Title: Que Sera, Sera
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill> Anyone
that has permission, take. Otherwise, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel
Feedback is mandatory. I need it for motivation purposes.
To anyone that is enjoying this one


Willow sat in the chair that Angel had pulled out for her. She smiled softly
at him as she scooted forward towards the table. She saw Xander sit down,
picking up the menu without even looking at Cordelia. She saw Cordelia glare
at him as she sat in the chair, pulling it forward. Angel sat down beside
Willow, his leg brushing hers under the table. He sat up straighter and
mumbled, "Sorry."

"No problem," she smiled at him. She opened her menu, trying to avoid the
tension between Cordelia and Xander. She had noticed it as they had walked
towards the cafe. It wasn't very obvious, but she had heard enough from
Cordelia to know that there was trouble in paradise. It appeared though that
Xander had no idea there was anything wrong.

"What are you getting?" Xander asked his girlfriend, looking at her.

"I don't know. Probably just a salad," she said, her tone somewhat cross.

"C'mon, Cor. You need to eat more than that rabbit food," Xander said. "Get
some pasta."

"I don't want pasta," Cordelia said, her tone low and even as anger passed
over her.

"You have to eat something. It isn't healthy," Xander said, wondering what
was wrong with her. She had been standoffish since she had returned from her
outing. Add to that to their latest argument and he knew something was wrong.
They had actually been fighting a lot more lately, without the make up
sessions he had grown accustomed to. In fact, when he thought about it, she
had been pushing him away for the past month or so.

"I don't need a parent, Xander," Cordelia said, wondering why he couldn't pay
as much attention to her as he did to his stupid stomach.

"OK. What's wrong?" Xander asked, frowning.

"Nothing. Nothing at all," Cordelia said.

"Are you going to get anything?" Willow asked Angel, trying to avoid
listening to Cordelia and Xander argue.

"Just something for show," Angel said quietly, his eyes concerned as he
glanced at the two teens that were now in a heated, whispered argument.

"I'm not hungry. I'm going back," Cordelia suddenly said, standing. She
looked at Willow, smiling weakly. "I'm very sorry, Willow. I just can't
handle this right now."

Xander watched her leave, his face broken as he looked at Willow and Angel.
"She can't walk home alone."

"I'll go with her," Willow said softly, standing. "Meet you back at the

Angel watched her go and sighed softly. He found himself looking at Xander,
feeling sorry for the teen. He had a completely confused look on his face as
he continued to stare in the direction Cordelia had gone. "Xander?"

"Huh?" Xander shook himself, looking at Angel. He sighed, "What did I do? I
don't want her to get sick from not eating well. I mean, all she ever eats
lately are salads that she picks at."

"I can only tell you this," Angel said. "I'm over two hundred and fifty years
old and I still don't understand women."

Xander laughed weakly, "I don't either. I mean, I love Cordy. Have for two
years almost. I can seriously see myself being with her when I'm old and
senile. Is that weird to have already found the woman I want to be with for
the rest of my life?"

"Not at all. If anything, it's rather lucky. It took me almost three hundred
years to find mine," Angel said softly.

"I thought you were over Buffy?" Xander said quietly, watching the vampire
that had become a friend.

"I am," Angel said, catching Xander's eyes.

Xander smiled softly, "Ah. Willow."

Angel didn't respond, looking at the door the girls had left through.
"Cordelia doesn't seem herself. She's worried about something. I can see it
in her eyes and the way she carries herself."

"You can?" Xander frowned. "Why haven't I noticed?"

"I think she hides it well," Angel said in response.

"I love her, Angel. I don't want to lose her." Xander looked at the table,
trying to figure out what had happened between him and Cordelia that would
make her so upset. He couldn't think of anything. In fact, they had hardly
anything together the past few months except research and other mundane
tasks. He straightened up, looking at the vampire. "You have to help me,
Angel. You're old. You have experience at this womanly trouble thing. What
can I do to get Cordelia to love me again?"
