Girl On TV

Author: de LA goddess;)


Disclaimer: joss does not deserve to have his name capitalized... he will have bad karma because he owns these characters not me... that made no sense... I don't own any sense... I don't own the song either... it belongs to the group 'LFO' and I think they are owned by Arista... I whole lotta ownership and I'm not involved... boo-hoo *g*

Spoiler: This is at no particular time, just my own little universe (read IMPORTANT NOTE).  I have a writers block, and this is one of my favorite songs so I thought 'what the hell'

Rating: PG-12 (it's not quite PG-13, but I just, wrote, hell!)

Pairing(s): W/A, with major W/S overtones that could lead to something more...

Feedback: Send it... friends don't let friends forget to send feedback... and enemies attack the friends who don't sent feedback... so send feedback!

Summery: Angel, Willow, Buffy, Xander, Cordelia, and Spike are all at the Bronze... trouble's a-brewin'!

Dedication: To Dawn, Kaitlynn and Tis, the first 3 to respond to my threat... and special thanx to Meg, who dedicated a fic to meAuthors Note: In this story, Angel and Buffy are still going out, but not for long... that is IF I get feedback... otherwise I can drag out this relationship... I'll do it too, don't try me... *g*

IMPORTANT NOTE #1: When I say, "Willow's POV" I mean everything in <> are Willow's thoughts and at the place where Willow is.  When I say, "Angel's POV" everything in <> are Angel's thoughts and you are at the place where Angel is.  When I say put your left foot in, you put left foot out, you put your left foot in, and you shake it all about... do the Hokey Pokey baby!

IMPORTANT NOTE #2: Angel isn't in LA, Xander and Willow are just friends (never kissed) but Lovers Walk did happen.  Willow and Oz know eachother, but aren't boyfriend and girlfriend yet, but it is starting to get serious.  Spike is in town, but hasn't/isn't planning to do anything really bad... yet.  He and Dru aren't together.

Oh and this isn't beta-read, so if there are lost of mistakes I'm sorry.  If anyone would like to be my beta-reader, the jobs open :-)
Part 3 of the Words Cannot Express Series


I'm wishing on a falling star
Wondering where you are

Angel's POV

<Could Buffy have chosen a worse time to come?  I was finally dancing with my Willow!  What am I thinking about?! I love Buffy, not Willow.  I guess its for the best anyway.  I mean, I don't want corrupt anyone sweet and innocent like Willow, no matter how good it feels to hold her in my arms->

Buffy looked up at Angel and noticed the glazed look on his face.  "What are you thinking about?"  Then she smiled knowingly.  "Me?  Of course you were, because you love me.  Everybody loves me."

<That girl thinks the world revolves around her.  I'll leave her to her delusions.>  "Yeah, Buffy, I was thinking about you."  Then he looked around.  "Have you seen Willow?" <After you practically mauled her over without so much as an 'I'm sorry.'>

"No, why does it matter?  She's probably just got her head buried in a book or something.  You know how she loves doing boring stuff." Buffy laughed, and Angel felt anger boil inside him.  <Why does Buffy, who claims to be Willow's best friend, always seem to put her down, to her face and behind her back?  She needs a true friend.  Someone like me.  *Yeah, right.  Thats all you want from her, friendship.*  Shut up!  Where is she anyway?  I couldn't stand it if Spike got to her, if he turned her.  I'd better go and protect her.>  "I'm gonna go find her."

"Angel, look theres nothing to worry about.  I'd sense it if any vampires were in the Bronze besides you, and there aren't.  Lets go outside and get some fresh air."  <That girl's slayer senses are way out of whack.  Either that or she's lying to me, because I know Spike is in here.  But he won't try anything, not while he knows I'm here.> Before giving Angel a chance to respond, she used her Slayer strength to drag him up a flight of stairs and onto the roof.  They stood for a moment, then Buffy wrapped her arms around Angel's neck.  <She just dragged me up here for a make-out session.  Gotta distract her.>  He looked up.  "The stars are really beautiful tonight."

<But not as beautiful as Willow.>  Buffy glanced up.  "Yeah, they're nice."  She moved in closer and closed her eyes, obviously waiting for a kiss.

Angel looked for any excuse to distract her.  Her lips were moving rapidly closer by the second, and Angel found himself dreading when they would come in contact with his.  Then he saw his salvation.  A bright bit of light was streaking across the sky.  He deliberately turned his body away from hers and pointed.  "Look," he whispered, "Its a falling star."

Buffy stopped moving forward and looked up.  "Oh, it must be falling just for me!  Make a wish!"  And with that she squeezed her eyes shut and crossed her fingers to make a wish.  Angel moved away from her and looked up again.

He saw that it wasn't just one falling star, it was an entire meteor shower.

  And he was going to wish on every single star.  <I wish Buffy would stop being such a- no, I don't want to waste any on Buffy.  Since no one will find out, I'll use my wishes on what I really want...Willow.>  He finally admitted to himself that he wanted Willow.  <What I really wish for is to find Willow tonight.  I wish I could hold my sweet, beautiful Willow in my arms tonight kiss her, kiss her like there's no tommorrow.  I wish she would think of me the same way I think of her.  I wish she would think of me during the day, when the sun is shining, at the same time that I dream of her.  I wish she knew just how special she is, that she is a heavenly angel in a heavenly body.  I wish she were up here watching these stars with me.>

Just then he noticed another person on top of the roof, looking up at the sky.  A person with fiery red hair in a green dress.

(I wish) Wish for you on a falling star
Wondering where you are
Do I ever cross your mind in the warm sunshine
She's from the city of angels
Like Betty Davis, James Dean, and Gable
Never know what she means to me
I fell for the girl that's on TV

Willow's POV

<Wow, the stars really are beautiful tonight.  I read earlier tonight that there's going to be a meteor shower at 9 pm.>  She glanced at her watch.  <I got here in time, a little earlier in fact.>  She looked up again, becoming so enraptured with the stars that she didn't hear anyone come up the stairs.   Then she did hear talking, and glanced over her shoulder.  She saw Buffy and Angel, and Buffy leaning over for a kiss.

<They're lost in their own
little world, they don't even notice me.>  She smiled, then turned away before she could she Angel pull back, and blinked back tears.  <Why does it bother me that they're kissing.  They're in love.  Thats what in-love couples do.>  She didn't find the thought comforting.  She looked back up at the sky and saw the stars beginning to fall.

<I'll make a wish.  I wish
Buffy would stop being a- no, I don't want to waste a wish.  I wish that Angel's soul would be permanently anchored so he could be happy with Buffy... or with me.  I wish he would look at me and desire me, see me with those chocolate brown eyes that make my heart melt.  I wish he would dream about me the way I dream about him.  I wish he would think that I am beautiful.  I wish it was me he was kissing, not Buffy.  I wish...I don't know, I don't want to waste any... I wish that Spike meant it when he said he missed me.  I know he's just playing with me to get to the Slayer, but I wish it was real.  I wish that everything that I've wanted could be real.  But I know it never will be.>  Then she blinked again and let a tear trickle down her face.  She felt a hand brush the tear away, and another reach for her hand.  It laced its fingers through hers and it pulled her closer to the owner of the hand.  She looked up and found herself staring into a pair of chocolatey-brown eyes.

Met her at a gala affair
She wore a green dress and everybody was there
Felt outta place as she looked into my eyes
Shook her hand around 9pm and
I'm never gonna be the same again
Never had to be on a movie screen
to be the leading lady in all my dreams

Angel's POV

<She's so beautiful... she's crying.  What is she crying about?>  "Whats wrong, little one?"  She sniffed and smiled.

"It's nothing, really."  She looked down and gave a very small smile.

"If it has anything to do with you, its something."  <Did I really just say that?  I don't have any feelings for her.  I'm just being here for a friend.   And those wishes were just me getting caught up in the moment.>  She looked up at him in surprise and blushed.  He smiled reassuringly.  "You can trust me."  She smiled back at him.  "I know I can trust you.  I've always trusted you."  <She trusts me!  I don't deserve it... but she trusts me!>

"I was just wishing on these stars, and I was wishing for some sad things to go away, and that got me thinking about the sad things..."

<I would do anything to keep her from being sad.>  "I know what you mean.  I was thinking of the times when I was back in Ireland, my little sister used to sing twinkle twinkle little star when she wished on a falling star.  She never got the 'like a diamond in the sky' part right, though.  She would always say 'like a high hound in the sky.'"  <Why am I talking about this?  I never talk about this to anyone, not even Buffy.  She never wants to hear about my past.  But Willows... different.  I can tell she's really listening, unlike a certain blonde Slayer.  But still, I shouldn't burden Willow with my past.>  "I'm sorry.  I didn't me to get into my past.  I want to know whats bothering you-"

"It's ok, Angel.  I like hearing about your past.  I've always wanted to know about your family but I never asked because you never seemed to want to talk about it."  <No!  I want her to be able to talk to me about anything.>

"Willow, there's nothing you can't ask me... there's nothing you can't tell me... there's nothing I wouldn't do for you..."  <Oh no, I didn't mean for that last part to come out!> He forgot what he was saying and lost all thought when he looked into her eyes.  They both leaned forward and parted their lips, waiting for the sweet kiss they both knew was to come..."Hey Wills, hey Buffster!  Deadboy."  He gave a nod in Angel's direction.  Angel and Willow jumped apart like two kids caught stealing cookies from a cookie jar.  Willow was the first to recover.  "Hey Xander, what's up?"

"Not much.  I just saw you and Deadboy weren't at the table anymore and I asked around about where you guys went.  Why did you guys come up here anyway?"


"Buffy and I came up here, and Willow was already watching the meteor shower."  <And we were about to kiss before you messed it up.  Idiot!>  Cordelia raised an eyebrow.  "And that's all you guys were doing?"  Willow nodded quickly, and Xander bought the explanation immediately.

"That's Willow.  Even at the Bronze she can't help but do something boring."   Xander missed the expression of hurt in Willow's eyes, but Angel didn't.

He wrapped his arm around her comfortingly.  He turned back and glared at Xander.

"So, what did you want, anyway?"

"Nothing.  I just got everyone in the Scooby gang snacks and drinks and stuff.  Come on downstairs you guys."  Willow started to walk towards Xander, expecting Angel to release her and hold on to Buffy.  But he didn't.

  He didn't relax his arm around her at all.  If anything, he held on tightier, leaving Buffy still with her eyes closed and fingers crossed, totally oblivious to everything that had just happened on the roof.  Xander called to her right before they descended down the steps.

Shoo be doo wop and Scooby snacks
Met a fly girl and I can't relax
The only problem is she's a movie star
My friends they won't believe me
If they could only see me
At the risk of sounding cheesy
I think I fell for the girl on TV

Spike’s POV

<Where did Red go?  I lost sight of her after that bloody Slayer knocked her over.  She will pay for hurting my fiery goddess.>  He  followed her scent, up onto the roof of the Bronze.  He saw her, staring up at the sky, green eyes sparkling like the rarest emeralds, red hair shining like liquid copper in the starlight, bits of light streaking across the sky, and a heart that he thought he no longer had leaped for joy.  And his heart wasn't the only thing that leaped to attention.

<Cor, she's... heavenly.  Not a word I
normally use, considering I'm a bad-ass vamp, but thats what she is.  If my mates could see me now, they'd be laughing their sodding heads off.  Falling for a mortal.  I'm beginning to sound as cheesy as the royal Poof himself.>  Yet he didn't move his eyes from her.  It was wonderful to be so near her, but horrible not be able to touch her, hold her, kiss her... <There'll be plenty of time for that once she's mine> he reminded himself.  For a couple torturingly slow minutes, <and not the fun kind of torture, either>

couldn't move, totally enraptured by the beauty before him.  And yet, it ended all too soon for his taste.  If he couldn't touch her, he'd settle for watching her like that forever.  <Why can't I touch her?  She is mine, after all.  Or will be, anyway.>  He stepped forward to touch her, to make sure she was real, to take her with him, but he felt Angel approaching and quickly disappeared back into the shadows.  He watched Angel pull away as Buffy tried to kiss him. <Hmmm, I think Peaches might not want Slutty anymore... good info to use next time I run in to them.>.  He watched as Angel went up to Willow, *his* Willow, and caress her cheek.  <He's going to pay for that.>  He saw them lean in for a kiss and was about to jump out and pummel Angel when he felt another heartbeat coming up the stairs.  He silently cheeered when Xander unknowingly broke up the kiss that was about to happen.  <After I make Red mine, I’ll tear that poof limb from limb for even touching her!>  Spike remained in the shadows as the group headed down the stairs.  He growled when he saw Angel wrap his arms around Willow.

Fortunately for him, Xander called out to Buffy before he went downstairs, and the groans of Willow and Angel drowned out the growl.  When the Scooby gang descended the stairs he relaxed.  He wanted some time alone, and being around the Slayer made him jittery.  <Taking Red would be so much easier if Slutty and her lap dog Peaches weren’t around.  And they won’t be for long, if I have anything to say about it.>.  He looked up at the sky, at the two stars still falling, and made two wishes.  <I wish Red were mine.  And I wish Slutty and Peaches were dead.>

He then returned to the Bronze, wondering where she went and hoping she was still there.

(I wish) Wish for you on a falling star
Wondering where you are
Do I ever cross your mind in the warm sunshine
She's from the city of angels
Like Betty Davis, James Dean, and Gable
Never know what she means to me
I fell for the girl that's on TV

Willow's POV ~ok, in the next verse of the song, pretend the she is a he.  Willow is thinking about Angel/Spike, so unless they are both keeping major secrets about their anatomy, you're just going to have to pretend~

<I wonder if Angel knows how much we all care about him.  I mean, sure, Xander does hate him, but thats only because Xander wants Buffy.  Xander does want him to keep living... or unliving... or whatever.  I know Cordelia cares to some extent, or else whe wouldn't keep helping us, even if she does complain about it.  And Buffy loves him, or at least, loves the way she has a gorgeous boyfriend (yes, I admit he's gorgeous... who wouldn't?) and loves they way they have that star-crossed lover's romance.  And me... I really care about him, in a friendly way, of course.  I would never lust after my best friends boyfriend, no matter how hansome and sexy he is.  Those wishes that I made... I just got caught up in the moment.  Same with that almost kiss... Oh MY GODDESS!  I almost kissed Angel!>  As she was sitting alone at the table in the Bronze, it finally hit her what had happened on the roof.

<It was like he wanted to kiss me... why would he want to kiss me?  I'm just plain old Willow.  He must have been thinking about Buffy, what with just kissing her and all.  Unless... oh no, this isn't good... my wishes came true!  Only on the hellmouth.  I mean, it would be a good thing, but I want him to want me for me, not because of a wish.  I why didn't I wish about someone else... like Spike?  He's sexy and he's a vampire... Oh, goddess, listen to me... I sound so pathetic... I must have an attraction to creatures of the night or something.  Oz, Angel, Spike... whats next, the boogey man?>  She sighed.

<My wishes didn't come true.  I need to get a
grip.>  She looked up and scanned the Bronze.  She saw Xander and Cordy dancing, Buffy flirting with two guys on the football team. <If I had I guy like Angel, I wouldn't flirt with anyone else.  And besides, that proves the wishes didn't come true.  She's still acting like a ->  Then she saw Angel, standing in a corner, brooding.  <I need to stop thinking about Angel as a hansome guy and remember he's my friend.  He looks like he need a friend more than anything right now.  I want to be that friend.  He's always so sad, I want to cheer him up, to make him laugh.  Since school's out, I've got plenty of time on my hands... I think I will make him laugh.  Its about time someone cared enough to try.>  She got up from her chair and walked over to were Angel was.

Everybody knows her <his> name
They wanna take her <his> picture and they're glad she <he> came
But I just wanna be there when she's <he's> down (down)
I don't want her <his> autograph
I just wanna call her <him> up and make her <him> laugh
Never had to be on a movie screen
To be the leading lady <laddie> in all my dreams

Angel's POV

Angel stood in a corner, doing what he had perfected in 80 years of having a soul; he brooded.  The he noticed Willow coming towards him.  It was amazing.  The crowd seemed to part for her as she walked forward, smiling warmly.  Several guys approached Willow, asking her to dance.  She politely declined all of them, and continued walking towards Angel.  Angel found the slight sway of her hips coupled with the determined way she was walking extremely enticing, as were other men.  Willow seemed surprised when each one came up to dance with her.  <She doesn't even know how wonderful she is. No one ever tells her.  I'm going to change that.  I'm not going to tell her, I'm going to show her.>  When she reached him he took her hand wordlessly and lead her out to the dance floor.  The music was slow, and they began to sway to the rhythym.  He hugged her very close.  She was surprised at first, but hugged him back. That was all he had intended to do, until he pulled back and looked into her eyes

<She still doesn't know... God, she's so beautiful...> He leaned forward and captured her lips in his.  It was like nothing he'd ever experienced in his 240-odd years of existence.   It was gentle, yet passionate, and when she broke away for air, it left him wanting more.  She was panting slightly, her chest going up and down, which did nothing to help him focus in what she was saying.

"Angel, why did you kiss me?"

Shoo be doo wop and Scooby snacks
Met a fly girl and I can't relax
The only problem is she's a movie star
My friends they won't believe me
If they could only see me
At the risk of sounding cheesy
I think I fell for the girl on TV

Willow's POV

Her words showed no disgust, only curiosity mixed with a bit of exhileration.

"To show you how wonderful you are.  You've been a great friend to me, the only one I've had in Sunnydale.  Buffy and I were never friends," <Oh, right, Buffy> "and I'm just happy that I have you as a friend."  <Yeah, were just friends.  How could I have been so stupid.  Thinking the way he kissed me was in a more-than-friendship kind of way.  He was probably aiming for my cheek and made a mistake or something.>  The thought left her feeling empty.   "I'm glad you think of me as a friend," she managed to choke out.

"I n-need to go... I have to... um... g-get up early tommorrow.  Goodbye, Angel.  H-have fun with Buffy."  She turned to hide her tears and leave before she saw his crestfallen look.  She disappeared before he could get over his sudden disappointment {as hopes he hadn't recognized he had were dashed} and stop her.  He tried to go after her, but while the crowd parted for her, they would not do the same for him.  Just as he thought he saw a flash of red hair, Buffy grabbed him on the shoulder and said, "There you are!  I've been looking for you.  You've been looking for me, haven't you?  Of course.  That's sweet of you.  Come on, lets dance."  He gave one last glance at where the red-hair had been, but it was gone.

As she ran through the streets of Sunnydale, she let the tears stream down her face.  When she got her neighborhood, she slowed to a walk.  She was tired, so she sat down on her porch swing.  She looked up and saw one final star falling.  <I wish somebody would want me.  What was I thinking?  Why would anybody want me?  Like a makeover would change anything.  But even so... am I so horrible?  Nobody wants me.  Why does nobody want me?>

"I want you, luv."

Wish for you on a falling star
I'm wishing on a star and I'm wondering where you are
Do I cross your mind in the warm sunshine

Spike's POV

After watching Willow and Angel kiss, Spike had left the Bronze.  Not out of pain, although it did anger him to see them kiss.  No, it was because the demon inside was demanding to slowly torture and kill Angel, and he knew that was no way to woo Willow.  So he had left to find a few unfortunate citizens of Sunnydale to torture instead.  He had just finished draining one when he saw one last falling star.

<I wish I knew that Willow wasn't with the poof, that she were here with me.>  Just then, he saw a person sit down on a nearby porch swing in front of a house.  Willow's house.  He hadn't even realized he had been heading that way.  The person had fiery red hair and was wearing a green dress.  <It can't be her.  She's at the Bronze with that ensouled bastard.>  But when he heard her enchanting voice, he knew it was her.  Using his vampiric hearing, he heard her murmur, " I so horrible?  Nobody wants me.  Why does nobody want me?"  He couldn't believe what he was hearing.  <Nobody want her?  Didn't she see the looks she got from every male patron at the Bronze?  Didn't she see the envious way every girl observed her?  Doesn't she know that she is absolute perfection, the perfect mix of innocence and passion, of brains and beauty, of sweetness and determination?>  Just thinking of all of her best features was enough to make him want her more than he thought possible, and it showed.  <Apparently not.  If Peaches didn't show her, I sure as hell will.>

"I want you, luv."

Willow jumped up and looked around.  Spike caught a breath he no longer need.  Her chest was heaving after running, and even in the starlight he could tell her face was flushed.  She was magnificent... but she had been crying.  She looked at him and said, "Don't bother.  If you're trying to kidnap me to get to Buffy, think about it for a second.  She may not have the brains God gave a chicken, but she'll figure out your plan and come and rescue me and if you want to turn me, I've already cast a spell so that when I die, I stay dead and if you want a spell, there are lots of other witches out there who are better than I am and I'm babbling now so I'll shut up and you'll come up with another plan to destroy the world and we'll all be happy, except for Angel because of that clause, but I'm still babbling so I'll shut up now."  <Cor, I love it when she does that.  She's so cute when she's babbling.>

"Now pet, what if I don't want any of those things?"

"What do you want then?"

"I already told you."  He said, stepping closer.  "I.  Want.  You."

"We've already been though this," she said exasperatedly, her eyes blazing.

<I think a like her angry even more than I like her babbling.  Lets see what she looks like lust-filled.> "What do you want me FOR?"  <She still doesn't get it!  Well, what should I expect, she's so innocent... but not for long...>  He wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered seductively in her ear, "I want you for myself, as in on my lips, in my arms, in my bed."

Yeah so I wish for you on a bright shining star
Everywhere I look there you are
It's the girl in the green dress
She took my breath away
And now I look to the sky for a better day
To the beat y'all and Scooby snacks
I met a fly girl and I can't relax
Never had to be on a movie screen
to be the leading lady in all my dreams

Willow's POV

Willow's eyes widened with understanding.  Before she could do anything else, Spike kissed her.  It wasn't the same as the kiss with Angel, but it was just as good.  It wasn't nearly as gentle, but it was just as passionate, if not more so, and it had something her kiss with Angel didn't... another tongue in her mouth.  Good was an understatement.  It was absolutely electrifying.  They both had been.  When she finally broke away for air, she was stunned.  And so was Spike.  In fact, he had an expression that looked exactly like Angel's after they had kissed.  <I've seen that expression before.. on Angel, after we... no... I'm not going to let this happen... I'm not going to let myself get hurt like I did last time...>  So she did what she had done last time.  She ran.  She ran into her house, shut the door behind her, and locked it before Spike got out of his daze.  She didn't stop running.  She ran up the stairs.  She ran down the hall.  She didn't stop running until she reached her room.  She threw herself onto the bed and cried.

(I wish) Wish for you on a falling star
Wondering where you are
Do I ever cross your mind in the warm sunshine
She's from the city of angels
Like Betty Davis, James Dean, and Gable
Never know what she means to me
I fell for the girl that's on TV

The End
