Title: Seize the Night
Author: Inell
Email: Inell13@webtv.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: If you want, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: W/S/A
Feedback = More Fic


Angel waited until the humans quieted down before he told his story. He
saw recognition in Giles' eyes so he knew the watcher had heard of him.
He finished, giving them time to ask questions.

"So..you're a vampire but you're good" Xander said, trying to

Angel nodded, "Yes. I can't kill. Not innocents at least."

"But you would if you could" Amy clarified.

Angel shrugged, "Probably. There are some of us though that prefer to
feed to survive. We just don't kill any human we come across. That
usually comes with maturity."

"And this master....he knows you?" Giles asked.

Angel frowned, "He's my grandsire."

"Grandwhat?" Buffy asked, still trying to come to terms with the fact
that this man that had been helping her for over a month was exactly
what she had been trained to fight.

"My grandfather" Angel said patiently.

"Bloody hell" Giles cursed. "Yet, you choose to help the slayer. Why?"

"Because, my boy is smart. The master is an ingnorant bastard who wants
to control everything even though he isn't smart enough or strong enough
to hold on to any of it. Typical man," an amused voice said, entering
the library.

The humans looked up, surprised to see a woman standing there that
couldn't be older than twenty one. Her blonde hair fell to her shoulders
and she had an impish grin on her pretty face. Dressed in a pleated
skirt and white shirt, she could have passed for a high school student.
Knowledge and power burned in her eyes as she looked at them.

Angel laughed softly, "Mum, I see that you still love to make an

The humans gasped when they heard Angel refer to the younger woman as
Mum. Giles asked quietly, "She's your sire?"

Angel smiled and nodded, "Mum, meet the slayer and her little friends.
Gang, meet  Darla."
