Healing Love

Author: Emma

E-Mail: hells_trollop@yahoo.co.uk

Distribution: Angel of Mine, TPWFLD, anyone else please ask first.

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: Angel, Willow and co. do not belong to me. They are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and the WB. All characters are used without permission. No copyright infringement intended.

Spoilers: Teachers Pet

Feedback: Yes please!!!! Or I may not write any more! :Hint. Hint:

Summery: Angel sees Willow for the first time.

Authors Notes: Based around the episode 'Teachers Pet'. Part one in the Forbidden Love series.


As Angel walked along the deserted streets of Sunnydale patrolling, his mind started to drift back to the events of the past few weeks and the years long before that. Those moments that had changed his life forever.


Being the one vampire in the entire world with a soul was hard. Harder than most could imagine. Not only did he have to deal with the tremendous guilt of what he had done in his time as Angelus, but he also had to live with the fact that he was truly alone.

He was unique. He could no longer live among other vampires because of his soul, not that he really wanted to live among them anyway. Yet he could not live among humans, as he was a demon, a creature of the night and darkness.

So instead he fought against evil, to protect the innocent, to kill those he used to live among. All the time unseen, unheard, remaining in the shadows.

When he had learned that a slayer was to arrive in Sunnydale he had seen it as an opportunity to make an alliance with someone who wanted the same goals as himself, to fight in the battle against evil.

Unfortunately, by joining forces with the slayer though, he began to feel something he didn't bargain on.

He began to fall in love.


He remembered when he first saw her. He had gone to offer information to Buffy and he had noticed her out of the corner of his eye, talking to a boy he later came to know as Xander.

The moment he saw her she had begun to capture his heart with her fiery red hair, brilliant green eyes and the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.

Even after he had left the Bronze she continued to call out to him and he found himself walking back into the Bronze, staying hidden in the shadows watching.

Even without being close to her, he could tell she was the light to his darkness...the innocence to his evil.

Ever since that day he had longed to see her again, and every time he did he was almost completely hypnotized by her presence. Only a small part of his brain managing to keep functioning correctly, reminding him the reason he was there was to give out his cryptic messages to Buffy or her watcher.

But more often than not he felt his gaze shifting from Buffy or her watcher to Willow when no one was watching. His heart stopping when she looked up and caught his eye, his heart jumping at the shy smile she would give before he turned away.

Even thought they had spoken barely more than a word to each other since they had been introduced by Buffy, every time they did speak his whole being seemed to light up. Yes, it was true.

Angelus Kiren O'Brian was falling in love.

The End
