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Maid To Love

Reputations of the Wicked

Roses Watered With Blood

Some People Need Saving

Taken With You Series

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“How could this be happening? She is too young. The signs shouldn’t be coming... they aren’t due for years...”

“I don’t care about the signs! That is not the point. We need to get her-“

“Where? Where should we take her? There is nowhere for her to be that would protect her from this prophecy that you believe will steal her life. Nothing. It is coming... and none of us can stop it.”

Travers pursed his lips, staring angrily at the man before him. “Who do you think you are, Rupert? Do you actually believe that you know more about this situation than me?”

Giles felt his control snap as he whipped his glasses off and pointed an accusing finger at Travers. “Yes! I was the one who researched it! I was the one to unearth his role in the prophecy... or do you not remember taking them from me?”

“This is not the time for pointing fingers,” Travers said, pushing Giles’ hand away from his face. “I am her rightful Watcher. I know more about her than you do. I train her everyday-“

“And a fabulous job you are doing with that,” Giles said sarcastically, turning around to lean against his desk. There was silence. “I am worried that the emergence of these signs will... cause a rift in the prophecy.”

Giles turned back around. “It was very precise. She is not to have dreams about this particular sign for two more years... before her twenty-second birthday...”

“... where He will take his rightful place beside her... I read it, Rupert. She will die...”

“She will not die! Are you this... this pigheaded?”

“Perhaps... or maybe it is merely common sense to assume that she will die. You know the outcome of the paths she is on. It is only correct to assume it will lead to her death.”

Giles narrowed his eyes. “You know nothing,” he said calmly.

“Think what you will, Rupert, but I will be taking the appropriate actions. He will be removed as of tonight.”

“You will do no such thing,” Giles snapped. “I won’t allow it.”

“And what authority will you have? Against me? I am the Watcher of the famed Slayer... you are merely a librarian in the Council.”

“Who happens to be a Watcher as well, you bastard.”

Travers smirked. “And how many Slayers have you guided?”

Giles said nothing. Travers nodded knowingly before turning around. “She is to be the greatest Slayer to ever live... to have her die will mean the end of this world...”

“You are condemning us all.”

“I think only of the world, Rupert,” Travers said, looking over his shoulder. “You know that.”

Then he was gone.

Giles kicked the side of his desk before replacing his glasses, slipping on his jacket and exiting the room.


Buffy stared at the piece of paper. Stared at her carefully etched lines - which happened to be poor considering she wasn’t exactly an excellent artist. Licking her lips, she cocked her head. Something called to her. Something told her to... do something. She just didn’t know what.

After Travers had taken her from the library, he had disposed of her in the Slayer training room with the others - mostly potentials - while he disappeared. But not before telling her to not interact with anyone else besides the girls. Buffy’s heart hadn’t been in the training as she thought about her dream and the Watchers’ reaction. What had happened back there? Why were they acting like that? Like the world was going to end?

Buffy shook her head as she remembered when Angelus had come in, carrying a box of stakes, prepared for his daily lesson to the girls. He had raised an eyebrow at her only to later ignore her - and get the same treatment back - as he gave the girls stakes to practice throwing. Buffy stared from the corner as the potentials continued to miss. She had briefly wondered if these were the girls to be the world’s protectors. They could hardly fight.

Not like her. Buffy thrived on her ability to fight as well as she did, but she also knew that most of the girls were excelling in the other arts of slayage. And it made her feel insignificant. It was one of the few reasons she wasn’t out in the field, battling the vampires and demons. She was only one of two of the current Slayers and while she was stuck here, training everyday and being forced into practice sessions she knew she couldn’t handle, Faith Sery was out there, doing Buffy’s job.

Buffy had been the first called out of the two. Apparently she was pre-chosen by one of the elders of the Council and that would explain the cross on her wrist. She was what was known as a Chosen and there were few of them recorded in history. It certainly didn’t make Buffy feel any better. She was “scheduled” to be called after the current Slayer died and it had happened. She had been the Slayer. But something else had occurred. Buffy remembered clearly the day when Faith sauntered into the training room, able to punch and kick just as hard as Buffy had. Buffy hated remembering that day. It meant that she wasn’t the special one. It meant that destiny was wrong.

And how she hated hearing about her so-called destiny. As much as it was drilled into her head, she barely knew anything about what was to happen to her. She didn’t know why she was one of the few Chosen Slayers in history and she didn’t know why she didn’t have the Slayer sense most of the potentials had. She was the Slayer and she didn’t even have it. It meant that she was being held back. Like a potential.

Buffy hated thinking about it. She didn’t want to admit to herself that it pained her like nothing else. Faith, technically a wrong number in the Slayer phonebook, was out there doing a job that Buffy had been chosen for, before she could even comprehend what color the sky was. It wasn’t a pleasant thing to think about.

Buffy had forced herself to melt into the shadows while Angelus trained the other girls, all of them basically ignoring her. She was always trained separately so she barely interacted with any of the potentials and thus hardly knew them. At first, it made her feel that maybe, just maybe, her destiny had a reason... but then she was wrong and she soon began to feel like a mistake for the world. Maybe she was a mistake. All she basically had was strength and a demon-tingling system that was as common these days as spoons.

She didn’t have what really made a Slayer special. She didn’t seem to have the extra kick that went into the Slayer recipe. She couldn’t sense Angelus. Or any other demon that had the “blood of evil”, as they called it.

Buffy couldn’t comprehend the days when all it took for a Slayer to feel a demon was to have the little tingling sense. But those times were over. Of the very distant past and now... now things had changed.

Buff y remembered reading about it in the classes every potential took. The Slayer lore, the demon lore, the everything lore... Apparently hundreds of years ago, a great demon god - whom had always remained nameless, as if his very name was a sin to say - rose up and became a very powerful force in the world. He controlled and conquered and basically took over everything he could to get the power he so strongly desired. But he had a weakness. And that was what allowed the PTB to force him to the side of the good.

It was a tragic love story - Buffy scoffed every time she heard it - that showed the demon falling in love with the Slayer. One of the strongest and bravest Slayers in all history. The demon had apparently been a human in the early days of his existence and that caused the feelings that he had for the Slayer. Buffy thought it was ridiculous. She couldn’t understand how a human could go to a demon god within one lifetime. It wasn’t plausible.

But it was the demon’s feelings for the light that protected the world that ended him. He seemed to have been anticipating what his destiny was for the world and set up a backup plan that would ensure his survival. His evil half’s survival. The Powers were too late, though, to completely stop it and thus the demon’s blood spread, like a disease. It conquered almost every single land as the demon’s acolytes took it everywhere. They were loyal and knew that by doing as their master wished, the world would once again be theirs. So every demon was infected with the evil blood.

When the PTB took the demon god, they changed him, literally forcing his demon part to turn to the good side while the supposedly human half accepted it with open arms. The one thing that Buffy most clearly remembered was the blood in the demon. The obvious difference between the human blood and the demon blood. But even with such evidence, Buffy was sure that there was another explanation for a human turning into a demon.

And that all led up to her current situation. She couldn’t sense that part of a demon for the life of her. The normal Slayer alerts that would have saved so many so long ago were useless and so was Buffy. She couldn’t sense Angel because he had the human part of the demon’s blood in him. Even though the difference was evil and good, it all came from the same source and that was the reason Angel was used in her exercises.

It frustrated Buffy to no end that she was of the Chosen, yet she didn’t have the power to actually do her job.

Crumpling the paper in her hands, Buffy tossed it across the room. Her room. Yet another example of why she was so set apart. She was given special rooms while the others shared what could only be deemed as dorm rooms two floors below her. Buffy knew, on some level, that she should feel happy that she was still considered so highly in the Council, but it didn’t help.


“You need to leave. Your service is no longer needed here. We have been contacted that you will be given a position in the LA branch of our offices. They have found some new potentials down there that could use your special care...”

Angel couldn’t understand what was happening. He had been working in only one place for as long as he could remember, ever since he had been recruited by the Powers and now he was being moved, completely out of the blue and without any notice whatsoever. And the fact that he had to leave the very next morning wasn’t very comforting at all.

Something was happening and Travers wasn’t saying a peep. To say he was a little nervous and annoyed was an understatement.

He was technically obligated to do as the Council wished him to do, but over the years he had stayed here, he had gained a position of power within the system. He didn’t want to leave. There were many reasons why he could leave - and should - but there were so many more why he had to stay. If not because he had spent such a large majority of his life there, but because...

Angel’s thoughts were interrupted as a short, rapid series of knocks echoed in his room. Looking up from where he had been sorting through his books as he placed them in specific piles to be boxed together, he furrowed his brow as he moved to answer the door.

Angel barely had a chance to twist the doorknob as Rupert Giles thrust himself into the room, pushing Angel back. Angel opened his mouth to object the sudden invasion, but snapped it shut when he saw the look on the man’s face. Giles turned quickly after he locked the door behind him, focusing on the vampire/human/demon hybrid before him.

“Angelus, I’m glad that you haven’t left already,” Giles said, his voice hoarse and light as if he was out of breath. Angel raised an eyebrow.

“I’m not supposed to leave until tomorrow morning. Did you come to say goodbye?”

Ignoring the amusement coloring Angel’s tone, Giles stepped further into the room, stopping Angel from where he had turned back to his bookcase. Gripping his elbow in his surprisingly strong grip, Giles turned Angel to face him. “I need to tell you something of the utmost importance. You need to listen very carefully.”

“Why? What’s wrong?” Angel asked, not used to this side of Giles. He may barely know the man, but the few times he had spent time with him, Rupert Giles had always been conservative and quiet. He kept to himself, unless he was with Buffy. The thought of the little blonde somehow being involved with something bad sent surprising chills down his spine. But he didn’t give voice to his odd fears. “Does this have something to do with my leaving?”

“Yes. Travers is trying to get rid of you. He doesn’t want you here because of a prophecy that is happening... well, a little out of its time slot.”

“A prophecy?” Angel asked, interrupting. “Why would there be a prophecy about me?”

The question gave Giles a pause. How much should he tell Angelus? He wasn’t sure whether the truth would hurt the future or wound it, and he was afraid of both outcomes at that point. But not telling him and allowing him to leave as Travers had ordered would definitely leave the world in the center of doom and he knew that that was not an option.


The librarian hesitated. “Angel-“

“Mr. Giles?”

Giles’ head snapped back to the door as the familiar voice echoed in the room. Angel’s eyes followed Giles’ and watched as Giles seemed to grow more and more... desperate was the only way he could describe it.

“Mr. Giles, I know you are in there. I need to talk to you.”

“Dammit!” Giles cursed, turning back to Angel. “Angelus, listen. Get to Buffy. That’s all you need to know. I don’t have time to explain-“

“Mr. Angelus? We are going to come in if you don’t open this door,” Travers shouted through the door, his voice monotone as always. He sounded so calm and held together that it was strange to hear the statement from him.

“What do you mean get to Buffy? What does she have to do with this? What do I have to do with this?” Angel asked as Giles turned to look back at the door.

“I... I just need you to get to Buffy. And then get away. Away from Travers,” Giles said, turning back once again to Angel. “The prophecy won’t be fulfilled if Travers sends you away and then the world will be doomed. I wish I had more time-“

“We are opening the door, Mr. Angelus.”

“Get to Buffy. Just get away. I will contact you... somehow. But it’s only important that you get to Buffy. The signs have begun and...”

“Mr. Giles,” Travers said as the door swung open and Giles released Angel’s arm, turning to face the other Watcher. “Whatever are you doing in here?”

“I might ask you the same question,” Giles said, his voice hard.

“I’m here to talk to Angelus, of course. About his departure. I’m sure you’ve heard, haven’t you?” The obvious pleasure Travers was taking only seemed to make the rage boiling in Giles grow. Angel wondered if he would need to hold the man back. He was privy to Giles’ reputation of his younger days, before he had come into the family business. He knew what he was capable of, as he was sure Travers did. Three armed guards filed into Angel’s room.

“You’re a bastard,” Giles hissed, stalking towards him slowly. Travers merely lifted an eyebrow, as if watching a show that held minimal interest for him. “You have no idea what you are doing.”

“I’d like to think that it is you that has no idea what you are doing, Mr. Giles, and that is why I have brought along our little friends to help you along your way... away from Angelus.”

There was a heavy minute and it felt like the tension in the air could be cut with a butter knife. Then Travers lifted his hand and motioned for the guards to get Giles and then get out.

Giles risked a glance back at Angel and his eyes said it all.

And then he was gone.

Angel stared after Giles for a long moment before looking back to Travers, who seemed to be studying him. Staring into his eyes, Travers pursed his lips before stepping forward slightly.

“Did Mr. Giles say anything to you, Angelus? Anything at all about a prophecy?”

Angel forced himself to act nonchalantly and nodded. “Yes. He said I had an important role in something that would be apart of the end of the world. He sounded a little... not all there, if you know what I mean.”

“Yes, well,” Travers said, looking down to the floor in momentary relief before returning his gaze back to Angel, a small smile playing on his lips as the tension slid from his body. “He hasn’t been well lately. I would assume that he was talking about something he read in the Codex but that would be a bit farfetched considering the fact that his prophecy described you in it. But that is all he has been reading as of late, so... I would suggest just getting a good rest before tomorrow’s departure.”

Angel nodded, his mind awhirl with what Giles had said to him. Get to Buffy. Just get away...

Travers nodded, a satisfied look on his face. Angel returned a tight one and watched as Travers turned, offering a small wave as way of goodbye. But before Travers could close the door completely behind him, Angel stepped forward.

“Mr. Travers?”

The watcher paused, his body tensing as he looked back into the room. Angel watched as he forced a smile on his face.


“I was just wondering why the urgency? I would have preferred a few days’ notice, at least.” Angel wasn’t sure whether or not he was trying to stall to find Buffy or if he wanted to research Giles’ claims. But if they were true, which they only seemed to be if the urgency in Giles was any indication, then he would have to take immediate action.

“It was as I said before, Angel. You have been extremely helpful here but because of the new arrival of so many potentials in LA, your service would be better served there. I hope you aren’t offended by the sudden timing.”

“No, it’s fine. Just curious is all. After all, it’s my duty.”

“Precisely. Have a good night, Angel.”

The minute Travers left the room, Angel turned in a slow circle, running his hand through his hair.

It would seem that immediate action was the only course available.


Giles heard the lock switching into place from the other side of the door to his room. Cursing loudly, Giles turned and walked to the large picture window that overlooked the garden that led to the exit of the Council’s estate. He wondered briefly if Angelus had told Travers what he had told him. He prayed that he had not and that he would do as he requested. There was truly no other option. He wish now that he had had more time to explain full what exactly the prophecy entailed, what neither he nor Buffy knew about their destiny... together.

And what Buffy didn’t know about herself. There was still so much she didn’t know and Giles took fault for most of that. He had gone along with what Travers requested for her, thinking they had time. If he had only known...

But now it was up to Angelus. If he didn’t heed to his warning, then there would be hell to pay. Buffy would stay here, forever the potential Slayer she is and the world would suffer for it.

“Goddamn him,” Giles hissed to himself as he stared into the inky night.


It didn’t take long at all for Angel to find the sleeping Slayer’s room. He had always known where her room was, just had never actually tried to find it.

Angel knew that his door would most likely be watched for the rest of the night and so he had snuck out the window, a small backpack hanging from his shoulder. He had scaled the tall building until he reached the roof where he jogged across, avoiding the lookout guard as he slipped down the other side of the building. Finding the open window he had hoped he would, he slipped through and now stood before Buffy’s door.

Testing the doorknob, Angel found it locked and sighed heavily. Bending down, Angel pulled out a few pieces of equipment as he started working at the lock. How he wished he was doing the right thing. He couldn’t exactly explain why he was doing as Giles said, a man he hardly knew at all. But all he could say was that when he heard Buffy’s name, he knew that he would agree no matter what.

There was just something there that pulled at him... He couldn’t explain it and didn’t really want to. Making a small sound of success as the door gave an audible click, Angel stood, replacing the tools. Looking around, Angel gently opened the door, slipping in quietly as he closed the door, snapping the lock back in its place.

Turning to the room, Angel was surprised at the large space he found himself in. It was larger than his and was bare. There were a few pieces of rather large furniture but other than that, there wasn’t anything on the walls, no pictures or posters and no small trinkets littering the furniture. Angel saw a small journal on one night stand and few bracelets and some small jewelry. Other than that, he couldn’t see anything that would give a testament to Buffy’s state of mind or character.

Focusing on the large bed that was the centerpiece of the room, Angel saw her small form lying underneath all of the heavy comforters and sheets. She looked so small in the bed, belying the obvious strength she possessed. Angel moved forward as softly as he could.

Buffy laid in the very middle of the bed, her back to him and Angel leaned over softly, his hand reaching out gently to touch her shoulder as he shook her.


The harsh reality of his tone in the room gave him a start and he paused as she didn’t move.


When she didn’t respond a second time, Angel placed his entire hand over her arm, shaking her a little harder. This time she responded. Moving quicker than he could have reacted, she whipped around and pulled him down onto the bed, her hand around his neck as she blinked down at him.

Angel was extremely impressed with her reaction. She had been half-asleep at the time and yet she moved just as quick as if she had been in top form. But that appreciation was for another time. Right now, he had to worry about getting Buffy out and waiting for Giles.

A silent moment passed, Angel’s hand wrapped around her wrist that led to the hand that was at his throat while the other was pressed between their chests.

“What?” she asked softly, her hand releasing him ever so slightly. “Is something wrong?”

“Buffy? Are you awake?”

It took Buffy a second but as her eyes adjusted to the dark and she finally saw whom she had pinned to her bed, her eyes widened.

“Angelus? What are you doing in my room?”

“If you could get your hand off me, I could tell you.”

Buffy realized, even through the fog of her brain, exactly how they were laying. Despite her open hostility towards Angelus, she had taken a look at him from time to time. He was extremely attractive. His dark features and chocolate eyes always captured you in the most delicious way and Buffy had often wondered if that was why she was so openly unhappy with his presence. She knew that he had that effect on almost every single girl that crossed his path and the fact that it was happening to her didn’t make her feel any better about the way her life was being led.

But now here he was, pinned to her bed by her in her pajamas. Their bodies pressed together. Buffy couldn’t help the deep blush that raced up along her skin.

“Sorry,” she said quietly, moving away. Angel sat up slowly, never taking his eyes off her. She could feel his heavy gaze on her and forced her hostile attitude to the surface. “What are you doing in here, anyway?”

“It’s a long story that I’ll explain later. All you need to worry about right now is getting up and getting packed so we can leave.”

“Leave?” Buffy asked, choking on the word. “What do you mean leave? Who the hell told you we could leave?”

“No one told me we could leave, Buffy. It’s... Giles came to me tonight and told me about a prophecy that would mean the end of the world if I didn’t get you out of here. Why he chose me, I don’t know. Why now, I don’t know that either. But we have to go.”

Buffy stared at him for a moment before looking down at the blanket and then at the trash can in the corner of her room, full of crumpled pieces of paper containing her drawings. Did it have something to do with that?


“Yes. Usually, I would be skeptical, but judging the look on his face, I’m willing to think this is real. Especially because Travers ordered me to leave to go to LA tomorrow.”

But Buffy wasn’t listening. She was already up and out of the bed. As she reached for the light, Angel motioned for her to not and then proceeded to watch her move around the sparse room, grabbing a small duffel and throwing in some random clothes. Angel was happy that she seemed to understand the urgency the trip required. She was packing lightly.

“Are we going to go see Giles?”

“No. He said he would contact us once we got out. After that... I don’t know.”

Buffy didn’t say anything as she continued packing. Angel slowly stood up from the bed, reasserting his own bag over his shoulder. Buffy was done in less than five minutes and Angel grabbed her arm as she began to head for the bedroom door.

“Not a good idea,” he said in a short whisper. “Window is probably our best bet.”

Buffy merely nodded, turning to follow him. She didn’t have anything to say to him at that moment. Her mind was awhirl with what was happening around her. What was going on with Giles that would cause him to seek Angel and have him get her out of the Council headquarters? It was strange and she had a strong feeling that it had a lot to do with her drawing from her dream earlier. Both of the watchers had acted like their worlds were about to be rocked like crazy when they saw what she was drawing.

“Why you?” Buffy asked softly as Angel opened the window.

He looked back at her, shrugging.

“I don’t know,” he replied before helping her over the windowsill before climbing out after her.


“Mr. Angelus, your transportation is here for you.”

Travers waited for exactly ten seconds before calling again only to have complete silence answer him back. A trickle of fear covered his spine and he checked the doorknob. Locked.

Calling for a guard, he waited as he unlocked the door.

The sight that greeted him caused dread and anger to rush through him like a dam breaking. Angelus’ room was exactly as it had been the night before. None of the books were packed and very few of the clothes were missing. Nothing had been packed. The bed was still made. Angelus was not there.

Turning quickly, Travers pushed the guard out of his way as he ran towards Buffy’s bedroom. Trying the door, he found her door locked as well. Shouting for the guard, Travers waited impatiently before the door was unlocked. Travers felt a knot form in his throat as he spotted her unmade bed and empty drawers. She had never been much for keeping many things and it seemed as if she had taken almost everything she had.

Travers cursed wildly as he stormed out of the room.


Giles grinned widely as a troop of people raced past his room. Angelus had succeeded. Buffy was gone.

The prophecy had been set in motion.


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Primordial Souls © Bre 2004-2006. The fanfictions within are © material of the author. No copyright infringement intended. This is a non-profit site.

Some of the fanfiction featured on this site contains adult content and situations not suited for people under the age of 18. They are properly marked. You have been warned.