Title: Teen Angel
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all...I merely play with them
Distribution: Kiss or Kill
http://www.qwikpages.com/surfcity/kissorkill/index2.html Anyone else, just ask
Rating: R
Feedback is like oxygen. I must have it to survive
Notes: I'm baaaaack!!!!! Consider that your warning. <VEG> Did ya miss me?
NOTES: Something New. I know I know...I already have 7 going on and plan to
start another three within a day, BUT I may finish something. Promise. :) Set
during early Season 2. Just a silly idea that came to me while driving on
vacation. What too many oldies and long hours of driving causes. :) My own
verse. Something light. Hey, most of my W/A is angsty so enjoy. :)


Willow felt the girl watching her and looked up. She frowned, turning her
attention back to her locker. She didn't know who this new girl was, but she
was rather rude. The slender redhead finished putting her books up and
retrieved what was needed for her homework. She glanced at the overhead clock
down the hall and sighed. She was running early as it was. She had agreed to
meet Buffy at the library for patrol in an hour. She knew her friend would be
off either looking for Angel or lusting after Matt, the newest love in her
friend's life. Since the slayer had returned from her summer in LA, she and
Angel had agreed without saying anything that it would be better to remain
friends. So, she had chosen the newest hunk to the school and snagged him
before Cordelia had even started walking in his direction.

Willow rather liked Matt. He was good looking, smart and had a great sense of
humor. He also knew about Sunnydale's late night activities thanks to dating
a slayer. So, all around, he was great for her friend. She wasn't jealous at
all. Nope, not her. Xander had started dating Cordelia for some ungodly
reason....Buffy was happy with Matt and even Giles had Miss Calendar. Her?
Well, she was alone but that was fine. She wasn't bitter or resentful. She
had her friends. Yeah, right. She was green with envy. They all had someone
and often forgot her. Angel was the only other solo one in the group and he
rarely spoke more than five words to her. She finished getting her stuff and
shut the locker. She turned, almost running into the unfamiliar girl. "Hey!
Watch it."

The girl's eyes widened in surprise then she laughed, the sounds tinkling in
the empty halls. "You see me!"

Willow closed her eyes briefly. Why did all the nutty ones come to Sunnydale?
"You're right in front of me."

The girl laughed, her blonde poneytail swinging from the action. "This is so
super. I am beyond speechless."

"Uh huh" Willow said, chewing her lip. "I have to go now. Buh bye."

"Wait!" the girl shrieked, grabbing Willow's arm. "You can't leave. Not yet.
It's been darn near fifty years or so since I've spoken to anyone and they've
heard me. Don't go. I'll be nice."

"What are you talking about?" Willow asked, suddenly taking in the girl's
clothes. She had a flashback to watching the movie Grease on the late show.
The girl had one a long skirt that went past her knees, a sweater and shirt
and a letter jacket bearing SH on the front. Her honey blonde hair was pulled
into a high poneytail causing it to bounce as she moved. She was very pretty
and definitely in the wrong clothes.

"Let's start this right. I'm Kathleen Maye Kinrose. You can call me Katie."
The girl smiled brightly, her bright blue eyes shining with happiness.

"I'm Willow. My friends call me Wills sometimes" Willow offerred, wondering
what was happening here.

"Willow? Wow. That's a cool name. Well, I guess you're my mission" Katie said.

"Mission? I don't want to be a mission" Willow said, confusion crossing her
pretty face.

Katie's face fell. "You hafta. If you don't agree, I may be stuck here
another fifty years. I can't handle that. Please?"

"What sort of mission?" Willow asked, feeling pity for the pretty girl.

She smiled, "To get outta here. I was told that I had to help someone but I
had not idea it would be half a century of waiting. But, now you're here. I
can help you and then move on. That should be easy enough."

"Are you on medication? Should I call a doctor?" Willow asked, worry in her

Katie groaned, "Quit being so square, Willow. I need you. Let me help you,

"Sure...help me. After you help yourself" Willow said, starting to walk away.

"Groovy!" Katie said, running to catch up to her. "I can't wait to leave this
place. Fifty years in high school." She shuddered, "And they say this isn't

Willow stopped and looked at the smiling blonde. "Where are you going?"

"With you. Until I help you that is. Remember silly? You said I could. Now
come on. I haven't left this place since I died back in 1959."

"Died?" Willow asked softly, groaning. Just her luck. She was being haunted
by a perky blonde ghost from the fifties. Only on the hellmouth.
