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Maid To Love

Reputations of the Wicked

Roses Watered With Blood

Some People Need Saving

Taken With You Series

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Disclaimer: Not mine. None of the characters are mine. Not one. Not even the weird guy in the back who coughs.
Distribution: Buffy Survivor, my site. Anyone else? Please ask.
Spoilers: Some stuff from season 4 of Buffy.
AN: Final round of Buffy Survivor and what a challenge it is (which will be listed at the end of the fic). This is kind of a silly fic where someone gets what they have long deserved. This is set in Season 4 of Buffy. Angel came back with a permanent soul. Probably a little after "Fear Itself" do I begin to wander into my own universe. There are 2484 words!
Rating: PG-13, I’d say.
Feedback: Please!
Summary: Who knew that Buffy was such a great actress.


The small camera whirred in the woman’s hands as she took yet another picture of the scene on the stage. Angel looked out the corner of his eye at Joyce Summers as she smiled and watched with happy eyes. The thought that a simple play could make her so happy was amusing. And then cute as he realized why.

The beautiful goddess on stage moved around with an unknown grace as she spoke her lines to the man playing her husband. His dark eyes never left her as they wandered down to her full lips, which were decorated in a bright red lipstick that seemed to make her face glow. Her hair was swept up in a tight ponytail as she pretended to do the dishes, facing the fourth wall. His heart warmed as she played her character to perfection. He remembered helping her practice at the mansion, which she had insisted be refurnished and painted. Now it had a warm glow to the house that clearly indicated a living person lived there. Which they did.

Buffy had instantly moved in with him upon his return to the small town. Willow had then proceeded to move in with a girl named Tara in an off-campus apartment. Angel remembered the look on Joyce’s face when Buffy had told her what her plans were before instantly disagreeing. But Buffy stood her ground and, as time passed, Angel began to bond with the older blonde over some art pieces from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries before becoming something a kin to friends.

And now here they sat, watching the woman they both loved in their own ways walk around on stage as she proclaimed her love to her husband, played by a man named Riley Finn. She was playing a character framed for murder by her husband. It was a rather interesting play, a "modern" play as Angel failed to see the actual plot in the story, where she was eventually killed by her husband in the end.

At the mention of being killed, Angel’s mind began to drift into the past as the stage darkened, moving quickly into the next scene. He remembered reading the lines for her husband as she practiced and laughing as she acted out her parts. Not at her, of course, because she was proving herself to be a fantastic actor, but at the writing. It was comical the way the playwright chose to show everyone why the husband killed her.

As the next scene opened, Angel realized that his girlfriend wasn’t going to be in the beginning. This was where the husband talked about his "dirty dealings" before he returned home. Looking around the large auditorium of the college, his eyes roamed around the audience before pausing on a dark head to his right, a couple of people down his row. Narrowing his eyes, he felt a tug in his chest as he inhaled. There was something about the boy... something that called to him. The boy in question was sitting next to a busty redhead, both giggling as they turned back towards the stage where Buffy had reappeared.

Turning his gaze towards where they were looking, he realized they were talking about his lover and he forced himself to focus on their conversation. Due to the projection of the actors on the stage, Angel struggled before he finally began to hear words coming from their conversation.

"...didn’t you date..."

The boy snickered.

"Not really... slept... I can... wasn’t that great..."

The girl smiled.

"I can believe... she’s totally skanktastic... I heard... sleep’s around... what a whore..."

"Thought... get a taste..."

The girl giggled at the lewd remark the boy proceeded to whisper in her ear. Angel couldn’t believe what he was hearing... were they talking about Buffy? His Buffy? A whore?

Turning back to look at the boy, he saw that they were whispering to each other once again and Angel felt the strongest urge to stand up and pummel the boy where he sat. Was that the one Spike had been talking about when the bleached blonde had come to L.A.? If it was, Angel was going to have to teach him a little lesson.

Looking back to the stage, Angel watched as Finn accidentally moved stage left and tripped over the table sitting there, causing the bowl of strawberries sitting on the edge for decoration to fall to the floor, scattering towards the audience. Angel watched as Buffy fought the laughter wanting to erupt from her lips as Finn fought for his composure. The crowd chuckled in unison.

Narrowing his eyes, Angel felt anger boil in his chest as the words replayed in his mind. Why hadn’t Buffy told him about that boy? What was she hiding?

Settling back in his chair, he watched with dark eyes as he kept his ears trained on the conversations going on around him.


"You did so great, Buffy," Joyce said gleefully as she enveloped her daughter in a tight hug.

"Thanks, Mom. It was fun... except for when Riley tripped over that table. He went the wrong way... again! I swear if that guy has a brain, I don’t know..."

"Hey, Buffy!" a cheerful voice said from behind and Buffy instantly plastered a smile on her face as she turned around. Joyce watched on, amused.

"Riley," Buffy said, her displeasure evident in her voice. If Riley heard it, he didn’t show any sign.

"You did so good tonight," he said, stepping forward to hug her. She awkwardly accepted it, allowing her limbs to dangle at her side.

"Thanks. You... too," Buffy responded, pulling out of the hug as the man proceeded to hold her a little too long. Stepping back, she smiled what she hoped was not a pity smile.

"Is this your mom?" Riley asked, stepping forward. He held out his hand. "I’m Riley Finn. I played her husband."

Joyce smiled at the proud tone in his voice. "It’s nice to meet you. You both did very well in the play."

"Yeah," Buffy agreed before quickly changing subjects. "Where’s Angel?"

"Is she your friend?" Riley interjected. "Because I could ask around for you..."

Buffy rolled her eyes before turning. "No. He’s my boyfriend."

"Oh. You have a boyfriend."

"Yeah. And I should probably be getting home... where he’s probably waiting for me?" Buffy finished, turning to her mother as she asked the question. Joyce nodded.

"He said he was going to go back to the mansion early because he needed to do something but told me to tell you to take your time."

"Well, I think I’ll go anyway. Get some sla... ving in," Buffy finished, turning to look at Riley. "Slaving... to chocolate... that isn’t cake," she finished quickly as Riley moved to speak once more. "I wasn’t planning on going to that little thing anyway."

"So... you live with him?" Riley asked as he saw his entire future with the blonde woman wither and die.

"Yeah," Buffy said, turning back to Joyce as Riley slowly turned away. "Thanks for coming, Mom. I’m glad you liked it."

"I did and you were beautiful. I got great pictures."

Buffy grinned. "Good. I should probably go. Try and get a few good stakings in before heading home."

"Alright. I love you and be careful."

"It’s my middle name... only not," Buffy said, hugging her mother before heading back into the dressing rooms, grabbing her belongings, greeting her cast mates and heading out the door.


Angel watched from the shadows as the boy walked with redhead towards his car, a 1997 Camaro that was in dire need of repairs. He heard the name Parker whispered before leaving the shadows and walking towards the couple.

"Excuse me!" Angel called out, moving into a slow jog as the two young adults turned to face him. Parker raised his eyebrows while the redhead allowed her eyes to rove over Angel’s body.

"Can we help you?" Parker asked, his hand winding around the redhead’s waist.

"Yeah. I just needed to tell you something," Angel said before his fist flew out and came into contact with Parker’s nose. Parker cried out in surprise as the redhead backed away, a surprised scream escaping her lips. Angel turned to her. "I suggest you stay away from him. He’ll only give you trouble."


Angel gave her a dark look before turning back to Parker, not paying attention as she turned to run away.

"And you," he said, looking down at the bloodied boy. "What do you know about Buffy Summers?"

"What about her?" Parker asked loudly.

"What did you do to her?" Angel growled.

"Nothing! I swear I didn’t touch her."

"You didn’t touch her?" Angel asked in a low voice.

"I only slept with her for one night. That’s all. It’s been over for a long time, buddy. Whatever the hell she told you-"

"She didn’t have to say anything," Angel growled, grabbing the collar of the boy’s shirt and lifting him from the ground. "You did all the talking I needed to hear."

"Well then you heard from the right source," Parker spat. "She’s a whore, man. Stay away from her."

Angel dropped Parker to the ground before he knew what he was doing and brought his fist down twice before standing. Parker groaned incoherently as his face began to puff up almost instantly.

"Buffy is not a whore," Angel said slowly. "And if I ever hear you say anything like that about her again, I’ll make sure you can’t walk for a week."

Turning around, Angel left, not giving Parker the chance to speak as he rolled around in pain on the ground.


Buffy approached the mansion on light feet, the soft rainfall pouring down on her gently. She felt... free and liberated. Turning around in the rain, she began humming as she skipped slightly. Nothing like a little dance in the rain to illustrate her mood. She had managed to stake three vampires before coming home. The cryptic message one had relayed to her rang in her head and she shrugged. What could it possibly mean to her? Death was her gift? Whatever.

Twirling in the rain once more, she finally reached the front door as her body swayed to the music in her head, her clothes sticking to her body as she shrugged off her jacket, grabbing the keys from her pocket, swinging her arm out in an exaggerated dance move as she finally opened the door before stepping in and closing the door. Dropping her jacket and bag to the floor, she threw her keys on the small table that stood beside the door.

Then she noticed the soft candlelight that caused the room before her to glow. Smiling softly, Buffy stared at the candles that littered the living room, reaching up to pull her hair from the right confines of her ponytail. Tossing her head back, she ran her fingers through her damp hair before stepping forward, not hearing the thunder suddenly echo in the sky.

"Angel?" she called softly and was startled when he suddenly replied.

"You were beautiful tonight," he said in a low voice that echoed in the room. She looked around for him but couldn’t see him.

"Thank you," she said with a silly grin on her face, a blush almost immediately covering her skin. "Where are you?"

"Meet me in the bedroom," he said softly. She looked around once more before following his orders. It took her one minute to finally reach her favorite room of the entire mansion only to find her vampire laying out on the bed, wearing only his black trousers, his belt hanging open.

"Hello, gorgeous," he said and Buffy smiled. "Aren’t you a little overdressed?"

Buffy giggled before stepping forward to climb on the bed. "Perhaps," she said as she crawled up the king-sized bed. "But I might say the same thing to you."

Angel smirked before lifting his hand to trail down her face. His eyes remained locked with hers as he sat up and kissed her, the light rainfall outside turning into a heavy thunderstorm, growing in intensity as the couple in the bed made love.


Buffy sighed happily, pushing herself back into Angel’s chest as she closed her eyes. "That was... wow," she mumbled.

"Mmm," Angel murmured into her ear.

"You were particularly... aggressive tonight," Buffy said with a tinge of amusement in her voice. "Is something on your mind?"

"Was there trouble on the way back from the college?" Angel asked as he stared at the long scratch on her arm, changing the subject. Buffy shrugged.

"Not really. That was a lucky shot. But they had some interesting stuff to say. They told me death was my gift... but apparently I've been there and done that. So now I’m thinking, hey, what’s next? Jedi? I don’t think the force is exactly with me."

Angel chucked gently before silence once again prevailed. And was then broken.

"Who's Parker?"

He felt Buffy stiffen in his arms. She didn’t say anything for a long moment before finally speaking. "The big bad secret I’ve been keeping from you."

Angel could hear the self-loathing in her voice and tightened his arm on her waist, speaking against her ear as he laid against her soft hair.


"Because I was ashamed. It’s not exactly something you’d be too proud of, if you know what I mean... how did you know about him anyway?"

"Well, Spike told me first then I heard him talking in the theater during your play."

Buffy was silent for a moment. "What did he say?"

"Nothing important. But you won’t have to worry about him from now on."

Buffy turned in his arms and looked up into his dark eyes as she wound her legs around his underneath the thin sheet laying at their waists. "What did you do?"

Angel threw her his trademark half smile before running his hand down her unwounded arm. "Nothing. Just talked to him."

"And did talking to him consist of bodily harm?... Not that I would be totally against that, but it could still be considered bad."

"Weren’t you the one who talked about not keeping secrets from now on?" Angel asked softly and Buffy looked down where their chests were pressed together. The sight was strangely calming.

"This was something I was hoping would never come up."


"I know but I didn’t want you to think I was a whore or anything."

Angel stared at the top of her head for a few seconds before lifting her face towards him. "I would never think that about you. I love you more than life itself. I could never think that."

Buffy smiled. "I love you, too."

"So no more secrets," Angel said.

"No more secrets," Buffy agreed before laying her head back down, wrapping her arm around his chest as they faced each other, cradled each other.



Buffy Survivor: Final Challenge

Between 1000 (min) and 3000 (max) words.

Words Required:

-Candle light

The following must also be incorporated into the fic:

1. A big secret
2. Dancing in the rain
3. Quote: "They told me death was my gift...but apparently I've been there and done that. So now I'm thinking, hey, what's next? Jedi? I don't think the force is exactly with me."
4. Angel kicking some ass to defend Buffy's 'honor'
5. The phrase "Skanktastic"


l be kind, rewind l back to top l

Primordial Souls © Bre 2004-2006. The fanfictions within are © material of the author. No copyright infringement intended. This is a non-profit site.

Some of the fanfiction featured on this site contains adult content and situations not suited for people under the age of 18. They are properly marked. You have been warned.