Title: Seize the Night
Author: Inell
Email: Inell13@webtv.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: If you want, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel/Spike
Feedback = More Fic
To everyone who seems to enjoy this.


"Did Angel say who we were suppose to be meeting?" Rupert Giles asked

Buffy sighed, rolling her eyes as she looked at Xander, "No he didn't.
He just said it was very important and that we needed to keep an open

"An open mind? Why does that not give me a happy?" Xander asked.

Amy laughed, "Because it is a rather prophetic statement that usually
leads to some horrible circumstance where having an open mind is almost

"Thanks...I needed that" Xander said dryly, smiling at the young witch.

"I so can not believe I am sitting here on a Friday night with you
geeks." Cordelia said, making a face.

"There's the door" Buffy offered sweetly.

"Children!" Giles warned, running a hand through his hair. "I wonder why
this must be so secretive."

"Because" a soft voice said, "they can't be seen speaking with you."

Buffy jumped slightly, glaring at the dark haired man, "Angel! You
scared me."

Angel smiled slightly, "Sorry."

"Who is they and why can't they be seen with us?" Giles asked.

Angel frowned, "First off, there is something you really need to know
about me."

"What?" Xander asked, leaning back and looking at the man.

Angel sat down, avoiding their gazes, "I don't really know an easy way
to say this so I'll just come right and say it...."

"Get on with it already!" Cordelia demanded.

"Yes, Angel. Please. We'd really like to know who it is we're meeting"
Giles expanded.

"I'm a vampire." Angel said softly. Seeing their disbelieving looks, he
changed quickly and then slid back into his normal handsome features. "I
have a soul, so please put the stake down. I'll explain everything"
