Distribution: Angel of Mine, TNPWFLD, Fever of Fate, Witch Fan Fic anyone else please ask first.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Angel, Willow and co. do not belong to me. They are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and the WB. All characters are used without permission. No copyright infringement intended.
Feedback: Emma + Feedback = Happy!!!
Summery: No secret can last forever.
Spoilers/Warnings: Becoming.
Authors Notes: Part 7 of the Images, Dreams and Feelings Series.
Willow stooped what she was doing and froze. Slowly regaining her senses Willow slowly looked down at Angel.
As if sensing her need to know that she was not hearing things, Angel spoke again, his voice wavering and cracked as if it were painful to speak, his throat raw from un-use, except to release his screams during his time in hell.
His voice held questioning as if he was unsure to whom he was speaking.
Moving closer to him, though keeping her actions slow as not to startle or scare him, she sat down on the bed next to him and spoke.
"Yes Angel, it's me Willow." looking closely in his eyes, Willow was pleased to see more recognition there, gradually replacing the blank painful look that had been in his eyes for far too long.
Hoping to get a dialect started with the vampire, she spoke again.
"Angel, do you know who I am? Do you remember?"
At seeing the nod of his head she smiled brightly and continued.
"Angel, do you remember how you got here? Where you were before?"
Angel looked at her, pain flickering across his face before he spoke.
"Fire," he whispered, his voice barely audible "Angelus."
Giving his hand a reassuring squeeze, she said.
"That's right Angel. Angelus opened a portal, but I restored you soul just as you were sent to hell. But Angelus is gone now Angel, and he's never coming beck. I promise."
Taking a deep breath, Willow lowered her head. She had hoped he wouldn't have asked about Buffy right away, at least until she had figured out what to tell him.
"Buffy's…Buffy's at home. After you were…after you left, she disappeared, ran away. We didn't hear from her the entire time. She only came back a short while ago, but I've hardly seen her, she's been too busy trying to get things back to normal, you know going out, …dating…." Willow trailed off. "But I'm sure if she had know that you were back that she would have been right over. I would have told her myself but I can never seem to find her these days."
Seeing the conflict in his eyes at what she had told him, she made up her mind.
"Look, why don't you sleep. You'll feel better in the morning and I'll we'll sort everything out." Willow said, looking up from her hands to Angel, only to find him already fast asleep.
Willow walked out of the bedroom and into the lounge.
Reclining onto the sofa, she rested her head against it and rubbed her eyes, hoping to relive some of the tired ache that was there.
Looking at her watch, she noticed that it was only three in the afternoon and that she had hours to go before she could sleep if she wanted to get back into her normal routine.
She was beginning to wonder if she should tell someone else that Angel had returned, though a little worse for wear.
However, she always quickly squashed that idea, for who would she tell.
Giles was still getting over the torture that was inflicted upon him, and Jenny's murder. Xander was only a phone call away, but he had never hid his hatred of Angel, which had only intensified since he had become Angelus. Oz was away with the band, and rarely had time for her at the moment and Cordeila, well, if she was told then it was a safe bet that everyone else would soon know as well. It wasn't that she didn't trust Cordeila, she did…to a point, it was just that she had a habit of not knowing when not to revel information, or accidentally blurting it out to others.
And then there was Buffy. It all actuality, Buffy should have been the person Willow should have called the moment she found Angel to be alive ad well, but something had stopped her then as it had now. She wasn't sure why, but she felt a deep and indescribable need to keep Buffy in the dark about this. She must have been getting these dreams about Angel's return for a reason, for her to find him. And if Buffy were truly meant to know about Angel's return, then it would have been Buffy that had received them not her. Her instinct was telling her not to tell Buffy, and for once she was going to follow it, whatever the consequences may be.
So one way or the other, either by choice or default, she was stuck with this secret, not that it bothered her. Looking after Angel was not a burden, in fact she was glad to do something for the vampire that had saved her own life so may times before with hesitation. Besides, for the time being at least, he needed her.
Getting restless and with nothing to do until Angel awoke, she stood and picked up her coat, deciding to take a quick walk before he woke.
Stepping out into the warm afternoon air, the slight breeze remarkably refreshing, she walked down the path and onto the street, just enjoying the peace and quiet.
By the time she had started to make her way home, it was just past five and nearing sunset.
Turning into the driveway, Willow had just started making her way up to the mansion when she heard a gasp behind her, causing a feeling of dread to settle in her stomach.
Turning around, her worries became a reality at who she saw standing there.
The End