Title: What I Never Excepted Part 4: Damage Done
Author: Dragon_Chylde17
E-mail: Hell_Kat17@yahoo.com
Rating:  PG (but could change)
Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or its actors. (That bites, major!) You know the drill!
Pairing: W/A; X/C; F/G; B/it's a surprise. -heheh!
Summary: Buffy's gone Angel's in hell and Willow's got secret "friends".
Set: You know! Angel loses his soul and bad stuff happens.
Authors Note: Kendra never happened. And Xander and Cordelia told everyone about their relationship instead of Willow walking in on them. I think
that's it.

Part 4: Damage Done

Willow's POV:
      I ran toward the two vampires the second the spell was over.
Johnthan was by Maggie's side before I could even really get half way
to Angel. Vampire speed is a bitch sometimes. I made it to Angel
before anyone else did though. He was lying on his side and panting in
pain. I felt for him. He had experienced so much yet it never seemed
to stop. I watched as he rolled over and looked at me. He seemed to
recognize me, which was a good sign. I knelt down beside me and pushed
some of his very dirty hair way from his forehead.
      "Don't worry Angel, you're safe now. You aren't going back to
hell. Not while I'm here. " And with that I would lose control of my
tears and hug him while I sobbed. Little did I realize until long
moments later that he to was crying. He hugged me to him as tightly as
he could without hurting me.  My friend was back and that was all I
could think of. I just never wanted to move just stay there just like
that and let the world fall away.
      "Willow? Willow you need to let go so I can give Angel some
blood and treated to his wounds." I looked up at Giles and blushed
slightly knowing he was right. I looked over at Johnthan and Maggie as
I got up. I felt guilty for forgetting them. I felt even worse when I
saw them. Johnthan stood with Maggie cradled in his arms.  She wasn't
awake but I could still tell even from the distance between us that
she was in a great deal of pain. My friend almost died that night, for
me. For what I wanted, for my cause. I owed her more than anyone in
the world did and I was well aware of that in that moment. I watched
Johnthan walk out of the library without looking back. I made no move
to stop him. He needed to help his sire, as I needed to help Angel. I
was so lost in my vampire watching that I didn't notice Cordelia,
Xander, and Faith re-enter the library. I wouldn't for sometime until
Faith tapped me on the shoulder.  I looked at her startled. She smiled
at me and looked back at the closing library doors.
      "They are truly beautiful together, aren't they?" Faith's
question caught me a little off guard but I had to agree, it was very
true. They looked made for one another. They just seemed to fit
together. It was really a beautiful thing to witness them together.
      "Is she dead?" Xander asked from behind them making everyone
look up from their tasks.  I couldn't help but smile just a little
when Cordelia smacked him upside his head.

Third Person POV:
"For about a thousand years now, Why do you ask?  Now you aren't going
to start calling her names are you?" Cordelia folded her arms over her
chest and tapped her foot. Xander shook his head after a moment as if
trying to figure out when everyone had figured this out and he'd
missed it.
      "Cordy, you think I could call her Dead Girl Jr.?" Xander
      "NO!" the occupants of the room screamed together. Xander
flinched and looked at them all.
      "She's almost 800 years Angel's senior I believe he would be
the Jr. In this case." Willow answered not looking up to see some very
shocked faces. Angel was the first to actually respond to this
      "Johnthan, Johnthan of Fire and his sire Maggie the Mad?"
Angel choked out, as he prayed that it was not. Willow would respond
with out blinking.
      "Yes, that's them. But they're good now.  Boy, that sounded
cheesy, didn't it?" Willow sat down at her chair infront of the
computer. She knew she was about to answer a lot of questions she
wasn't ready quit yet to answer. It would be Cordelia who would save
      "I suggest we all go get some beauty sleep now. I for one can
wait to play 20 questions until morning or sunset rather and we'll
discuss everything that anyone feels the need to discuss but right
now, I'm tried." And without another sound she lifted her book bag and
caught hold of Xander's arms and began dragging him out of the
library. Everyone seemed to be in agreement with the plan. Giles and
Faith began cleaning and it was agreed that Angel would stay at
Willow's until he had regained his strength. Faith left for a quick
sweep of the usual haunts of vampires while Giles drove Angel and
Willow to her home and helped get him into Willow's guest bedroom.
      The fallen angel was finally at home.

Johnthan's POV:
      I laid her down on our bed, undressed her, tucked her in and
began to watch her sleep. She was so beautiful, her smooth white skin
that always called to me to touch it. I still remember the first time
I ever saw her. I was the right hand man to a great laird in Scotland
at the time.

      "Nay, lad not that a'way!" I shouted to the men. They were
completely ruining they're training today. They're minds were not
where they were supposed to be. I signed and gave up. "Stop, you
'abunch of pigs! Put a'way ya weapons and leave me sight before I have
ya all beheaded." I watched them leave and sighed again. I was young
for a captain of the guard but I was still the best and my laird knew
it.  I decided to take a long walk threw the woods.
      I walked thinking over many things that troubled my mind. I
was deep in the forest and wasn't even sure I was still on my laird's
land but it did not matter. I believed I could take care of myself.  I
spotted a pond and walked closer to find it was actually a large
stream at the base of a waterfall. I sat there for sometime and
watched the water fall and be carried on down stream.
      "I was told that all McBains were extremely smart. Are ya?" I
looked up from my pondering. She was beautiful. I could only just
stare. I believe for a moment that I was dreaming. She was wearing
long white dresses that set off her reddish-blond hair and smooth
creamy skin nicely.
      "We like to think so." I finally answered. I knew I was
staring but couldn't seem to stop. I felt like I was seeing an angel
or Goddess.  She sat down beside me and looked out into the now night
sky. I looked at her.
      "What is it like to be mortal, I wonder?" I thought her
question was odd and told her so. She smiled at me for a minute then
looked back into the sky.
      "It is not. For I am not. I will live forever but I'm lonely."
                                          End of Flashback

      I would die that night. It was not painful, as many seemed to
think. It felt like I was floating then I thought no more. I woke up
to see my Goddess infront of me and offered me something that I could
not resist. A girl no more than twelve. I drained her dry. That would
begin my rain of terror with Maggie leading the way.
      "Johnthan?" I would turn from my thoughts to see her starting
to wake up. I sat on the bed and pulled her hand into my own. She
looked like she had seen better nights.
      "I'm here, love." She turned her eyes to mine and I knew that
she needed to know. She needed to know if she had done it all for
nothing or if she had succeeded. I smiled and nodded. She smiled back
and pulled lightly on my hand then let go. I stood beside the bed and
stripped and crawled into bed with her. I pulled her into my arms and
waited for her to get comfortable before I allowed myself to fall
      "I love you." I tightened my hold around her waist briefly
before kissing the top of her head.
      "And I you, lass. For always." And with that I fell into sleep
with my love in my arms.

Giles' POV:
      I sat in my living room and began running the last couple of
hours in my head. I had brought back the man or demon that had killed
Jenny. I loved Jenny, always would, but I know that my heart no longer
belongs to the computer teacher but a slayer. I sighed and waited for
her to return home from her quick patrol.  Somehow, I know that Jenny
would be proud of me for helping Willow.
      "I'm home!" Faith shouted as she shut the front door behind
her loudly. I put down my cup of tea and stood to greet her. She had
come such a long way from when she first arrived in Sunnydale. Her
attitude toward everything was so different and that is something I
will forever be grateful for. She wasn't Buffy but Faith had her own
quirks that made me love her. Though I love Faith differently than
Buffy, Faith as my lover and Buffy as my adopted daughter.
      "What's wrong? Don't tell me your regretting helping Red. I
think it was a good idea. She's lonely and you said yourself that
Angel did it not-" I abruptly cut off her rambling by kissing her
soundly. When I pulled back I noticed with a great deal of male
pleasure that she was breathless.
      "I am not sorry just tired and ready for bed. Are you
*coming*?" I leered at her suggestively.   She smirked back at me and
laughed as she ran up the stairs. I smiled and followed her up as I
tired to remember a time when I was happier than I was with Faith. And
to be honest in all my years I have yet to remember a time.

Cordelia's POV:
      I laid on my big white bed and ate popcorn as Xander and I
have pretended to watch a movie. I could see that he was thinking of
the things he had found out about his best friend. He felt betrayed
but I knew he also saw her reasoning in not telling us. Many people
think Xander it some idiot but he is far from it, his real problem is
that he doesn't think before opening his mouth but given the chance he
can come up with some real interesting points of argument.
      "Do you think they are safe?" I was jerked out of my thinking
by Xander's question. I looked at him not sure who or what he was
talking about.  He sat up and turned off the TV and looked at me
before speaking again. "The two vampires. Johnthan and Maggie." I knew
he was worrying about another Angelus.
      "I don't really know but Faith and Willow are good judges of
character. I think we should give them a chance at least. If they
screw up then we'll worry, all right." I paused for a minute then
spoke again slowly trying to place all my words just right. "What is
going to happen between you and Angel. Is it going to go back to the
way it was before Buffy left or are you going to try something
different?" I wanted to know if he was still hung up on Buffy or not.
He looked at his hands for a moment or two before looking me straight
in the eye.
      "I'd like to start over with him if he'd let me. I don't know
if he can forgive me for the things I've said to him but if he'll let
me I'd like to. What I said at the library today was just the past
getting the better of me." I could feel myself falling even more in
love with this man sitting infront of me. He really was something very

Willow's POV:
      I laid in my bed trying to sleep but sleep was so far from me
that I wondered if it would ever come again. I had helped Angel into
the bathroom and then into bed. He was wearing a pair of sweat pants,
my dad owned, and a white T-shirt I found. He was absolutely
exhausted. I felt bad for him. He was in so much pain and I could do
nothing for him. If I hadn't restored his soul then hell would not
have been bad at all. Angelus probably would have enjoyed it but I had
restored his soul and now he was left tormented for the rest of his
immortal life. I felt like I had somehow betrayed him.
bed and ran into the guest bedroom where Angel was thrashing in his
sleep. I couldn't really see him just his outlined form. I felt my
tears running down my face at the pain that was evident in his voice.
I ran to his bedside and tried to call his name but his nightmare had
a firm hold on him or either he could hear me over his own screaming.
Finally I reached out and grabbed one of his arms and tried to pin it
down but to no vale. He was too strong.
      "ANGEL!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. He jerked upright
and looked around wildly. I brought my hands to his face and turned
him toward me. I could feel his blood tears soaking my hands.
      "I killed Jenny?" He sounded so unsure. I felt my heart break
for him. I nodded not completely sure if he could see me or not. He
could, for his shoulders began to shake from the force of his sobs as
he tried to scoot away from me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders
and held him to me. At first he tried to get away but I wouldn't have
it, he needed someone to cry on and it would be me. He settled into my
arms and cried for how long I'm not sure. I crawled under the covers
and pulled him with me. I murmured spoke words of comfort to ears I'm
not sure heard me.
      He would fall into sleep again and I would continue to hold
him and stroke his hair until shortly before dawn when I myself would
fall asleep. I would make a promise that night before I succumbing to
sleep. I would protect Angel no matter the cost. He really was an
