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Disclaimer: No owning here. No infringement intended.
Distribution: If you already have some of my stuff, then you can take this. Other than that, ask please!
Spoilers: “Graduation Day, 2"
Author’s Notes: Companion piece to “Broken Heart”. Angel’s thoughts and POV as he’s talking to the Buffy in his mind.
Rating: Light PG
Feedback: Pretty, pretty please with a naked Spike and Angel on top!
Summary: Poem. Post “Graduation Day, Part 2". Angel’s thoughts on his leaving Buffy. Angel’s POV.


It’s the natural silence at night.
A tree with deep-seated roots.
The sky with it’s endless supply of stars.
I knew the moment I made my decision,
Things would never be the same.
The look on your face
When I told you what I thought my destiny was,
I will never forget...
The pain I will never forget.

I just don’t understand Why. Why you would be so upset.
This is something you should want,
Desire even.
Yet, you don’t.

Why can’t you see that this is the only way,
The only way to make everything you wish for,
Come true.
Don’t you want to feel the sunlight on your face
While holding your lover’s hand,
As you walk underneath a bright blue sky...

With the warmth I could never offer you?

I wish with everything I am
That things were different for us.
I long to see you in the sunlight...
Natural light cascading your natural beauty onto me
In the only purest way I could see it.
With my heart beating...

But things aren’t meant to be that way...
Can’t you see that?
My heart aches at the thought that I caused you pain
Because of my leaving.
You shouldn’t be crying over me.
You should be rejoicing at the thought of being free.

Yet I can still feel your anguish,
Even as you sit in your bedroom across your town.
Yes, your town.
It’s no longer mine, or ours.
I won’t be here to help you protect it anymore.
I’m leaving you...

Because I love you.

God, if only I could make you see why.
Why we can’t be together, truly.
The one time we tried, we were rebuffed,
And never allowed another chance.
It was a sign, my love,
That things between us were doomed.

The night I showed you what I felt,
Was the most beautiful thing I had ever experienced.
It always will be,
I want you to know,
Because it was you, Buffy.
My one and only.

But the months that followed...
I don’t want to wish that pain on you again.
You don’t deserve it.
You don’t deserve me.
Please take my love,
Because it’s all I have to give.

It’s the soul in a human.
The heart to every feeling.
The desire to every lust.

The need to every love.

The End


l be kind, rewind l back to top l

Primordial Souls © Bre 2004-2006. The fanfictions within are © material of the author. No copyright infringement intended. This is a non-profit site.

Some of the fanfiction featured on this site contains adult content and situations not suited for people under the age of 18. They are properly marked. You have been warned.