Title: Fallen Angels: An After Dinner Bath
Authors: Inell and Stasia
Email: Inell13@webtv.net and Charlie1@acay.com.au
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: If you want it, just ask
Rating: R
Feedback: Makes us write more parts
Notes: Part 5 in the Fallen Angel series. Follows Dinner and Discussion.

************FALLEN ANGELS**********

Part 5:              An After Dinner Bath


Willow sat quietly, watching the darkened images of the night filled
streets pass by as the car took them back to the mansion.  Angelus was
sitting next to her, the smoke of his cigarette wrapping about her,
while his thigh rested against hers.  Moving away would have been
useless, so she resigned herself to having him there.  She had been
unnerved by his knowledge of her day, what she had said, who she had
spoken to, what she had done...it was frightening to think that even
when she was away from those soul-searching eyes, she wasn't free of
him.  Nervously she fingered her choker and grimaced, it was nothing
more than a permanent reminder of what she now was...something she was
sure Angelus was going to remind her of once they got back to the

Willow closed her eyes and swallowed nervously.  She was slightly
tipsy, happily downing a few glasses of wine after Angelus had informed
her that he knew everything that concerned her.  As she continued to
drink he talked, informing her that she had a Gaelic tutor who would
meet her at her parents house every Tuesday and Thursday, from five
until seven.  She hadn't even questioned why he would want her to
learn Gaelic, it took his fancy therefore she would do it.  This was
one lesson that she had easily learned, do whatever pleased him.  She
stretched her legs slightly, do whatever pleased him ~ that would be her
mantra for tonight, and she wouldn't listen to anything else.  She
would close her eyes and her mind and give her body, do whatever pleased

The car pulling up in front of the mansion jolted her out of her
thoughts and she bit her bottom lip.  Angelus stepped out of the car
and held out his hand for her.  Trembling she took it, silently
cursing her nerves and inwardly cringing at the thought that he was
probably laughing at her, even though his face was blank.  Silently he
led her through the empty mansion to her rooms and she trembled even
more.  Someone, she guessed it had to be Spike, had lit candles which
flickered and cast a soft glow.  The cabinet, which had terrified her
so much with its possibilities, was unlocked and open, revealing an
entertainment unit.  Soft music played, something sweet and dark.
It was every girls perfect dream of seduction, music and candles.  She
couldn't help it, panic started to work it's way through her alcohol
numbed body.  No matter how much of a bravado she put on, or how much
she had tried to convince herself, she couldn't do it. She couldn't give
herself willingly to Angelus, let him take her virginity, let him become
her lover.

Master, she corrected, your Master and it's too late now.  Suddenly
they stopped moving and Angelus turned to face her, his eyes gleaming
wickedly.  Willow forced herself to hold still.  She had no choice
really, she could succumb to him and he may be considerate, or she could
refuse and he'd throw her on the floor and rape her.  Willing
participation seemed to be the best option.  Do whatever pleases him,
she reminded herself.

"Undress me Willow," he whispered against her ear, his words sounding
like a satisfied purr.  Slowly she bought her hands up, pushing at his
jacket, letting it fall from his shoulders to the ground.  She
hesitated for a moment and he caught her hands bringing them up to the
buttons on his shirt.  Taking a deep breath she undid each button, her
fingers clumsily pulling at them, she had two left when she felt his
hands on her making her jump in surprise.  She glanced up at his face,
but his eyes were firmly fixed on his hands which were working on the
fastenings of the lace overdress. His fingers slipped beneath the
delicate lace, pushing it down her shoulders.  "Keep going."

It was almost a feral growl and made her tremble.  Ducking her head
she returned to the task of those last two buttons and pushed the shirt
off, letting it fall to the floor joining his jacket.  Swallowing, her
eyes roamed over his bare chest, broad and defined.  Her fingers
started to tingle, in trepidation or anticipation, she was no longer
sure.  His hand captured hers again guiding it to his belt.  Closing
her eyes briefly she took a deep breath and blocked out her fears, just
do what pleases him.  Her fingers fumbled with the buckle, finally
releasing the strap of leather and she pulled it from his pants.
Tossing it aside she fixed her eyes on the button and fly of his
pants.  Do what pleases him.  As she reached out, his voice stopped

"Take off your shoes," his voice was soft, but it held no comfort or
emotion at all.  Soft but cold.  Glad of the distraction, she obeyed
him, bending slightly to discard the silk covered shoes.  She watched
as he pulled off his own boots and tossed them aside before turning back
to face her, both of them barefoot.  Spreading his hands he gave her a
half smirk and a look of expectancy.  She stepped forward her hands
finding the button on his pants and twisting it free, trembling she let
her fingers pull down the fly.  Taking a deep breath and holding it
she grasped the waistband and eased his pants down, keeping her eyes
firmly fixed on his feet the times.  Silently he stepped out of the
pants and Willow stood up, tossing them aside as she did so.
Nervously her hands fell down to her thighs, he was naked, completely
naked in front of her.  Slowly she let her eyes wander from his feet,
along his masculine legs, strong thighs, over his flaccid cock, up to
his firm stomach and his well-defined chest.  Reluctantly she bought
her gaze up to his face.  The eyes were dark and his face hard.
"Take off your dress."

Her hands shook as she raised them to the spaghetti straps that rested
against her shoulders.  Pulling them down she shimmied and wriggled to
pull down the tight fitting dress.  As the material dropped to exposed
her breasts she blushed as her nipples hardened even more.  Hooking
her thumbs in the silk she continued to push the dress down, her thumbs
catching the soft lace of her knickers and dragging them off as well.
As the dress and knickers pooled at her feet she stepped aside and
glanced back up at Angelus.  He was smiling softly.

With a chuckle he took her hand, leading her from the safety of the
sitting room and toward the bedroom.  Willow could feel the sweat on
her captured hand.  Closing her eyes she let Angelus lead her to her
fate, to the bedroom.

"Get in," his voice softly demanded.  Willow opened her eyes, shocked
to find they were in the bathroom facing the huge tub full of water.
Frowning she looked up at Angelus, his face showed nothing, and he
released her hand.  Self-consciously she climbed into the hot, softly
scented water.  Her eyes widened as he joined her, his hands roughly
pushing her knees apart so he could sit between them, his back resting
against her chest.  Willow instinctively moved backwards, slamming
into the back of the bathtub.

"Ow," she muttered to herself.  Angelus chuckled, her movement had
merely let him rest his head between her breasts, somewhere he didn't
mind being at all.  To still her movements he wrapped his arms about
her bent legs.  Behind him Willow tried to compose herself, taking
deep breaths, hoping it would help calm her, slow her heart down which
felt like it had jumped up into her throat.  Gritting her teeth she
looked down at Angelus who seemed perfectly content to be resting
against her, his arms trapping her legs, his body stretched out before
her in the huge bathtub.

This bathroom had amazed Willow the first time she saw it.  Huge and
decadent was the best way to describe it.  The main feature was a
massive bath, set in one of the corners and raised up off the floor so
you had to walk up steps to get in.  It was deep too.  Another
corner contained and equally massive shower.  Opposite the tub,
against a wall, were two chairs, large and squat.  A vanity unit and
chair graced another wall, with a huge mirror taking up the space above
it.  The whole room was done in a midnight blue, with the fittings and
trimmings being gold.  Impressive and forbidding.  Two doors led off
it, one opened into Willow's bedroom, the other had been locked.

So now she found herself in that tub with Angelus lying on top of
her.  She frowned and bit her lip, trying to think where she should
put her hands.  Suddenly he shifted between her legs, one of his hands
reaching back behind her to grab a huge sea sponge.  He held it up in
front of her face and she took it from him, staring at it.  His hand
dragged her arm down in the water, saturating the sponge, and he slowly
moved to cover her hand with his own.  Gently he urged her to sponge
his chest, squeezing her hand, making the water run across his chest.
Again he let their combined hands drop back into the water, letting the
sponge soak up the warm scented water, and bought it back to his
chest.  This time, however, he released her hand, letting his wander
back to her leg.

Do what pleases him, she thought to herself, letting the sponge drag
across his skin.  Detaching herself she watched as her hand caressed
the firm muscle of his chest, the sponge wetting his skin, making it
gleam.  Dipping her hand back into the water she moved slightly and
washed his stomach, moving the sponge in circles, reaching down as far
as she could.  Unconsciously she was letting her eyes roam over his
body, taking in the perfection of it, the curves and sharp angles, the
muscles.  She continued to wash him, pausing to refill the sponge
every so often, and her strokes varied, from hard to light.  Sometimes
using long strokes, sometimes merely letting the sponge whisper above
his skin, raising it and squeezing, letting the water cascade down and
run along his body.  Without realising it her other hand had joined in
the exploration, softly tracing wavering paths over his skin, feeling
the muscles flex and relax.  Stroking his arms, her fingers running
lightly over his, moving up to his shoulders, tickling the curve of his
neck, sneaking down over his pecs, thumbs dragging lightly over his
nipples.  She was fascinated by the play of water over his body.

"Wash my hair," he purred softly to her, breaking through her reverie of
wonder and tactile exploration of his upper body.  Frowning slightly
she thought about the possibilities of wetting his hair and ran the
sponge over it, dampening it slightly.  She repeated the process a few
times before she was happy enough to apply some shampoo.  She grabbed
the bottle from behind her, Angelus lifting his weight slightly so she
could move without hurting herself, and spread a small amount onto her
hands.  Rubbing her hands together to spread the shampoo she turned
back to his hair, slowly and hesitatingly letting her fingers and palms
entwine in the dark mass.  It was so soft, even though it was wet she
could still feel the softness of it.  Slowly she lost herself in the
pleasure of soaping his hair, her fingers massaging the scalp, running
across the bumps of his skull, feeling the soft texture of his hair
between her soapy fingers.  Reluctantly she stopped and reached for
the sponge again.  Using one hand she cupped his forehead, so he
wouldn't get soap in his eyes and he tilted his head back as she started
to sponge the shampoo away.  Watching fascinated as it ran down over
his shoulders and chest.  Once she was sure it was all out she
repeated the procedure with conditioner.  Revelling in the feel of his
hair and losing herself in the sweet aroma of the scented water and
conditioner.  Sighing she sponged the conditioner out, leaving his
hair clean and smelling sweet, and she fought the urge to bury her face
in it or rub her cheek against it.

Moving slightly she returned to her previous occupation of sponging down
his body, her free hand draped about his neck.  Suddenly he pulled
away from her, stood up and got out of the bath.  Willow made to
follow, her hands clutching at the porcelain ready to push herself out
when he stopped her.

"Bathe yourself and wash your hair," he said grabbing a towel and
roughly running it over his body.  Willow sat back in the tub and
picked up the sponge, letting the warm scented water caress her body,
she sighed as she lost herself in the sensation of the water running
over her.  Closing her eyes she let her head rest against the edge of
the tub, her hands continuing to cleanse her body.  The sponge
brushing across her breasts, catching her hard nipples, making her bite
her bottom lip.  She let the sponge move lower, rubbing between her
legs before lifting each leg out of the water and sponging it.  As her
hands made their way back to her chest she opened her eyes slightly, her
head turning.  Angelus was watching her from one of the chairs, slowly
stroking his cock, his eyes burning with an intensity that scared
her.  "Wash your hair now."

The tension that Willow had lost while bathing him returned.  Her
stomach tightened and twisted and she could hear the blood pounding in
her ears.  Slowly she slid down into the water, submerging her head,
saturating her hair.  Sitting back up she grabbed the bottle of
shampoo and squeezed some out onto her hands and worked it through her
hair.  She glanced over at Angelus, his eyes were still fixed on her,
his hand still pumping his now hard cock.  Quickly she submerged
again, washing her hair free of the soap.  Sitting up again she rung
the water out and applied the conditioner, she didn't even want to look
over at the vampire, and picked up a wide tooth comb.

"Let me," his cool hand curled around hers and he took the comb from
her.  He was sitting on the steps that led into the tub and Willow was
grateful.  Closing her eyes she pulled her knees up to her chest, her
arms wrapping around them, her chin resting against them.  Slowly,
carefully Angelus worked the comb through her tangled hair, gently
tugging out the knots, his free hand smoothing down the hair, stroking
her like a pet.  She couldn't help it she shuddered and tears pricked
behind her closed eyes.  "Wash out the conditioner and get some sleep,
you have school in the morning."

His husky voice rumbled against her ear, a door opened and closed and
then it was silent.  Slowly she opened her eyes.  She was alone, the
comb lying on the edge of the tub.  She sat there, stunned.  That
was it?  Slowly she shook her head and uncurled her body, her legs
stretching out.  She glanced about the room, but it was empty, the
only evidence of Angelus being there was an abandoned towel.  Grabbing
the sponge she tossed it aside and sank down into the tub, washing her
hair free of the conditioner.  Wringing the water from her hair she
pulled the plug and got out of the tub.  Grabbing one of the soft
towels she wrapped up her hair and snatched another to wipe her body
dry.  Suddenly a growl made her stop.

Frowning she dragged at the towel wrapped about her head, freeing her
previously covered ears, and listened.  Definitely a growl, no
actually more of a groan, coming from the second previously locked door
of the bathroom.  Slowly, her feet dragging on the cool tiles, she
made her way over. Frowning she concentrated on the sounds, growls and
grunts, masculine and animalistic.  Taking a deep breath she pressed
her body against the door, her ear resting against the wood, and
listened.  Low guttural moans and the sound of flesh slapping against
flesh.  Her fingers grasped the handle and pressed down, the bolt
running free, the door was open.  Holding her breath she opened it
slightly, inching forward to peek through the small crack and then
wished she hadn't.

Before her on a massive bed with heavy black silk sheets was Angelus, in
full game face fucking his childe, Spike, hard.  An animalistic
rutting, male bodies slamming into each other a tangle of limbs and pale
skin with the dark haired vampire in the dominant position.  Angelus
tore his mouth from Spike's with a growl and turned his head to look
directly at Willow through the crack of the door, not breaking the hard
rhythm he had set.  Willow slammed the door shut and stumbled
backwards, dropping her towel.  Turning around she ran into her room,
slamming the bathroom door behind her.  Shocked and confused she
walked out to her sitting room, planning to put the green dress back
on.  But it was gone, as were Angelus' clothes.  Fighting back the
tears she looked about the room, the candles had been extinguished and
the cabinet closed back up.  Turning she moved back through to her
bedroom and crawled into the vast bed, curling up into a tight ball,
trying to ignore the sounds that were still coming from Angelus' room.
