanted. Words weren’t needed.

She wasn’t quite sure how it worked exactly and she knew that she didn’t care as she was suddenly impaled on Spike’s waiting cock. Yelling into the night, she threw her head back on Angel’s shoulder and was met with his cock thrusting into her from behind. Buffy screamed.

She knew the invasion should have hurt, but it didn’t and she gasped strongly at the feeling of Spike pulling out before thrusting back into her just as Angel pulled out. Buffy was completely sandwiched between their bodies as they balanced on their knees and she threw her head forward, her forehead resting on Spike’s shoulder, her fingernails digging into his forearms. The two vampires wrapped their arms around her and each other, holding her between them as they continued a powerful rhythm which Buffy slowly began to join in on, her hips thrusting back and forth to meet them each respectively.

It continued on like this for several minutes, loud grunts and cries escaping their throats as they all built towards their climax. Spike’s almost bruising thrusts continued to bump against Buffy’s clit and as they became more powerful, her cries became louder.

As Angel thrust into her, Buffy shattered, her orgasm hitting her and she tensed as she the pleasurable waves flew through her body, causing her to shiver as her nails bit even deeper into Spike’s skin. He didn’t seem to notice as he vamped out, his tongue snaking out to lick his fangs. Buffy felt Angel change as well from behind her.

Squeezing her legs around Spike’s hips tighter, Buffy threw her head back, somehow making it clear exactly what she wanted. The invitation. With her eyes closed, she didn’t notice the two vampires’ eyes meet. As they neared their own climax, Buffy felt herself building once again and almost opened her eyes to see why they weren’t biting when two sets of fangs bit into the delicate flesh of her neck.

Buffy screamed as she exploded one last time. Her rippling walls took Spike to the edge and he growled against her skin, his hips thrusting against her incoherently as he felt Buffy’s walls milking him of every last drop. As Buffy’s rich blood touched Angel’s lips, he climaxed, his dead seed spilling into Buffy. Her hand found the back of his head as he continued to suck, his teeth fitting into the scar he had left so many years ago.

Buffy felt her vision clouding as they continued to drink, their hips still thrusting into her lazily...


A sharp gasp filled the room and Buffy sat up in her bed, her back straight as a rod as she looked around her room quickly... searching for any trace of either Spike or Angel. But she was alone.

Her sheets were damp and strung around her legs, tangling her into them. Taking a deep breath, Buffy wiped the wet hair from her face as she once again looked around.

But she was truly, and utterly, alone.



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Primordial Souls © Bre 2004-2006. The fanfictions within are © material of the author. No copyright infringement intended. This is a non-profit site.

Some of the fanfiction featured on this site contains adult content and situations not suited for people under the age of 18. They are properly marked. You have been warned.