Title: Seize the Night
Author: Inell
Email: Inell13@webtv.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: If you want, ask
Rating: R
Pairing: W/S/A
Feedback: It's been a bad week, could use some kind words.
To Stasia who convinced me not to give up on this writing thing. Love
you babe. :)


Darla looked up with a smile as Angel, Willow and Spike came into the
room. She could smell the scent of sex surrounding them. "Guess you
three got reaquainted."

"Yep" Spike grinning at his grandmother. "Ironed out some past

Darla laughed at the satisfied look in the blonde's mischievious eyes.
"I bet you did...."

"Where's Dru?" Angel asked, sitting down.

Darla glanced at him, "She's having tea with Miss Edith and the other
good dollies. Lovey, come sit by me."

Willow moved beside her sire, sitting beside the blonde. "So, Mum. When
do we meet the slayer?"

"The slayer?" Spike asked, grimacing. "Why would you meet that bitch?"

Angel looked at him, "Well, it's either put up with the master or make a
deal with Buffy. We don't really have much of a choice."

"Bloody hell...making a deal with the slayer?" Spike spat out. He lit
his cigarette, rolling his eyes, "I guess hell must have just froze

Willow smiled, "Spike, the slayer isn't that bad. She was a friend of
mine, when I was alive. She'll agree to this. Mum has a very good plan."

"Lovey is right. The slayer is smart. Well, her watcher is smart." Darla
ammended, not being very impressed with what she had seen of the blonde
slayer. "They'll know that the plan benefits Sunnydale. If not, we kill

Spike chuckled, "Now that plan I like."

"You would" Angel said dryly. He saw Spike's pout forming and laughed,
"Don't thrust that lower lip at me, boy."

"Sod off, you wanker" Spike said, grinning despite himself. He glanced
at Darla and saw her brushing Willow's hair with her fingers, a happy
look on her face. "You played this game well, Grammy."

"Whatever do you mean?" Darla asked, beaming at her favorite

"Willow....getting our Angel back, in a way..me and Dru. The family is
back together. Don't tell me that wasn't in your head all along. I know
you better than that" Spike said, winking at Darla.

Darla laughed, "Yes you do. What can I say? Things worked out as I had
hoped they would. My family running the hellmouth. What more could a
matriarch ask for?"

"The master's dust laying at your feet" Willow said, smiling at her

Darla chuckled, "Oh yes, there is that."

"So, when do we meet with this damn slayer?" Spike asked, frowning.

"Angel, set up an appointment with her and the watcher for tomorrow.
Shortly after dusk." Darla said, thinking about it. "We can meet on her
ground. The library is where I believe she is centered."

"Yes, it's the school library" Willow agreed. She was going to see
Xander again. And Buffy. She wondered what they would think of her now.
Sighing, she caught Angel's eyes. She smiled, knowing that she no longer
cared what any of them thought. She winked at Spike as she leaned back
against Darla. She was happy. That's all that mattered to her anymore.
