Title: Que Sera, Sera
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill> Anyone
else with permission, take. Otherwise, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel
Feedback is mandatory. I need it to write more :)
Bet y'all thought you'd get a break tonight. Giggle...Sorry, I'm here! Need
to be motivated though. Feeling rather like not writing this


Willow shifted on the chair, listening to Angel's soft voice as he continued
telling her of another time that he had visited Rome. She found herself drawn
in by his voice, mesmerized by the images he could paint so well. She knew he
was abridging the version she was hearing. Angelus had been in Rome along
with his children, Drusilla and Spike. She decided it was better not to think
of exactly how he filled the nights he was in town and concentrate on what he
was telling her. "You make it sound so lovely."

Angel smiled slightly, hearing the sigh in her voice. They had been sitting
on the veranda for over an hour and a half. He had found himself telling her
about his life before he had lost his soul. About a time that he never spoke
of. To Willow, though, he felt as if he could tell her anything. She would
never think of judging him or holding his past against him. It was just
another thing he loved about her. "It was. I mean, it still is. This is a
wonderful city."

Willow smiled softly, "Yes it is. I loved what I saw today, but I don't
recall seeing anything you mentioned."

"Willow, it was over a hundred years ago," Angel said, slightly amused.

"Well, still. I'd think those grounds would still be around." She said,
thankful that it was too dark for him to see her blush.

"I'm sure they are. You and the others, you mostly stuck to this
neighborhood, I'm sure." Angel said, "The house that we aquired was on the
other side of town. I doubt you ever got near our stomping grounds."

"Oh," Willow said, smiling. "Guess the right area might help."

Angel chuckled softly, "I'm sure there are some beautiful grounds around

"I didn't see any. Just wonderful museums and cafes." Willow said softly,
surprised to hear him laugh. She could instantly imagine his face as he
laughed. She had memorized every detail of every emotion he ever had. She
rarely saw him laugh, though he looked even more handsome when he was
completely natural. He needed to laugh more often. "Of course, I have nearly
three weeks to find them."

"They look magnificent in the moonlight," Angel remembered fondly.

"Really?" Willow said, wishing he would suggest going to find one of the
gardens. She could easily imagine laying on the ground with her head resting
on his chest. She knew he would never say anything though. They were just
friends. That was all.

Angel stilled, his eyes finding her face bathed in the moonlight. "Truly
beautiful," he said quietly, watching her smile softly. He opened his mouth,
wanting to ask her to go for a walk. To stroll along the streets and see Rome
through his eyes, her hand tucked into his. He couldn't form the words,
fearing her rejection or even worse, her mistaken idea that it was merely
friendship on his part. He had fallen in love with her gradually over the
previous months. He couldn't lie and say it was instant or expected. It had
rather snuck up on him, catching him by surprise and knocking him on his ass
five months before. When he had thought she was dead...that the Mayor had
taken her...well, his reaction and that of his demon had surprised him and
made him accept that they were both in love with her. The problem came in
telling her. He couldn't risk losing her in his life.

"That's nice," Willow said, unaware that he was talking about her. She heard
a noise and looked to the side as light from inside shined on them.

"There you are," Cordelia said, stepping onto the balcony. She narrowed her
eyes as she saw Willow and Angel sitting in the darkness. Together. She
smiled slightly, wondering if something was finally brewing between her
friends. "I was looking for you."

"I've been here," she said softly, smiling at her friend.

"I see that," Cordelia said, rolling her eyes. "Xander and I are going to get
dinner. Want to come? Both of you, of course."

"Dinner sounds nice," Willow said, getting to her feet. She looked towards
Angel, "Would you come?"

Angel smiled as he too got to his feet. "I think I could be pursuaded."

"Good. Xander is dying for food," Cordelia said, keeping her tone light. She
had been out all day, away from him for several hours, and his first words
had been What are we doing for dinner. She loved him dearly, but the romance
was gone. She had accepted that he didn't love her anymore, if he ever had.
She was comfortable to him...like an old shoe. He didn't want to lose her
because he'd be stuck facing things on his own. Back home, it was easy to put
on a cheery smile and act as if nothing was wrong. Here, well, it was growing
harder to smile. She forced a smile, "He's waiting downstairs."

"Well, let's not keep him waiting. He might start growling," Willow said,
moving to follow the brunette cheerleader down the stairs. She felt a hand on
her back and knew Angel was coming too.
