Distribution: Angel of Mine, TNPWFLD, Seren's Site, Fever of Fate, anyone else please ask first.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Angel, Willow and co. do not belong to me. They are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and the WB. All characters are used without permission. No copyright infringement intended.
Feedback: Me + Feedback = Happy!!!
Summery: There's a prophecy going down in Sunnydale...
Spoilers/Warnings: Prophecy Girl
Authors Notes: Based around the episode 'Prophecy Girl'. Part four in the Forbidden Love series.
< > Indicates thoughts.
The first time Angel became aware of the prophecy telling of the slayers death was when he received a call from Giles over the phone asking him to come to the library.
When Angel had arrived Giles had proceeded to explian to him about how Buffy was meant to face the Master and how she was destined to die.
Angel remembered how Buffy had walked in on them, and how he had tried to comfort her, while the demon in him was telling him to let her go and die, so he could have Willow.
After Buffy had stormed and out and Angel had returned to his apartment he began to let sink in what the demon had been telling him.
He had never realized it before but the demon within him had very strong feelings concerning Willow.
While the demon seemed to hate Buffy with a firery passion, it seemed to be far more accomadating when it came to Willow.
For some reason, his demon almost seemed drawn to her. It seemed to like the same qualitys in her as he did. Plus it seemed to think she had a really cute ass.
Not that he disagreed or anything but the fact that his demon was thinking such things shocked and worried him none the less.
2 hours later...
At hearing the knock on his door, Angel walked over and opened the door, only to have Xander barge in.
"Mind if I come in?" he had said as he entered.
"Make yourself at home." Was Angel's semi-sarcastic reply.
He remembered how Xander wanted to go off and fight the Master and rescue Buffy, and how he had told him he would be dead before he could breath.
The next thing he knew he had a cross shoved in his face and being told Xander didn't like him, but still needed his help.
That's when it hit him. Xander was in love with Buffy, or as close to love as the sixteen-year-old could get.
Being forced to sit down on his couch due to the cross advancing on him, Angel had asked Xander what was on his mind, "You're in love with her."
"Aren't you?" Xander had replied.
Angel didn't answer. He couldn't, because he knew he didn't love her. He loved someone else, someone who loved the boy opposite him.
Sometime later...
They had done it. They had saved Buffy. They had both gone underground into the Master lair in search of Buffy. It hadn't taken long to find her. She was laying face down in a pool of water. Dead.
Laying her down, Xander had performed mouth to mouth and managed to revive her, and were both surprised at how strong she already was. Before either of them knew it, they were off to fine the Master.
Which wasn't too difficult actually, as Buffy seemed to know right where he was.
The only problem was he was at Sunnydale High School, where Willow was.
He actually didn't know how he knew Willow was in there, but he did, and the sight of all those vampires heading towards the school and her, terrified him.
Pushing his fears for her aside, knowing he had other things to focus on, he followed Buffy to the stairwell leading to the roof of the school and listened as Buffy gave her instructions and went off to face the Master. That's when the vampires attacked.
The more the vampires came, the more he fought, fought to kill them as quick as he could so he could check on Willow.
He must have been fighting vampires off for about five minutes when he started to hear the screaming.
Willow's screaming.
And so he started fighting even harder.
When he was about to give up any hope of getting to Willow he heard a huge crash and noticed the vampires around them start to leave.
After a few moments Buffy emerged saying that the Master was dead and that they should go to the library. Angel couldn't agree fast enough.
The library.
Slowly, Angel entered the library, dreading what he might find. As he approached the Master's remains he was flooded with relief as he saw Willow alive and well.
Slowly, they all moved to stand around the middle of the library floor and Angel almost by instinct went to stand over by Willow. Partly to check that she was okay, and partly just to be near her.
He remembered how they all had a quick talk about the Master and the dance at the Bronze before they started to leave.
As they were walking away he still remembered what Willow had said to him.
"You can come with us Angel..."
He still remembered how his heart had leapt at her invite, that she actually wanted him to go there with them.
He also remembered how she had them told him he could get something to drink and then suddenly changed her mind and told him to just 'hang' instead.
And later that night at the Bronze, Angel even managed to dance with Willow, when Xander had managed to get Buffy to agree to dance with him.
He remembered how Willow had blushed when he had asked her, and how she had shyly accepted his offer.
For those few moments while he had dance with Willow he felt as if the whole world had faded away and he could die happy.
The End