Title: Que Sera, Sera
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill> Anyone
that has permission, take. Otherwise, just ask.
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel; Xander/Cordelia; Faith/Wesley
To everyone on my list for just being there :)
To anyone that is enjoying this :)



"Damn it!" Faith said, groaning loudly in disgust. "This is fucking

"Nothing is pointless," Wesley said, his own tone rather disgusted.

"Have you ever listened to Buffy ramble? Talk about pointless," Faith said,
shaking her head. "Hmm...maybe that should be mindless."

"Ahem," Wesley cleared his throat, directing a glare at her.

"What?" Faith asked, her expression innocent. She rolled her eyes, "Fine.
Take away all the fun. You know, I'm getting hungry and tired and I need to
kill something," she whined the latter.

"I'm a bit hungry myself," he said, frowning as he looked at the clock.
"Damn. The silly thing isn't working."

"Huh?" Faith asked, smiling slighly as she heard him curse. She knew he must,
just never in front of her. Uptight arrogant priss.

"The clock. It has said two since the last time I looked at it," Wesley
muttered, taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I have
no idea what time it is."

"Don't you have a watch? I mean, you? Mr. Prepared Watcher Man without a
watch? We've probably been here forever and you wouldn't know. How prepared
is that?" she asked, watching him wince at her words.

"I lost my watch at the school when we defeated the mayor," Wesley said
through tight lips.

Faith snorted, "Yeah right. Likely story. Can't really prove that you just
forgot it now can I? I feel like I haven't slept in days and the last time I
looked at that stupid clock it said 2 and that was hours and hours ago. We
can't find a damn thing in this mess and we have no idea what we it is we're
looking for anyway! Real good plan there, Wes."

"Would you please quit the screeching?" he asked, glaring at her as he moved
from the pile of books he had been searching through. He ran a hand over his
face, wishing he had some idea what they had been sent to get that someone
would kill over.

"I do not screech," Faith said, glaring back at him. He had removed his
jacket and his sleeves were now rolled up past his elbows. The first few
buttons of his shirt were undone and she could see the white undershirt
underneath. She looked away, not wanting him to see the desire in her eyes.
She kicked at the counter, wishing she had a vampire around to beat into
submission. The room they were in was small, had very little air and he was
much too close for her comfort. Besides that, she could smell his sweat and
cologne, the scent making her wet for some ungodly reason.

"Would you please stop stalking around like some caged animal?" he asked, his
eyes watching her sleek body as she moved. Damn if she wasn't like some
animal. Wild and free. He shook his head, clearing those particular thoughts
away. It was not wise for a watcher to sit and drool over his slayer. Vivid
fantasies of her athletic legs wrapped around his waist as he drove into her
deeply would not get this mystery solved anytime soon. She was just a child,
for Lord sakes. Just eighteen, and innocent despite her attempts to convince
others of her worldliness.

"Then let me leave," she hissed, turning to look at him. She knew her lust
must be evident in her eyes. It seemed to have overtaken her body, her mind,
her soul. God, what she would do for just one more taste of him. For his
mouth on hers as his hard body pressed against her.

"You are not going anywhere," he said, frowning as he saw her ragged
breathing. He stood, trying to appear more imposing. "So, quit whining and
get to researching. We can send out for some food or something, I'm sure."

"What if I'm not hungry for just food?" she asked, hating him for not seeing
what was so obvious to her own eyes. Why couldn't he see that she wanted him
to kiss her?

"I'm tired, Faith. I'm not in the mood for your silly little games of sexual
innuendo. Just try to find something so we can leave," Wesley said, starting
to turn back to his chair.

Faith groaned at his dismissal, anger running over her. Damn stupid prissy
man. She moved quickly, her hand going behind his head. He looked at her, his
eyes widening slightly as her mouth caught his. He opened his mouth to
protest, her tongue entering it smoothly. Moaning slightly, his hands moved
behind her as he pulled her against him. Their tongues battled as they fell
to the floor, knocking several books off the table in their struggle. Wesley
ignored the voice in his head telling him that it was not proper for a man of
his age to be laying on the floor, kissing Faith. He didn't care any more
what was proper, the taste of her overwhelming his good sense.
