Title: Corruption
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill> Anyone
else that has permission, take. Otherwise, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: W/F/A
Feedback: Mandatory....plus it makes me write faster :)
Season 3, my own verse from we'll say Dopplegangland....
To Shadow...answered my own challenge. Go figure :)


Faith looked at him and smiled, "Come on. You know you want to."

"Go away," Angel said, rolling his eyes.

"Think about it, Fang. Lose that soul, rule the town. My boss will allow you
to have such control. You can torture Bitchy, kill Xander, fuck Willow...."

"What?" he said, his eyes narrowing.

Faith smiled, her lips twisting in a smirk. "You know you want her. I sure as
fuck do. What I wouldn't give to make her twist and turn and moan and beg for
more. To hear that proud little girl beg....Damn, it makes me wet just
thinking about it."

"Just go away," Angel said, trying to ignore the feelings her words were

"I saw the way you looked at her," Faith said, a knowing smile crossing her
lips as she ran a fingernail down his chest. He struggled against the chains
that were holding him and she laughed, "That night she was wearing the
leather? I saw it. You were thinking the same thing I was thinking. Wondering
what it would take to get our sweet little Willow to let loose like that and
beg us to fuck her. You can't lie to me, Fang. I know the truth."

"Just kill me," Angel said, not bothering to deny her words. She was
completely honest. He had been thinking that. His demon had been straining at
its bindings, wanting nothing more than to fuck Willow like crazy...to make
her beg and cry out for more. Of course, his demon always reacted that way
around Willow. Her innocence and purity just cried out to be corrupted. He
could usually control his urges, his feelings for Buffy overpowering them.
But, when he had lost his soul, well, she had been lucky to escape his games.
He had been too busy concentrating on revenge, deciding that claiming his
redhead could wait. Angelus had always been a cocky bastard, sure that he
would defeat the slayer and get his redhead. He hadn't.

"Oh, honey, I don't plan on killing you," Faith said, her hand encircling his
cock. "I want you to want me as much as you want her."

"Faith," he warned, bucking up against her palm. He was half hard from images
of taking Willow, of just giving up and letting his demon control him and
taking what he wanted. He closed his eyes, hissing as she began to work her
hand over his cock. He could almost forget that it was her and imagine it was
Willow, her green eyes wide with curiosity and arousal as she waited for his
instructions. He groaned, feeling Faith's mouth on his cock. He began to move
against her mouth, surprised she was so easily taking his thickness. Very few
had been able to get his cock into their mouths, Spike being the best of all
his lovers. He felt her move her mouth as he groaned, arching into the air in

Faith laughed, running her mouth over his neck. "What do you say, Fang? Ditch
the soul and work for my boss? Take Red and play a bit? I would love to share
her with you..."

"Faith," Angel snarled, opening his eyes into yellow slits.

"What?" she asked, running a hand between her legs. She had always thought
that Angel was Buffy's lapdog. She had never really been interested in him
until she had seen the way he had looked at Willow. Those dark eyes of his
filled with such naughty thoughts. She had realized then that if that damn
soul hadn't been in the way, that he would be claiming Red in ways she had
dreamed about herself. They had quite a bit in common, her and his demon.
They both hated Buffy, they both liked to play games and they both wanted

"Unfasten my hands," he said, knowing he should simply walk away and let
Buffy know that Faith had gone bad.

"Sure," she said, seeing the need and desire in his eyes. Sure, some of it
was because of her references to Willow but some was for her too. She
unfastened the chains, gasping as he threw her to the cold floor and entered
her completely. She groaned, her cunt tightening around his length. He was so
damn huge, she didn't know how Prissy Buffy had taken him all. Poor guy
probably hadn't had a good fuck in a long time. She began to meet his
thrusts, not scared of him in the slightest. She was soon screaming
obsenities at him, needing to cum. She cried out her release as she felt his
seed spilled deep inside her, as his teeth bit into her neck.

Faith opened her eyes slowly, sitting up and looking around. She saw Angel
and felt an urge inside her stomach. He smiled, his dark eyes raking over her
naked form.

"You're awake," he said simply.

She nodded, licking her lips. "I feel strange."

"You're hungry," he said, moving to sit on the floor beside her. He ran a
hand over her face, his eyes appreciative. "You're a looker, Slayer."

"You're not so bad yourself," she said, looking over his lean and nude form.

He laughed, "One thing you should know, though. Actually, two I guess."

"What's that?" she asked, curiosity in her eyes.

"First, Red is mine, but I'll share," he smiled a seductive smile as a wicked
gleam entered his eyes.

She laughed, "Oh, I love sharing....what else?"

"I don't work for anyone except myself," he said, "and this is my town. This
boss of yours? Well, let's say he and I are going to take a meeting...."

She laughed, imagining the mayor faced with Angelus. Her eyes flashed gold as
she also imagined what fun they both could have with Willow. She moved
against him, pinning him to the floor as she took his length into her cunt.
"Whatever you say, sire."
