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Maid To Love

Reputations of the Wicked

Roses Watered With Blood

Some People Need Saving

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Email: Feedback
Rating: PG-13, lightly taken. Sexual reference and a little language.
Disclaimer: Okay, let’s be reasonable. Everyone knows that I am not Joss Whedon, Fox, or anyone associated with any of that. So, don’t sue! I don’t have any money anyway, unless you want some books or shoes or sports bras...
Distribution: You must ask!!! Please ask!
Feedback: I, like any other writer, loves feedback. It’s what we thrive on. So, pretty please...
Spoilings: I don’t think there are any. This is an AU
Author’s Notes: Alright, Buffy and Angel are really good friends and each has a really strong attraction to the other. So, of course, they have to get it on. Neither know about what the other thinks and Angel takes the initiative. Sorry if it’s a little too short and pretty bizarre. I am in a hurry to finish this and I needed an ending, so it might be a little odd. Perhaps a sequel, though?
Summary: Two friends on a camping trip in the mountains decide to take their relationship to the next level. The next, next level.


Angel Rifferty slowly pulled the zipper to his tent up and poked his head out into the dark night. Looking around, he found that everyone on the camping trip was indeed finally asleep. He couldn’t see any lights or movement. Shifting slightly, he pushed the flaps out of the way and carefully climbed out, his bare feet coming into contact with the cold dirt ground. Hissing, he clenched his teeth as he stepped on a sharp rock.

Leaving his sleeping bag and tent behind, he slowly glided through the black night, navigating his way around the homemade campfire and coffee pots and pans. He made his way to the only tent in the back of the area they had chosen for their little outing. It looked little and secluded, holding the petite blonde inside. As his eyes adjusted to the dark, he could make out the outline of it and he made his pace quicker. His excitement was overbearing. He was finally going to tell the woman he loved, his best friend in the whole world, that he loved her. Had loved her for the last year and a half. He couldn’t help it anymore. He needed to tell her, needed her to know and he wanted to know whether she could possibly love him back.

Angel sucked in some breath and held it, his hand slowly reaching out to the zipper of the tent. Nimble fingers gripping it, he gave it slight tug and paused. What if she didn’t feel the same way? What if he was only going to make a fool of himself? The thoughts flew through his head. He had been doubtful about this the whole afternoon, ever since they had gotten here. What if this, what if that... Biting his tongue, he slowly continued pulling the zipper up, not giving a crap whether or not she didn’t feel the same way. He needed her to know. Damn the consequences to hell.

Pulling back one of the flaps, Angel poked his head into the tent and beamed when he saw the small blonde was sound asleep in her sleeping bag. She looked so peaceful and content when she slept, he almost decided to go back to his. But, then he wouldn’t be able to sleep and he would be a wreak tomorrow. He was sick of waiting. Sick of wondering. He just wanted her to be able to have the knowledge of what he felt.

Crawling into the little room, he pulled the zipper down behind him. Angel made his way over to her, stopping once he was above her only to pause and see if she had awaken. A small snore escaped her lips and he choked back a chuckle. She was so cute.

Breathing in, Angel pulled back what she was using for warmth and crawled in next to her. Covering them again, Angel wrapped his arms around the woman next to him and watched as she woke up, her eyes fluttering in confusion and sleepiness.

"What the..." Lifting her head, Buffy Summers looked up to see Angel in her bed for the time being, his arms holding her. Yawning, Buffy pushed herself up onto her elbows as she quickly acknowledged how close he actually was to her. A pink blush spread across her face quickly and she silently thanked the gods that it was dark and that Angel couldn’t actually see her. Scrunching her eyebrows, Buffy stared at him. "Angel, what are you doing in here?"

"Buffy, I...there is something I’ve been meaning to tell you," he started. At her confused look, he continued. "About me. And you. Us."

"Yeah? Well, let’s just let that wait until morning roles around and I’m actually awake," she remarked, laying back down next to him, curling up against his side. "Let’s just sleep, ‘kay?"

"No, Buffy, I need you to know this. I need you to listen to me, okay?" Angel stared, watched as she sighed in annoyance and looked up at him.

"Fine, fine. What is it?" she asked, the fact that she wanted to sleep clear as she drawled her last few words.

Angel breathed in, then suddenly swooped down and planted his lips on hers. Buffy made a noise of surprise, but quickly caught on and wrapped her arms around him. She kissed him back with equal fervor, a feeling of joy swelling in her chest as she felt his hand move up her body.

Angel pulled away then, looking down at her, surprised. To be honest, he hadn’t expected that kind of reaction. He had expected her to push him away and slap him or something, not kiss him back. She stared up at him and giggled.

"You look so surprised," she said, reaching up to touch his cheek. His eyes widened.

"Aren’t you?" he asked, his eyebrows practically reaching his hairline.

Buffy’s face sobered and she narrowed her eyes. "Angel, I have something I want to tell you as well. I...I..." Swallowing, Buffy sighed. "I think I’m in love with you. And I know that may sound weird, especially since we’re such good friends, but...I don’t know...I..."

Angel grinned before kissing her again. His heart was soaring in the sky, in the heavens with angels, all at the knowledge that Buffy loved him.

"I love you, Buffy. I always have. I just can’t stop," he said against her lips. Buffy sighed and felt peace in her chest. This is what she had been waiting for for so long. Just waiting for him to say those words. Breaking the kiss, Buffy looked up at her newfound love with dark eyes and knew what she needed from him, after all this time.

"Make love to me, Angel. Please," she whispered before kissing him once again. She could feel his surprise as he returned her kiss.

"Buffy, I don’t-"

Pressing a finger to his lips, she quieted him. "Don’t. I need you. I need this. I’ve loved you too long to wait. Please, I love you, Angel. I want you. I need you."

Buffy caught the light of delight in his dark eyes and matched it, returning the feverish kisses he gave. She had waited so long for this. To be with him. And now it was happening.

Gasping in pleasure, the two lovers found paradise.


Willow Rosenberg yawned and sat up in her small sleeping bag, stretching her arms behind her in an effort to relieve the pain from sleeping on the hard-packed earth with little cushion beneath her. Licking her lips, she rubbed her eyes and stood up in her baggy pajamas and left her sleeping boyfriend behind as she silently unzipped the sleeping tent and stepped out. Closing it again, Willow quickly grabbed a sweatshirt and slipped it on and saw that Xander was also just leaving his tent. He looked just as tired and cold.

"Hey, Wills," Xander Harris said with a yawn, pulling a heavy sweater over his head. "What time is it?"

Willow smiled at his groggy voice. "I don’t know. Looks early. Although, I can’t really tell what with the clouds and all."

Xander nodded. The sky was completely covered with dark, gray clouds and the sun couldn’t by seen anywhere. It looked like it could rain any minute and Willow didn’t really feel like hiking in the rain or sitting in the rain or eating in the rain. Willow grimaced at the thought of a soggy hamburger in her mouth. Yuck.

Xander stepped over to the group’s chosen area for the campfire and quickly went upon building a nice, roaring fire. It started out as a mere flame. "We need some kindling or something."

Willow chuckled. "Xander, are you still asleep? There’s a bunch of branches and stuff right behind your tent. You and Angel went and got it last night. Remember?"

Xander looked a little confused and didn’t comment as he went behind his tent and gathered it. Coming back around, her looked even more confused. "Huh."

"What?" Willow sat down on one of the coolers they had brought and didn’t bother reaching in to get a pop or something to get her system a little more awake. She curled up on it and went about producing body heat for herself.

"I don’t remember," he said fuzzily. Willow shook her head in amusement. Xander was probably the strangest guy when he woke up. He was always confused and disoriented before finally snapping back into his joke-happy mood after a few minutes.

Ten minutes later, Xander still had trouble getting the fire started. "Why can’t I do this?" he complained, finally sitting down next to Willow and slumping his shoulders. The little fire he had managed to get had gone out almost instantly when he had dumped the other branches on it. He couldn’t find any source of fire and was having trouble starting anything with just plain old rubbing two sticks together.

"Go get Angel’s lighter. The one that he bought at the gas station because he knew that we wouldn’t be able to get a fire going with a little one. That long one?" Willow looked over at Xander, shivering a little from the cool breeze that had kicked up. He nodded but made no move to get up. He cupped his hands around his mouth and huffed into them, attempting warmth. Willow sighed and kicked him.

"Hey!" he objected, standing up and moving away from her. Willow shushed him, looking around to make sure that they hadn’t woken anyone else.

"Be quiet. Now go get Angel and get the lighter. It’s freezing out here." Willow gestured towards Angel’s tent.

Xander made his way over to the tent, mumbling to himself about how he had to start the fire and had to do everything. Xander stepped forward and went to unzip Angel’s tent only to find it hanging open and cold. Xander’s brows furrowed and he looked over to Angel’s truck where they had parked it after having filed out and unpacked everything. It appeared empty and locked. And still there.

Looking back at Willow, he found her looking at him strangely from where she sat. He shrugged. Walking back over, Xander looked around at the other tents, wondering if he was in one or just out in the forest. "He isn’t in there. It’s open and he’s not there."

A panicked look struck Willow’s face. "Oh, my God. What if he was kidnapped?"

Xander approached the redhead and gripped her shoulders firmly, looking into her eyes. "Willow, calm down. We’re in the middle of the forest. I highly doubt that anyone would come all the way out here just to steal a big lug of a guy. I mean, come on, Angel can kick my ass halfway to the moon."

Willow calmed and patted his hand reassuringly, telling him she was okay. "Well then, where would he be? He wouldn’t just up and leave, would he?"

"I don’t know. He’s probably in someone else’s tent. He wasn’t in mine and he obviously wasn’t in yours and I don’t see him sneaking into Faith’s in the middle of the night - unless he was seriously high, which I also doubt - so he must be with Buffy."

The friends stood and walked over to the lone tent on the other side of the camping ground. Xander slowly unzipped the tent flaps and peeked inside. Then jumped back in surprise. "Gaaahhh!"

Willow caught him and steadied him as she quieted him, angrily shushing him. "What? What’s wrong?"

"BuffyAngeltogether - Buff- and, and Angel-" Willow shook his shoulder a little to stop his rambling. He looked down at her with wide eyes. "Oh, my God!" he yelped.

"Be quiet!" Willow walked over to the tent and looked in on the sleeping couple. She could see why Xander was so freaked out. Buffy and Angel were lying face to face next to each other, Buffy’s shirt completely missing and Angel’s arm wrapped around her tightly, his shirt bunched up at his waist. Buffy’s breasts were smashed against both their chests and Willow could see one of her empty pant legs sticking out of the sleeping bag they shared. She couldn’t tell if they were completely off but could guess as to what they had been doing that night.

Blushing, Willow quickly stumbled to zip the tent back up when she saw Buffy stir. Biting her lips, she turned to see that Cordelia had woken up and was walking up to the still babbling Xander.

"What is going on out here? You woke me up," Cordelia Chase snapped, walking up to the two best friends and stopping, her hands on her hips. Even in her sleep, Cordy still dressed to impress. She was wearing some expensive top and little pants that looked like they cost a fortune. Willow couldn’t easily tell as well as Cordelia herself could have if they were on someone else.

"Nothing," Willow said a little too quickly and stepped forward to herd the two away from the tent. She could hear that they were getting up now and didn’t want to embarrass them.

"What? Something obviously is and I can read it on your face like a book, Willow. Spit it out!"

"Spit what out?" Buffy asked as she stepped out of her tent and looked around, yawning. Willow’s eyes widened when Cordelia’s eyes got wider when Angel also stepped out, looking ruffled.

"Nothing!" Willow said loudly. "Would anyone like breakfast?"

"Oh, my God, they had sex!" Faith had now stepped out of her tent and looked excited and giddy. "Took you two long enough."

Buffy blushed and Angel glared at the offensive brunette. "What-... I don’t know what you’re talking about."

"Bull. Look at you two! You guys obviously got it on. And probably all night." Faith stepped up to Buffy and wrapped her arm around her shoulders. "How was it? Is he good? It took you guys long enough!"

"Faith, c’mon. We didn’t do anything," Buffy protested, stepping away from Faith and looking at Angel desperately.

"I saw you," Xander said, pointing at them accusingly. "I saw you two and I-"

"Xander, shut up!" Willow hissed. Buffy looked at the entire group.

"You saw what?" Buffy asked slowly, looking at Xander.

"Nothing...just...just skin...nothing bad..." Xander stuttered, looking around for help, focusing on Willow. She shrugged helplessly.

Instead of blowing up on the poor boy like they all had expected, Buffy smiled. Then laughed. "It’s-It’s okay."

Xander relaxed about fifty degrees. "Okay?"

"Yeah, we were going to tell you guys anyway."

With that, Buffy and Angel went on about explaining everything that had happened, except for the making love part, of course.


Buffy smiled up at her boyfriend. He grinned back and stepped in to kiss her. There was a sound of disgust behind them.

Breaking apart, they saw Cordelia staring at them. "No matter what happens, I don’t think I will ever get used to you two kissing like that."

Buffy giggled and Angel smiled delightedly. "Yeah, well, that’s just too bad," Buffy said.

The sky had cleared at about mid-day and the group had gotten a little hiking in before they had to come back and pack everything up and leave. Xander had come back to find one of his shirt’s on the ground, a strange sticky substance on it.

"Eew! What the hell is that?" Cordelia squealed, stepping back from the shirt in Xander’s hands. Then he suddenly dropped it.

"I am never watching the Blair Witch Project again," he declared, kicking the shirt away and running to gather his stuff up and get the hell out of there.

Oz had laughed. "Xander, it looks like just some animal waste or something."

"No," he said, sticking his head out of his tent, his finger up for emphasis. "That is not animal poo. That was one of my favorite shirts and I am next. She’s going to get me."

Everyone got a good laugh out of that and had packed quickly, ready to leave.


"Did you guys have a good time?" Joyce Summers asked her daughter later at dinner that night. They had gotten back at about six and everyone went home to get some sleep and clean everything. She was going to meet Angel and talk about their situation tomorrow and have some fun.

"Yeah. It was great." Buffy grinned, unable to contain it. Joyce laughed.

"I’m so happy for you and Angel. I guess I was wrong about that Riley fellow."

Buffy frowned and pushed her food on her plate around a bit more. "Yeah, that Riley fellow." Joyce chuckled.

Then she was serious. "Promise me something."

Buffy looked at her strangely. "Yeah..."

"If you guys ever, well, you know, promise me that you’ll be careful. I know that’s a little over-motherly to you, but Kate’s little girl just got pregnant and..."

Buffy didn’t hear one thing that Joyce said after that. Her face had paled considerably and she looked like she wanted to die. Protection...

Buffy blinked and looked over at Joyce, only to see her looking at her expectantly, Buffy’s paleness going by unnoticed. Forcing a smile, Buffy replied, "Yeah. We will. I promise."

"Good. Now..."

Buffy stared down at her food and pretended to listen to everything else Joyce said. What was she going to tell Angel?

Nothing? No, she had to tell him. He was there for her. He was her best friend and now he was her boyfriend. What if he didn’t want to be with her? No, that wasn’t like her Angel.

Things would be okay.

She knew they would be.

Either way, they had to be.

The End


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Primordial Souls © Bre 2004-2006. The fanfictions within are © material of the author. No copyright infringement intended. This is a non-profit site.

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