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Disclaimer: No ownership here. No infringement intended.
Distribution: Please ask unless you already have some of my stories.
Spoilers: BtVS, Graduation Day, Part Two.
Author’s Notes: This poem is in an odd form. Just an attempt to cure my hankering to write some poetry. I've entered this poem into some contests under my real name.
Rating: PG
Feedback: What did you like most? What can I improve on? I love me some feedback.
Summary: Poem post “Graduation Day, Part Two”. Buffy’s thoughts on Angel and his leaving. Buffy’s POV.


It’s like a crack in the ground.
A scream in endless silence.
The flash of light in eternal darkness.

My heart broke the day He left,
Disappearing into the foggy night.
I couldn’t understand why,
Why He wanted to leave me. Leave me alone in the scary world,
Where I have to fight alone.

Is it that He doesn’t know?
Doesn’t know that when He was here,
I wasn’t alone?
He chased away the painful loneliness,
With His beautiful heart and bright soul...
He was my shining light.

It seems as if no one understands,
What it means to be a Slayer.
The darkness that constantly beckons,
As I serve death to many night after night.
What does it matter that they are “evil”?
Isn’t it just a matter of time before one of them is “good”?

And I lose myself to that darkness?

The fear of that happening
Caused the denial that controlled me
When I first found out that I was the only girl,
The only girl in all my generation,
“Gifted” with the power to hunt...
The power to kill.

But the moment He came into my life,
Everything that made me scared,
He chased it away,
Warming me with His love,
And curing me of the loneliness only a Slayer knows.

He was my companion in the night.
The only one I could hunt with
Who knew what it felt like.
His soul was my soul.
His heart was my heart.
We were as close to being one as possible...

But now He is gone.

The numbness that takes my insides
Is dark and cold.
The light He shined on my Slayer half,
Has wilted away,
And the Slayer and Buffy Summers
Weep together in familiar pain.

No one can understand,
What it feels like to lose your other half.
I’m alone and sad,
Without someone to talk to, to laugh with... To cry with.
The loneliness is back...
And truly suffocating.

Now all I have is the knowledge,
The knowledge that He is somewhere else,
Alive and without me.
It is something I must live with,
For the rest of my days,
Forever alone and abandoned.

It’s like a flower losing a petal.
A missing cog in a machine.
The night without the moon...

The day without the sun.

The End


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Primordial Souls © Bre 2004-2006. The fanfictions within are © material of the author. No copyright infringement intended. This is a non-profit site.

Some of the fanfiction featured on this site contains adult content and situations not suited for people under the age of 18. They are properly marked. You have been warned.