Title: All I Can Think Of
Author: Angel Marie
Rated: NC-17
Email: SoulfulVamped@aol.com or AngelMac16@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them... but not the story, I do! ::smile::
Author's Note: yes, I still have this name, but as I'm visiting family I have
been given an AOL s/n fro this place. So, I'll be checking AngelMac16 and
sending from that more. this is probably the last chapter I send through this
email for a while but I will be back to this after a while.
Part: 10

Angel walked into the living room from the dinning room where he and Welsey
had been reading up on the box. Or many kinda of boxes as the case may be.

He stepped in and looked on the couch. Laying stretched out was Willow, a
book on her chest as she slept.

"Angel, I think --" Welsey came up from behind.

"Shh." Angel hushed. "She hasn't been sleeping well. I want her to get as
much as she can ," he whispered. Angel lead him into the kitchen to talk.

"I think I know what the box is for. According to some records, a box of that
size with those engravings is used to bring forth a beast from another
place." He showed him the picture inside the book.

"But why do they need to summon a beast?" Angel asked." Like we don't have
enough of them already." He looked over what each inscription meant, the last
couple on the page being torn a bit so it was unreadable. "Welsey?"


"Is this an only addition?"

"I know a group in San Francisco that might have a copy of the inscriptions.

"The last few are torn. I think I need them to tell what's in that box."

"No!" They heard Willow scream from the couch. Angel ran over with Welsey on
his tail and just as he sat on the edge, Willow jumped up awake. He instantly
took her into his arms and she clung to him.

"You're okay. It was just a dream. You're fine." He cozen. When she finally
calmed down he pulled her arm length away." What did you see?"

"You," she paused and took in a breath. "Angelus." Another breath. "He was
kissing me and touching me. But he wasn't doing it for pleasure, or mine
anyway. It was like torture."

"Sounds like Angelus."

"Then he forced me to obey as he changed me into a slinky dress."


"Seductive, okay? It's the first word I thought of." She sighed. "Anyway.
Then Angelus and Darla --"

"Darla? Now this can't happen because she's dust."

"And we're not dead and our blood isn't drained."

"Excuse me?" Welsey asked.

"Minions were going to bring back the master with a ceremony that needed the
blood of those present at the death. Xander, Giles, me, Angel and Buffy were
present for Darla's death."

"I believe I've heard of such a ceremony." Welsey said, taking the scroll and
heading to the research room.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Angel asked her.

"I don't know what to be sure of anymore," she commented, looking down to her

"Hey," He replaced his hands on her's and caressed it. "You can be sure of a
couple things. For one I'm here if you need anything. Second, I'll protect
you. Nothings gonna harm you."

"You say that now. But it'll change when you're Angelus." She got up and
walked away hurrily to her room."

* * *

Willow ran and yanked the door open but it was hopeless. Every door she
opened lead to another room she'd been in. It was like the rooms were
rotating to each same one over and over in a sequence.

She placed her hand on the knob and took a deep, soothing breath before
opening the door. This room wasn't what she was expecting. It was different.

Flowers, night jasmine, bloomed in pots framing the room. Many different
black and red assorted flowers scattered the floor in vases and in the middle
sat on a table-like platform was a single crystal vase with a single half
bloomed, perfect white rose. Walking closer and giving a more detailed
inspection of it she could see the tips of the rose petals had red to them.

She reached a hand out to touch it and she felt a body closely mold to her
from behind and a hand stretch out as hers was. She grazed her tips against
the top of the rose petals and the hand behind followed, doing the same.

"Leave me alone," she whispered. It came out almost as a plea.

"Why do you wish for me to leave you alone?" came Angelus' seductive voice in
her ear from behind. She moved her hand and her finger dragged across a
thorn. She pulled her arm back up and Angelus' arm followed as a shadow. He
molded his hand to hers, his fingers folded over in-between hers. Slowly he
pulled her hand up and over her shoulder just barley to his lips. "Why when I
know you want me so badly?" He raised the blood dripped finger to his lips,
sucking on it.

"I don't want you," she whispered, shuttering at his touch.

"Don't lie, Little Red. I know you," he whispered in her ear, starting to
kiss at her neck.

"Angel was better." Angelus bit into her shoulder and she hissed in pain.

Willow jumped awake and grabbed at her neck. Nothing. She looked around at
her surroundings and realized where she was.

The room was situated as an office. Two chairs set adjacent to a large desk
and a large leather chair. The desk was barren, not a paper or object on it.
Behind and to the left and right of the desk, against the wall, were two
cherry oak stands. One contained bar refreshments, the other had a desk lamp
with a green glass shade. Behind the desk strait out was a window covered by

Standing, she walked over and pulled the curtain and saw how high up the room
was. At least thirty-six floors. She wasn't going that way.

She turned to the desk and shuffled through it, finding only pencils and
unmarked note pads.

She jumped when she heard the door shuffle and as it opened she tossed a
pencil in a spiral and Angelus' hand caught it seconds before it made it to
his heart.

"Cute Red," he commented before the rest came in.

* * *

Willow woke to a knock at her door. "Come in," she called groggily. Angel
opened the door and stepped inside.

"Sorry to wake you. Welsey and Cordelia are gonna be around here if you need
anything. Their numbers are on the counter."

"Where you going?" she asked, sitting up as he sat on the bed.

"San Francisco. Welsey gave me the names of a group who have the key to the
inscriptions on the box."

"Let me go," she said. "I'll be alone here if you don't take me."

"What about your car? What if the guy shows up?"

"I doubt he will. Come on, please Angel?" she plead.

"All right. Pack some things. I'm leaving in an hour,"

"What time is it?" She asked, getting out of bed.

"Midnight. I want to get there before the sun comes up." He left her alone to

* * * * *
