Title: Seize the Night
Author: Inell
Email: Inell13@webtv.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Usual Suspects
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Spike/Angel
Feedback: Will keep me writing. I have the entire day so if you want
fic, send feedback. :)
Notes: Just for reference, in my verse, there never was a clause to the
curse. :)


Willow stretched on the sofa, her body aching pleasurably. She was
covered in bites and bruises from her mate. The word sent a thrill
through her. She had never imagined anything this fantastic happening to
her. They had spent the entire night and day talking and fucking and
playing. She had won several times, making him beg. Now, they were
dressed and waiting for their mum to arrive. She felt his hand on her
neck and looked up. Smiling, she kissed his hand, "Evening love."

Angel smiled at her, motioning for her to move up. He sat on the couch
behind her, her body laying between his open legs. She smelled like
apples, blood and sex. The most erotic scent he could imagine. He licked
her ear, trying to see what she was reading. "Woke up with out
you...didn't like it."

"Quit pouting" she said, smiling up at him and kissing him roughly. "You
were out cold."

He snorted, "Some one wouldn't let me sleep last night."

"Who ever could that have been?" she asked innocently.

"Whatcha reading?" he asked, knowing it was useless to argue with her.

"Something Mum gave me...an old slayer text." She said.

"Is it interesting?" he asked.

"Some of it is....some of it isn't. It has some things we might be able
to use against the Master." She added.

"Let's not discuss that now" Angel said, still not entirely convinced
that his sire and his mate could defeat the Master. Well, they wouldn't
be alone. Not now. He would fight with them. He even imagined he could
convince Buffy that they were on her side and get her assistance. Having
two slayers, even if one was dead, might makes things a bit more fair.

Darla opened the door, walking in. She smiled as she saw them on the
couch. Their claims were still fresh and rather powerful. She moved to
sit down, smiling at the thought that they hadn't even seen her yet.

"MUM!" Willow said, smiling as she noticed the blonde watching them.

"Lovey...from the looks of things I'd say you two didn't behave" Darla
said, smirking.

"Oh, we behaved...quite well" Angel said lazily, his hand on Willow's

Darla laughed, happy to see signs of her Angelus appearing more
prominantly in the souled vampire. "Good to see that once again, mother
knows best."

"Quit gloating" Angel said, rolling his eyes.

"Thank you, Mum" Willow said sweetly.

"Mother's girl" Angel whispered in her ear sarcastically.

"Children!" Darla said with a smile. "I'll have you both know that while
you two spent the evening in bed...." She glanced around noticing the
broken dishes "And other places....I was rethinking our plan."

"Really? What did you decide?" Willow asked, turning so that her head
rested on Angel's bare chest.

"I called in some reinforcements....also decided that it might be time
to make a deal with the slayer and her gang. I don't mind making a few
concessions if it means that bastard is gone and I can have this lovely

Angel nodded, glad to see his sire was still intelligent. He had
wondered when she would realize she would have to make a deal with
Buffy. He also wondered if Buffy would be willing to make a deal.
Thinking about it, he decided there was a good chance. If Darla made a
promise, she would die to insure that it was kept. Having a Master on
the side of the slayer might keep things in Sunnydale under control. It
was definitely worth a shot. "I can set up a meeting at your

Darla smiled largely, knowing that Angel was going to stand by her side.
She looked at Willow and then back at her oldest childe. Well, by their
sides. She laughed, knowing the master wouldn't stand a chance. It was
now just a waiting game. She did so love games. "So, tell me...what did
you two do last night?"

Willow laughed as Angel rolled his eyes. "Still the voyuer, aren't you

Darla just laughed, "Fine. This time you can keep your secrets. May I
ask, though, what shall we do this evening?"

"I think I'd like to talk...about the past" Angel said softly. He caught
his sire's eyes and saw the surprise there. He tightened his hold on
Willow. He hadn't dealt with the past since the curse. It was time to
resolve it all and move on. He had a future to consider now. "Then...you
can tell us about this plan."
