Title: Seize the Night
Author: Inell
Email: Inell13@webtv.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Usual Suspects
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel Willow/Spike
Feedback: Is the bestest...is that even a word? Snicker.
Is anyone alive tonight? I feel so alone. Sniffle. To Stasia who hasn't
killed me yet. :)


Angel heard a noise coming from his closet and stiffened. He reached
across his table for the stake he kept for emergencies. He moved
silently from the bed, crouching in the darkness of his room as he
listened to the shuffling coming from his closet.

"Damn it. Why does he have so many clothes? He never wears anything but
the black anyway."

Angel dropped the stake, scowling as he swung the closet door open.
"Darla. Would you mind telling me why you're in my closet?"

"Don't ask silly questions boy. Help me out of this damn hole." Darla
cursed, her white shirt now a dingy brown from the journey through the

Angel fought the urge to leave her there but finally gave up. He
reluctantly held his hand out to her, lifting her easily into his
bedroom. She glanced at him, her eyes roaming over his frame. She smiled
as she reached back into the hole and helped someone up. Angel watched
curiously, wondering what she was doing.

Angel saw a bright flash of red hair as Darla walked back into the
bedroom pulling someone behind her. "Lovey, meet Angelus. Angelus, meet
your little sister."

Willow looked up, her eyes widening as she realized the man was nude.
She then realized that he was the most gorgeous male specimen she had
ever seen. She felt something stir inside her as she met his dark brown

Angel's smirk died as he found himself looking into beautiful green
eyes. Intelligent eyes that were watching him curiously. He couldn't
move, not wanting to break the contact he had made with this magnificent
creature. His sister? Hardly. His demon strained at its cage. She was
going to be his.

"Well, this is interesting." Darla said, a smile on her pretty face as
she watched them react to each other. She had known when she had first
seen the girl that she was meant for Angelus. Such fire..such
cunning. There was only one man that could tame her. The master was foolish
for even thinking himself good enough for her Willow. She had always
been for Angelus.

"Why are you here?" Angel asked, his voice low and threatening as he
kept his eyes the girl's face. It was hard to believe such an innocent
looking girl was his sire's latest childe. He saw the hidden fire in the
green eyes and realized that maybe it wasn't so astonishing.

"My dear Angelus, I so love your lack of modesty, but Lovey here isn't
used to men. Why don't you put something on." Darla said, glancing
pointedly at Angel's half erect cock.

Angel frowned at her before looking down. Had he been able, he might
have blushed. He had been so absorbed in his new sister that he hadn't
realized he was still naked from sleeping. He did as his sire told him,
again wishing he could just tell her off. But, his loyalty to her was too
strong. He zipped his pants, leaving his chest bare. "So, why are you

Darla sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes watching her children with
amusement. Both were trying to act as though the other weren't there.
Such silly things. In her day, she'd have already been shagging like
crazy. Stubborn fools. Too much alike in some ways. "The master was
after my Lovey. We had to leave."

"The Master wanted you?" Angel asked the girl, curious to hear her

"Yes. He was always watching me..." Willow said softly, her voice husky.

Angel nodded, looking back at Darla. "And you came to me. Why?"

"Wasn't anyone else" Darla said simply. "I trust you with my life. I
trust you my Lovey's life. The master won't come after us but I'd rather
be safe than sorry."

Angel sighed, running a hand through his hair, "So you want to stay
here. Damn it, it's been eighty years. Nothing from you. Not a single
word. And now twice in twenty four hours. Both times wanting something."

"We don't have anywhere else to go" Willow said calmly. She found
herself attracted to this man in a way she had never felt before. He
scared her on one level, yet on another he excited her. She wanted to
explore those feelings, if she were allowed.

"Angelus, I won't force it. If you refuse, I will take Lovey back to the
Master and let him have her. The only way he can have her is with my

"No!" Angel hissed, not wanting that beast to touch this girl. "Fine.
You can both stay. I have one extra bedroom."

"Thank you" Darla said the words for the first time in many many years.
She saw Angelus' shocked look as she took Willow's hand. "Come lovey. We
shall see our new home."

"Wait...is that it?" Angel asked, wondering why he felt rather neglected
suddenly. Usually Darla would have wanted to play with him at the least.
Now, she was simply walking away...with his new sister. Jealous reared
its head as he said, "Let the kid find her own way. We have lots to
discuss Mum."

Willow froze, hearing his sarcastic tone. She turned, her eyes blazing,
"I am not a kid."

"Sure acting like one" he taunted, a smile crossing his handsome face.

"Me? That's rich. What, dear brother? Mad that you've been replaced?
That you're no longer her favorite?" Willow tauned back, seeing him
blanch and she knew she had struck home with that one.

"Listen here, BABY sister, I'll always be the best. Learn that now and
we won't have any problems. If you push me, you'll learn it the hard

"Please. Don't threaten me, OLD man. You might used to have been the
best, but well, we see who she wants now don't we?" Willow grinned

"Old? Who are you calling old, you whelp? Immature little girl" Angelus
threw back at her. He hadn't felt this good in years. He leaned back
against his bed as Lovey sat in a chair. They continued arguing about
who had Darla's affections the most now.

Darla watched them both argue and felt a rush of motherly pride. These
were her children. The heat they were giving off was amazing. She
chuckled as she realized it wouldn't take very much time before they
exploded from the intensity of it. Yes, she had chosen wisely. She left
the room going to see her new home. Let them argue for a bit. It was
probably the closest Angel had been to expressing something other than
guilt for years.

He needed some excitement in his life. Well, he had them both now. She
smiled as she heard the shouts getting louder as the taunting grew
almost viscious. Yes, definitely made for each other. She went to the
bedroom and laid down, her mind rethinking her plans to adjust to the
new situation. Things would work out even better now, she knew. She had
her Angelus and her Willow by her side..where they belonged.
