Title: Destiny: Unknown
Author: Electra - Sadie@antisocial.com
Part: 9/?
Rating: R
Summary: Willow has a destiny that involves saving the world, and a mystery
girl. *Lame I know, just read it!*
Disclaimer: I own none of the BtVS or Angel cast, but I do own Sydney and
the story itself.
Distribution: If you have comething of mine already, just take this. If
not, ask me and I'll say yes.
Archived: Electra's Vampire Domain and Bite Me....Please?
Notes: I'm not sure where I'm going with this, so bear with me ok? (*)
represents Sydney's thought-words and (~) represents Willow's
thought-words. You'll understand :)
Pairings: Willow/Angel Spike/Sydney (mild)
Feedback: YES PLEASE! I need it badly!

Willow, Cordelia and Sydney breezed through the door to Angel
Investigations, laughing, their arms full of packages.

When no greetings came forth from any part of the house, Cordelia's eyes
narrowed, "Where's Angel? It's daytime so he should be here..."

"Maybe he went to talk to one of his sources, you know, use the tunnels?"
Sydney offered.

"I guess..." Cordelia reluctantly drew out the words and allowed Sydney and
Willow to lead her furthur into the building.

Willow stopped at the door to Angel's office and listened. Hushed voices
could barely be heard talking rapidly, but she couldn't figure out what was
being said. Turning her head to look at Cordelia and Sydney she gave a
small shrug. "Should I knock?"

"No, let's wait and see if he comes to see us. It probably isn't about you
two," Cordelia said, glancing at the other two.

Sydney shrugged slightly, "Well, anyways, I'm in the mood for some ice

"Me too!" both Cordelia and Willow gushed together. They all laughed and
carted their packages down the hall.


Willow and Sydney shuffled uneasily into Angel's office. He'd called them
there as they were putting away their purchases.

"Sydney, Willow, sit down." Angel motioned somberly to two chairs and
glanced at the room's other occupant, Spike. He too looked deadly grim.

"What's this about Angel? Is it about the dreams? Because we haven't had
any lately..." Willow trailed off, her gaze growing alarmed when neither
Spike or Angel answered her right away.

"What is it?" Sydney asked forcefully.

Angel sighed, "That's the problem, Willow. You're not having dreams

"Am I just dumb or does that not make _any_ sense?" Sydney growled, "Just
spit it out!"

Willow nodded, "We need to know this Angel."

As Angel struggled for the right words, Spike cut in, "We found something
out. This thing you're experiencing? It is a prophecy. A very old and very
serious prophecy that includes you, Willow and you, Sydney." He paused for
a moment and looked at Angel, when he nodded for Spike to continue, Spike
returned his gaze to the girls, "The prophecy states that the chosen two
will battle the root of evil himself for control of this realm."

"Hence you, Sydney. Your demon title translates into 'Realm Demon' which
I'm sure you already knew. The only thing that confuses us is why Willow is

"You're not a demon. Or, at least I don't think you're a demon..." Sydney
took a deep breath.

Willow frowned, "How did you find all this out?"

"A source. He has a copy of the book that holds the prophecy, but he
wouldn't loan it to me." Angel said quietly, staring intently at the wall.

"Well, we'll just have to get it then, won't we?" Willow's voice was low
and intense. A small, un-willow-like smile graced her features as she
slowly raised her head from it's downward angle.


"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Sydney asked nervously, looking

They were outside of the club at which Angel's source both lived and
worked. The window to the room containing the book was directly above
them...4 stories up.

"Why shouldn't we? We need that book, Syd!" Willow hissed, resolve lacing
her voice and set in her features.

Angel nodded, "I don't usually agree to B&E but in this case... I can make
an exception."

"Plus, it's not as if we're going to steal it, just borrow it for an
indefinite amount of time," Spike reasoned with a straight face.

Willow smiled, "Ok, we need to get up to the window. Can you guys jump that
far?" She asked, giving Spike and Angel a questioning glance.

"Too high, no leverage."

She frowned, "Well, I could use magic to help?"

"No, Willow. This guy," Angel jerked his hand towards the door leading into
the club, "can smell magic a mile away if it's used."

"Then how the hell are we going to get up there?" Sydney crossed her arms.

"Good question. I think I have an idea..." Spike grinned.
